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Update 7.10.0: Weekend Extermination Event!


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Killed quite some Fusion Moa's.

And I see we're at 34%....

We are NOT going to make it.

Im personally responsible for over 4 thousand Corpus kills in the last 12 hours. Lots of them have been Fusion Moas....We will make it if we pull together. This is only the test run of this global team system....We Will make it. We have to make it.

We. Are. Tenno.

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I have both Saryn and Nyx.


Nyx's Chaos was insanely overpowered. Yeah, we ALL enjoyed its awesome power, but we ALL knew it was going to be nerfed eventually. It's supposed to last 15 seconds, and that should be more than enough time to kill enemies/escape them. She's still viable in Defense, and still viable against Bosses since she can still crowd control minions.


Saryn's playstyle is heavily dependent on the player's playstyle. I actually don't use moult that much unless I'm trying to escape enemies or distracting them from a downed teammate or defending missions. Once again, this ability was heavily overpowered and extremely exploitable, because all you needed to do against Infested was place it on a box somewhere and bam - you got infested just staring at it. Now, you can't do that. This is good. This is balance.


Loki's Decoy ability is supposed to be stronger than Saryn's Moult. Loki is -all- about utility and has nothing when it comes to brute strength or DoT. Saryn does - her ulti decimates everyone around her. Venom is great for crowded enemies. Contagion is a bit lackluster, but it still does add damage to her melee attacks. Giving Moult the same abilities as Decoy would make her even stronger when she frankly doesn't need anymore buffs other than Contagion (this is my opinion, of course).


These nerfs were definitely needed. Of all the nerfs that have happened as of late - these were right on target.

 well that true  Moult and Decoy got different purposes, considering the frame kit, while Loki goes all about utility and Saryn all about DPS but look at it now: Moult lasts at max rank without continuity 16 seconds while Decoy at the same state lasts 21 seconds!


I say, just like some players previously suggested, why not change it to better show the frames difference and roll by adding extra purpose for Moult?

add Moult an extra feature that when ever its destroyed or its time ends it'll explode, spreading mist in -lets say - 8 in game meters, poisoning enemies in the radius for minor poison damage over time that WON'T be efected by continuity or power strengh to not make it over powered....


this way it will give good reason for  players to put it in position purposly leting enemies destroy it to add extra damage....


it will also make a better distinct between Decoy and Moult, as Decoy is utility while Saryn supposed to be DPS frame and so should be her Moult

Edited by koryfunny
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Thanks for the updates though I still don't see any kind of a checkpoint system put into all the missions. Are you going to leave the missions as they are now or are you going to implement a checkpoint system into all missions at least as far as solo play goes. I play solo almost entirely and would like to put a little money into this to try some of the different warframes and weapons but not without some type of checkpoint system in the solo missions. So I hope to see this implemented in some future patch and maybe one that can be turned on or off to support different play styles.

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Not sure exactly what you want a checkpoint system for.  Please clarify why and how it would be useful.


If you are wanting checkpoints to save progress and continue later you can play Solo mode and just pause the mission and resume when you are ready to continue.


With missions taking from a few minutes to 15 tops the addition of a feature to save and resume play would have little use imo.

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I find one of the best parts about this operation being on Europa is: Rubedo...Rubedo everywhere!


We're closing in on fifty percent...I'm just hoping that the time is extended a little, because it doesn't look like we have more than a day left (maybe it doesn't roll over until we have less than 24 hours?) as things stand. May the Lotus guide your bullets and blades, Tenno!

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- Fixed Mag's Crush power being locked "in use" after using destructive power on explosive nervos.


Got this bug today after update 7.10.0, but it seems to happen less often than before update.

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I dont want a spoiler to the suprise, I like suprises! but how do you get the reward? Does everyone get it if (when) we finish the mission? Does anyone who killed X amount of Fusion get it? Do we have to sign on after the event is complete but before Monday morning to get it? 

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