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The Gustrag 3 Is Obtainable.


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I started farming the Grustrag 3 (G-3) back in February 2014. I learned that the Brakk pistol they dropped was listed as the most powerful of the game. So, checking the Warframe Wikia ( warframe.wikia.com ), on how to get them to hunt you.To achieve their Death Mark, you have to do five Grineer Invasion Missions (choosing to support the Corpus) in a row. After completing the five missions, you'll receive a message (Inbox) from Counselor Vay Hek. The message will be something to the effect, that supporting/assisting Grineer's enemies ( in this case, the Corpus)will not be tolerated. But, here's the thing, having the Death Mark, doesn't mean that the next mission you do against the Grineer, guarantees the G-3 will hunt you. No, no! You must continue to do missions against the Grineer.


In my case, I got the Receiver first, and then the BP (this was before update 12 mind you). After Update 12, I could not get them to hunt me, no matter what I tried. If you check the forums, you'll see I have addressed this matter before. It was getting to the point, that I just wanted to quit playing the game, it aggravated me so much. On the VERY VERY rare chance that they did show up, Shik Tal would NEVER drop the barrel. From February until the present, my entire journey towards my goal, resulted in 2 BPs, and 3 Receivers. I was so aggravating, so disillusioned, so terribly mad about it, that I smashed 2 controllers ( which seems mellow compared to some ppl I know ).


There was NO change to the G-3 spawning rate in Updates 13, 14, and 15. I was thinking, that I mind as well give up, because, even as much as I have talked about it to DE Support, and to the Forums, nothing was changed. I felt DE didn't care, and they weren't going to do nothing about it. That is until Update 15.5.. in the past 5 days, I've fought the G-3, THREE times. WOW!! I felt, FINALLY I'm going to get the Barrel. So, I stuck with it. Ppl who know me, know one very key thing about me.


Though, I say I'm giving up, or I'm going to give up, or that I'm done... I NEVER do, because I am extremely persistent. I am, when I want something, I will enter HELL to get it. After 15.5, First attempt: I failed because though my WF was level 30 (Rhino Prime), I was leveling the new weapons. The Paracyst (level 1), the Redeemer (unrated), and the Grammacor (unrated), my weapons just didn't do enough damage, and I simply got overwhelmed by the mission task (Exterminate Grineer), and got the Bolt. With Bolt removed, I started over again, did the 5 Grineer Invasion missions again, and then waited. The next day ( 4am ), I started out working with Mesa, level 2, and the same 3 weapons again. I couldn't believe it, my first mission was to exterminate Grineer again. I had to abort, because I KNEW I would not succeed, so I simply aborted. Which means I had to start over again!! Did 5 Grineer Invasion Missions, and again, waited for them to show up. On the 5th day, this time,


I just had a feeling, I got my Rhino Prime, my Phage (level 30, doing 8k damage), and my Jat Kittag (Level 30, does 500-600 damage), and my Nukor (Level 30, 300 damage), and did Apollodorus. It was 5am, my first mission of the day, and they show up. My Kubrow went down, ]]STOMP[[ ( thank goodness it has a 40 sec bleed out time ). I took out Shik Tal first, ]]STOMP[[ then Vem Tabook, and ]]STOMP[[ lastly Leekter. I was so involved in the battle, I didn't see what I had picked up from them. Once they were dead, and the area was secure, I quickly revived my Kubrow, and checked Mission Progress, and ELATED that I had finally got the Barrel. I finally had my Brakk, after 10 months of trying. Well, thank you DE from


Update 15.5, I stuck with it, and it paid off, FINALLY. I digress, perseverance in playing Warframe, is what you Tenno need, stick with it, play for fun, but play with a goal, and you WILL achieve it. The G-3 are now very obtainable, because of the latest update, and I am pleased about it. I don't thank DE enough. But Thank you, DE.. this update has reestablished my spirit in the game.


Nothing is unachievable.. you gotta want it bad enough that's all. :)

Edited by Haldos
Added breaks.
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