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The Scams Are Real



I'm sure I'm not the only one that has been scammed on warframe, I was looking for rhino prime and this guy said he'd sell it in a bundle with boltor prime and supplies for 200 he got the 200 and I got boltor quickly after that he left. And if I was just buying a boltor prime it would not be over 65 plat but I trusted the guy he said think p and boltor* p plus supplies so I gave him extra the only thing I got was boltor prime than he left thus screwing me out of 200 plat. Than later I bought a full rhino p set from a different guy for 100 plat, can anything be done about the scam?

Edited by (XB1)devil ty 8
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Always break your plat/items up and make separate trades if there isn't enough trade slots.

Pay for the first group of items and then the next batch after.

That way you literally cannot be scammed.


You kind of screwed yourself on that one OP and I doubt you will get much help because technically no rules were broken.

The guy is a tool for taking advantage but unfortunately you gave him the opportunity to do so.

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Correct me if i'm wrong but when you open WF's trade chat there is a caps lock text saying : don't trade for promises.


And you should just split the amount in the number of trade needed.


Mampfi is rigth, better learn how to trade, sadly.

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He had 2 things that took all trade slots themselves....

That tip was bad...

and you should feel bad.


In Warframe trading, there are no scams. It clearly tells you not to trade for promises, so anything that happens is your fault.

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and you should feel bad.


In Warframe trading, there are no scams. It clearly tells you not to trade for promises, so anything that happens is your fault.

There is such thing as scamming when there's 2 things that take up 4 slots you have to grade twice in my case I trusted the person and then he left the game without giving me what I paid for.


And on a different note can someone send me the link of how to report someone I can't seem to find it, sorry I'm new to the forums.

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I have been scammed twice now on warframe and both times it was deemed my fault because the game only gave me 3 trade slots (we now have 4). I hope you have better luck than me. I even sent screenshots both times of the guy boasting to me that he scammed me and DE just said no, my fault move along.

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and you should feel bad.


In Warframe trading, there are no scams. It clearly tells you not to trade for promises, so anything that happens is your fault.



There is such thing as scamming when there's 2 things that take up 4 slots you have to grade twice in my case I trusted the person and then he left the game without giving me what I paid for.


And on a different note can someone send me the link of how to report someone I can't seem to find it, sorry I'm new to the forums.

Honestly, I would have done the same thing as that guy. You were dumb enough to trust the guy and give him 200 plat based on promises, and look where that got you? This is your fault and no one elses. I'm done here.

Edited by DeadSirius
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Honestly, I would have done the same thing as that guy. You were dumb enough to trust the guy and give him 200 plat based on promises, and look where that got you? This is your fault and no one elses. I'm done here.

SSo your saying your not a trust worthy person, if you got the chance you would scam someone? Also no one asked you to stay that's just you feeling inclined.

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SSo your saying your not a trust worthy person, if you got the chance you would scam someone? Also no one asked you to stay that's just you feeling inclined.

Just stop trying to pin your ignorance on others, if you give most people 200p for nothing they're going to run with it. The reasonable  thing to do would have been to split the purchase, instead of blindly trusting everyone you meet. DE warned you about this, and you did it anyway. Let's see how your support ticket goes.

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the biggest scam is 65p for a boltor set and 100p for a rhino set!


I wouldn't blame OP so much for being gullible, if the story is true then the other trader was a douchebag.

Prices vary depending on platform and region, I've seen higher. I could be the only one, but I see no reason to demonize said "scammer". OP was a dumbass, that's all there is to it.

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Sorry to say this but it was your fauly.There is an accept button and if you looked in to the internet a bit you could easily get boltor prime for 40 plat and the rhino prime for around 80 plat.You should have been more careful.It is the hard way but at least you learned it after all.

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The root of the problem here is that not many people have integrity anymore. If it were me that you traded with, I would have finished the trade regardless of the fact that you paid all upfront. But I have integrity, many of today's generation don't even understand the meaning of the word, let alone know how to behave in that manner. OP the people at fault are both parties. Them for being a d-bag without an honest bone in their body, and you for trusting a perfect stranger on Warframe. Chalk it up to an expensive lesson learned and hope that RNGesus will repay that scammer with the karma they deserve. 

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Yeah, I hate to blame the victim, but the trade chat explicitly states in all-caps "DO NOT TRADE FOR PROMISES, Trade for items ONLY."


Additionally: what supplies were you trading for? You do know that you can't trade resources, right?  Orokin Cells, Plastids, etc have to be farmed, or purchased for plat in the market if you're desperate.


You got played.  I'm sorry you got played, but you got played.  There is nothing you can do, except learn from it.  Only pay for the items being traded.  If you don't know a person, don't trust them.  The word "trustworthy" is to be used literally: if you don't know them, they're not worthy of your trust.  A guy I know gave me the Nova Prime Blueprint and systems.  In exchange, I will give him a Vaykor Marelock once I have enough Syndicate Points.  It's not a question of platinum or items, it's a matter of trust.  I've run with this guy so much I consider him a friend.  I don't screw over my friends, neither does he.


Make friends, trade smart, and this won't happen again.

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The root of the problem here is that not many people have integrity anymore. If it were me that you traded with, I would have finished the trade regardless of the fact that you paid all upfront. But I have integrity, many of today's generation don't even understand the meaning of the word, let alone know how to behave in that manner. OP the people at fault are both parties. Them for being a d-bag without an honest bone in their body, and you for trusting a perfect stranger on Warframe. Chalk it up to an expensive lesson learned and hope that RNGesus will repay that scammer with the karma they deserve. 

I know. Kids these days, right? I mean just how long has this species been lying, stealing, killing, committing mass genocide, ect? I'm sorry that not everyone on this planet complies to your blind sense of morality while trading for items in a video game. In my opinion, OP got what they deserved.

Maybe we should end this here, as the topic could quickly derail and I think OP has gotten the point.

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Really sorry that happened to you OP. Lesson learned though right? I doubt anybody would do anything to help you because the disclaimer is there in the chat, which really sucks.


It sucks that a lot of players are even defending this kind of behavior, sure it doesn't break any rules but it's still a $&*^ move to prey on people like that.

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