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Augment Only Mod Slot


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I can see how a mod augmentation slot would be useful. Think of it as a second aura mod or something of that nature. In fact, this will help a lot when fighting high level enemies.


Question is though, will it affect the mod capacity or not? I think it would be wise to make it have no effect on mod capacity.

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I can see how a mod augmentation slot would be useful. Think of it as a second aura mod or something of that nature. In fact, this will help a lot when fighting high level enemies.


Question is though, will it affect the mod capacity or not? I think it would be wise to make it have no effect on mod capacity.

perhaps only enough to cover its own cost... if anything.

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Don't think so, people said it would end up too OP :/


Yep, this.

The problem with simply adding another slot is that most of these Augments would be direct upgrades, and power creep is bad enough in this game as it is. An extra dedicated slot would only be okay for the few augments that modify the ability rather than directly upgrading it (e.g. Hallowed Eruption, Despoil, Prolonged Paralysis, etc-- that is, mods that have downsides for being equipped).



To be clear, Augments that give tiny direct boosts to crappy abilities (Savage Silence, Fire Fright, etc) should not fit in this slot either. These Augments themselves need to be either buffed by huge amounts (so they're actually worth a slot) or merged with their respective abilities. Allowing them to fit into a free slot is a bandaid solution, as these augments will once again be unused when new Augments are released.

Edited by SortaRandom
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Don't think so, people said it would end up too OP :/

Maybe with certain augments such as Irradiating Disarm, which is taking an ability and outright upgrading it to a silly level.


On the other hand, abilities that just don't get used, like Shuriken (so Seeking Shuriken), seem to be "fixed" by the augments that modify them. In these cases, an augment only slot would not be OP at all. It is pretty annoying that just to use an ability that by itself doesn't do much, I have to "fix" it by using up one of my mod slots in my build. At that point, why would I even bother with the augment?

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The problem at the moment is that you got pretty mediocre augments like Greedy Pull and then you got augments that just buffs the power of an ability out of proportion like Irradiating Disarm. I would go and give the augments that are considered overpowered a downside (e.g. +30% energy cost for Irradiating Disarm) before giving them their own slots.


I do agree stuff like Greedy Pull could use its own slot though. There's no way else to make anyone even glance at stuff like that.

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You are, by far, not the first one to ask for this and there has been a flood of negative feedback on this suggestion

Just give up on it

Hate to break it to you, but devs are already deciding on how to proceed with this.


The question right now is:  "1 for all or 1 for each?"

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Just a suggestion to this.

After reading other post's ( including the one's in here) my thoughts are this.

I like the idea of an Augment only slot (One, so you have to make a choice), make it like the Aura slot ONLY in the fact that an Augment mod is the only mod that can be placed in it. However I think it should cost mod points ( requiring formaing, or "work" in this game, to be able to fit it in with the rest of your build), the slot itself can be forma'd if you wish, but for people who like to interchange I think all Augments slots should start out as blank, the option to polarize on the player.

That is just about the slot itself, the mods to do need a look at. some obviously outclass others ( both between frames themselves and when looking at one frames augments over another.) this creates a clear cut of what to use. In a game like this which has tried to be a "play your way, it will work out fine" style. Having this clear cut is a bother and insulting. Some mods either need to be toned down or given buffs/re-works. I wont go into to much details on which I think since that is more an opinion I feel and this is more about how to implement an Augment only slot, not about which mods need what.

TLDR; Add a slot that only Augments can be place, has no polarity, and will reduce points to help balance ( causing a need to forma somewhere in your build). As well the Augment mods we have need to be looked at and balanced/changed.

Just my 2 cents on the matter.

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I think ONE augment mod slot would be acceptable. Any more and it would remove the "choice" and "build diversity" and move towards required for endless missions.


However, I'd still like to see many of the augments merged into their base ability. The single-target damage-type mods come to mind. Seriously, brilliant idea on how to make some of them useful. Terrible idea to tie them to using up a mod slot in order to do so. Hmm ... More health/shields or the ability to grant my bunny-hopping team mates a small buff to damage on the off chance that I remember I actually have a 1 button? Seriously?

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Hate to break it to you, but devs are already deciding on how to proceed with this.


The question right now is:  "1 for all or 1 for each?"


Actually I'd like that. I was just pointing out that it has been suggested several times with heavily negative feedback so it's unlikely it would happen

But if the Devs already confirmed that... +1 Reasons to give a S#&$ about syndicates.

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TLDR; Add a slot that only Augments can be place, has no polarity, and will reduce points to help balance ( causing a need to forma somewhere in your build). As well the Augment mods we have need to be looked at and balanced/changed.


What about they started as a Minus-3-Point and you could mod them "up" to 0 consumption?

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What about they started as a Minus-3-Point and you could mod them "up" to 0 consumption?

Personally I would say no to this, sure you have to mod them up to costing nothing, but for many of us veteran players we can probably do that sort of thing day 1 which will create a gap between the old and new. A gap which could possible ruin the feel for new players. ( Something I would say should be avoided)

Unless the modding is done with some new item no one has. even then though it can create to big of a gap. I prefer them costing something. even if we use your idea but instead of modding up to 0, modding up to cheaper.

My personal view on doing that sort of thing.

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I would rather we have 4 dedicated augment slots, one for each power that can only be applicable to each power. These slots should also drain mod points, as to ensure that they aren't usable unless a player is willing to formae that many times. Thus, as more augments are added for one power, the player has to face a choice of which augment to choose, if they're willing to go through all that grinding for them. The functions of these augments would be justifiable because the costs for obtaining and using them are very high. 4 augment slots, 1 for each power, allows the players the freedom to customize and tailor their warframes even further to their own play styles.


What offsets this increased specialization and what some would consider to be "power creep" is the fact that such specialization may hinder their ability to adapt to different situations, as is the nature of specialization.


Some may argue that four slots would be too many, but we have four powers, so why not let us customize our entire kit? That is the freedom of diversity for a system with 4 slots, we can completely customize our powers as we see fit, as we want, we all win in the end. As more augments are added, the hard choice comes in (or easy, depending on your build) to which augment you want to use. This system of 4 augment slots, 1 per power, would be a powerful foundation for a system of customization we haven't had for our powers.


It must be pointed out though, that these augments should do just that, augment the respective powers they are applied to, NOT fix them, as many do now.

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I can see them doing 4 so long as each slot can only have mods that apply to each skill ( I.e. augment slot one will only accept augments for skill 1, augment slot 2 will only accept augment mods for skill 2. etc. etc.) Which is what I believe you mean by them adding 4. it would add for more diversity but only if the mods all have good and bad to them so you bring what fits your style best.

I do like your thinking for if they did more then 1. I just said 1 cause with more then that if they weren't specific slots, people would turn to placing as many variants for one power as they can just to super power one move.

Edited by LinkGetsuei
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I can see them doing 4 so long as each slot can only have mods that apply to each skill ( I.e. augment slot one will only accept augments for skill 1, augment slot 2 will only accept augment mods for skill 2. etc. etc.) Which is what I believe you mean by them adding 4. it would add for more diversity but only if the mods all have good and bad to them so you bring what fits your style best.

I do like your thinking for if they did more then 1. I just said 1 cause with more then that if they weren't specific slots, people would turn to placing as many variants for one power as they can just to super power one move.

Yeah, I meant that each slot only applied to one one power each. That way players can only use one augment per ability.

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Yeah, I meant that each slot only applied to one one power each. That way players can only use one augment per ability.

That I can agree with then, but the current augments do need to be looked at before or while designing and implementing such a thing. since many as of right now are lack luster or feel more like a fix, while others just feel like a mega upgrade.

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