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When Nullifiers Collide (Nekros Game Crash Bug 15.10.1)


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I've been able to do this repeatedly now, so i'll put it up as a thread.

When you pick Nekros, in particular with white or black energy color, the bubbles of the corrupted nullifiers you spawn are still golden, same as the enemy nullifiers.

Here's the kicker: With any other Energy Color, this bug did not occur.

If however, my energy color was binary black/white or anything else making them keep their original bubble color, and my nullifier ghost entered the bubble of a regular nullifier, the game would freeze up in a complete stop of frames until my shadow has timed out standing inside the nullifier bubble. Somehow they can't handle nullifying each other while one of them is spawned entirely by my ability.

These freezes extend up to time lengths that obviously lead to host disconnections, i was literally able to blast squads apart by having nullifiers walk into each other, creating mission cancelling disconnects.

Might wanna get that checked out, until then i'd say nekros ultimate is a BIG no-no in high tier void missions, due to potentially crashing your game.

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Nekros Nullifier tries to nullify Nullifier's nullifying power but the Nekros Nullifier already nullfies the Nullifier's nullifier and vice versa.


And then Nekros Nullifier is no longer nullified, and the nullifier nullify isn't as well, so both come back online, repeating the process.


TL;DR: race condition.

Edited by BrazilianJoe
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