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What If We Had One-Time, Consumable Powers?


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They would be cheap, and easy to acquire (random drops from your average enemies, the more powerful abilities spawning from higher-tier enemies)


The basic idea would be to equip it as a gear (similar to stat restores), and are consumed immediately upon use.


They would be powers taken from already existing warframes (I.E. Volt's speed, Nekros' desecrate)


They would have a 1 minute craft time, and require different resources depending on what type of power they are.


You can only equip one consumable power at a time (to avoid spam and bugging).


The animation would be your current frame's first skill animation in place of the consumable power's animation.

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I wouldn't be adverse to this, then, actually. Having a pocket Vortex or maybe a Volt's Shield or the like would be pretty useful, all said.


Would they just be the base ability, though, or would they scale off of the current Warframe's mods and Level or not?

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I wouldn't be adverse to this, then, actually. Having a pocket Vortex or maybe a Volt's Shield or the like would be pretty useful, all said.


Would they just be the base ability, though, or would they scale off of the current Warframe's mods and Level or not?


The last question is up to DE, but I WOULD like them to scale off your mods.

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So after years of campaigning, they remove the abilities from the drop tables, and now here's someone posting an idea "Hey, let's put abilities in the drop table."


I think you miss the point here but that might just be that you're a bit terrified of getting only Tailwind for days.


I remember those times well...




Edit: Abilities used to be Mod Cards that were ranked up and slotted like normal mods. Things got changed relatively recently, though, to where powers are inherent. They were not consumable like this idea, is, which I think is a notable difference.

Edited by Terumitsu
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Nah, don't like it.


You could at least try to explain :P Flat out "No's" aren't very helpful. 


Personally, I don't think one-time cast abilities are a good idea. Frames are meant to be unique. Some frames serve similar functions to other frames. This lessens this uniqueness. Letting any frame use any other frame's abilities would further diminish that uniqueness. 


The only way to really make them not affect  the frame's unique qualities would be to make them not common. By that point, these 1-Time castings would no longer be helpful or viable. A frame's abilities are normally situational. You go through the trouble to get a Castable Snow Globe (void missions/raids/high level drops). You throw it down in a defense, and it's gone after 30 seconds. You either have a couple more now (due to their rarity, the only reason you'd have more than a handful is stockpiling), or you have none. Along with the fact that this item (that you probably farmed for for more than 40 times its' own duration) is now gone after all your hard work, the drop tables are even more dilute, and with the short attention span of most people, it's likely that you have neglected your role in the match.


Each frame has a role, purpose, and uniqueness. Steering from those purposes is a good way to fail a mission. A Vauban is there for CC, not tanking and DPS. Of course, bringing weapons can make him also do a decent amount of damage, but this thread is about temporary abilities, not weapon renting.

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In closed beta, there were grenades but those got scrapped because they depreciated damage dealing warframes. Then, some point down the line someone got the insane idea of giving some warframes super grenade abilities. There is always some extreme of too much or too little somewhere.


What I mean to say is, having pocket abilities like this could outright depreciate some warframes to the point where veterans are only expected to bring "the best" warframes, plus these little pocket abilities. Probably in an overpowered stack of 200.

Edited by MechaKnight
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I don't know... I feel like it'd be okay if it were only usuable with a cooldown (2-3 minutes).

I'm concerned if they were spammable like normal that they would destroy time composition between frames when one frame can pack entire cells' worth of combos on itself.


For instance... Mesa with Riftwalk.

Or Vauban with Snowglobe.

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oh hey look. Four Nova Primes casting Iron Skin, Blessing, Desecrate, and Radial Javelin.


Warframe universe will be a better place now.




the idea is ridiculous and people will just find the most efficient warframe to hold all the needed powers, even if they are pocket sized effects (like half strength and duration or lesser efficiency than original)

It's a "no".

Might as well remove all warframes since there will be just ONE warframe who will use ALL abilities.


I can see it now:


>Omni, the Everything, 300/300, 150 Armor, 150 Energy
>Market package of this is full set of Ability blueprints, like what OP is talking about, for 979p

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i had originally suggested that that be the use for all those duplicate ability mods we had back before they changed them into cores but noone liked my idea cuz they said it was op and it was but this is a pve game so what does it matter

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