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Excalibur Prime Buff In Line With Other Primes


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Not all "Prime Access" is available still. I still kick myself for missing out on the prime extractors and Misa Prime. My point was that Excal prime buff or no buff is still only as P2W as Prime access. The gear is available still, but not the actual packs.

The difference would be buffing Excalibur prime more than the original would make it objectively better for the select few who got him where as the armor and such don't give a stat boost plus it has been stated that prime access gear like armor and extractors might be rotated back through the prime access.

And just to clarify I have no issues with him being buffed, I just understand the other side as well.

Edited by Drake_Gunn
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I'd agree that Excal Prime should have some stat increases over the regular, after all, he's a Prime.


I think Frost Prime and Mag Prime, along with Excalibur Prime, are the only ones who don't have stat boosts.


I'm a regular player, but it's only fair to the Founders since Excal Prime is a Prime.

Edited by AlphaHorseman
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I do not get why people get so angry. Ok, I understand you don't have an excalibur prime, but don't ruin it for everyone else. By this logic we should only buff warframes that you have, no others. If you are so buthurt by people who helped to improve game by being closed beta testers, helped developers with infinite feedback and support of all kind and YES it includes financial support. So why would you be so greedy and angry about something that seems so minor? All we ask is for Excalibur Prime being boosted to give it a chance to stand with other prime frames, we don't ask to make us gods or superior to others... nothing of sorts. All we ask for is equality with other frames or I am ok with renaming him from Prime to something else, because it doesn't make any sense to call him prime as it defies its definition.


If you guys are angry that there are founders with exclusive items then you better be angry at all of the games that have exclusive items, such as event weapons, mods, and skins in case of warframe.


Don't ruin it for everyone else because of your selfishness.

Edited by T-KUAT
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It's not so much pay-to-win as it is elitism-to-win or luck-to-win.

Elitism to win? Find me at least one founder that thinks that he is better than others? You really don't understand the purpose of founders and the business. You need money to advertise and start any company. What we did is basically what they do on Kickstarter. We backed up the project in order for YOU to be able to play it. We are for everyone, not for ourselves. 


Now, what do you think about items excluse to events that you did not get and never will get? Elitism?

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For everyone to know the definition fo Prime - of the best possible quality; excellent. Google definition https://www.google.ca/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=define%20prime


So I am agree to either rename it, because it simply does not make any sense or boost him to be balanced in regards with other Prime warframes.

Upgrade him, Mag, and Frost Prime. They're the only primes without Stat boosts.

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The difference would be buffing Excalibur prime more than the original would make it objectively better for the select few who got him where as the armor and such don't give a stat boost plus it has been stated that prime access gear like armor and extractors might be rotated back through the prime access.


That does "what" exactly ?


Does it make them more survivable?


P2W "what" exactly?


If it's the same thing most other Primes have gotten the answer would be: Nothing.


Nova Prime probably comes closest to having a Prime buff that gives an actual advantage.


Spewing venom at other players for a scenario they didn't create is silly.

Crying foul when those players ask that something they are lucky enough to have get an adjustment is likewise silly.


The most insane aspect of this argument come from the fact that it's been had to death...

If you don't have the Founder's version of Excal Prime, you aren't getting it. 


It stops being your conversation to be in...


The smart thing to do would be to instead ask DE for a V2 or MK-2 version of Excalibur Prime....


Funnily enough, the only people I have ever seen advocate that train of thought are Founders.

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The difference would be buffing Excalibur prime more than the original would make it objectively better for the select few who got him where as the armor and such don't give a stat boost plus it has been stated that prime access gear like armor and extractors might be rotated back through the prime access.

And just to clarify I have no issues with him being buffed, I just understand the other side as well.

Primes are supposed be objectively better than the original. Look at Rhino,Loki,Nova, and the newly buffed Ember. All Prime variants are objectively better than the vanilla counterparts.


Elitism to win? Find me at least one founder that thinks that he is better than others? You really don't understand the purpose of founders and the business. You need money to advertise and start any company. What we did is basically what they do on Kickstarter. We backed up the project in order for YOU to be able to play it. We are for everyone, not for ourselves. 


Now, what do you think about items excluse to events that you did not get and never will get? Elitism?

If you think that certain founders dont have a superiority complex, you are delusional. Read up on any of the old posts asking for people to bring back Founder packages just for an example. These Founders DO exist.

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There's nothing wrong with having Excal Prime buffed so longs as it is in line with other prime versions. Having Excal Prime does not mean you gain an advantage over other players since they have practically the same amount of options barring that one warframe and set of weapons.

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For the sake of consistency I agree. All Primes should get passives, Excalibur Prime shouldn't be left in the dust just to punish the players who supported DE with the founder program while it was still available. 


All these jealous and venomous posts don't seem to understand. Is it the founder's fault that you don't have an Excalibur Prime? Is it our fault you didn't know this game was a thing yet? 


Yes, exclusivity burns, but it was DE who made this situation, not the founders.


What Padre had to say is pretty spot on. You aren't a founder. You don't have the items. What gives you the right to give feedback on it beyond the constant complaining of how much you want the shiny frame you're likely never going to use beyond the initial novelty like so many others with Excalibur, Prime or Unprimed? 


This isn't a grab at giving Founders an in-game advantage, this is a plea on our part to DE to give us some consistency with the Prime Frames as a whole. 


If some Prime Frames get a passive bonus, ALL Prime Frames should get a passive bonus, exclusive or not. 


If you're not a founder you're just going to have to deal with it and carry on. It's out of everyone elses hands but DE's. 


Whether some of us are pricks on the forums or in-game shouldn't matter, as there's plenty of non-founders I've met as well that I disagreed with in turn. Some people are A******s, that stick a lot of people have up their ventilation shafts isn't something founder exclusive.


Edited by Hastur609
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i would just like to be able to use him... understand the exclusivity of it. just sayin! id like to use him and i believe that the primes should be enhanced versions of there predecessors. orokin technology should enhance the primes with better stats... at least thats what i think. 

You realize that the Primes are Orokin technology, right? They are the predecessors, the Alphas of the frames. The first, and the best.

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Founders aren't here to insult you or take away from you. If you don't like the idea, why come in to comment on it and complain about not having something from years ago? There were limited items out before the availability of Excal P yet no one whinges as much about them, you need to accept that you either weren't around in time to get it and therefore won't, or you didn't have money to purchase it at the point in time - either way you need to move on with your life. We have invested a great amount of time and energy into Warframe, not to mention financial support over several years.


Antoine has nailed it and this is why I've had enough of the arguement. Its tiring, the same old **** time and time again from people without it, and we're constantly forced to justify and defend ourselves for putting forward an idea. I myself spend the majority of time ingame helping out new players, gifting them an item that will help them on their journey through the game and pointing them in the right direction helping them grow. Sorry but i'm no elitist.


Excalibur Prime doesn't create elitism. It's certain non-Founders who are always hateful/angry/jealous/bitter who are the people who always create the strife and tension. There is never an issue until people like you come on Excalibur Prime threads complaining about how you don't have Excalibur Prime, therefore the frame should be ignored by the dev team. People like you complained when the gold was fixed on the frame. People like you complained when some asked for Excalibur Prime's pattern to be fixed, removing the white lines. People like you complained when others suggested that Excalibur Prime's design be tweaked with some attachments like the other Primes, all because non-Founders didn't have the frame. The tension comes from your jealousy, not from any elitism.


Oh, and thanks, the thread will be closed, because of toxicity from people like you.


We're asking for a balance for a frame/multiple frames. Because as time progresses forward things are constantly changing and improved, and older items should be brought through and rebalanced. It goes for weapons frames, sentinals, kubrows, enemies and so forth, this is no different.

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You realize that the Primes are Orokin technology, right? They are the predecessors, the Alphas of the frames. The first, and the best.

my bad yea ur right sorry... just dont get why the other primes are accessable but excal is excluded. poster boy should still be puttin work on ps4, pc and xb1.  i wonder if DE will bring him back

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my bad yea ur right sorry... just dont get why the other primes are accessable but excal is excluded. poster boy should still be puttin work on ps4, pc and xb1.  i wonder if DE will bring him back

He will not return, he is a founders exclusive as the founders paid for this games infancy and ensured that it made it as far as we have now. They paid literally for him in monetary contributions, this is their reward.


He should not return as he is an exclusive set in stone and in contract, I believe.

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Are You F***ing kidding me? Since you have the chance of Buy the founder's pack, you knowed you will buying an Stupid LATO AND SKANA PRIME.  

What do you think, they will be a Top Weapon like Brakk or Ichors? No dude, you buyed a LATO AND A SKANA


Dude.....calm down. Yeah I know it's a Lato and Skana. That wasn't the point. I'm talking about the stat differential. New prisms are a lot more powerful then the originals. The lato and skana primes aren't much better at all

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I reckon consistency is the key here.


When Prime frames were first released it was stated that they wouldn't have any decent advantages over the original, and only had extra polarity slots. Back then excal P was fine.


Now that we're moving towards all new prime frames having decent advantages over the originals, as well as buffing previously released Prime frames to bring them inline with the aforementioned trend, I think excal prime, along with the other currently non-stat bonused prime frames, needs a buff.


I don't think it makes any sense to leave these unbonused Prime frames untouched while other Prime frames are getting buffed.

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my bad yea ur right sorry... just dont get why the other primes are accessable but excal is excluded. poster boy should still be puttin work on ps4, pc and xb1.  i wonder if DE will bring him back

I agree with this...


He really should be offered in other venues or some such.


Just because there is a Founder's version of Excalibur Prime doesn't necessarily mean that this should be the only version of Excalibur Prime.


Excalibur Prime MK:C

Excalibur Prime MK:S

Excalibur Prime MK:X


Should conceivably all be possible for the different systems... Works for Iron Man.


It retains the uniqueness of the Founders version and gives the rest of the players Excalibur Prime.


It won't stop all of the complaints, but it will stop the valid ones.

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He will not return, he is a founders exclusive as the founders paid for this games infancy and ensured that it made it as far as we have now. They paid literally for him in monetary contributions, this is their reward.


He should not return as he is an exclusive set in stone and in contract, I believe.

damn thats some depressing news but at the same time thats good on the founders end. i like this game

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I honestly doubt giving Excalibur Prime a minor stat buff will suddenly make Excalibur (regular) redundant then all of a sudden all the Founders are curb stomping everyone else. Depending on the buff (which if it happens, probably will just be stamina or armor and nothing crazy like speed buff from Rhino Prime, or energy buff for Loki Prime and Nova Prime), the buffs would be at most convenient and at worst, negligible. 


I mean, I am certain everyone wants a buff for mag Prime and Frost Prime, but why exclude Excalibur Prime? Because you don't have it, and you think that it is suddenly "P2W", or "Get lucky-2-win?" Then are Arcane helmets also "P2W/Luck-2-Win?" After all, a new player today cannot obtain these helmets without trading, most likely trading plat. 

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