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Talking About Sentinels And My Opinion On How To Solve The Issue With Them Once And For All


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obviously the carrier is the most use sentinel ever because of its ability, I like them all,(no disrespect to any of them) i also have play with all of them, but has been long time since I have not played with any other than carrier. In my opinion i guess all the abilities should be available to all of them, if that happen i am pretty sure the carrier will stop been #1 seen in the game. note:they all have their original abilities, which means if u want to put the vacuum abilitie to another sentinel , then u need to make the carrier first and lvl up to 30 in order to make the ability transferable.One more sugguestion,let us use names for them as dog had, after all they are like your little robot pet it will be nice. Tell me if u like the idea or disagree for some reason , thank for read my post.

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So, in other words, there is nothing to make any one of the sentinels unique? I'll admit that I've used my Carrier more than any other Sentinel, with Helios in close second place, but I think that they arent worth getting. You're basically paying 100k and parts to get a Sentinel solely for one mod. That's a really bad idea. They all have their uses, save for Shade, who is literally obsolete with the advent of the Huras Kubrow Companion. 

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So, in other words, there is nothing to make any one of the sentinels unique? I'll admit that I've used my Carrier more than any other Sentinel, with Helios in close second place, but I think that they arent worth getting. You're basically paying 100k and parts to get a Sentinel solely for one mod. That's a really bad idea. They all have their uses, save for Shade, who is literally obsolete with the advent of the Huras Kubrow Companion. 




I'd take Wyrm Prime over Carrier, and a Well forma'd Kubrow [except for the digging one] any day over any Sentinal due to HP/shield pool alone.  My Kubrow can last to 40 waves.  My Carrier?  Explodes after 20, My Wyrm prime Explodes if I take a bad hit from a Bombard in T4D around 30+ waves sometimes, other times he survives...

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Vacuum should have been a universal mod, in my opinion. When sentinels were first announced during one of the early devstreams, I honestly thought that their first job would be picking up the loot for you, like in pretty much any game out there with a pet feature.


So I do hope they turn it into a universal sentinel mod some day.



As for Carrier, he could have a "Carrier" mod that allows him to pick up all the ammo, energy and HP to use at a later time when you need them.

So, if your HP is full, he'll pick up all the HP orbs and use each of them once your HP drops by 50. Same with ammo and energy orbs.

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I don't use carrier much. And the sentinels all have there respective places. I prefer to seek out my loot, and Helios scanning ability (when it works properly) can be extremely useful for filling a codex on difficult to scan enemies (fast movers, unpredictable movers, small enemies). Wyrm is also useful if you have a squishy frame because its radial knockdown can stop you from getting stunlocked. All the sentinels have a use, changing them like this would just take away originality.

Vacuum should have been a universal mod, in my opinion. When sentinels were first announced during one of the early devstreams, I honestly thought that their first job would be picking up the loot for you, like in pretty much any game out there with a pet feature.


So I do hope they turn it into a universal sentinel mod some day.



As for Carrier, he could have a "Carrier" mod that allows him to pick up all the ammo, energy and HP to use at a later time when you need them.

So, if your HP is full, he'll pick up all the HP orbs and use each of them once your HP drops by 50. Same with ammo and energy orbs.

Must admit, I do like that idea.

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Only reason I use Carrier is because I love that shotgun (I'm fully aware I can have others use it but I keep my weapons with their respective owners).

Don't get me wrong I like that he picks stuff up,but that ability is really hit or miss sometimes...I've had to backtrack a lot to find things he just "forgot" to grab...also the "Parrot" skin is nice (if a bit large). But yeah,it's mostly the OP shotgun...

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obviously the carrier is the most use sentinel ever because of its ability,


Have you seen this?




Carrier 11% , Wyrm Prime 10%, Helios 9%, Deathcube 8%, Djinn, Wyrm and Shade 7%. Also Huras Kubrow 11%


I guess not so obvious after all....

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obviously the carrier is the most use sentinel ever because of its ability


Technically he is the 'most used' by a teeny tiny margin but he is not holding any kind of super majority.




In my opinion i guess all the abilities should be available to all of them, if that happen i am pretty sure the carrier will stop been #1 seen in the game. note:they all have their original abilities, which means if u want to put the vacuum abilitie to another sentinel , then u need to make the carrier first and lvl up to 30 in order to make the ability transferable.One more sugguestion,let us use names for them as dog had, after all they are like your little robot pet it will be nice. Tell me if u like the idea or disagree for some reason , thank for read my post.


I think carrier's problem is that vacuum is so exclusive. I would LOVE to see vacuum become an innate part of having a companion or just be part of the player to begin with, I really would, but I'd settle for just one other source of the effect. Just like if people get tired of Shade there's a stealth kubrow or if people don't want to use Helios there's still the codex scanner gear item, there needs to be at least one alternative to Carrier IMO. An aura or WF mod, or a pet that gobbles loot.


If you asked DE, I think they'd point to balance issues with grabbing free ammo, health and energy while fighting but I would GLADLY shelve carrier for another companion if I could just get loot vacuum. BP's, oberon parts, resources, stuff that has no bearing on the mission at hand other than having to pick it up.


My fear is that they'll try to fix this with augs or an individual frame, like we saw with Greedy Pull. That doesn't help because it's too narrow. Those things are still cool, but to take pressure off of carrier it needs to be something anyone can equip for any mission.

Edited by VKhaun
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yeah, however the reason i like this idea more than the actual system is because people then will play  with any sentinel just because of how cool it will look combined with their cosmetics  instead of just using carrier bacuase is the only vacuum in the game. of course as I said before they got their original ability, which means we have to create a carrier and make  it to lvl 30 to be able to TRANSFER their ability to another sentinel. think it would be a good idea

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i like the uniqueness of the sentinels and i use helos and djinn more just got shade and wyrm. Not feeling shade unlike rest its ability don't last long enough to justify using on anyone but loki and ash. My opinion we're in need of more sentinel variety. Also please make sure the new actually LOOK good with their accessories on, shesh. Another request  can we get back story on them as well either individual stories or collective, i'm interested by how and why they came to be.

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yeah, however the reason i like this idea more than the actual system is because people then will play  with any sentinel just because of how cool it will look combined with their cosmetics  instead of just using carrier bacuase is the only vacuum in the game. of course as I said before they got their original ability, which means we have to create a carrier and make  it to lvl 30 to be able to TRANSFER their ability to another sentinel. think it would be a good idea


Not bad.


They have stated that they have the tech to do neutral abilities for WF's and we already do have some neutral sentinel mods that seem to be programmed as abilities (Guardian, Sanctuary, etc.) so I don't think it's a huge stretch to say that if the owner has Carrier maxed in the codex that mod goes neutral and can be equipped anywhere. Just have to work out how to communicate that to the player now.

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