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Update 7.10.0: Weekend Extermination Event!


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I think it's not scale killings. A time scale. If we calculate that 1 percent per half hour hence two days will be 100%.

It is not possible ...
10% for the day ...
If you imagine that 50% of us obtain ...
This player must play at 5 times!
And besides all this cloud players to play two days without leaving behind the computer and do not sleep ..
Edited by Exellee
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Im certain someone from DE if not most of them are monitoring the thread and they will pick up on the fact this will probably not be accomplished. The reward is probably something that can be bought for platinum it is not in their interest for us to fail - they will tweak this during the weekend or simply unlock it monday whether we accomplish the task or not. This is beta and their just testing how much we are willing to grind for the fun of new stuff.


Im all for it, they just need to make a smart way of making these farm fests doable and fun.

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Great update, but I will say one thing:


there are 2 threads in the "Warframe Feedback" about Nyx' ultimate ability, please go and check them out! 


With the nerf to Chaos and the uselessness of her ulti (at the moment), she will be too hard to play!

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Great WTF? I cleared the "Download Cache" and have to redownload 1213 MB at 80 KB... because it didn't work... it got stuck shortly before the end on "downloading new content"...







You mean that? Give it (a lot) of time. It sorts itself out.

Edited by Kamal965
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Hey :)


Thx for that update guys, you're doing great work, but imo, I think Saryn's Moult nerf in kinda crappy.

Actually, there is no point using Moult since Loki's Decoy outperforms its stats :

- Decoy has a better aggro.

- Decoy last longer, even without duration mod.

- Decoy can be placed wherever the player chose, and pretty far from the caster. It also can block lasers while saryn need to take the laser shot to be able to block it with moult.

- Decoy allow loki to switch position, so it has better possibilities than saryn's moult.

- Decoy cost the same energy price as Saryn's Moult, but Loki can cast it 4 times since it has more energy than Saryn.

- Decoy mod cost less to equip than Moult (3 vs 4 on affinity slot [halved rounded up at max level]).

So, just tell me, what's the point of using Moult while Decoy is far away better ? I just see none, except wasting mod points.


As far as I'm concerned, I just think that setting a timer on Moult is kinda effectiveless, and even more if we just consider the fact that saryn's moult can only be placed on Saryn's position (what shall we do then ? put it somewhere and go back to that place every 20 seconds to cast it again ?)

Maybe we can just find a solution by putting Saryn's Moult duration back to the way it was, but by deleting its Moult's regen.


That's my point of view, you may disagree, but I just consider that this nerf retrieved almost all Saryn's gameplay possibilities. There is no more good benefit playing Saryn since its sprint speed only get up to 0.9 (1.17 with rush mod at max, which will at least cost 6 mod points), and Contagion will be no more effective since the duration of Moult don't allow that much possibilities.


What do you think of that ? :)


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