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Synoid Gammacor


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Needs forma and catalyst to be relevant after 40 waves of T4D, its fine how it is.

Its a Syndicate weapon, the most common ways to get it are through plat or some other syndicate weapon trading, so i think its justified the weapon power.

Also no one makes you use the weapon and im pretty sure you were able to play the game before the weapon existed.

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My one and only gripe with it is when I'm trying to just do some lower leveled stuff for affinity or to help my friends out, and every enemy is below level 40 pretty much and then there's that one guy who just decides to turn my game of Warframe in to "chase the shiny blue beam that kills everything before you can do much". Can't really test out new weapons when there's a gammacor going wild. 

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Wow, yes becuase people are demanding extremes, obviously. It couldnt be that people were complaining because Synoid was worse then its competition which were unfair to Suda followers. And that people now complain becuase it blows its competition out of the water which neither is balanced.

And the so called draw back of 25m range isnt even worth mentioning as a "draw back", the range of embolist is a draw back, the range of Spectra is a draw back, the 25m of Synoid not really.

Again is an endgame weapon much like the infamous Boltor Prime is used all around and in turn is much easier to get or to Pay than the synoid, doesnt have a range limit and pretty much you can make anyone swiss cheese with that. Or lets say the marelok which is basically a mini grinlok with all the benefits and none of the drawbacks of its primary counterpart and was at the top with the brakk and i dont see you complaining to nerf those as well. People give mixed signals and in turn dont want balance their favorite weapons and those dont get any attention at all. Is a great weapon with a good buff now. The fact that the gun is magnetic pretty much limits it after a while while the others have a better AoE proc and better range albeit less damage. If DE does nerf it, then we will the same S#&$ of "why is it nerfed now i cant use it for endgame" stuff. Or the fodder comment earlier, for once lets be grateful we have options at higher tiers and not that we have to suck it up with a single primary or a long range pistol to battle. Me, i love laser guns and i still put my quanta in higher pedestal than this gun because i can control my explosions and set up traps while having incredible range and precision. Edited by Beatrix7hearts
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Again, to get to high levels, high equipment IS needed.


Sure, you can run a T4 surv until 40 minutes with just a Skana equipped, just for fun, but it's not how a high level mission is meant to be played.


What's the point in nerfing everything and crying for an endgame at the same time? Some weapons and some frame are better than others, period. It makes sense and we should deal with it, even if those frame/weapons are not our favourites.


Also, no one force us to use top tier stuff, so instead of asking for nerfs just use what you like or what you feel right for you, let us have what is necessary to face endgame if that's our goal.


Funny thing is people asking to nerf it because they don't like to see it on other players hands; why the hell do you guys care about what the others are using?? Seriously, if you're playing for your own fun why should you bother??

It's a damn PvE game where every player can decide how to enjoy!

This post kinda settles the whole debate imo.

Well said that man! You couldn't have said it better.

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Is not about "nerfing everything" but more about leaving players free to chose their own setup without feeling like there is one and only one "best weapon".


Every weapon should have it's pros and cons and that what DE is always doing.

But the drawback of the Synoid Gammacore is nonexistent. 25 M range? Oh, come on...yes, it's a drawback but isn't that huge thing.

Compared to the benefits and the massive damage it deals is just unnoticeable. 


My suggestions about a possible nerf would be one (on more) of the listed options:


- Lower ammo efficiency. So smaller magazine/clip.

- Different ammo pool (sniper? rifle?).

- Lower fire rate.

- Lower damage.


And maybe in change of that we could have a higher % of Energy restored.


So a player could think "I am choosing Gammacor because of energy and decent killing utility, Marelock because of damage, Brakk because of spread and damage...etc..." 


And not only "I am choosing Gammacor because it's simply the best option. Fullstop."



Probably my opinion sounds stupid to most of you but I like hard games. I don't like the absurd grind method, but that's another topic.

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Again is an endgame weapon much like the infamous Boltor Prime is used all around and in turn is much easier to get or to Pay than the synoid, doesnt have a range limit and pretty much you can make anyone swiss cheese with that.


Well that was a block of text.

The boltor p is another weapon that has recieved a lot of flak on the forums for being unbalanced, I have expressed my displeasure with it as well, that thing should be locked behind a high MR requirement.


Or lets say the marelok which is basically a mini grinlok with all the benefits and none of the drawbacks of its primary counterpart and was at the top with the brakk and i dont see you complaining to nerf those as well.


You havent seen me complain about them because this is a thread about the Synoid Gammacor and these weapons pre-date your join date to the forums so wether you seen me argue about them or not is pretty irrelevant since you were not around when I got them.


But since you brought it up then lets go a bit off topic shall we? The Brakk has already been nerfed since I got it, it now suffers from damage falloff, and a small mag. People can bring up paper stats all they want about 87k burst damage OMG!!one!one, thing is though it only has 5 rounds in the mag and the further away the target is the less damage it does, you are not going to apply the full burst damage per second to your enemy before you need to reload. 

A weakness the Synoid doesnt have with its big mag and ammo efficiency.

All that said I wouldnt mind the Brakk getting a balance pass to fit in line with the other shotgun pistols.


And the Marelok, is a wtf pistol, a shortened rifle that is more powerful then the rifle variant!? Seriously? But even though, the difference between the marelok and its competition wasnt as big as it is with the Synoid.


People give mixed signals and in turn dont want balance their favorite weapons and those dont get any attention at all.


Only if you lump all forum goers together and refer to them as one entity and call them "people". The community consists of many individuals who have different opinions.


The fact that the gun is magnetic pretty much limits it after a while while the others have a better AoE proc and better range albeit less damage. 


Every gun will hit a limit in endless content, the synoid despite having magnetic base damage reaches furter then lets say Secura Cestras or Lex Prime despite the fact that those guns have a better damage type.


If DE does nerf it, then we will the same S#&$ of "why is it nerfed now i cant use it for endgame" stuff. 


Some will complain yes, but then others are complaining now, when DE releases a new gun some will complain that it isnt strong enough for 40+ min of T4 or if its the case that its stronger then the Synoid some will complain about that, so I dont see why it should be an argument.


Or the fodder comment earlier, for once lets be grateful we have options at higher tiers and not that we have to suck it up with a single primary or a long range pistol to battle.


And that is my main problem with the Synoid and DE balance in general, when it is so much better then the rest your options it boils down to "use Synoid Gammacor and get lots of rewards" or "use something else and get less rewards".


Now what do you think the majority of the playerbase will choose? Go and PUG a T4 endless mission to find the answer.


It becomes less options, not more.


Me, i love laser guns and i still put my quanta in higher pedestal than this gun because i can control my explosions and set up traps while having incredible range and precision.


Good, I prefer weapons that is harder to use so I gravitate towards weapon with higher recoil or which rewards good aim. I sold my Synoid but I still think the balancing of it is bs.

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I love my synoid gammacor along with my 30-40 other secondaries. Detron will still be my favorite even if synoid is currently the best out there it all depends on a players preference heck i'll even 5 forma my sexy aklatos cause I like using them. If another secondary will be released that will be better than synoid then I'll be all for it the its like a constant evolutionary change. DESPAIR STARTED IT BUT ACRID WAS KING THEN IT WAS SLAYED BY BRAKK AND BRAKK WAS DEFEATED BY DETRON WHICH GAVE WAY TO MARELOK WHO WAS THEN CONQUERED BY SYNOID WHICH IS CURRENTLY THE AT THE TOP.


edit: also embolist before nerf deserves credit and also stug, nukor tysis and akbronco prime, lex prime, aklex, akmagnus, akvasto, hikou prime, telos akboltos, dual cestra among others


You're just describing power creep, really.

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Before you decide that synoid needs nerfs, look at all the effort you need to obtain it.

so, exactly zero.

there is no effort involved in actually obtaining anything from Syndicates. mistakenly tied to XP, therefore no matter how you play the game, it will come along for the ride.


everything in Syndicates is basically free.


Wow, yes becuase people are demanding extremes, obviously. It couldnt be that people were complaining because Synoid was worse then its competition which were unfair to Suda followers. And that people now complain becuase it blows its competition out of the water which neither is balanced.

that is exactly what happened!

extremes seems to happen too often. people don't complain about something being difficult to use from being underpowered or pointlessly overpowered to have it simply reversed in state.

everyone is only asking for the middle, but instead things all too often seem to just switch from one extreme to the other, which doesn't really solve anything.


Again, to get to high levels, high equipment IS needed.

let us have what is necessary to face endgame if that's our goal.



Sure, you can run a T4 surv until 40 minutes with just a Skana equipped, just for fun, but it's not how a high level mission is meant to be played.



Some weapons and some frame are better than others, period. It makes sense

- no, you don't need to be even more overpowered than we normally are in order to see Enemies with high Level numbers.

it's not necessary. suggesting that it is suggests that you can't handle the game and you need orbital nuclear strikes in order to clear the way for you to walk through unopposed.


- i certainly wouldn't recommend doing that, but that's absolutely how the game is to be played. the game starts on Earth, and ends at 20 Waves of Defense and 20 Minutes of Survival. 

the game is between those two points, the game therefore should be balanced around those two points.

going further is more than welcome, but it's outside of the start and end of the game that Digital Extremes has presented us with.


- why does it make sense that some Characters are outright better?

why does it make sense that a select few pieces of Equipment are better in every possible way without any downsides to some other Equipment?

it doesn't make sense.

we don't have MK-1 Warframes, so all of the Warframes should be about equal. they can have a wide myriad of themes and Abilities and still not need to worry about invalidating or superceding each other.

most of our Weapons aren't MK-1 or Mastery 0-3, so most of our Weapons should be about equal. to be clear, about equal means they're within reach of each other. something having more or less of this and that is more than okay. as long as it's a reasonable disparity, and not say, a Sniper Rifle that deals 100 Damage and another one that deals 5000 Damage. because the disparity between those would be far too large to balance.

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Telos Akbolto's 58k DPS is laughing in the faces of the Synoid Gammacor users.


Your paper stats seems impressive until you consider.



Synoid is:



Shorter reload

Better status chance.


While telos does have longer range it is a projectile vs hitscan

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Better status chance.


While telos does have longer range it is a projectile vs hitscan

The listed chance on a beam type weapons, is 1 effect in a given second. It is not attached to ammo consumed.


Continuous is not a bonus. It is a delayed damage laser pointer.

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Stop whining about which weapon is bigger and cooler.


There is just one point: Synoid Gammacor eclipses all other Secondaries in therms of Utiliy combined to Damage.


Needs a nerf to bring back a form of balance. Otherwise means that you guys just like to play easy. IDKFA IDDQD for the win. 

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i have most of the secondaries warframe have to offer... including synoid gammacor, and guess what i use?, the Seer pistol! because i love it c:


in other words you can use what you want, its at your own will keep using the synoid or not, i just use it when going any T4 but outher there i use my trusty seer

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