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Make Infested Enemies Really Overpowered


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(This is merely a suggestion thread. Some serious, some satire)


One thing I love about all the added infested enemies is that they make Infested the funnest and the most threatening faction to fight.


I've been getting rekt constantly by terrible pugs that I feel like it they all need a little bit more kick to make them truly a force to be feared. I can't wait until the "Juggernaught" becomes a thing and starts rolling squads faster than you can say "Press 4 to win". I would also like to see infested nullifiers one day as well (Just strap one on a charger's back or something).


That said, Tar moas still one-shot the hell out of people from no where. I have no issues with this considering how easy it was to camp previously on endless missions specifically.


Some notable ideas I'd like to see though,

- Along with the magnetic proc, Disrupter Ancients should also have a chance of inflicting the Radiation proc so we call all teamkill each other. Or better yet, make a new type of ancient that does this.

- Bring back the old school ancients as 'mega' runners which explode with more force than a normal one and can inflict the blast proc.

- Make an infested moa that slowly drains the shields of nearby tenno and gives infested enemies temporary shielding.

- Speed up the knockdown attack on all ancients. It comes out way too slow and you can simply walk away from it after they charge right at you. I miss getting rolled by ancients constantly. The same can be said about a lot of enemies who for some reason slow down significantly when executing melee attacks (excluding Moa stomps, F*** those things)

- Make it so chargers can pounce you during the stun animation inflicted by runners, or while knocked down.

- Make a near-invincible infested enemy that has the power to potentially wipe a whole team and give it a selection of "boss mods". We'll call it the infested version of Stalker, I would call it 'Hunter' myself. Also, make it so when he spawns, he shouts 10 times louder than the ancients.


That all said, there have been notably improves in difficulty with the other factions since the addition of nullifiers as well as other enemies to the void. I'm really looking forward to the additions to their ranks too.

Edited by DBugII
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I dont think the Infested needs another buff. They are in a pretty good spot right considering that they used to be the easiest faction before they were given new units. They aleady has alot of effects that is hard to fight against and even some which we cant even counter such as the nanite swarm for example (yes i know you can roll it off but Theres no way to get it off infested units other than killing them and when you are fighting a horde its near impossible to keep the swarm off you).

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I like the idea of making infested harder, a lot of them feel like fodder... but some of your ideas.... um.... are crazy. The idea is to make them harder, not impossible. As they are now, they are pretty balanced, i feel they need nullifier type enemies and more ranged damage types, but nothing insane like a "- Make a near-invincible infested enemy that has the power to potentially wipe a whole team and give it a selection of "boss mods". We'll call it the infested version of Stalker, I would call it 'Hunter' myself. Also, make it so when he spawns, he shouts 10 times louder than the ancients."


The idea of an infested hunter type would be great, it would add more dynamic to the infested invasions. 

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Instead of nullifier-type abilities, why not just fix the problem at the source?


The problem in this case is that the radial abilities available to the player are too strong. The two solutions are letting enemies hard counter players, which nobody likes, and reducing the effectiveness of radial abilities, which people also don't like but is more fair in the long run.

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There is a fine line between fun/hard and unfair/uninstalling 


What you just did is cross that line.


This would not just make the infested not fun to fight, but also make them extremely overpowered and unfair.


What ever drugs you took to come up with this idea, send me a link of it, I want to see what crazy stuff I could come up with myself.

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Same. At least saving money will be easier without this game on my hard drive.

soooooo.... basically you are threatening to quit a game.... because you dont agree with the idea of more complex enemy types and difficulty enhancements?.... See, this is the very reason games turn into crap.... because the devs try to cater to all the easy mode players out there which ruins it for players who want the challenge. All i can say to this is goodbye, and don't let the door hit you on the way out because im gunna push for every difficulty enhancing, noob terrorizing, easy mode cry educing addition to the game because people like you will never get better at games with the attitude you show.

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soooooo.... basically you are threatening to quit a game.... because you dont agree with the idea of more complex enemy types and difficulty enhancements?.... See, this is the very reason games turn into crap.... because the devs try to cater to all the easy mode players out there which ruins it for players who want the challenge. All i can say to this is goodbye, and don't let the door hit you on the way out because im gunna push for every difficulty enhancing, noob terrorizing, easy mode cry educing addition to the game because people like you will never get better at games with the attitude you show.

Infested Nullifier would not be a challange, it would stupid.


They've already got broken MOAs that one shot/blind/stomp spam which is already unfair. I don't know about you, but getting headaches from having to stare at Infested MOAs blinding you every 5 seconds and then being bounced like a pinball, followed by an instakill tar blast to the face doesn't exactly fit my definition of "fun" and "challenging." There's no challenge in unfairness.


If a Nullifier got mixed in with those Muta-MOAs....


I already refuse to fight infested until the MOA's get:


A.) Tar MOA nerfed (it still one shots me. No enemy should do that outside of wave 20+ or minute 30+ Void missions. Or of course anything else that scales that high.)


B.) Swarm MOA gets their painful blinding thing reworked. I seriously can't do Infested missions with any sort of relative ease due to the blinding giving me a headache ("just roll noob" is the dumbest response ever to this. They spawn swarms EVERYWHERE. Rolling won't do anything. If anything, it makes it worse. Constantly going in and out of the swarm, thus causing lighting on-screen to change rapidly, just makes the headaches worse.)


If I had to deal with #420noscope Nullifier at the same time as those Muta-MOAs, I'd be done. Well, I don't see how I can be more done with Infested than I already am, but my point should be pretty clear.


EDIT: Spelling

Edited by Kaiczar
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Infested Nullifier would not be a challange, it would stupid.


They've already got broken MOAs that one shot/blind/stomp spam which is already unfair. I don't know about you, but getting headaches from having to stare at Infested MOAs blinding you every 5 seconds and then being bounced like a pinball, followed by an instakill tar blast to the face doesn't exactly fit my definition of "fun" and "challenging." There's no challenge in unfairness.


If a Nullifier got mixed in with those Muta-MOAs....


I already refuse to fight infested until the MOA's get:


A.) Tar MOA nerfed (it still one shots me. No enemy should do that outside of wave 20+ or minute 30+ Void missions. Or of course anything else that scales that high.)


B.) Swarm MOA gets their painful blinding thing reworked. I seriously can't do Infested missions with any sort of relative ease due to the blinding giving me a headache ("just roll noob" is the dumbest response ever to this. They spawn swarms EVERYWHERE. Rolling won't do anything. If anything, it makes it worse. Constantly going in and out of the swarm, thus causing lighting on-screen to change rapidly, just makes the headaches worse.)


If I had to deal with #420noscope Nullifier at the same time as those Muta-MOAs, I'd be done. Well, I don't see how I can be more done with Infested than I already am, but my point should be pretty clear.


EDIT: Spelling

1. Tar Moas are glitched, their projectiles are supposed to spread and hit 3 locations, but for some reason they can fire all 3 shots to 1 spot... i have reported this already.


2. The "Blinding" is because you turn your lighting too far down, also, 1 melee or 1 roll gets rid of the swarm, it barely does any damage on top of that


Also, he never said anything about them being straight nullifiers.... just something to counter the constant 4 spamming game play that runs rampant in this game. Weather its a straight up cancel or something completely resistant to skills, either works.

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1. Tar Moas are glitched, their projectiles are supposed to spread and hit 3 locations, but for some reason they can fire all 3 shots to 1 spot... i have reported this already.


2. The "Blinding" is because you turn your lighting too far down, also, 1 melee or 1 roll gets rid of the swarm, it barely does any damage on top of that


Also, he never said anything about them being straight nullifiers.... just something to counter the constant 4 spamming game play that runs rampant in this game. Weather its a straight up cancel or something completely resistant to skills, either works.

1.) Wow, that's a bad bug. I hope it gets fixed soon.


2.) That's exactly what I said was a bad argument. The swarm is exactly that: A SWARM. It will constantly get back on you. 


Damage caused by the swarm doesn't matter.  It's about the headaches (and eye strain) caused by them. And it's not my lighting settings. I've not changed them from the default, and everything is perfectly well-lit (except for Earth at night which is too dark, and the Void which is in some cases too bright).

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