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What Was Your Most Glorious Moment As A Newbie?


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Be newb master, not using Excal prime, so I buy Loki with plat because F*** it he is cheap. I maxed loki, but then started playing vanilla Excalibur, be still level 15ish, invite a friend to do T"something high" raid or exterminate, Mk1-bratons, I got a lex and a Skana. Both newbs proceed to enter mission.


Gunner too stronk  finished all of our bullets on them, they are still alive, proceed to try to melee them, all of our revives are wasted, but we killed a lot, so we made an strategy, everytime I perished to a gunner, he would turn invicible and revive me, and then run away, we lasted long time on that mission but we won, it was so fullfilling, never played void again until I was Ash.

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Lol i think it was the moment in which i discover that trinity was given invulnerability to her and all team with her 4th.

I made a selfe damage build with link and could stand alone overwhelmed by enemies, but they could not even touch me xD.

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Killing the boss on Europa with Lvl 5 Excal and my friend Lvl 8 Mag. Farming for Nova, and we always kept running out of ammo, one of us had to keep running back into the Corpus base to get ammo for our Braton's... Christ... And him dropping those orange grenades. Also, using MP for the first time. We were in T2 Defence, dying, all revives gone. I used MP as a last stand even though I didn't know what it did. Shot an Osprey and everything died.

I respect Nova because of that. And we got the thing we needed, too.

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Not my own moment but something I got to witness and feel I should mention.

I was with a friend of mine going for argus mcfargus as I call him (Sargus Ruk), and the friend had brought zephyr along. I didn't think much of it's use at the time, and I'm certain what happened once we got to argus was a bug or glitch or something but it was so hilarious I damn near caved my lungs in.


He dropped his tornadoes, and argus got caught in one, inside one of those little rooms on the ground floor, and poor argus spent the next minute having his face ground into paste against the ceiling of that little room, and promptly died.


I see zephyr in a whole new dangerous light now, because of that incident.

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When I was new, so new that I didn't know about mastery test then, I picked up a T1E key and had no idea what it was.


I then entered the void with only redirection on my starting Mag and Latron/Lato/Cronus loadout, with only rank 2 point strike on the Latron.


After realising how screwed I was and having to headshot everything and moving slowly throughout, the satisfaction when I cleared it was indescribable.

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1. the lore (even if it was and is less of information)


2. movies and games are the same


3. coop, means teamwork or not this agressive neurotic powers between players


4. no cheaters (as faar as i know)


and finally the design ... :P


5. a) 2 bad things, cant understand and even dont wanna understand again this network-issues, i wanna have it fixed without wasting my time into things which i cant change ...


5. b) i was thinking a long time why i dont get attracted right now by the archwing, today i got it, the enemies are in no way as the enemies are in the game, i dont know what it is, i miss smth at archwing ... but i dont know what it is really, its a bit seperated from the game ...

Edited by VOR73X
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people generally don't believe me when i tell them this but i might as well say it again...


I'll start from the beggining


My friend and i were going after ember parts and orokin cells, and before the mission started he told me that Ruk could be frozen and that punch-through was really derpy on him, so my cernos should do a lot more damage than expected. We go in, he freezes him with his frost (i'm on my volt) i shoot a single arrow at his weak point with my cernos, and all three of his points explode and he dies. Dropping a rare mod, and an orokin cell, and the last part of ember that i needed. that was back when i was like mastery rank 3 and i had bought plat to get volt. it was fantastic.

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