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RE: 'In addition to supporting 8 players' + 'What do you expect from a Warframe raid boss'?



Note: Large amount of text, no Tl;Dr. I believe this is a fair warning, read on your own discretion/curiosity. I have also bolded some parts of the text which i feel requires extra emphasis on.


(Written on assumption that the boss will be of a very large mass/size scale in comparision to the Warframe/Tenno it/him/herself, from 2 to 4 times taller and/or longer/wider)


In my response to picking 'Other' as an opinion in regards to the above question, which i also chose Team Coordination Required and Boss Phases to Changes Tactics.


Boss Mechanics


I specifically want a boss that does not have an invulnerability frame and/or invincible unless a certain part is revealed. I would like to see a boss that instead of invulnerability, to have high armor, but you can kill it much faster through teamwork on hitting certain body parts to deal more damage than normal (through simple tactics such as one person luring it to face him/her so his team mates are free of pressure to fire at a certain part behind it or its side/head/other body parts etc).


However the armor should not be high as to an extreme where you cannot do any noticeable damage to it without attacking at the weak spots (for example, instead of doing 5000 damage you deal 500 instead, plus or minus depending on elemental weakness/resistance and body part hit), and to prevent it dying too fast otherwise (through use of end-game gear, with extreme amounts of burst damage), it can have a much longer health bar than normal, this would not cause an issue of taking too long to fight, as a well prepared team taking advantage of weak spots can kill it pretty fast, a good amount of time would be say, 10 minutes to kill it without exploiting weakspots on average, and 30 minutes to kill it without the use of it.




I much prefer the boss having the damage it takes, in regards to armor rating and weaknesses and resistances, to be specific to an individual body part. To clarify, the head has complete seperate armor ratings and weaknesses and resistances than its legs. This allows to create a factor/feature in which are 'Weakspots' as mentioned in above that can be used to the Tenno's advantage, as it can be set specific to a certain body part.


With said weakspots in mind, it would be interesting that, weakspots may not only be body parts revealed after a certain time frame or after the use of an attack, but may be dependant on body part to the damage type, both physical and elemental. To explain my case, a 'weakspot' may be the legs/feet of the said boss may be weak to melee attacks. An alternative method would be it is also weak to impact and ice element in particular, meaning one can use an impact based weapon, or a weapon equipped with an Ice elemental mod, or do more damage by using a combination of both to take full advantage of this weakness. This method does allow for a wide variety of weapons to be used to a single raid boss, as different parts may have different weaknesses. To clarify and taking my previous example to help explain this, the legs/foot may be weak to impact and ice, but a different body part, say its wings (body part used as example, not that the raid boss may even have them), is weak to slash and electricity instead. Another idea for a possible weakspot for the boss may be it has a certain body part, for example the chest, which has higher armor than the rest of its body, but once taking enough damage, it becomes exposed and now gives a damage multiplier instead. 


With that said, the boss could have areas in which that certain body part has more armor than other spots, causing less damage to be dealt to said spot over other body parts, which this factor also helps reinforce its durability in an indirect way, as opposed to straight invulnerability.


General Expectations to the Fight


I expect the boss in regards to its attacks to be very powerful, with most moves killing lightly armored Warframes in one hit, and severely damaging a heavily armored Tenno, with some attacks killing heavily armored frames in one hit. I prefer the emphasis of using maneuvers and agility to dodge its attacks, than general head-on rush tactics employed in normal gameplay. Another reason i prefer this feature as it gives the sense of hostility and danger, giving the need to try and survive, in which i feel it makes the fight doubly more exciting and fun as it would give the 'adrenaline rush' effect. Boss attacks should be telegraphed to allow ample time to dodge, and the boss itself, can be agile (not necessary fast in charging/moving towards players, but its movement speed in, for example, move side to side quickly or being able to do back/front-flip attacks) or slow and sluggish, depending on its degree of durability in regards to its hp bar, with the most agile bosses being of lower durability, while slow ones worthy of a title as a tanky boss.


Phase-to-Tactics Factor


Now covering the change in tactics when it changes phases, the phase change can be like a special 'mode' it enters, giving it an extended moveset beyond its normal capabilities, which can also include other features such as increased movement speed or attack speed. An idea of when this mode is active can be when it loses a certain percentage of its hp and entering the mode for 1-2 minutes, before exiting the mode, but being eligible to enter it again after the duration ends when it loses a percentage of hp again. To increase difficulty and challenge, the percentage of health it needs to lose to enter it could be set to be a smaller percentage required based on the health bracket it is in, for example, it would require a 15% hp loss to enter it in the 100%-71% health bar bracket, but only needs a 10% hp loss to enter the mode in the 70%-51% bracket, and 6% hp loss at 50%-21% and only requiring a 4% hp loss to enter it at 20% and below of its remaining health bar. 


That concludes my opinion on how i would like a raid boss and mechanics i like to see, and to those who tolerated my long response, I thank you for taking your time to consider my post.

Edited by YashiroSora
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Here's to the hope of seeing more things brought out of the void and into regular missions.


It's not really the Void that is the issue, it's grouping. Grouping needs some help. We should have some sort of group mechanic added. "LFG" in chat just isn't it. Most MMO have some sort of grouping mechanic which can make farming for what you want much easier.


Keyed/RNG walls are OK, but to those not able to participate in the initial rush to acquire those items will be at a huge disadvantage. Test this by trying to farm Mesa or Limbo (and Hydroid before Hek was moved) a few weeks after it's release.

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[Attack telegraph]  


 Should be different for every attack. Especially for raid bosses. For example if boss charge a powerfull full map AOE nuke we should be able to predict it. Otherwise it will just kill everyone.... 

For sniper attack it should be charge noise + brief laser sight.

For meele attack it should be weapon glow.

For bombard rockets and explosives....Hud should "pip-pip" If enemy rockets aimed at you and it also should show grenade BOOM radius. Similar to jetfighter systems.  Same for Archthrusters. 





 Just make proper physics for them (Arrow pins, string and shoulder bending) and deal with quivers already (Remove them...or make belt quivers. They are to clippy and therefore not so visually appealing as it was supposed to be)

Also, Since [R] button is not used for bows...Why cant we use it to load EXTRA arrows (up to 4) in our shot? And remove Multishot from bows. Coz... It doesnt feel ok when I pull 1 arrow and shoot 3. It would be more appealing for me to load arrows manually, but thats just my opinion.




It was fun and hard and interesting....Though It was VERY easy for frames like FROST and Zephyr...And "impossible" for all others.

So yeah I liked the challenge....but it wasnt balanced enough. Some frames were WAAAAY too superior.  

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I don't want raids, they're a horrible idea that will have players making their own version of WoW's GearScore/demanding specific iLevels and achievements for access to their groups.

And get as much out of the Void and into the Starchart as possible.


Of course. That´s what will happen.

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Also, Since [R] button is not used for bows...

The reload button is used for bows (and other charge weapons that can hold the charge, like Lanka). You can use it to reset the charge without having to fire the weapon (thus not wasting ammo and negatively affecting your accuracy). And honestly, the only guy I can see firing multiple arrows at once is this handsome man:


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-Special and unforgiving mechanics need to be involved in these encounters. Bullet sponge bosses will be a serious letdown.


-Mastery Rank needs to be taken in consideration, not just because I'm a veteran, but ultimately it will benefit the warframe experience and replay ability by giving new players something to work towards other than prime weapons, frames, and mods, and give veterans some kudos for dedicating enough time and effort to have already reached or surpassed the required level. Not to mention, do you really want a scrub running around, constantly needing a revive because he doesn't know how to copter out of the way or not have defensive mods leveled up enough to survive a stare from the boss? I digress...


-Considering these mechanics however, they must be done in a way that groups will not just only push for specific warframes only (which i guarantee you WILL happen if not corrected). While the MMO raid trinity formula (Tank, Healer, Damage) works, its played out and limits everyones fun because they cant take the frame they want/are good at using. Ask a WoW player who raided as a healer or tank back in the days before dual talent specialization, you'll understand.


Telegraphed Attacks:

-Only a warning graphic on our UI, or an icon over the attacking enemy unit's head will do fine. Further handholding takes away from learning, and kind of kills warframes unique identity as it would try to blend in with similar systems employed in games like Wildstar. Yeah, I said it.


-This goes double for Archwing, as it would be nice to be able to do something about those !@#$%^& missles which can still wreck you.



-Parts in the void need to stay in the void, otherwise it breaks the lore and renders the void unnecessary. The design team would be sad if their work on the void was suddenly shoved aside.


-The Orokin Ducat system is fine. It would be cool however, if there were missions issued by barro K'teer to seek a specific mcguffin (look it up) in the void to acquire bonus ducats and maybe some credits while he's active in a relay.


-Credit values for items and mod fusions either need to be decreased in price, or missions need to give more credits to alleviate gripes about Dark Sector BS and not having enough simply because you dont have time/energy to farm.


-Components such as neural sensors and orokin reactors should be rare but obtainable outside of alerts and their assigned nodes to give some variety.


-No offense, it was the same. Nullifiers (unscaled) are easy to dispatch if you aren't an idiot about it, and you could just waltz through it without much effort and a good team setup of no specific requirement.


-Tactical missions could be more unforgiving. Nightmare style modifiers, and scaled enemies might make them more entertaining.


-Conclave limits, while clever, are rather irritating and not as fun. You spend more time trying to get the right conclave rating than actually playing the missions. (MR18, so i might just be speaking for myself.)


-Bows are excellent if used properly; They are fine as they are. It would be cool to see a few more released.  


-Thunderbolt, needs to be an alternate fire modifier with a guaranteed proc, but at other costs. Not gonna like, seeing thunderbolt spam from an Attica sickens me.  I mean seriously, use a penta or angstrum...you'll get better results. Waste of a good crossbow's potential if you ask me.


-Perhaps a passive arrow retrieval from corpses hit with your bow could be added?



Edited by Aganju2117
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