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It's Too Hard ..... Draco Inter.


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I honestly can't tell if you're trolling or not. 


Some of the things you said seem like genuine concerns. 


Then you say something that makes me go "Oh, this has troll written all over it!" 

well it is interception, and its quite the pain. I can understand why people hate it. Enemies spawning rapidly, high damage increase, and your forced to reach high for a key.


Then again can always play lower levels interception, but its still an issue even on lower level planets if your doing it solo. Best done as a team no matter what level, and best done with a fast but powerful frame. Which is one of the issues with interception forcing players to stick to certain frames in order to win instead of whatever you desire. Which no mission type should EVER do...

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well it is interception, and its quite the pain. I can understand why people hate it. Enemies spawning rapidly, high damage increase, and your forced to reach high for a key.


Then again can always play lower levels interception, but its still an issue even on lower level planets if your doing it solo. Best done as a team no matter what level, and best done with a fast but powerful frame. Which is one of the issues with interception forcing players to stick to certain frames in order to win instead of whatever you desire. Which no mission type should EVER do...

well said ..one of the main reasons i will never play DC univ. again .. forced top play a certain way

but  becareful sir ... there is no forum mod around

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--but on a constructive note, NOTHING in this game is impossible.  ANY frame can do ANY thing.  If someone's playing a frame in a place they probably shouldn't be and they aren't playing it well, it becomes everyone's problem.  For missions like Draco, Viver, anything in the Void, etc., it is HIGHLY recommended to form a squad of experienced players as you see fit.  Shouldn't have any problem.  Good luck out there, Tenno.


This is true. And I see no reason to hack a game that is basicly free and gives you more free stuff. Another thing you may want to do is "Get better or find a frame you love/comfortable with" I found my dream frame. All round Purpose. I love the Mesa. A frame that utilizes weapons and not rely on powers to get the job done.

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well said ..one of the main reasons i will never play DC univ. again .. forced top play a certain way

but  becareful sir ... there is no forum mod around

lol... sometimes I wish I was a mod, but then I'd go all Cartman on people, and be like "bad player bad!" -wacks them with a baton-


edit: also ouch on the reminder of DC univ. Now that was a game with potential that was squandered on strict end game.

Edited by Arlayn
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Could some of you vets boasting about doing this solo give me a ride along? I want to see what this is about. Im mr5, maxed slow nova. In recruiting they are always asking for excal/trin which I dont have. Same ign, will be on tomorrow 1:30pm or so EST.

Really? none of them want a slow Nova? Man I would love a slow Nova. That, and a frost.

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OP got bombarded by guys who just repfarm with excaltrin premades lol. Ofcourse it's easy then. Go play some pubs and you may even realise how the game actually is when you are not standing in one place spamming 4 and 2. Maybe in your 50k draco kills you guys will actually get downed by ballistas when playing normally, maybe.


I sympathise with you OP, i play with pubs all the time as a slow nova and its all up to luck what team mates you'll get. Recently it's been a lot of this though.


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OP got bombarded by guys who just repfarm with excaltrin premades lol. Ofcourse it's easy then. Go play some pubs and you may even realise how the game actually is when you are not standing in one place spamming 4 and 2. Maybe in your 50k draco kills you guys will actually get downed by ballistas when playing normally, maybe.


I sympathise with you OP, i play with pubs all the time as a slow nova and its all up to luck what team mates you'll get. Recently it's been a lot of this though.


an MR 16 with 80 shield, and 96 health?(edit: in a HARD location) wtf...

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an MR 16 with 80 shield, and 96 health? wtf...

Yeah, judging from his playstyle probably someone who repgrinded to that rank. Had no clue how to take my teleport to the top so he could at least not be a liability. He also didn't bring any good weapons and was mirage lol.

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OP got bombarded by guys who just repfarm with excaltrin premades lol. Ofcourse it's easy then. Go play some pubs and you may even realise how the game actually is when you are not standing in one place spamming 4 and 2. Maybe in your 50k draco kills you guys will actually get downed by ballistas when playing normally, maybe.


I sympathise with you OP, i play with pubs all the time as a slow nova and its all up to luck what team mates you'll get. Recently it's been a lot of this though.

Went public, got rando's, did fine. I'd honestly feel comfortable doing that with any frame but ember.

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Went public, got rando's, did fine. I'd honestly feel comfortable doing that with any frame but ember.

really cause i picked hydriod for fun my first time out .. going to a puddle for shield reng/ crowd contr..  .. lol .. that didnt work


had a maxed redric. mod .. and a maxed vigor mod .. jumped up and was dead before i could "cast" the tentacles

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are you trying to solo OP? becasue the way you say its hard sounds like your trying to solo.

i absoloutely agree some of the enimies are unbalanced as hell e.g nulifiers spawn rate past wave 15 on t4 especially defense and the butthole seeking bombard that seems to have a projectile that can turn 90 degree angles like a @(*()$ light cycle


but anything on the starmap is a breeze if you have the mods

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LOL you guys shouldnt pay attetion to this OP... I mean really... clearly he just started the game.


I have said this before.. I do not know why most beginners think they are entitled to get access  to late content from the start. They think they can waltz into Pluto Ceres and Eris and kill everything. They go to T4 void mission and expect to complete the objective and farm the drops there.... let me LOL again. 


To begginers: complete the solar map starting from mercury venus and earth. Do all missions there, get some mods and resources, then move to other planets, rank up, get some new weapons, level your starting Warframe spend 20 plat in a reactor ( from the 50 you get when you get into the game ) complete more planets and their nodes, becase you will need for alerts. And then start thinking about late content.


OP Dracon is on Ceres, Ceres is a HARD planet for begginers. Know your place and stop crying. Get better instead of complaining.


Edited by SanctumDraconis
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LOL you guys shouldnt pay attetion to this OP... I mean really... clearly he just started the game.


I have said this before.. I do not know why most beginners think they are entitled to get access  to late content from the start. They think they can waltz into Pluto Ceres and Eris and kill everything. They go to T4 void mission and expect to complete the objective and farm the drops there.... let me LOL again. 


To begginers: complete the solar map starting from mercury venus and earth. Do all missions there, get some mods and resources, then move to other planets, rank up, get some new weapons, level your starting Warframe spend 20 plat in a reactor ( from the 50 you get when you get into the game ) complete more planets and their nodes, becase you will need for alerts. And then start thinking about late content.


OP Dracon is on Ceres, Ceres is a HARD planet for begginers. Know your place and stop crying. Get better instead of complaining.


you didnt read my first post (been playing a year+) ... from when hyroid was the new frame till now something has changed

Edited by Wild_Billy
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really cause i picked hydriod for fun my first time out .. going to a puddle for shield reng/ crowd contr..  .. lol .. that didnt work


had a maxed redric. mod .. and a maxed vigor mod .. jumped up and was dead before i could "cast" the tentacles

Just went got to round 2 without going down no problem before the team left with a rank 4 tipedo, 30 braton prime, 30 hydroid and kubrow


Rando team was a level 10 loki, level 23 trinity, and level 20 excal.


I controlled c and a. This isn't hard.

Also we had a new loka hit squad all of round 1.

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Just bring a frame that is able to survive that map like Trinity and get a good weapon equipped, shes literally "undead" if you can play her right. Ember is good against Infested isnt it? So why would anyone even bring her to face the Grineers? Unless they are really stubborn and/or like Ember so much they cant stop playing her for a minute.

Edited by MissC2
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[size=1]Wild_Billy: It's too hard[/size]

[size=1]That's what she said...[/size]


the game is too hard ... just tried to get some T4 keys from draco on ceres ... the thing is beyond hard to the point where you have to have tanks .. like rhino /zepher/mirage/ect. to get it done ...
i think thats bull .. you should beable to walk in there with any 4 warframes and beable to get a T4 key .. frames like ember and banshee dont stand a chance ...
why make it so hard that you have to have a cheat to play it ??? cause you know half these players in the forum yelling its too easy have a hack .... i have played warframe and nothing else for the last year and have spent a good bit of money doing it .. its fun .. but things like this draco makes me wanna play something else ..
i challenge you (DE)  to grab 3 other players and play draco .. 
and to think nightmare mode is offered right now for draco ...
why make a game that only cheaters can play ???
DE you need to grab 4 guys stick them in a room and make them play this  !!!!



Normally I would have taken my Trinity and gone 8-12 rounds solo on Draco but you said no tanks likes it's abusing an exploit :/




Haven't used Banshee in about 7 months, didn't realize it until round 4 that Silence stops enemies from capturing nodes.  I did have to change from my normal face-tank exterminate playstyle to focus more on hit and run with silence and sonar.







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