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Synoid Gammacor


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Synoid is a great lategame weapon.


Other syndicate weapons need to be on the same level.


Before you decide that synoid needs nerfs, look at all the effort you need to obtain it. It is balanced, just extremely good. As good as the other syndicate weapons need to be.


(By the way, I checked some stuff out. Rakta means red. The red veil is literally just selling you a painted ballistica.)

Edited by BeeOverlord
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The problem will fix itself. Just wait till you´re bored using one weapon all the time.


Solution to fix something OP : wait until everyone get bored of it to the point that no one uses it



Edited by Sygnano
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DE cant ever satisfy people. When first released the gammacor was considered fodder and asked a buff, they conceded and gave a buff putting it on the top tier for endgame for vets who has all the mods to make the pistol shine. Now they cry the nerf bat because is an incredibly good weapon that has its drawbacks too! People stop giving mixed signals! Do you want a good gun or a freaking fodder weapon?

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DE cant ever satisfy people. When first released the gammacor was considered fodder and asked a buff, they conceded and gave a buff putting it on the top tier for endgame for vets who has all the mods to make the pistol shine. Now they cry the nerf bat because is an incredibly good weapon that has its drawbacks too! People stop giving mixed signals! Do you want a good gun or a freaking fodder weapon?

Pretty much this.


People are asking for endgame then they don't allow any endgame weapon to stay as it is. It will end that when endgame is finally released we won't have any weapon to face it.

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DE cant ever satisfy people. When first released the gammacor was considered fodder and asked a buff, they conceded and gave a buff putting it on the top tier for endgame for vets who has all the mods to make the pistol shine. Now they cry the nerf bat because is an incredibly good weapon that has its drawbacks too! People stop giving mixed signals! Do you want a good gun or a freaking fodder weapon?


Wow, yes becuase people are demanding extremes, obviously. It couldnt be that people were complaining because Synoid was worse then its competition which were unfair to Suda followers. And that people now complain becuase it blows its competition out of the water which neither is balanced.


And the so called draw back of 25m range isnt even worth mentioning as a "draw back", the range of embolist is a draw back, the range of Spectra is a draw back, the 25m of Synoid not really.

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I use it mostly in the void when I have a fun primary equipped (something that sharply falls before 40 min/40 waves). It's an insurance plan so that I can have my fun and still do my part in difficult missions.


I do the same with the opposite. Equip Latron Wraith and use a fun secondary.


For me it fills a purpose but it is easily replaced by whatever can perform similarly. I used to equip Akmagnus as my insurance before Synoid came out - I still switch to it but not as often.


I'd still say the Synoid ammo efficiency is higher than it should compared to the other top tier secondaries.

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I'm just saying its easy to get one. Not that hard as you made it sound.


Plus the Synoid Gammacor is getting to Rhino P + Boltor P level soon. Its gonna be a fun ride.

What are you talking about?


Unless you pay someone for it, you gotta farm your way up to max syndicate rank, and one 100k more for the weapon.


You do have a point though, that thing should be sold for 100p+, it is more fair to both the farmers and the buyers.

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Honestly, I don't use the Synoid Gammacor that much. I like my Akmagnus more - they feel and look and sound right.


It's only if I'm in tryhard mode that I will use the synoid, otherwise I don't see a reason to use it as it is boring as hell.

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Please not another one of these threads.

I myself love the weapon. I need it for high level T4 void missions.

If you don't like it and find it too OP....then choose another secondary.

The SG is great fun...please just leave it be.

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I don't understand why some of you feel the need to ask DE for nerf on anything that's useful and widely used...


Us players are allowed freedom to choose whichever loadout we want to use and play it in any way we want to. People who seek to rush the map for any reason (maybe they had to go soon, maybe they want to set a record) are free to do so, likewise, people who wish to explore the map are also free to do so.


If you dislike using a particular weapon, then just...don't use it? Don't berate those who do.


Synoid Gammacor is one of the few weapons we can use to play long survival game, around two hours in. Asking DE to nerf it just because most people use the weapon for its usefulness is similar to asking for a ban on car because someone you know drive to a convenience store 4-blocks away


May sounds like a strange comparison, but hey, when you want to buy a grocer you get to choose if you want to drive, ride, or walk, right? same way you have a choice if you want to go further than 1h mark playing survival....

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The synod is a great weapon but it does have it's limitations. It's range is why I've started back to working on my Telos Akbolto for the time being so I can pop those nullifiers bubbles without being in range of their doom patrol that's undoubtedly squatting under their shield. The heal effect is useful from time to time as well.

Plus it sounds like a nice and meaty 'Bang!' When you use them. It just feels nice to hear that.

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Please not another one of these threads.

I myself love the weapon. I need it for high level T4 void missions.

If you don't like it and find it too OP....then choose another secondary.

The SG is great fun...please just leave it be.

See that's just it you said need. You shouldn't need any 1 weapon. I still use my akzani I love them and they are considered trash

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"There's no reason to use any other secondary atm."






I have 4 forma in the gammacor and I stopped using it because there are a lot more fun and effective weapons depending the faction you're playing against.


-Acrid is just awesome and the augment casts on everyone radiation effect.

-Akvasto makes me feel like a real cowboy.

-Despair makes me feel like a real ninja.

-Embolist lol, spraying pepper in their eyes never gets old.

-Angstrum pls, anything below lvl 60 is dead meat in one shot.


Just named a few of my favourites.

Edited by CookingFood
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Here's how it's going to go down... We'll have like a month or so more to enjoy this weapon, then it'll be nerfed to make way for a new OP weapon that everyone will use... The same people will come to the forums and complain about that one. It's a win win...

People have stuff to occupy themselves with in game AND can spend their time arguing in the forums and feel significant because since they've "brought balance to the force" and are the chosen ones.

This has happened before... It will happen again.

Twin Vipers, Acrid, Twin Gremlins, Flux Rifle, Angstrum, etc..


Edited by sushidubya
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Synoid Gammaor is too OP, even after the nerf.

I would nerf it again. Maybe trading some extra energy in change of damage or ammo efficiency.

Or lowering the damage output and/or changing the ammo type (like making em Sniper, as the Angstrung).



I have a Variety of Secondaries and I love them all but since I got the Synoid I just use it. Why? Cause is sadly better of any other.

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See that's just it you said need. You shouldn't need any 1 weapon. I still use my akzani I love them and they are considered trash

Again, to get to high levels, high equipment IS needed.


Sure, you can run a T4 surv until 40 minutes with just a Skana equipped, just for fun, but it's not how a high level mission is meant to be played.


What's the point in nerfing everything and crying for an endgame at the same time? Some weapons and some frame are better than others, period. It makes sense and we should deal with it, even if those frame/weapons are not our favourites.


Also, no one force us to use top tier stuff, so instead of asking for nerfs just use what you like or what you feel right for you, let us have what is necessary to face endgame if that's our goal.


Funny thing is people asking to nerf it because they don't like to see it on other players hands; why the hell do you guys care about what the others are using?? Seriously, if you're playing for your own fun why should you bother??

It's a damn PvE game where every player can decide how to enjoy!

Edited by siralextraffo
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