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Lotus In Bloom [Ooc]


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Welp, looks like we can't play ME3 together then. I refuse to buy anything EA on the computer, that isn't Dragon Age Inquisition. (Seriously, the graphics on 360 for that were so horribly unrendered, that I kid you not when I say that the Spyro games on PS1 had better graphics. I returned that crap right away and got the PC version.)

Addition; And so the plot thickens. My post is up, I hope it's decent.

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I haven't even touched the Mass Effect games since I played through the ending. I was so pissed that I almost punched the computer screen. I might not have done that but I did throw the game casing into the wall. And not even the "edited" ending could save that. It didn't fit with the rest of the story, there were so many loose threads that they hadn't tied up. Remember the fast aging sun Tali was gathering data on? The one that was dying but shouldn't be and something along the lines of something accelerating it? Seemed pretty damn important to me and something that would have tied into the rest of the story if the original story writer had remained on the job for the 3d game.


The promise that all our choices would matter was a lie. No matter how many people, research or recourses you gathered the end was the same. And that synthesis choice is BS. I'm not even going to start pointing out the holes in that as there too darn many.


Then there's the thing with having any future ME game taking place in this after ending future. They have to decide witch "Ending" is canon. Which in itself is to shoot us in the face again. Before there were only our actions that gave different results in how we later interacted with characters and those chars who were directly affected by the consequences of our choices. Now we're talking about building up the ME world based on what ending we picked. And there are just too much variation for an entire universe to make three of those. So one ending's gonna be canon.


I hate EA, there's a reason they were voted the worst company in the states. Now that says something. Now I'm done ranting...otherwise I might start braking things...


And fish....Pull yourself together and start writing darn it! We're being left behind again! 

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I'm just waiting until Temp/Tacis decides to judge Kate. Till then, maybe a filler post to remind the universe that they exist, but nothing else.

On the bright side, I have learned the dangers of pseudo-metagaming. I still believe that Atlanta is out of her f*cking mind.

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Viper, the next game isn't taking place after ME 1-3's events. That was also said. Otherwise, eh. It's EA. Let them do what they want. The only thing that really makes me hate them as of late is their idea to create Origin and how inconveniencingly stupid it is, along with how they're basically running out of ideas for games. On another note! I think I also heard rumors that Visceral's got a Dead Space project in the making, if I'm not confusing that with Fallout 4's fabled rumors...

Can I just say, when did EA turn into the Friday the 13th directors of the gaming industry?

Edit; Ya know what, I'm just gonna leave my xbox GT here, so people can add me of their own will. Please tell me who you are if you're going to add me.

xDerpy Hoovesx0

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EA's been more or less universally reviled for several years now; well before the Mass Effect 3 fiasco.


As for Kate and Abra...grrr, I don't want them left behind.  In fact, I would dearly love if I could find a way to integrate most/all characters equally into the story.


Seems I have some juggling to do.


Edit:  Yes, fish and Snale.  Both of them need to post.  I'm just grateful that Sumika had the courtesy and presence of mind to put his character in an out-of-the-way nook when Real Life got overwhelming.  Not to belittle anyone, of course.

Edited by Temperance000
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Juggle, my puppet! JUGGLE!

Hamminess aside, don't feel forced to hurry things along, so take your time.


*attempts to juggle*


*fails miserably*


*settles for throwing balls at Achaix's face*


I shall do my best to take it slow and steady.  By the way, has anyone seen Dalimir recently?

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Short hair is overrated. My glorious mane has no such issues!

Despite the fact that I have to spend a fortune on shampoo and conditioner. But it's a price I'll pay for the ability to whip my hair back and forth!

*Sees the incoming brick and juggling balls, Raiden's the hell out of them*

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Posting this to say that a barrage of things happening IRL is keeping me busy longer than expected. First it was schoolwork but that started to clear up just in time for other stuff to happen and overfill the void left by the reduced schoolwork. One of the issues is having no electricity or net service at the place I am currently at so this post was made from a coffee shop. Hopefully, I can return on Saturday.

Edited by Sumika1204
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Man, you people and your hair. All I have is my faux hawk, and the funny meme my friend made of me with my glasses.


Aw who am I kiddin'? I love the 'hawk.

Edit; Terrible news... I had to shower last night which meant... Oh god...

I had to kill the 'Hawk...

5afZ4rG.jpg Don't look at me! I'm hideous!


*Dramatic le sigh~!* Goodbye, cruel world... I knew thee well...

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The sum of 24's digits is 6. 6+660=666, the mark of the Beast. The Beast is either a hellhound, a demon, or a chopper.

Therefore, in 24 hours, Snale will summon a possessed chopper with dog decals from Hell. This event shall be known as Bikeageddon.

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