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Bachelorette Frog Lotus, This Is An Intervention.


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Aight. Let's fix this mistake


What is this current mistake? Well I'm glad you asked, stranger! What believe is the largest current mistake, the thing that makes the game less fun in general above all else, is the speed of missions. Missions are being replayed not for the replay value itself, but rather rushing through for the small reward offered at the end. I'll give an example:

What I feel it should be:
Aight Tenno, shut your trap and listen. Stone cold, Iceberg lettuce Salad V is chip-choppin up your Tenno brothers and Frankensteinin' them into his own personal lap dogs. That's not how we do things in lotus town. Here's what I want you to do:
-Find a way into his compound. 
-Make your way through the compound and dispatch any enemy units you may come across. Like a shadow in the night or gunz a'blazin, the choice is yours.
-As you move through the Tossed Tower, ascertain the whereabouts of the target in question and make your way to his location.
-Here comes the hard part: The target will be no doubt be gaurded by one of our fallen friends. Before you can destroy our target, you will have to dispatch this now quadropedic comrade. 

-Don't bother trying to go straight through the shields of the thing labeled 'Zanuka,' If you take out the shields of the Vegetable lord himself, you'll cause Zanuka to drop her shields in order to protect her Salad. (I've never seen a more defensive cook!) 

-It won't be easy, Tenno. I've done what I can. The rest is up to you.


How it currently is:

*Much* Crunch* Crackle* Mff-Mrr-Oh! *Gulp* Sorry, Tenno, I was just chowing down on some space chips cuz we're in space. Anyhow, I couldn't be arsed to get off of my couch for this one. Here's what you gotta do for me:
-It will be very easy.
-Here... Just Jump+Crouch+Swing.... Ha! There! You've got it! This is called 'Coptering', yeah I know, sounds stupid AF but it's the latest fad. Anyway, just do that like 10 times and you'll be at the "boss", *SNORT* AHAHAHAA... Oh I'm sorry, Tenno. I just couldn't say that with a straight face.... 

-Aight, after you've successfully ensured the early onset of Carpal Tunnel, Just imobilize Zanuka and pump the very stars into her veins using the latest in OPAF gear: Synnoid Gammacor. (Order now and get this amazing weapon for only 9,999,999,999,999.99!) 

The whole process should take you no more than 2 minutes. Now go get me my neural senso- oh. I meant go kill Ala- No no. I said it right the first time. Neural Sensors. Go get them. 


As amusing as it may be to conjure up an image of Slob Lotus lounging on her space couch, munching on space chips as the detritus created therein tumbles into the cavern that lies between her perky breasts from which now emanate a stench so foul as to make even the Grineer Queens gag, I feel that this second scenario is really hurting any replayability that missions may offer.


What's the difference, other than Bachelorette frog Lotus?
Well, for one thing, the planning. The first scenario might inspire a group to... oh... I dont' know... use their brains for a second? Send the tanky two to fight the 'mini boss' to get Alad's location in the base while the squishier or perhaps simply more stealthy frames go to the other side of the map to disable the shields that protect the the door to the Fridge. (For the less astute Tenno in the audience, a Fridge is generally where Salad(V) is kept.)


As it stands, there really isn't much variation in strategy at all in any mission.

"Ooh! But what about survival!" 
Oh boy. You've got me now. Uttering that once sentence has completely invalidated my entire case. I guess I should just pack my things and go ho-WRONG. Everyone knows the copy-paste strategy for any survival: Bring nekros. More specifically. "Nekros, spam 3 as vigorously as I might pleasure my late mother or you're of no use to us!"


Incest jokes aside, many missions (especially boss missions) have little to no replay value for their quality, but rather simply for the resources that rushing the mission offers. 


Alright. We get it. Quit flappin ur trap, m8. So what's the actual problem. 

Listen here, you Tenno Scooom. There are the problems I've just described that include coptering and other such game mechanics as well as boss design. Don't mistake this thread as an attempt to disuade people from using the all powerful 'copter' pseudo mechanic because the problem goes beyond coptering and falls more upon level design. Nodes/Boss Nodes aren't being replayed for their quality because they're quite lacking in quality.  All I can do is post this and hope the that the community sees fit to honor me with the glorious golden shower that is the brightly colored [HOT] label. Only then, can Bachelorette frog Lotus get the help she so desperately needs. 


Quit confusing me with sexy Bachelorette frog Lotus. What are you actually trying to say?

Well to put it simply, lack of mission quality, whether that be due to easy bosses or incentives to rush through any other missions, is limiting the replay value of any node. People enjoy the reward more than they enjoy the bosses that they're fighting and even that is a tragedy. To have a boss that someone put in the time to design weaknesses, think of possible strategies, simply be worked around or even discarded because of the resources they drop. I feel that better designed bosses, perhaps even bosses with stages that each drop a different desired resource, would be just one step to helping this problem. 


"Zanuka? More like ZaPOOPa! Amirite? No? Yeah... I got nothin"

-Struggling Tenno Comedian

Edited by wearing_socks
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Please remember this game is still in beta so it's best to consider the current game modes incomplete. As for coptering, while DE doesn't plan to remove it as a game mechanic, they will start working on parkour next year which should reduce the amount of coptering you see.

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Please remember this game is still in beta so it's best to consider the current game modes incomplete. As for coptering, while DE doesn't plan to remove it as a game mechanic, they will start working on parkour next year which should reduce the amount of coptering you see.


I can agree with everything here except for nerfing/removing coptering.

Coptering is just a movement technique that encourages speed. I'm more against why people feel the need to speed through the missions in the first place. The rewards aint squat for takin your time. It's Warframe itself that currently inspires the need4speed.

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Coptering is just a movement technique that encourages speed. I'm more against why people feel the need to speed through the missions in the first place. The rewards aint squat for takin your time. Warframe currently inspires the need4speed.


Why is fast bad though?  I partially ask just for the sake of playing the devil's advocate, but also because I personally just enjoy being fast as it stands anyways (though I don't enter a new room till at least one other person has caught up).


Most games these days have a painfully slow pacing to them, does Warframe need to conform to this toady pace?  Whether it does or not isn't really up to me alone of course, otherwise we'd already be a touch faster as is.  But why make it slower?


I suppose I'm in the camp of wondering why folks feel the urge to slog through any task with all the gusto of a garden variety slug.  Then again, I'm the type who'll pretty much pick every possible speed increase in my build that any given game allows.  There's no such thing as too much mobility for people like me.

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I can agree with everything here except for nerfing/removing coptering.


Coptering is not even a legit feature, it's just a gltich that the staff allowed to remain because players like to feel like Sanic.



Coptering/air attacks is something that should be made universal and not dependant on your weaponry.

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Why is fast bad though?  I partially ask just for the sake of playing the devil's advocate, but also because I personally just enjoy being fast as it stands anyways (though I don't enter a new room till at least one other person has caught up).


Most games these days have a painfully slow pacing to them, does Warframe need to conform to this toady pace?  Whether it does or not isn't really up to me alone of course, otherwise we'd already be a touch faster as is.  But why make it slower?


I suppose I'm in the camp of wondering why folks feel the urge to slog through any task with all the gusto of a garden variety slug.  Then again, I'm the type who'll pretty much pick every possible speed increase in my build that any given game allows.  There's no such thing as too much mobility for people like me.

Different people. Different prefered playstyle.

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Why is fast bad though?  I partially ask just for the sake of playing the devil's advocate, but also because I personally just enjoy being fast as it stands anyways (though I don't enter a new room till at least one other person has caught up).


Most games these days have a painfully slow pacing to them, does Warframe need to conform to this toady pace?  Whether it does or not isn't really up to me alone of course, otherwise we'd already be a touch faster as is.  But why make it slower?


I suppose I'm in the camp of wondering why folks feel the urge to slog through any task with all the gusto of a garden variety slug.  Then again, I'm the type who'll pretty much pick every possible speed increase in my build that any given game allows.  There's no such thing as too much mobility for people like me.

Not everyone's "gotta go fast". Those people tend to be newer to the game, and are more concerned with opening containers and making sure they didn't miss anything than completing the mission in under three minutes. I'm in the middle. Sometimes I stick with the group, sometimes I charge ahead, sometimes I race to the finish. It all depends on my mood and frame/build.


There are plenty of reasons NOT to speed ahead of the group; friendship doors will make you look dumb, basic co-op tactics (which can be mitigated with the right build and weapons), shared affinity only reaches so far, allies' powers won't affect you, you have to wait on at least one other person to reach extraction if you have a full team, if you do happen to go down it's likely that nobody will be able to reach you before you bleed out, etc. And there're only a few reasons to speed; satisfying your impatience, proving to yourself that you're the fastest, and not being as easy to hit for the enemy (dodging does that too).


That's not to say that going slow is better than going fast, but sticking with the group is the important part. It's hard to get a group to stick together in a public match, but if you have a group that communicates, you can stick together AND go fast with no complaints from any party involved (save for the boss you just sliced in half.)


Again, I'm not choosing sides, simply providing an objective view of the situation.

Edited by Kestral9999
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I am not against buttslide or coptering. The problem lies in that they are simply much MUCH more viable to cover ground then sprinting. I have no problem with them existing but I do wish they had a considerably higher stamina cost. Buttslide should not regenerate stamina while sliding, coptering should basically deplete all your stamina in one swoop and can't be done again unless you have the full required amount of stamina regained and won't start regenerating stamina until you've made ground contact. 


Then again, with the introduction of air attacks on melee weapons I see no reason for coptering to exist. The standard jump-crouch-melee should simply do a ground-slam attack. 

Edited by Lakais
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Then again, with the introduction of air attacks on melee weapons I see no reason for coptering to exist. The standard jump-crouch-melee should simply do a ground-slam attack. 

They tried to remove coptering before and it didn't go over well. I'm hopeful that they'll change it but that's not really why I made the thread. It's more about the quality of missions, specifically boss missions, not having replay value based on quality alone. 

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I am not against buttslide or coptering. The problem lies in that they are simply much MUCH more viable to cover ground then sprinting. I have no problem with them existing but I do wish they had a considerably higher stamina cost. Buttslide should not regenerate stamina while sliding, coptering should basically deplete all your stamina in one swoop and can't be done again unless you have the full required amount of stamina regained and won't start regenerating stamina until you've made ground contact. 


Then again, with the introduction of air attacks on melee weapons I see no reason for coptering to exist. The standard jump-crouch-melee should simply do a ground-slam attack. 

Like I said DE will begin working on parkour next year which should solve most of your problems.

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Man. I don't know what to tell ya. If you can't understand it, that really is a personal problem. 

It really doesn't help that you framed this as a disguised attempt to jab at the way players behave in the game and the repetitiveness of the bosses/missions. I was confused while reading it as well but got the general gist of your point. Never assume that because you understand what you're talking about that others will.

Edited by Kestral9999
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It really doesn't help that you framed this as a disguised attempt to jab at the way players behave in the game and the repetitiveness of the bosses/missions. I was confused while reading it as well but got the general gist of your point. Never assume that because you understand what you're talking about that others will.

I copter and I use the Synnoid Gammacor. Probably my favorite method of getting around and my favorite weapon. This isn't an attempt to jab at the way players play, but rather to explain what's causing them to play this way. Missions and even bosses are becoming easy, SoupR-speedy-quick because the fight itself isn't enjoyable. I've update the OP to better reflect that, I hope. 

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coptering stays. but everything else is awesome


Alright. We get it. Quit flappin ur trap, m8. So what's the actual problem. 

Listen here, you Tenno Scooom. There are the problems I've just described that include coptering and other such game mechanics as well as boss design. Don't mistake this thread as an attempt to dissuade people from using the all powerful 'copter' pseudo mechanic because the problem goes beyond coptering and falls more upon level design. Nodes/Boss Nodes aren't being replayed for their quality because they're quite lacking in quality.  All I can do is post this and hope the that the community sees fit to honor me with the glorious golden shower that is the brightly colored [HOT] label. Only then, can Bachelorette frog Lotus get the help she so desperately needs. 

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Making missions more than 5min just to farm a single thing? Are you a madman?

You're the madman if you think that changing only one thing will fix the entire problem. I'm pointing out a problem and proposing one end solution. Of course there will be other things that will change along with that. Offering more rewards, say Neural Sensors, throughout the boss mission more frequently would make the time more worth while as well as actually being fun. 

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You're the madman if you think that changing only one thing will fix the entire problem. I'm pointing out a problem and proposing one end solution. Of course there will be other things that will change along with that. Offering more rewards, say Neural Sensors, throughout the boss mission more frequently would make the time more worth while as well as actually being fun. 

I know, I was making fun of it sorry. Problem is, changing the mission content means having to change the efficiency of whatever drops we have (frame parts, rare resources, and if you want, the horrible horrible super dilute--I mean blessed RNGesus void tables), which kinda makes it almost impossible since DE doesn't seem to even want to touch their RNGesus dilut--blessed RNGtables.

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