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In The Beginning In The End, This Is The Panthera


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So they buffed the melee... great... the primary fire still isnt worth an unmodded damaged serration. It flat out sucks. The thing shoots so slowly that i would rather pull out my miter, which has a faster attack time for the same damage. Please buff the firerate, and given the fact a miter went in, the damage should at least by 3/4ths the miters damage. Here are some new stats:

ALSO WHY THE LACK OF CRIT CHANCE AND MULTIPLIER?? We are luanching a giant ! blade at high velocity towards an enemy, you would think like an arrow it would have a higher crit chance.


Also what is with the blasted heavy cal making this weapon completely and totally impossible to use? Who thought of that? It's annoying. Nukes the weapons damage.


Primary Fire:
Damage: 140

Puncture: 50
Impact: 10
Slash: 90

Status: 20%

Crit: 20%
Crit Damage: 1.5x

Firerate: 4.0

Mag: 20
(Ammo consumed per shot 1)

Max Ammo: 120
(Takes from sniper pool)


Reload: 2.5

NOW THAT^^^ Is a miter/hikou upgrade.

Please you dont have to do this. Just make the panthera slightly viable. its sooo painful to use the primary fire. It barely works. And I put a forma on this sucker, and it was still a sucker of equally and even heavier caliber. 


Edited by -Himari-
Edited title for language.
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It needs zoom before I will find the primary fire usable.


Has DE not seen the complaint threads after the release of every one of the Quanta family? They added a keybind specifically for secondary fire modes, but any weapon that uses that keybind has zoom disabled for no reason.

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It needs zoom before I will find the primary fire usable.


Has DE not seen the complaint threads after the release of every one of the Quanta family? They added a keybind specifically for secondary fire modes, but any weapon that uses that keybind has zoom disabled for no reason.

But the primary fire still needs at bare minimum some crit chance, and a firerate buff, this gun is too crappy to even fucntion on places like pluto. it simply doesnt shoot fast enough. i would rather use my sobek then this thing. 

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As much as i love the thing, its still not as good as it deserves to be.


-how quickly it eats through ammo with primary

-how split chamber+hc(negatively affects it, the blades shoot in a V, completely missing the target)

-how short the range of secondary fire is and how quickly it drains ammo


Here's my build of it, i really really had fun with it, but i just can't take it anywhere where i need that "oompf" damage.


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As much as i love the thing, its still not as good as it deserves to be.


-how quickly it eats through ammo with primary

-how split chamber+hc(negatively affects it, the blades shoot in a V, completely missing the target)

-how short the range of secondary fire is and how quickly it drains ammo


Here's my build of it, i really really had fun with it, but i just can't take it anywhere where i need that "oompf" damage.


See this is what i am talking about, this build here is great, and yet it still needs a buff. If only just a buffed firerate, crit, and making it heavy cal viable. Hell might not even need the crit with heavy cal.

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I mainly just want a buff to the base fire rate (at least 2.0-2.5) and a reduction from 5 bullets per shot to 4 (so that way it's slightly more ammo efficient and gives you a veritable base clip size of 15).


Any additional damage is icing on the cake to me.

Edited by Paradoxbomb
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