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Give Us A Real Slow Hmr


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I really want a slow firing automatic weapon that hits like a b#$%^. Like slow firing, high recoil, and great damage.


Here are some specs:



Firerate: 3.0 <--- THAT IS VERY IMPORTANT

Damage: 90
    -Puncture: 70

    -Impact: 20

    -Slash: N/A


Unmodded DPS: 285.0


(For comparison: Braton Prime 389.0, Boltor Prime: 500.0)

Firerate: 3.0

Status: 20%

Crit Chance: 2.5%

    -Multiplier: 1.5x


Reload Time: 2.5s


(This thing would be ridiculously ammo effecient already)

Magazine Size: 90

Total Ammo: 380


Noise Level: 100.0m




With a maxed out vile accel this HMG would shoot just as fast as the latron wraith and latron prime at base. IT would be a formidable weapon, and very useful without being too powerful. I think it would be a great balance, and it does make tons of sense as it would be an amazing sustained damage weapon, you would be able to fire continuously for 30 seconds, and 15 with maxed out vile accel, it would be ammo effecient, powerful, and good status weapon, and able to handle heavy enemies without being overpowered. I feel like what Warframe needs is a good solid HMG.

Edited by Olivionic_Gearhart
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HMR was supposed to be HMG I just failed on the title but what do you people think of the actual proposition? Personally I think it would be nice to have a Heavy Machine Gun in game. Thats the one thing we really dont have. (Excluding a 6 barreled chaingun.)

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I'm not against the idea, but I certainly wouldn't want to use the thing. I like bullet hoses because they allow me to play even while I'm blinded by all the numbers and blue affinity lights (I tried playing with the numbers and affinity lights off, but I couldn't tell if I was actually hitting anything unless I paid attention).

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That defeats the purpose, with a maxed out vile accel the thing would shoot just as fast as the latron wraith and latron prime at base. IT would be a formidable weapon, and very useful without being too powerful. I think it would be a great balance, and it does make tons of sense as it would be an amazing sustained damage weapon, you would be able to fire continuously for 30 seconds, and 15 with maxed out vile accel, it would be ammo effecient, powerful, and good status weapon, and able to handle heavy enemies without being overpowered. I feel like what Warframe needs is a good solid HMG.

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That defeats the purpose, with a maxed out vile accel the thing would shoot just as fast as the latron wraith and latron prime at base. IT would be a formidable weapon, and very useful without being too powerful. I think it would be a great balance, and it does make tons of sense as it would be an amazing sustained damage weapon, you would be able to fire continuously for 30 seconds, and 15 with maxed out vile accel, it would be ammo effecient, powerful, and good status weapon, and able to handle heavy enemies without being overpowered. I feel like what Warframe needs is a good solid HMG.

You missed my point. A HMG is a very large gun. They take several people to set upand use. Change the name to "Medium Machine Gun" or "All Purpose Machine Gun" and that would make more sense. Heavy Machine Guns are portable, but can't really be fired and have one man holding and running with them.

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