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Comics By Yuikami [Added: Doodle - What I See, New Stalker...]


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LoL trinity tank... And poor rhino has to sit back at the dojo eating pies again... :D

and wow, have i missed much of your comics lately... soo much backtracking through the pages... :D

So that's why he is so fat. He eats his feelings.
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Hooray for deviantART! Meanwhile, Frost is so much better than Rhino for teams! Although I've never played with a Trinity before, I know that Frosts can basically carry a team through any Defense mission with a few Snow Globes. Rhino is good at punching bosses in the face, though! Oddly making him the best thing to solo the boss that drops him with... (Iron Skin means Rhino can punch the Jackal without getting knocked back)


I also met a Rhino yesterday who was faster than me, a Loki. That was pretty silly. Speaking of which, even Loki is somewhat tanky, what with Decoy and all.

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Hooray for deviantART! Meanwhile, Frost is so much better than Rhino for teams! Although I've never played with a Trinity before, I know that Frosts can basically carry a team through any Defense mission with a few Snow Globes. Rhino is good at punching bosses in the face, though! Oddly making him the best thing to solo the boss that drops him with... (Iron Skin means Rhino can punch the Jackal without getting knocked back)


I also met a Rhino yesterday who was faster than me, a Loki. That was pretty silly. Speaking of which, even Loki is somewhat tanky, what with Decoy and all.

Though Rhino looks much cooler with the Furax and the other spess boxing glove.
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GADDAM, finally I made it to the end of the thread. that took so long...... well update finished, back to hack'n & slashin

W00t XD


best way to drown sorrow - through copious amounts of baked goods... :D



Now you're just TRYING to be mean to Rhino -_____-

I'm always mean to Rhino :D


I donated 1.6 thousand plastids to the ignis research, CAN I HAVE A COMIC STRIP DEDICATED TO ME NOW?!

You can get a Chibi, all the details is in the first page of the clan.

Also, when you think about donating resources into the clan, remember I did not force this upon any body, all the resource you put in goes to the clan for everyone and the better of a whole, not just to me, I couldn't care less about the dojo, anyone can start the research on whichever weapon they want, shift in an idea on whatever they think I should add so I start it for them. And I decided draw Chibi is someway to thank them for being generous and all anyone has to do is sending me their screenshot of their most favorite frame. I can choose not to do that, but I do it anyway. My clan is not MINE, but belongs to all the clan members.

So please, never use it as an excuse to get free stuff from me again.



What you can (maybe, I don't know Yuikami's standards on this) have is a chibi-frame :3

^ Yup

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