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Nullifier Nerf


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Or just use Boltor / Soma Prime like the rest of the cool kids do !


Oh synnoid gammacor happens to be the most efficient weapon btw.

Won't take you more than 2 to 3 ammo to pop their shields while all other syndicate weapons fall flat against Nullifers except Secura.


So let's be more mainstream shall we ?

not everybody WANTS to be mainstream and follow the meta, dude

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Corpus salvage, reuse, and copy Orokin technology. This has long been established. And given that void tech was an Orokin specialty, a void-jammer field isn't exactly a stretch.

That's just draw your own conclusions, but I can not say you're wrong.


But following that line, Why give that technology to a simple soldier? why not a Boss? is a technology that could extinguish the Tenno you know?


> A way to see it would by imagining Lotus saying: "Tenno, the Corpus found a way to nullify your powers... they are preparing a specialized army exclusively to suppress your race" or something... but how?

How they find that technology? Why not give that unnecessarily powerful technology to all its units in all the solar system?


See? it is easy to draw own conclusions. Still Nullifier does not make sense in the Lore (until DE release an official and consistant story to Nullifier).

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That's just draw your own conclusions, but I can not say you're wrong.


But following that line, Why give that technology to a simple soldier? why not a Boss? is a technology that could extinguish the Tenno you know?


> A way to see it would by imagining Lotus saying: "Tenno, the Corpus found a way to nullify your powers... they are preparing a specialized army exclusively to suppress your race" or something... but how?

How they find that technology? Why not give that unnecessarily powerful technology to all its units in all the solar system?


See? it is easy to draw own conclusions. Still Nullifier does not make sense in the Lore (until DE release an official and consistant story to Nullifier).


Because the technology doesn't actually extinguish tenno. At worst, it just mildly inconveniences them. Let's not forget that the tenno are armed and armored with equipment better than anything the Corpus have, as well as inhumanly fast and strong.


And there are answers to those questions as well. The Orokin bits the corpus use are (exact quote) "inscrutable to them". They can't flood the solar system with them because they don't understand them, just produce them, and they need rare Orokin components to do so. As for how they found those components, that's pretty obvious. There's Orokin crap everywhere, like this Orokin dig site on the outpost tileset, and the Corpus are known to send excavations into the Void. How do you think all those Crewmen got there? There was even an event with Corpus ships in the Void.


If something requires "an official and consistent story" to make sense to you, then the entire game must not make sense. You've got to put 2 and 2 together here.

Edited by vaugahn
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Nuliffs need to be reworked. They still gate damage and shots crapping on your weapons, having to shoot them minimum 6 times and shield having slow time shrinking makes them worse than lvl100 bullet sponges especially on slower-firing weapons.


And about removing all the frame powers  - has been said 100 times already. Why do we have abilities at all if one enemy makes them useless?  Its an undoing of all the years of building up this game, creating 20+ varied frames with varied abilities. 

Well considering spell nullification field exist in every RPG ever, I would argue that all it does is vary gameplay. Especially because all frames are fighter wizard hybrids with no penalties to either their casting ability or weapon prowess. Also nullifier shields go down in seconds now.

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Unless you are Limbo with Shade. Be invisible and sneak up to the Nullifier guarded by dozens of Bombards/Heavy Gunner/Fusion MOAs, run in and stab the Nullifier, Rift Walk and then laugh at all of the Bombards/Heavy Gunners/Fusion MOAs as they try to kill you.

People still use shades? their cloaking  is half assed to begin with. Kubrow cloak works better and even then you need to wait for it to use its skill o.o while during that time you have the mob trying to kill your butt.

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Because the technology doesn't actually extinguish tenno. At worst, it just mildly inconveniences them. Let's not forget that the tenno are armed and armored with equipment better than anything the Corpus have, as well as inhumanly fast and strong.


And there are answers to those questions as well. The Orokin bits the corpus use are (exact quote) "inscrutable to them". They can't flood the solar system with them because they don't understand them, just produce them, and they need rare Orokin components to do so. As for how they found those components, that's pretty obvious. There's Orokin crap everywhere, like this Orokin dig site on the outpost tileset, and the Corpus are known to send excavations into the Void. How do you think all those Crewmen got there? There was even an event with Corpus ships in the Void.


If something requires "an official and consistent story" to make sense to you, then the entire game must not make sense. You've got to put 2 and 2 together here.

Of course that technology can extinguish the Tenno? Tenno without powers are more easy to kill... the way how to defend themselves is another thing (skill to survive). It is the most reliable way to kill them.


If they cant understand that technology and can just reproduce them, they can make a mass reproduction. But if they cant, for needing some rare component. Why give that rare technology to a simple soldier?


That is why i cant understand why not give that unnecessarily powerful technology to a Boss (Nullifier Hyena pack, Nullifier Sgt Nef Anyo, etc) they they are more able to use that way to kill the tenno.


>>>> Or use it in a more efficient manner than giving it to a simple soldier. That makes no sense, therefore, Nullifier does not make sense.


"Then the entire game must not make sense" >> that's no excuse to launch a senseless enemy. DE know it, but still did it (lack of writers? i dont know... no offense DE)


- I dont want to continue inventing conclusions, that is why i ask an official Lore.

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They need to be deleted from the game -AGAIN?-  


The whole idea of a low level Corpus enemy armed with a LANKA..has the technology to disable ALL of Warframes powers.


Are you serious?  So they are more advanced and experienced to have such technology that a O-Sprey can't handle.....so when will the Corpus gather their senses and just give this to all the enemy?



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People still can't deal with Nullifiers? I've been farming the void like crazy and I still don't see what the fuss is about. Hell, my favorite loadout is a Limbo with Hek so it's not like I'm playing a Rhino with Boltor Prime either.

The Nullifier idea is like "a DMC boss in warframe" or a character of another game. Does not belong to Warframe but still manageable. Dont make sense but is still manageable. My Lanka can not  kill that boss but is still a challenge.

Sounds crazy right?


"Just use your secundary weapon to kill that boss" "its a challenge". It is just defend their existence, but is still broken enemy.

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I don't know why people hate them, never had trouble with them.

I don't hate them no one wants them removed. There just isn't a reason for its mechanics to be the way they are so why not change them to accommodate for weapon types that have a harder time against them? Its not like changing it to be based on a true durability system instead of number of hits will make it any different for those whom don't have issues with them. But it would cause things like Vectis, Bows and other such weapons to feel like they aren't wasting ammo on them. Like I said before side arms shouldn't be justification to punish single shot weapons.


The title of this thread is bothering me, nerf is a strong word and no I don't think a nerf is in order for them a rework on the other hand should happen imo.

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The Nullifier idea is like "a DMC boss in warframe" or a character of another game. Does not belong to Warframe but still manageable. Dont make sense but is still manageable. My Lanka can not  kill that boss but is still a challenge.

Sounds crazy right?


"Just use your secundary weapon to kill that boss" "its a challenge". It is just defend their existence, but is still broken enemy.


broken enemy?  Or counter to a playstyle? 




But... you could focus fire it down.




It is simple... Kill the Nullifier man first.


"With what DE!!!!!!?"


Your Primary, Secondary, or Melee.


"DE!!!!?!! only scrubs use that!!!  Gawd, I quit"

Edited by Sibarian
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broken enemy?  Or counter to a playstyle? 

People whom use weapons such as lanka acknowledge that they are using weapons that mathematically can't compare to weapons that already tear through those shields with no problems. A lazy play style is boltor and soma primes not having to swap weapons to kill them and tear through everything without trouble why don't they counter those?


Edit: The role of slow firing single shot weapons, snipers in particular, is to dispatch particular enemies faster, aka focus them down. Yet these mobs directly counter that playstyle. This is unjustified as it was one of the last if not the last uses for things like the vectis.

Edited by Rehero
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Anti-Camp enemy causes players to whine harder than they did with rollers.


It's one of the lowest health enemies in the game, a single good slide attack will kill them all the way up to level 50.


What DE needs to do is create a corpus enemy with Mag's pull, and a grineer enemy with group invisibility.

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People whom use weapons such as lanka acknowledge that they are using weapons that mathematically can't compare to weapons that already tear through those shields with no problems. A lazy play style is boltor and soma primes not having to swap weapons to kill them and tear through everything without trouble why don't they counter those?


Edit: The role of slow firing single shot weapons, snipers in particular, is to dispatch particular enemies faster, aka focus them down. Yet these mobs directly counter that playstyle. This is unjustified as it was one of the last if not the last uses for things like the vectis.

This is exactly my point.

People who only use Boltor Prime or automatic weapons can not understand the "rage".

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Nuliffs need to be reworked. They still gate damage and shots crapping on your weapons, having to shoot them minimum 6 times and shield having slow time shrinking makes them worse than lvl100 bullet sponges especially on slower-firing weapons.


And about removing all the frame powers  - has been said 100 times already. Why do we have abilities at all if one enemy makes them useless?  Its an undoing of all the years of building up this game, creating 20+ varied frames with varied abilities. 

Gotta add , why ennemy have some of our power / and can also be an antipower/bullet , yet tenno can do not reproduce any of "Elite" power you know moving with your ice globe , world on fire unlimited , leeching energy withouth aiming etc

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This is exactly my point.

People who only use Boltor Prime or automatic weapons can not understand the "rage".


I use Hek most of the time followed by Dread but I'm also not so incapable of not being able to use my secondary when needed. I don't understand the rage at all. 

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>>>> Or use it in a more efficient manner than giving it to a simple soldier. That makes no sense, therefore, Nullifier does not make sense.


That's what you're basing your entire argument around?


Welcome to the wonderful world of gameplay and story segregation.


I'm guessing they give it to soldiers for the same reason we can kill Hek on Earth and still get mail from him later.


The enemy is far from senseless, you just don't like its gameplay and so you're trying to invent lore justifications to not like it as well. Trust me on this one, of all the things in this game that could potentially break lore nullifiers aren't one of them.


This is exactly my point.

People who only use Boltor Prime or automatic weapons can not understand the "rage".


It's called a secondary. They exist. When I take my Dread out with me, I bring my Gammacor. When I take my Soma, I bring my Marelok. It's not DE's fault if people refuse to prepare adequately for missions.

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The Nullifier has not given me any severe trouble, though I can see how they would be extremely annoying for players to fight against. My only gripe with them is that the Tenno are proported to be these fabled legendary warriors and warframes are proportedly the pinnacle of technological prowess and yet we've got standard enemy units that can outright shut down a warframe's abilities and Tenno getting chopped up by mentally inept/unstable individuals like Alad V. 


Tenno are starting to feel less like these legendary unstoppable warriors and more like any other faction. Especially as enemies start using abilities that are almost carbon copies of warframe abilities.

Edited by Grand-Dozer
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