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Buff Volt


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I love Volt and he has potential of dmg but his armor rating is too low in my opinion. He isn't tanky enough at higher levels and his damage falls off. Usually, teams wouldn't want a Volt in their squad. His augment mods don't fix the issues. Please buff him!

Volt is not meant for damage (regardless of his description). He is meant for utility. I can't tell you how many times I've had people sprinting to get behind my E-shield. Volt is fine the way he is.


EDIT: Even before his shield size buff, E-shield was great. You have not seen a squad shut up faster once they were crouching behind an E-shield, hiding from 3 heavy gunners on a higher level void. E-shield is, arguably, Volt's greatest ability, don't forget it.

Edited by Insizer
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The sprint speed of Volt is kind of a problem. I don't have a problem with using speed quite a lot of times (when your mates are out of range you recast it and quickly catch up - so I don't really have a problem keeping up) - But my mates tend to run into walls and miss doors because they are simply too fast. I recently experienced that when I played Ash with sprint to finish the alert quickly and the Volt hit Speed. - I don't even want to imagine how a Loki must feel xD Simple solution must be: All teammates fasted speed is that of Volt. If you need to catch up one could say Volt accelerates more quickly and decelerates a little slower so by the end of Speed he has caught up.


Other than that; I think Shock is alright as it is. Don't really need more damage since you don't use it for damage. But a little more wouldn't hurt either - but well; does really not matter in the end. 


Shield: Alright as it is. Possible augment could be to stun Enemies who touch it - but I think I would not even equip that augment. [since the Nullifiers are a real problem (as in annoying not challenging problem) from a certain point on I'd like if you could shoot through their bubbles when shooting through the shield, like you can shoot in and out of the rift, would be a really nice thing. 


Overload: The only thing that needs some tweaks. I agree that Volt is one of the frames that shift from Damage to Utility the higher up you go. I actually quite like that. But Overload does not quite do its job from a certain point on and that is mainly because there is no way to do something about the stun. I for one think it should be affected by Power duration. - Or at least give it an augment where for the duration of Overload every 0.5 Seconds a new pulse is sent out with a 70% chance of adding 1 second to the enemies stun. 

Edited by JaviiMii
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Would be neat to see an Augment where running through Shield grants the ability's buff on the warframe itself. So you cast Shield, you run through it, and it attaches to you like another shield for the duration. Or perhaps those who run through it is granted X% of Volt's energy in Overshield?


I think the rest of his abilities are pretty well balanced but his ult is just ugh...I wished that half of it's damage wasn't based on the environment :P I get why they did it but I think they should remove it and integrate it into the ability another way. One big issue I had was that the ability moves too slowly. It's lightning! It shouldn't take 5 seconds to travel a few meters it should be near instant.

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Here is how I feel about Volt and his kit:


Stats: It isn't necessary, but a Sprint Speed boost of 1.0 -> 1.1~1.15 would be welcomed, as using his Speed ability can often cause faster teammates to completely leave you in the dust.

A potential Prime could alleviate that, but I think increased Shields would be nicer for the Prime's stat differentiation.

Volt having 1.0 Sprint Speed wasn't an issue back when Speed only affected himself, but now that his ability affects the whole team, he isn't as fast/faster than as his team anymore.

Description: Change his description to advertise him as a versatile frame with both utility and damage. A Warframe that compliments both Gunplay & Melee.


● Shock

Damage: 200 -> 300

While this is more of a crowd control ability, there is no real reason why it should be doing less damage than say, Pull. 

Also, I believe that the minimum damage for damaging abilities should be raised.

Personally, I like his sprint speed the way it is.  The thing you complain about, getting left behind by faster frames, also applies to other slow frames.  Like the ones with 0.9 speed.  The difference there though is that if they get left behind, they are out of Speed's radius and will thus fall further behind.  So having Volt not be a speedster when Speed is down is good for team cohesion.


And as for Shock, it is important to remember the AoE aspect that electrical damage has.  Shock might do 200, but it will also do 100 to everything near the mob (and unlike the magnetic proc, this works on everything).  That means unless you're zapping a lone mob, it'll do as much or more damage than Pull.  A slight bump to 225 or 250 or so might be warranted, but anything more than that would be silly, given that Shock is already one of the best #1s and well worth using.

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  • 4 weeks later...

He is balanced yes. (Balance is Weakness - Zed from League of Legends)


But his abilities lack synergy to make them all worthwhile to use.


So lets synergize with his Speed ability.


Allow Electric shield to some how some way to move with Volt. Now he doesn't need to stop to take cover. 


And turn Overload into a toggle that also follows him. Now he really doesn't have to stop while still being able to deal damage. 

Edited by Conestt
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I'd love if the shield was somehow attached to my arm for instance, So I can run and gun. Instead of hunkering down for 40 seconds while the objective is getting attacked. And I think you all forget Volt's abilities are extremely anti-group. If you're using his abilities on a single person, you're not doing the damage that's possible. Whereas if I zap an entire group of 7 people, They fall down dead, Same goes for Overload, but over an AoE instead of a single point. But yeah.. Please no more Jesus animation.I get my shields ripped from everything if I don't ult in the right place/behind cover.

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Volt + Amprex => kill 'em all oneshot until enemy level 80+


Volt is absolutely great as he is right now.

U can use him as supporter and defender mostly and u dont have NUKE-THE-DAMN-ROOM abilities like Miasma or Peacemaker.

However his abilies are non-theless usefull.


This is my build right now.



I mostly use it for group buffing purpose.

U can defend your mates with the 3rd ability shield.

Then u can buff your allies damage with the Shock Trooper augment mod.

Then u can shoot with your synoid or amprex through the shield dealing massive amounts of damage.

Only thing what's really bothersome to volt is area of effect in high level because it penetrates shield as well as poison damage because of low life.


Long talk but now result: Volt is fine as he is!

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Dont use him for nuke damage and you will discover he is one of the best defensive frames out there.


Teams dont want you in their squad because you are modding for strength and range and not efficiency and duration.


It is your fault and not the frame.

he is one of the best with defense and offensive. no frame like volt. volt main point isn't dmg but utility. 

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I think I put in my two cents at some point. - But I do think my opinion has changed a little; 


Volt is pretty well balanced as he is. - But by now I did play a couple of other frames and feel that Volt actually does need a little work done. More precisely: Overload. 


The electric-jesus is okay with me, annoying, yes - but Volt is a glass-Cannon so it makes sense to first think, then run and cast. 


One thing that is very annoying though: The extremely low speed of the radius. It takes ages - which just doesn't make sense considering it's electricity - and it is kind of unpredictable because the stun is delayed even further. So even if there is an enemy standing next to you it will take 2-3 seconds after the animation until this enemy is stunned. 


The other thing is the duration of the stun per-se; it is too short. Version a) Enemies can be re-stunned b) make the ability depending on power-duration. a) could result in people perma-stunning enemies by spamming overload b) would just increase one stun to ~5-10 seconds depending on the build you use, which sounds good to me, just thinking about Vaubans bastille - and I think there are other comparable abilities. 

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