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Treat Console Players Better.


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OP, I don't know if you know how game development like this works, but it goes something like this.

New updates are created and tested on PC because it's easiest to create.


The team works on porting the updates to console while the update is released on PC.

PC users give feedback on the updates and report any bugs as well as give feedback on new mechanics.

The team considers the feedback and implements what they believe is best into a new update on PC.


Repeat until balanced.

Console update is tested and sent to Sony and Microsoft for review.

Console update gets approved or denied.

If denied patch until approved.

Release update on console.

The entire purpose of releasing on PC first is because it's done and the console updating takes time that is better spent having the PC players test the game for bugs and exploits. The process of updating the console version is not as easy, simple, or cheap as updating on PC and thus less updates that contain more stuff are released on console instead of lots of buggy little updates that have little bits and pieces.

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Hm. No, op, you're misguided.Treating console players unfairly is stuff like not offering us founders pack and ripping us off with rhino prime access. This was just straight up insulting stuff that was not fixed till that day. But delayed Updates? Easily understandable. The one needed improvement here though is larger console Dev team that works on the build simultaneously with pc team. So as soon as stable build is achieved it's instantly semt to cert. Unlike now when it's just console team starting to work on the build at the moment. But really get your priorities straight. Complaining about update delay is like complaining about ruined suit after being stabbed.

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Wait the pc bug tests for the consoles for fewer bugs? This game is still the most buggy game of the year. Honestly DE works very hard on the game and I appreciate that and I think all the players should. But slowing down and getting caught up while making the game function better is not a bad idea.


Fewer bugs yes, but the main thing we test for is balance.


For instance: We had to deal with three weeks of broken lights that oneshot rhinos in the grineer ship tileset, before our feedback convinced DE to switch it to arc traps. You guys never even saw the broken lights of doom because of our feedback. For another example, you know how bad tar mutalist moas are right now? They were worse on release. They dealt more damage, and they dealt radiation damage, which gives 75% damage boost vs warframes, since warframes use alloy armor.

We also act as a canary for certain horrible changes - for instance, the meganerf of syndicate keypacks. Next console update, your key packs are getting nerfed into the ground, so you better farm that rep and buy as many keys as you possibly can.

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