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Is There More Coming Or Should I Flip Out Now?


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can you confirm that because the way I'm considering reacting will make all the nerf-herders who have ever graced these forums, ever, look ta me by comparison.


DE said a while ago (pre-Eyes of Blight IIRC) that they're incrementally buffing things, hence the reason why new gear isn't that great on launch (such as the Gammacor or the Kohm). They find it more effective to gradually buff something to prevent them from going overboard with one giant buff/nerf

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DE said a while ago (pre-Eyes of Blight IIRC) that they're incrementally buffing things, hence the reason why new gear isn't that great on launch (such as the Gammacor or the Kohm). They find it more effective to gradually buff something to prevent them from going overboard with one giant buff/nerf

So make every new weapon trash on fear of it being OP than just maybe they decide to come back and buff it? Seems like a stupid strategy to me so why don't they just test these things first instead of throwing them out there and see what fails miserably.


Also I really miss Embers damage reduction skill sure it didn't make much sense but it definitely kept her more relevant at least. 

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Not all u lts are suppose to be an end all to the enemies in the area, accelerant is still strong if used correctly yes this wasn't the best thing they could do but as stated they are taking baby steps as to not make her op.

Now then I shall go back to playing banshee waiting for her prime

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Heya quiet  , the short of it is that -   ember is still very much broken and looks to remain that way 

No, Scott is balancing things and the change of ember is a sign of that. Hopefully the duration will be removed and only the channeling cost will remain so people can expand on builds.

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The thing is Ember is arguably the worst frame out there and didn't deserve a single nerf. The buffs although nice only differs that she won't die that quik. What Ember needs is utility, utility and utility. Accelerant is currently all she has.


you said: WORST ?!


go for glasses ... =)


ps: the comment above was before i tested my hardly formaed ember prime to its best




now i tested my ember prime and all what i can say is, DE, pull yer wyrmius, noggles, nerfings of whatever and other madness somehwere but not on me as a paying customer, you start becoming a fail ... just mentioning again and it could happen that i call your "offers/changes" of the last few days a fail again until i leave warframe with a loss of more then 1000 bucks ... again, stop doing s*ck things to us ...

are some of you on heavy drugs, DE ? seriously ... or did electronic arts buy you as a company because i know only one company which do sick things like that in general ... EA !

Edited by VOR73X
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I come back to the forums after 2 weeks of not playing warframe or doing more than glancing at the forums. I see "ember change megathread" and my brains freezes with excitement. I knew today was humpday but is it finally the day that the worst frame in the game, and my absolute favorite, gets the rework job that oberon got but even better because ember was worse off? I skip straight to it in the patch notes. I look for the rest of it. There isn't any. They buffed her armor... barely. Her stamina and movespeed... okay? They added a tiny something to fire blast... why? They debatably nerfed WoF... I haven't play tested anything yet but it's all spelled out clearly enough on paper that I can't imagine that I'm not understanding exactly what these changes mean.

I'm sitting here feeling like a teen girl. I literally can't even. I'm stumped. Should I complain? Did I miss something? Is that it?

Is this the point of breaking where I finally just lose it? I feel like I should go out in a blaze of glory on the biggest troll-hate-spam crusade I can muster but I'm just so damn confused.


Do you think that DE is a content ATM? 


They can't make a completely new game in two weeks - chill out.

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Well, speaking as someone who HAS tested ember(vanilla Ember, no prime) recently I can tell you that IMO she's a powerhouse. I use Natural Talent on my Ember build and the amount of burst damage you can pull with her now is insane.


I LOVE the new Ember. I can't wait to find the last ember prime piece so I can start playing with that.

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Well, at least there's wyrminus.


Ember's armor was increased by 6x or something. That gives a little something of a bonus. Not that bad, higher armor values than rhino.

Ember Prime armor 125

Rhino armor 190




Please refrain from posting random, uncertain information on the forums.  We have enough bullS#&$ to sift through already.

Edited by RealPandemonium
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II knew today was humpday but is it finally the day that the worst frame in the game, and my absolute favorite, gets the rework job that oberon got but even better because ember was worse off?



finally the day that the worst frame in the game



worst frame in the game


... U wot m8?

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