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Hallway Heroes.


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Ran an alert the other day with a friend of mine, we got stuck with two R0's for this thing and they kept running in opposite directions and dying a lot.  My friend, we shall call him Franklin Wallaby Snicklfritz the 9th, and I were using the in game voice chat.  


Franklin Wallaby Snicklfritz the 9th via voice chat; "Oh look, baby hallway heroes.  No, I will not revive you, you Hallway Hero'ing goober.  Stay with the team."


Me via voice chat; "You're both on low rank Volts, plea-oh, you died.  No, I'm not going to run across the map to revive you.  Stay closer."


After that, I had a Volt shadow and Franklin Wallaby Snicklfritz the 9th had one as well.


Just thought I'd share a tactic on teaching some peeps on how to not HH.

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You mean to say we have 2 less players in warframe because you chose to be obnoxious. :P

One of the Volt's has asked to join my clan and the other is on my friends list, still pretty active. :P


Shouldn't jump to conclusions based off a small snippit of a conversation, especially if you weren't involved nor asked for more info. 

Edited by Noamuth
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Snowglobe doesn't scale. Enemies do. If you think Snowglobe is some type of god mode that just shows that you need to play to higher waves.


If Snow Globe is alive in high waves it is not because of Frost, but because the team has good CC to keep heat off the snow globe. Especially obvious with Radial Disarm, where snow globe basically becomes a radial mass slow aura. Chaos, where most enemies aren't even shooting at the globe. Or Molecular Prime, where most enemies won't even REACH the defense objective.


There are better way to express discontent than teabagging. Even if teabagging were warranted... Teabagging players for not being stupid and/or lazy is not one of them.


You obviously haven't ever played with a decent frost while on a team with support frames that know what they're doing.


Try playing T4 in a cell where every member on it knows what their role is, and what they're doing.  Go up past wave 60 to 80 on T4, maybe then we'll talk.

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You obviously haven't ever played with a decent frost while on a team with support frames that know what they're doing.


Try playing T4 in a cell where every member on it knows what their role is, and what they're doing.  Go up past wave 60 to 80 on T4, maybe then we'll talk.

You state "obviously" but have no argument. Funny how "support frames" weren't mentioned in the initial post I replied to either.


If you need to take heat off the snowglobe, then you need to get a better frost on your team.

These "support frames" wouldn't be "tak(ing) heat off the snowglobe" would they? Clearly they are not. I must be missing something really obvious here...

Edited by IlluminaZero
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Here are my rules when we run with a Frost Bubble Comp:


1. If you step outside the bubble, and die, I will t-bag you.


2. If you step outside the bubble, and die, I will pretend to revive you...and then t-bag you at the last second.


3. If you step outside the bubble, I will be constantly pressing lasers.


4. If you step outside the bubble, I will be constantly pressing laser, and if you die, I will t-bag you.


5. If you step outside the bubble, I will be constantly pressing lasers, and if you die, I will pretend to revive you...and then t-bag you at the last second.


These 5 rules have brought me great joy when playing WF and has helped players understand a particular strategy in place. I strongly suggest doing abiding by these rules. If the player receiving the "t-bag" starts to grief...then simply say "well, you shouldn't have stepped outside of the bubble."


P.S. I manly play as Rhino Prime in T4 Defense. That's a pretty massive t-bag to be receiving...just sayin.

rhino and frost on. t4 defence? good god i'd collapse from an aneurysm if i had to sit through that.

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I'm laughing at all the ignorant players criticizing Rhino on T4 defense. Yes, we all know he's extremely easy to play. But I guess stun locking just about everything on the map is considered weak CC.


I play on PS4. We don't have nullifiers yet...so that means nothing to me. We also don't have primed mods to help give us a slight boost and yet a damage buff was given to the mobs during the last console update. But you don't see me complaining about it! Sounds like SOME of you PC players continue to complain even though new toys, discounts, etc. are being placed in your hands.


Yes, I enjoy running as either Frost or Rhino for T4 Defense and enjoy having both in the same group. No one has ever complained about my Rhino gameplay that has run with me. And yes, there are better frames to run with, however, if any of you actually read/comprehended my post then you would see why I stated I run with Rhino a lot. Hint: Jock Strap + T-bag. Next, Frost's bubble has a short immunity after being cast. But I guess that is considered weak. Also, it is extremely rare to see me fall when playing as Rhino. I may die because I had tunnel vision and didn't see a grenade, a Flying-Turkey, etc. but that is just about all I will die to when it comes to this comp. And yes, when I do a serious run, I run 60+ waves and do just fine.


Yes, I t-bag those who refuse to follow the strategy and die. I also run with people I know and I have played with them for a long time. We joke around, have laughs, and have fun. I also "repay" those I have let die; at least to those I know and make stupid mistakes. I hand over the plat it cost for a revive + a little extra. If you think you are taking fire away from a Frost who understands his bubble then you are ignorant to Frost's ability and need to do a little more research.  Even if the bubble could be immediately shattered, why would you step outside the little protection you had? Cover is easy to find, however, you're taking a big risk if you are away from your team and die. If you die from this mistake, then you are 1) lessening your team's damage output, 2) forcing your team to take the risk of picking you up if you are low on revives, 3) too ignorant to see that your refusal to cooperate with your team has only hurt the team as a whole. There are some exceptions to this (i.e. Loki Disarm strategy).


To the PC players:

We console players don't care if you think you a "leet" or whatever you want to call yourself. Great, you can point and click a mouse, can use macros, a chance at major discounts, content that is released more frequently than console users, have a better overall network connection do to being on a PC, etc. However, its not as easy for console gamers having limited content resources, the use of a controller to aim and cast abilities (apparently I press commands faster than the game can keep up), and to top it off PS4 players have a joke of a "network" to play from. Don't misunderstand these as complaint. These are simply facts. Step into our world and I guarantee your "skill" will drop. Aside from that, I do have a high respect for the PC community because out of the three platforms, PC contributes the most to DE financially; which helps keep DE moving and providing excellent service. Don't misunderstand what I've said as griefing, complaining, raging, etc. to the PC community as a whole. Just to those of you who believe you are amazing at something because you have better equipment than others.


If you have read this far, which most of you haven't, then please take time to consider what I've said before you reply. There are many successful team comps out there and some are better than others. However, if you or your friends have failed at one, don't rule it out as being obsolete. Play the strategy your team has decided to use. Don't be a hallway hero because anyone who can comprehend successful gameplay understands that having the most kills is not what is important. Don't rule out a frame just because you fail at using it properly.

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I'm laughing at all the ignorant players criticizing Rhino on T4 defense. Yes, we all know he's extremely easy to play. But I guess stun locking just about everything on the map is considered weak CC.


I play on PS4. We don't have nullifiers yet...so that means nothing to me. We also don't have primed mods to help give us a slight boost and yet a damage buff was given to the mobs during the last console update. But you don't see me complaining about it! Sounds like SOME of you PC players continue to complain even though new toys, discounts, etc. are being placed in your hands.


Yes, I enjoy running as either Frost or Rhino for T4 Defense and enjoy having both in the same group. No one has ever complained about my Rhino gameplay that has run with me. And yes, there are better frames to run with, however, if any of you actually read/comprehended my post then you would see why I stated I run with Rhino a lot. Hint: Jock Strap + T-bag. Next, Frost's bubble has a short immunity after being cast. But I guess that is considered weak. Also, it is extremely rare to see me fall when playing as Rhino. I may die because I had tunnel vision and didn't see a grenade, a Flying-Turkey, etc. but that is just about all I will die to when it comes to this comp. And yes, when I do a serious run, I run 60+ waves and do just fine.


Yes, I t-bag those who refuse to follow the strategy and die. I also run with people I know and I have played with them for a long time. We joke around, have laughs, and have fun. I also "repay" those I have let die; at least to those I know and make stupid mistakes. I hand over the plat it cost for a revive + a little extra. If you think you are taking fire away from a Frost who understands his bubble then you are ignorant to Frost's ability and need to do a little more research.  Even if the bubble could be immediately shattered, why would you step outside the little protection you had? Cover is easy to find, however, you're taking a big risk if you are away from your team and die. If you die from this mistake, then you are 1) lessening your team's damage output, 2) forcing your team to take the risk of picking you up if you are low on revives, 3) too ignorant to see that your refusal to cooperate with your team has only hurt the team as a whole. There are some exceptions to this (i.e. Loki Disarm strategy).


To the PC players:

We console players don't care if you think you a "leet" or whatever you want to call yourself. Great, you can point and click a mouse, can use macros, a chance at major discounts, content that is released more frequently than console users, have a better overall network connection do to being on a PC, etc. However, its not as easy for console gamers having limited content resources, the use of a controller to aim and cast abilities (apparently I press commands faster than the game can keep up), and to top it off PS4 players have a joke of a "network" to play from. Don't misunderstand these as complaint. These are simply facts. Step into our world and I guarantee your "skill" will drop. Aside from that, I do have a high respect for the PC community because out of the three platforms, PC contributes the most to DE financially; which helps keep DE moving and providing excellent service. Don't misunderstand what I've said as griefing, complaining, raging, etc. to the PC community as a whole. Just to those of you who believe you are amazing at something because you have better equipment than others.


If you have read this far, which most of you haven't, then please take time to consider what I've said before you reply. There are many successful team comps out there and some are better than others. However, if you or your friends have failed at one, don't rule it out as being obsolete. Play the strategy your team has decided to use. Don't be a hallway hero because anyone who can comprehend successful gameplay understands that having the most kills is not what is important. Don't rule out a frame just because you fail at using it properly.


ppl dismissing Rhino are alluding to the fact that at levels that matter, he cant kill anything and enemies are coming in so fast that his CC isnt catching them all, his only protection is worthless, and he is the primary initiator of the dreaded killed/revive/killed chain of failure. There comes a point where he simply becomes a major liability on a competent and long lasting run.


Compounded by the fact that for many players hes the first non starter Frame they get, so very early in the game they get accustomed to "easy mode" and as a result develop extremely bad habits/hero tactics which just exposes them as being inferior skilled when the time comes to have to adjust, and they cant... early Rhino perma use has been proven to result in a lesser quality of skilled play from that user.


Hate to tell you this, but at advanced levels of play with advanced enemies and players... Rhino is nowhere to be found. the most he can do is stall, and all that does is keep stacking and stacking and stacking dangerous mobs that are just a lag spike away from touching you in your no no spots in very un-nice ways

Edited by Kartumterek
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