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Coming Soon: Devstream #45!


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New dojo rooms? aquarium? practice gallery to try out gear/build on mobs and such?


season 3 helmets?


any thing new on the drop table? you know, like any development on how to get us out of being stuck on one mission type like a hamster in a wheel? cuz its getting old.


what's coming in U16?


concept art for new frame? his powers?

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1. Any chance of a Trident Weapon? Hydroid may want one.


2. How about this?

Be able to donate some of your materials towards the syndicate for standing and/or credit value? I mean for the love of lotus I have too many nano-spores, control modules and alloy plates. There needs to be SOME value for resources as they can't be sold but are used for crafting and maintenance(the latter in theory).


3. Another idea: Snipers are usually a long ranged weapon, some of them have high crits and can be modded to deal ridicule damage, however the maps are too small for them. Will you make platforms somewhere in defense maps or the likes that can be accessed by a sniper wielding Tenno in which he could get a longer range, wider area so the zoom won't be so obnoxious?


4. Can I have a poisonous lizard as a companion? I'd like a dragon...I personally would like to see more pet types. :(

Edited by DarkBabylon
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Question :


About Ember rework Grineer announced , is it possible to remove the duration scaling on WoF ? Right now she does need too many stats in one ability to make it good.

Edited by Xtenz
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1) With the relays eventually becoming reconstructable, will we see more features inbound?


Some of the requested things was:

Functional Darvo

Liset being connected to the Relay, so we could manage things easily.

Unique Looks



2) Will we see some of the old style warframe return? The darker mood? Where decapitations occured much more often, and units weren't tied to the same death animation every single time they died, being completely unsatisfactory.

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Quick questions:


1: Kubrow wallrunning/movement?
2: Kubrow interaction during missions/In relays?
3: More kubrow customization? Something like Volkovyi's kubrow customization concept? ( It looks amazing! )
4: Parkour 2.0? status?
5: Thoughts on tilesets that are arent based on any perticular faction ( Purely inviromental )? 
6: Side quests from NPCs in relays?
7: Auto-complete/Auto-add to inventory option for foundry?
8: Extra cosmetic save slots for Liset?
9: Any plans for a better parry/block system? 
Edited by KyleDelta
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I'm ignoring more and more content:


- Archwing is not worth wile it is as grindy and RNG as the rest of the game, and wile the drops systems is still unreasonably around.

- Kubrows were never worth, the overly complicated system stayed, and that incubater as gained dangerous amounts of dust and disgust.

- Scanning was never fun or good, and completing it for a useless non-information codex is not worth. (it never fulfilled it's purpose of replacing the wiki)

- Invasions, infestations, any alert below 10k credits, is not worth since any void run will give more and faster rewards.

- Low level planets are unworthy to be played on, there's no challenge in those.

- Melee 2.0 awarded us random animations, that don't provide no actual strategy or control for the player, channeling and melee mode became something I never use.

- Heavy melee weapons have become unworthy since melee 2.0, since the new system doesn't enhance slow moving melees, and both coptering and air melee dint made these any more viable.

- Every prime access, introduces a new prime frame, making another regular version inferior and not as worth.

- Relays have no use, unless the void trader is there, and 1 relay is enough, since the others are only copy-paste.

- Dark sectors have become the obsession of the few who control them, and both conflicts and conclaves still need more appealing reasons to be played.

- Other sentinels not named carrier are useless, and the sentinels don't have as many perks as kubrow received: revives, ways to regen their health, etc.

- Syndicate alerts, medallions, not worth doing when there is draco/stephano, and most of the syndicate shop content are unworthy items.

- So much more that I'm forgetting, that is so unappealing that players even forget exists.



Warframe is growing in quantity, not quality.

So much content in this game, and yet so few is actually fun and worth doing :(

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Many players report that there are too many nodes per planet, and the ideal might be 1 of each type per planet, and that is related to slow player progression on starmap as well the spread of players around it.


- What do developers think about the quantity of nodes and lowering them to 1 of each type on each planet??

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How about Rotation C ? I'm tired of Forma BP...

There are so many things I'd like to ask about, but all else can wait until after this is addressed.


Something happened to rotation C. I've been playing around the same number of keys per week that I have for months, but since the prime access, suddenly I am overflowing with forma blueprints now that there has seemingly been some sort of change to rotation C. (Not just the missions that drop the new prime parts - all missions). It's a huge thread in the mission feedback section of the forums. Please address this issue.


Also, just a side note, didn't forma (not forma blueprints) used to drop in the void once in a while? Are those gone now? They would still feel like a slap, but at least it would be a gentler slap. 


PS, I really do love the game and am excited for the new stuff - thank you. But it's hard to be as excited when I don't know when anyone will address this issue directly even though void missions are currently such a huge part of the game for geared players. 

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One Tenno wearing all Warframes, or each Warframe has its own Tenno?

I can already answer that. Quests refer to limbo previously being a Tenno himself, before the rift walk incident. Now you can wear it, which pretty much says each warframe is built to be worn, it is not each warframe has a tenno of it's own. However the question is whether the personality and physical identity is transfered via the warframe. Only with luck Excalibur could fit into mag's spandex, not to mention the sudden change in the body shape.

While also new animations are suddenly in you. I mean come on one day you are Rhino big and tough and scary, the other you are Zephyr, agile and stand like a chicken ready to fight and the next week your pelvis is placed too much forward than it should thanks to limbo animations.

So really would love an answer on that, if not this stream, then when they finally introduce more codex which was hinted last stream to be a thing on the works.

Edited by DarkBabylon
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Question #1: Any news about Iron Sights (or maybe attacheable scopes)? Long time no hear anything about it... or you dropped this idea? By the way, the issue with scopes and «4:3» ratio still there ...since 2014 Feb. That's kinda... sad. Uncomfortable to play with SRs.


Question(s) #2: Will there be:

- a really exclusive Syndicate weapon, not just «better/alt. versions» of current guns: how about Steel-M offering their Grineer combat Chainsaw (Corpus rebels already got Serro, heheh),  Powerfist or unmounted heavy machine gun | Arbiters offering their ceremonial Sai, Rapier, Cutlass or engraved sniper rifle | Suda offering... Lightsaber, why not?| Perrin -- Plasma flamethrower (can only imagine it with Physx) or Dual energy/Corrosive whips, etc?

- more consumables: like deployable tiny turrets and shield generator (yeah, like the Nullifier's one)?

- advanced customization: there're Tennogen skins for guns. Well, i guess you already checked  these ones -- will there be something similar?

- dual stats or rare Auras?

Edited by Spectre-Agent
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On March 6th Dawn space probe is going to reach Ceres and on July 14th New Horizons is going to reach Pluto. Are there any plans on celebrating those events with special operations? Ceres already has a unique tileset but Pluto doesn't so maybe an event that introduces new Pluto tileset?

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