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Loki T4


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A lot of people say Loki is not tower 4 ready, I don't understand why on t4 defense I can easily rack up masses of kills with my fang daggers you just need to learn to play him right.


 He is one of my favorite characters to use in t4 the others being mirage and nova prime. What's your guys oppinion on Loki? Also this game cursed me with giving me primes for every other warframe besides Loki prime lol.

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Especially if you have a good mod set up for example while I'm cloaked I do a lot more damage do to my set up especially my first hit and I've heard people say because he doesn't have good AOEs but all you need is a radial disarm and a good melee or if you wanna kill them all without a scratch on you do radial disarm and decoy I love that combo.

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Loki is one of the few Frames that scales perfectly into any tier. However, the issue might be with the players, as some think the best way to play Loki is to stay invisible.


Decoys, although being made of hopes and dreams, can keep the enemy tied up if you know all the tricky hard to hit spots to place them.


Invisibility is a no brainer. Of course, reviving team mates is much easier when you're not being shot at.


Switch teleport is good for moving from crowd to crowd and wrecking things with a heavy melee weapon while invisible.

Radial Disarm is self explanatory, but when combined with a Decoy just out of arms reach, it completely takes the pressure off. (The only exception is the Infested. IIRC they will switch targets if they can't reach the Decoy.) One of our clan members uses it in T4 defense to make sure practically no shots are fired. Even Nullifiers aren't a big deal when it's one of the few things that can shoot. 

Irradiating Disarm? It's like combining Radial Disarm with Chaos. Hate Nullifiers? Let all the enemies outside the bubble pop it for you.


But, again, it all depends on the player. Loki can wreck anything if you use his abilities to their fullest, and keep moving.

Edited by MisterUltimate
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I'm not fond of dishing out credit to Loki/Loki Prime in general because of past encounters with them, but his kit is really useful. His Radial Disarm scales amazingly well, and it's even better with it's respective Augment. 


He's definitely one of the better, if not best CC Warframes in the game. People who say otherwise clearly have not played with a Loki/Loki Prime who makes use of all his Abilities.

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Whoever said Loki ( or Prime ) is not T4 friendly is probably using Rhino Prime and Boltor Prime setup.




Loki is one of the top tier frames with 4 useful powers. You can build him in 2 ways ( range or duration ) and still be viable in any game mode.

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I've heard people say because he doesn't have good AOEs


Burn them with fire and leave them to die. They're probably Rhino players. 




...even though I'm an Ash player. :p

Edited by Yazeth
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A lot of people say Loki is not tower 4 ready ...

Those people are clearly clueless. I use Loki Prime for T4 Survivals, solo. I can easily do 40 - 45 minutes without even trying too hard. I farmed tons of R5 cores that way (useful for maxing out all those "Primed" mods we got recently from the Void Trader).

If you know what you're doing then any frame can be used for (almost) anything.

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