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Coming Soon: Devstream #45!


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What is the chance that we will have Archwing PVP/Conclave?


Since it`s still in it`s infancy it would be easier to balance to provide equality for everyone in the battle. 


Also is there a possibility of seeing an Orokin city or planet?


We have Orokin Ships that they used to flee from the Sentients but we know nothing about their life before and what relics they left on their planet and how could that look like.


I`ve made a concept for it on a post as well, offering players the chance to inhabit the lost planet and use it`s technology.


You can see more here: 




Thank you!

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Future of Archwing? Boss fight? Or can we get third interception mission somewhere between Earth and Uranus?



How is remaking the whole exp / mr / syndicate rep project going?



How far is new loot table project? Will we get prime parts outside basic Void missions? Will Forma BP (finally) be removed from rotation C?



Current status of that new trading system? (sell/buy chat is so last century, right?)

Edited by OneMember
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Almost forgot:


I think that I'm not the only one here that don't have a good English to understand all you guys says on the streams, neither have time to watch the stream, and for this last reason we have the Devstream Overview.


What do you guys think about take all the awsners from the streams and put it on the Overview? Or maybe just a topic here with the questions and awsners.


It would be really helpfull to see something like that for the non-English guys around the forum.


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Remove mods that nobody ever uses: I'm the squirrel type so I keep those, just in case, some day I find a use for it... Even though I know it'll never come. So much clutter.


More quests: After the introductory quests that most play solo, new players feel kinda lost. The "what now" question comes quite often in the chat under various forms.


More incentive for everyone to play the planet missions instead of endless void farming: the planets feel really desolated, especially the high level ones. Start any mission on Mercury and you'll find fellow Tennos, but try some "non rewarding" mission on Neptune, you'll be on your own, unless you've been lucky in the recruitment channel. By non rewarding mission, I mean any of those that won't give you an Orikin Cell or Void Key.


Foundry interface rework: Like displaying how many blueprints we have for a given item (like X items in inventory, Y blueprints), and indicate whether or not the blueprint will be consumed. Also a way to display the produced item stats/full description would be nice.


Make the Codex useful: Provide more info on warframes and their abilities. Like why am I still getting shot with Zephyr's Turbulence on (don't tell me it's AoEs, and no technical bull... about hitscan weapons, players should not have to care about technical implementation of such or such weapon). The "some shots will get through" sentence I've seen here and here is not enough. I need to know when I can rely on it and when I can't.


 As for the scanner, you'd think in this universe Tennos wouldn't communicate information about enemies and the like? The scanner is IMHO a bad idea, except for bored people who go on missions as field reporters and canon fodder... Most of the time, they won't be able to take their shot (pun!): either they play solo and their subject will eat them alive, or one of the more useful squad mates will have killed the subject. Unless we could take still-life pictures? 


The codex should actually replace the wiki on Wikia... This trend of publishing a game with no docs and relying on the community to write it is really bad.


A try before you buy option: I'd like to be able to actually try out Nova Prime before I fork out a few thousand plats...

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So, what's in store for Nekros?


And is Frost getting buffed soon?




What about the "patch-up" augments?




If we are to get augment slots, would it be possible to get 4 dedicated augment slots? Now BEFORE anyone freaks, I am talking about having each augment slot bound to work only on one power, thus you cannot stack augments for one power. Also, have these augments actually cost us mod points, thus, we have to level and formae our frames to utilize them with these augments, if we so choose to use these augments. 

Edited by AlphaHorseman
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Will you rectify the disparity between damage on Aklato and lato?


Will the year of quality / Parkour  2.0 include fixing core mechanics like the basic jump function, which is almost governed by RNG as to whether it works or not?

I highly suspect most of the time it is down to temporarily not being in actual contact with the ground because of the undulating surfaces.

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The only language a Nekros player understands is 333, 3333, 33. The metagame rewards of Desecrate relegate him completely to standing in the back of the group, churning out rare loot for his teammates, often not even getting a chance to fight. When are you going to fix this?


U16’s Warframe got a lot of hype in Devstream 43 – Popular theme. Earth? Time? Dragon? What is so shocking about its abilities?


The targeting system for direct-aimed abilities like Soul Punch, Energy Vampire, Teleport, etc. is rather exacting – you often can’t cast even if the target is in your reticule and could be hit by pinpoint accurate weapons. It slows players down significantly to use these abilities, which can make them frustrating to deploy (and not worthwhile, as most are single-target). Will targeting for these types of abilities be revisited?


When it comes to melee, your current build choices are quick comboing/Berserker weapons, heavier Channeling-efficient weapons or exotic weapons with high range. What about weapon types which don’t fall into either of these categories and (barring aesthetics) lack defined gameplay identities, such as daggers, scythes, the sword’n’board, etc?


Several Augments for damage-focused abilities like Psychic Bolts and Ice Wave have upset the playerbase; these abilities had no scaling features, and now there is a reputation barrier to add some to them. As a result, there is some consensus that Augments are becoming less about adding flair to abilities, and more about forcing players to grind for bandaid fixes to problematic skills. Do you see these complaints as justified?


RNGesus, I get up early and it's still ahead of me by 4 hours...

Edited by Archwizard
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Three Questions:


1. Will endless missions ever be reworked to have a certain stopping point? Say 60 minutes in survival and 100 waves in Defense. Of course with this they would have to scale quicker to let Veterans have the challenge they seek - but I feel like this would make weapons easier to balance if we had an enemy cap/ max enemy level we know we can fight against.


2. What do you think about removing Serration and tying it to weapon damage as you level up (at level 30 weapons they gain +165% damage)?


3. Will we ever get helmet Sigils? 

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IMPROVEMENTS TO KUBROWS: I suggest adding a command wheel for our battle puppies in-game. Kubrows are, sadly, still not as popular as sentinels are. One good, valid reason for that is because they are pretty good at planting themselves directly where you are aiming, and running out into the most dangerous firefights, getting themselves killed and potentially getting YOU killed, for those of us that love our kubrows so much we're willing to risk the health of the team. It happens at an almost suicide rate in long Void survival runs and can be solved rather easily.


IMPLEMENTATION: Add a command wheel for the pups! One similar to our new interaction menus. I was just thinking yesterday that--while still cool--it was a bit strange that we can wave at everyone while our dogs just run head first into a level 120 heavy gunner.

Edited by YepShesDead
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A Question :


Will there be a mission there are provided with some certain rules not depending on how high or low a conclave loadout is but determined by which weapon are allowed and which are not that can be use in the mission but, this mission are given for 10+ ranks and under 10 should not be determined by any rules. It's like a head start for those new player to be more interested into Warframe.


example :

Alert : *planet*, *mission name*, *credit*, *prize*, weapon that are allowed *primary only or secondary only or melee only*.

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Will there be any more connections made to Dark Sector?


How did Baro Ki Teer get ahold of frost's shoes?


Would you call the police if I dressed as the stalker and tried to behead your excalibur statue?


Are there any details about the super early trailers for dark sector, back when it was in space, that you'd like to share with us?


What were your original ideas when you started adding non-founder primes?


and when can we drive the corpus rover around inside our dojo?

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Is there any chance that the new frame will have some light shed on him/her this time or any other news about archwing perhaps?


Like ground to space transition maps and the J3 Golem?


Would the new frame be available from J3 or would he/she be a drop from reworked Tyl Regor?


What's the status on Tyl Regors rework and the Relay Tier placement by the way, would be nice to hear some discussion about them and how trading/dark sectors are gonna be changed now when normal missions and such are getting reworked too along with Stealth 2.0 reaching it's arms out to the game in a whole?

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Will we get some sort of adjustments to the loot tables before whatever this grand overhaul is?


This has already been linked, but it can't hurt to link it again: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/367980-void-drop-tables-rotation-c-was-stealth-nerfed-please-raise-awareness-of-this-issue/


Why are we stuck with weapons that have alternate fires/use mechanics using Right-Click as use rather than them having their own dedicated button?


See: Buzlok, Penta, Quanta, Paracyst, Panthera and I'm probably missing some, but those were off the top of my head.


Is there any chance that we'll see balancing passes done for weapons which could be workable, but simply aren't due to simple things holding them back?


Specifically things like Supra which is just way behind the damage curve, Sybaris which has low magazine capacity for the damage it does, some of the launchers having slightly too low of max ammo capacities and things along those lines.  We've seen quick balances done for new weapons that come out which definitely indicates it can be done without a massive patch, but at the same time the lack of balancing on older things just says that DE doesn't care about them because they're not new and in the limelight.

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