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[Warframe Concept Idea] Syndicate Warframes


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So hey everyone 

I have two pertaining things about this that id like to add my voice to.

The first is that Hats off to you AlterDevil - you have made and raised a brilliant concept and one you have many peoples support behind.

The second is that id quite like to talk to you AlterDevil in regards to art work, and concept imaging, as i cant see any. if someone has beaten me to it and has already started, good luck to them and please let me know as i have a couple of ideas id like to share with them, thank you.


Thank You


PS please don't assume that as its my first post im not worth talking to (i have experienced this in the past - which is why i ahve said this)

PPS please don't take any offense from the comment above


Edit: forgot to say - 

A) you haev my support all the way 


B) my +1 as well

Edited by Xanderjk
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i would have named their ultimate's after their specific radial effects

Steel Meridian: Justice

Arbiters of Hexis: Truth

Cephalon Suda: Entropy

The Perrin Sequence: Sequence

Red Veil: Blight

New Loka: Purity


Got your suggestion, added something new to Terra's (New Loka's) Final Ability, Earth's Purity. Something supportive in that matter.

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I guess that many others have said this but this concept while it sounds good it would destroy Warframe's Lore. Giving every single syndicate the ability to create their own warframe would tribialize the concept of a Warframe. If anything the only ones who would be anywhere near creating a warframe are Arbiters of Hexis (since they are Tenno already i presume) and Cephalon suda (Being an AI and all).


The basic of the concept is not that bad though. WHy not instead of creating a new warframe instead Each sindicate could modify a Warframe they support, giving them a look that represents their overall look, like Steel Meridian giving Rhino some kind of "Engine" on the back or New loka giving a more slim look to a Zephyr and givng her a scarf or something.

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The basic of the concept is not that bad though. WHy not instead of creating a new warframe instead Each sindicate could modify a Warframe they support, giving them a look that represents their overall look, like Steel Meridian giving Rhino some kind of "Engine" on the back or New loka giving a more slim look to a Zephyr and givng her a scarf or something.

Could you imagine if my Rhino Prime had a blinking engine in my field of vision as i'm trying to play?? not really practical, not to mention that on Rhino Prime it wont really fit in either, law or aesthetics 

Nor is giving thee most intensive movement flame a scarf, that would no doubt also be obstructing in the view.... much like the Syndanas and the way id don't equip them on Zephyr 


sorry mate

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Just want to note once more, this suggestion DOES NOT give the impression that Syndicates MADE their own Warframes. Read the flavor texts, it specifically states they have found it.

I wonder how many more times this point will have to be made before people stop whining about their own assumptions. People need to read the description.
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It will be many more times then we can shake a Flaming Stick at :P

Haha a little confused on what that's saying but I'm assuming you're saying far too many. For any future posters, learn from this. No syndicate created a warframe. Not a single one. None of these warframe originated in any lab or lair of any syndicate or any NPC we've met thus far. Syndicate leaders found the warframes and gave them their own personalization. Much like syndicate weapons but WAY cooler.
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Ye Pretty much

and lets be honest no one will care and will ask again and again and again .... 

And their way, way, way better looking:P
i should know, Im making the art and first drafts ARE NEARLY DONE !!!!!

Well ORIGIN, VERITAS, and MELCHIOR are done, and i have just started ZERO

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  • 1 month later...

Alternate idea:

The Syndicates in question don't make the Warframe themselves, but instead you buy a Quest from them where you perform some kind of monumental task for the Faction in question and in the process discover parts or all of the new Warframe along the way, or alternately the faction in question happened upon the Warframe parts themselves/have something you need to complete the Warframe and use it as an incentive for you to do their job.


Red Veil- Series of Capture missions ending in an Assassinate as the Veil needs you to bring them certain VIPs to interrogate in order to help them find a target that had been eluding them for a long while.

Steel Meridian: Series of Defense/Hijack missions ending in an Excavation; The Grineer are planning to storm civilian colonies as a show of force, and the Steel Meridian will have none of that. Your job is to protect important civilian facilities under attack by Grineer (e.g. food stores, water purifiers, power stations, etc) as well as escort ships full of fleeing colonists to a safe launching point. Along the way, though, you discover this raid isn't mindless bullying like you thought: the colony was built over a cache of Orokin relics, and the Grineer wanted to get to them without alerting the Corpus to their existence. With that knowledge, once you've gotten as many civilians to safety as you can, you dig up these artifacts yourself.

New Loka: Survival, Earth Sabotage, and Excavation: New Loka's in the mood for some eco-terrorism directed at the Grineer; eff up as much of their crap as you can to send them a message and clear out some space so New Loka can make a foothold in their beloved Earth. Lotus on the other hand has her own reason to be interested in the forests of Earth- hidden Orokin vaults and cities containing technology and knowledge that the Grineer were getting just a leeetle too close to for comfort.

Perrin Sequence: Sabotage, Spy, and Deception: The Perrin Sequence has a business proposal for you. Certain of their Corpus competitors have been acquiring illicit gain through extortion and manipulation of the local markets, falsifying transaction logs, insider trading, and extortion. Worse yet, nobody, let alone the Sequence, can make a move against this ring as they have bought the loyalty of one or more members of the Corpus Board of Directors. It seems nothing can stop these crooks from lining their pockets with ill-gotten gain; some of their competition- it would be a real shame for them if someone who could access their database made their deception public, or even if one of their shipping vessels en route to one of their esteemed clients failed to reach its destination. Mind you, we're not saying we're wishing an attack by the Tenno on them, oh no; we've just recently requisitioned an array of priceless Orokin artifacts- among them a Warframe cryogenics pod- and if the Tenno come down upon our competitors, who knows? They just might start taking what they want from us, as well!

Cephalon Suda: Mobile Defense, Spy, and Defense: Cephalon Suda has been finding bits of a powerful and complex search algorithm buried in packets of junk data picked up from the Void, and now she's curious as to where it's coming from, and sends you to go find out for her. As you complete the algorithm, however, the Lotus begins to recognize it, and it turns out that's much more than mere junk data it's been buried in...

Arbiters of Hexis: You have done well, Tenno; you've grown well beyond the limits of what the Orokin wanted you to be, and now it is time to truly prove yourself. Scattered about the Origin system are Orokin holy sites which the Corpus and Grineer foolishly venerate and exploit to their own ends. These citadels were once forbidden to your kind, but no more. Go, and reclaim your birthright.

This is amazing! WAKE UP DE

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Yet the Syndicates can offer us mods for said Warframes...alrighty then...

Also, aren't the Arbiters of Hexis Tenno themselves?

. Not been confirmed by DE so we dont know

And althoug these warframes sound amazing nobody but the tenno should be able to build a warframe mods are meh weapons possible but a whole suit? No no no big no

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"We have found this, we have placed our own essence into it... we offer it to you Tenno for your loyalty." - Syndicate Leaders


As you can guess, this is a new addition to the accessible purchases for your respective Syndicate, not Ability Augments nor Unique Weapons, but instead - Warframes, enhanced and available to players who have achieved a much higher rank in their respective Syndicate. Note that Helmet, Chassis and Systems can be purchased through the Syndicate while the Blueprint can be received through a special Syndicate Mission.



The Steel Meridian

"The SISTERS failed to see this, the original Grineer - or what remains of his is yours Tenno, let everyone see ORIGIN's true power! ." - Steel Meridian Leader


ORIGIN - A Warframe designed to overpower foes with sheer numbers from a single source by means of cloning, further enhanced by the Steel Meridian, Origin can take on lethal damage while continuing their siege.


Breakthrough - Origin discharges all of his current ammo in a single yet powerful shot, innately gaining Punch Through.

Steel Guard - Origin taunts nearby enemies while simultaneously gaining increased Armor whenever he receives damage for a duration.

Cover - While active, Origin gains a massive movement speed boost if an ally is in critical Health (-30%). Upon approaching an allied Tenno, Origin instantly replenishes their shield.

Justice - Origin divides himself, temporarily halving his Stats, Ammo and Energy in order to create another Origin that independently fights. Additionally, whenever Origin uses his other abilities, the 2nd Origin will also perform the same ability.



Arbiters of Hexis

"Tenno, we are honored to present the path that will surpass the past - Veritas, may he guide you towards your goal." - The Arbiter of Hexis's Leader


VERITAS - Unyielding and true, Veritas is a versatile warframe that can create order in the midst of chaos of the battlefield. Enhanced by the Arbiters of Hexis, Veritas now features a much deadlier judgement to end his foes rightfully.


Truth - Veritas unleashes a wave of energy that slices foes around him, dealing GAS damage to all affected.

Order - Veritas prepares himself for the battle, increasing his melee damage base on the number of enemies around him for a duration.

Verdict - Veritas recalls the pain of his foes back, dealing GAS damage to those who were recently attacked by Veritas with Melee.

Judgement - Veritas judges the enemies around him, summoning a phantom blade above every foe around him for a duration. When directly damaged by Veritas, the phantom blade crashes down, impaling them to the ground.





"Tenno, your curiousity has been answered... Born from mere numbers, physically manifested - Zero, is yours to wield." - Cephalon Suda A.I(?)


ZERO - Unknown yet breathing, Zero is a unique Warframe that utilizes advance Orokin Technology to physically manifest mere coding into lethal weapon in battle. Brought to life by the Cephalon Suda, Zero utilizes deceitful attacks the confuse and overpower its enemies.


Digitalize - Zero creates a stationary copy of its enemy or ally. If an enemy is targeted, it creates a copy that can be attacked, dealing increased damage to the original target. If an ally is targeted, it creates a copy with Health, if either ally or copy receives damage, the damage is evenly divided between them.

Backup - Zero hacks into its weaponry, gaining increased Fire Rate and gaining a temporary Backup Ammo for it's currently equipped weapon. Zero's shots while Backup is active deals RADIATION damage.

Fragmentation - Zero turns itself into digital coding, allowing him to phase through its enemies. While in this state, Zero cannot use his weapons but gains increased damage reduction and deals constant RADIATION damage to enemies in direct contact of Zero.

Entropic Override - Zero channels his energy indefinitely and while in this state, Zero constantly exposes surrounding enemy unit's weak points while periodically sending a set number of homing beams that deals RADIATION damage to nearby enemies.  __________________________________________________________________________



"Quite a hefty cost to gather everything but we our proud to present to our loyal Tenno, Melchior, now we can build a better future." - The Perrin Sequence Leader


MELCHIOR - Survivalist is Melchior's expertise, a Warframe capable of taking damage and dealing damage while exploiting things to his advantage. Found and heavily modified by the Perrin Sequence, Melchior do have quite a trick in terms of trade... and it is not only currency.


Trade-Off - For a duration, whenever Melchior receives damage, his melee attack gains increased damage and upon reaching a certain 80% Bonus, his melee will also guarantee to proc a single Elemental Damage (if one or two exists). Resets upon successfully dealing melee damage or upon end of duration.

Overcharge - Melchior exploits the weaknesses of those around him, causing enemy units afflicted with Elemental Damage to explode and deal the same Elemental Damage to a small radius around them upon death.

Mug - Melchior disarms an enemy unit and forcefully makes them drop additional Credits and Ammo.

Golden Sequence - Melchior warps nearby resources and orbs that has not been picked up yet into different resource and the opposing orb (Energy to Health and Health to Energy) and doubles the amount received from resources or Energy/Health recovered. Additionally, if there are any ammo laying around, Melchior warps them to the Ammo of his currently equipped Weapon (If Melee, it will warp Ammo drops into either his Secondary or Primary).




"Tenno, this effort alone cannot be done without you. Wield Azazel and return the order the way it was through him." - The Red Veil Leader


AZAZEL - Force and Sacrifice, Azazel brings order in the battlefield through powerful manipulation of life force and slowly sending his foes to the executor's deathrow.


Sacrifice - Azazel converts 10% of his maximum Health into power, amplyfing his gun damage and melee damage for a duration. May stack and each consecutive uses refreshes the duration.

Mark for Death - Azazel marks a target, amplifying damage received by the enemy and upon death, will drop a Health Orb.

Purge - Azazel loses 15% of his current Health to remove all debuffs currently affecting him and releases a wave that will inflict the same Elemental / Damage (Slash, Puncture or Impact) against enemies around him.

Blighted Pact Azazel stuns and swaps a percentage of his Health against a target enemy. Does not work on Bosses and Health gained may not exceed own's maximum Health.




"Buried deep beneath the Earth where we once came, Terra has been awakened and will recover what was once ours."  - New Loka Leader


TERRA - Fortitude and pure, Terra defends the frontlines and her allies with earthly barriers that can be used to manuever around the battlefield. When in doubt, Terra can unleash the labyrinth and in an explosive force.


Pillar - Terra raises a vertical pillar of earth damaging enemy targets present, dealing Impact Damage and knocking them up while blocking incoming damage. The pillar persists for an indefinite amount of time and has Health, absorbing further damage. The pillar is physical and may be used for manuevers.

Earth Fin - Terra raises a slab of earth horizontally damaging enemy targets present, dealing Impact Damage and knocking them towards either left or right while blocking incoming damage. The slab persists for an indefinite amount of time and has Health, absorbing further damage. The pillar is physical and may be used for manuevers. The pillar is physical and may be used for manuevers.

Rolling Stone - Terra manifests the spirit of the Earth around her, creating an intangible stone barrier around her and granting her increased movement speed. Enemy units that comes in contact with Rolling Stone are either knocked back (if contact is on the side) or knocked down (if contact is on the front) and receive Impact Damage.

Earth's Purity - Terra shatters all active Pillar and Earth Fin around her, causing a powerful explosive force, dealing high Impact Damage and Blast Damage. Additionally, allies near a Pillar or Earth Fin restores a portion of their Shield.





your building too much lore

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. Not been confirmed by DE so we dont know

And althoug these warframes sound amazing nobody but the tenno should be able to build a warframe mods are meh weapons possible but a whole suit? No no no big no

Not sure how many times this needs to be said. They didn't build them. They found them. Read. It's good for you.

your building too much lore

IMO, this game needs more lore. We know the back story of a handful of frames but have no real clue about pretty much anything else.
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I just can't imagine the Lotus permitting these groups to hoard something so sacred to the Tenno and throw throw them out to only those loyal to their little niche group while looking at all the other Tenno and saying "nope, you don't deserve this". It just doesn't make sense.


Syndicate skins, Rakta Ash skin, Synoid Mag skin, these things work well enough - just other designs for the Warframes, just like coloring them - but in terms of FULL Warframes, I don't see it happening.

Edited by Morec0
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