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[Ooc/q&a/recruiting]The Setup, Redux & The Lounge


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-Reading. *Ding*-


I like to have a piece in everyone’s story, examples being Irish and I’s intertwined history and Gemini. This allows me to feel closer to you guy’s characters, but also safely buff them when necessary. Ghost, you’ve probably noticed I’m kinda forcing Keya on Hex. This is my way of offering a tech boost to the Arbalest Union and perhaps stress that seemingly endless credit supply you’re so fond of showing off. ;p

If you’re not comfortable with this revelation, just give the word and I’ll find another use for the Grineer Engineer.


*Head tilt of confusion*

You've been forcing Keya on Hex?

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Oh no.


*time to fear for Belrev*


I'll stay. Just need to think about how to fit all this in my profile.



Operator profile for the lels!


Name: Kavarin Thelius


Age: 12


Gender: Male


Race: Tenno


Keeper of Life for: Belrev Azarus


Bond with Belrev: Oh boy. These two argue so damn much, it isn't funny. Like operator and Warframe, Kavarin argues with Silis and Brok, the keepers of life for Belrev's brothers Celorn and Denger.

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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*Is unable to process this due to confusion-related reasons*


Also, in relation to the spoilers

I'm not really changing Umbra. He was an adult in the Orokin era, his original Ash warframe was one that was essentially a suit of armour, and the 'fused to his skin' thing is still there.

I seriously hope there's a loophole somewhere there.

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Rehtael, regarding your OC submission, I'm still currently analyzing it, but I swear if you bring it up one more time, I'm not even going to look at it again. I'm a busy guy, I'll get to it when I get to it. No if's, not but's, no coconuts! >:(

Mentioning that I'm waiting doesn't equate to complaining. I get that you can't hear the tone of my voice through text, but trust me, I'm NOT trying to hurry you. All I was doing was asking if anyone wanted to chat while I was waiting. That's all. 


Also, in response to the need for a physical description, I can type it out, but the arsenal and physical appearance in the screenshots I provided are accurate. (Until the premium trinity skin comes out, then I may retcon the skin itself, but the colors remain the same, as does the arsenal.) Sancti Tigris and Prisma Skana (Gifts from New Loka) and Lex Prime


EDIT: Oh, we can drop the presence of Prisma Shade, he doesn't need to be there. He's got a prisma-encrusted home to go to, so no need to worry about him. He's the Yung Venuz of the Warframe universe.



(Both the frame and the operator, going by the same name.)

Has armor which is primarily white with black pieces, sage-trim, bright red accents and red energy. She has the Trinity Prime frame with the original Trinity helmet. She has a Secura Syandana fused to her frame. Orina otherwise has no unusual features.

Edited by Rehtael7
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 Alright, time for me to put in my two or three cents. *flexes writing muscles* Headcanon and heavy quest-spoilers inside. 


So, Space. About your headcanon first: 

At first, I were surprised by how complicated you make things. I'll tell you how things are in my own head currently further down. 

But on second thought, I think I understood why you did things that way, and although I can guarantee i would not have come up with _that_ solution, I can somehow make things work with what you presented. I'll present you my own headcanon, and then compare from there.


Own Headcanon:

Coming back from their unexpected voidvacation onboard the Zariman, the Tenno were a danger for themselves and others, were put into the sleeping chambers, all pretty standard from there. From the fact that Civilians were sent to Tau (the Zariman's destination) I deduct that this happened before the Sentients took over Tau-System and started the Old War.

During war, the warframe-Project emerged: A technology that used the two weaknesses of the Sentients (Technocyte, which they could not control, and void energy from the Tenno, which is poison to them) to make formidable soldiers to win the war.

At that point, the Tenno had been asleep since Margulis put them into stasis.

From the way Lotus talks to us when our operator opens his/her eyes for the first time in eons, we can safely assume that when they for the first time took control of the first warframes, making contact with the outside world after an immeasurable time of black, sleeping nothingness (because dreaming might have stirred their emotions, sparking their powers inside the sleeping chamber) they were NOT aware of the fact that their body they were born with had not left the stasispod. 

Let's face it, we all have had dreams were much crazier things appeared to be normal, acceptable and coherent. 
This requires the Orokin to have precise methods of controling someone's state of mind (dreamless sleep, waking but feeling dream-like). I do not think that so far-fetched, considering the nature of the psychich link they channeled with their machines.


Then they fought the war, destroyed orokin, mother put them back into cryosleep. First Dream over. Another period of dreamless sleep.


Now comes the fun part: How many of you remember their previous dreams while currently dreaming? 

I mostly can not. Very rarely, yeah, but mostly every dream is a standalone instance of memory and continuity in my mind. 

Thus, it's logical that after awakening from dreamless-sleep again (at the start of the game) into the 'second dream', the operator barely remembers anything. This awakening is the very same as it was at the start of the first dream: Their conscious was still not aware of their physical existance, thus not able to refer to their 'own' memories (childhood + Zariman). They were just having another dream in a night that spanned millenias.


What happens from there one you all do know well, since that's where the game Warframe sets in.


Now, if you have understood that, I ask of you: Forget the details you've seen in the Second Dream Quest, just keep the general idea. Now assume that the cradle of technology that kept the Tenno is not some cryopod standing on some remote base, but the warframe itself.

Now read my headcanon again. Still valid. Everything still fits. And, wondrously, it also fits most things we've done in RP until now: Fuzzy memories, operators in Warframes.

The only thing that's a little complicated in this is the fact that operators can leave their warframes: Thus, it can not be the physical presence of the metal skin that keeps the voidpowers in check and the Tenno in their 'dreaming' state. Well, it's not the blanket that keeps us asleep as well, aye? The technocyte is a technology that has neural and psychological, maybe even psychic components. This neural link to a warframe, this transferrence of consciousness, this shifting of what the Operator believes to be 'I', THIS is what binds their powers. Because as long as they can not differentiate themselves from their warframes mentally, they can not channel their abilities without going through the technological safeguards the Orokin constructed - called warframes. 

From there, things get easier and are just logically falling into place: Focus abilities are not-warframe-channeled void powers, controlling a warframe after knowing of your true body compares to a lucid dream where you can take active influence onto the world that you are presented with while dreaming (= using your focus powers).


At this point, take a breath. The nature of the link between Tenno and Warframe is not reliant on the one being physically distanced or not-distanced from another. We have concluded this now. We decided to not strictly follow every thing that happened during Second Dream - since we want to keep our Operators physically in-frame - and thus discard the image of the Reservoir, or the notion of the Operator being 'somewhere far'. Touching their warframe to control it - a scene often used in headcanon as far as I've noticed - is marginal, since our Operators are ALWAYS touching their warframes - from the inside.


But, let's stay flexible. Tenno and Frame are connected mentally, we don't care where each of them is. Link-Pod, In-Frame, On Hawaii... I really don't care. 

Does this reduce drama, tension, threat or danger? 
No! Because everything that happens to the warframe feels like it happens to the operator in real life. No Operator that has not been physically awake after the Second Dream is capable of seperating his consciousness from the warframe, unless incredibly lucky with their subconsciousness. Remember, we do not take the Quest as part of our char-backstory, so most of us have never been to the moon and were disconnected their by pod-ejection. They can not 'meet the operator', because for that, they would need to dissect themselves. Maybe that was was drove Valkyr mad? This realization? But that's really unsafe speculation, so let's stop that. 

Enduring pain, seeing blood of friends being spilled puts a lot of psychological stress onto the Operator. The only thing that maybe is able to sever the connection of frame and operator is death - but for that to happen, the Tenno needs to have experienced the closest thing to death imaginable. Yes, the Operator may live when their frame succumbs to fatal wounds. But would they be ok, or rather mentally scarred by the experience, confused by missing wounds, tormented by phantom pains and whatever other lingering mental damages? 
I would not want to experience that. Plus, before that happens, all basic human instincts kick in to prevent it. Feels 100% real. No dilution of drama here. 


End of Headcanon


So, that's what I figured out for myself to make things somehow-work in RP. No additional OCs or confusion of 'who is who', which are the most critical points of Space's headcanon by my opinion. However, my headcanon does not provide the possibility to have the Operators be present in the plot in any way - since they can not be taken seperately from their frames. 

My headcanon, I believe, offers the possibility to play just as we're used to, while incorporating new mechanics, but sacrificing a duality that is only very vaguely hinted at ingame. 

Space's headcanon embraces this duality, but most of us will have to do some revising on their OC's backstories. 


I don't claim to know what's better or not for this RP. This is not my decision, ultimately, and I can also not speak for all of you. I just wanted to put this up here for discussion.


Also, @Starns considering 'no drama', 'too much anime' and 'virtual reality':
2. I don't think anime are bad in general, neither are all of their tropes. Doesn't count.

1. see 3. 

3. I think this does not inhibit the sense of danger given to our OCs, nor the real danger present. For explanations, look at my own headcanon in the spoiler above.

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If Bel get hurts, does business go on as usual as in the past? Does Operator dude feel his pain?


If Bel gets hurt, his Tenno won't feel it, but they'll know it's happening and probably get upset that their Frame-bearer is getting damaged. Now, as for the other way around, yes, the bearer and all other connected frames to the Tenno will feel their Operator's pain.

Edited by SpaceHelicopters
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If Bel gets hurt, his Tenno won't feel it, but they'll know it's happening and probably get upset that their Frame-bearer is getting damaged. Now, as for the other way around, yes, the bearer and all other connected frames to the Tenno will feel their Operator's pain.

According to the Raven voice when being revived, "Transference makes this hurt."

If you want to go off that little bit in this version of things, it's up to you. I'm a firm believer that

Due to the semi-organic nature of warframes, and going off of the part where your frame "acts on its own" under the assumption that it IS in fact, moving on its own, it has some degree of sensory system, and if the mind of the Tenno is truly inside the body of the warframe due to transference then it would make sense for the operator to feel pain received by those sensors. Afterall, pain is a powerful evolutionary benefit, and it would make sense for warframes to be built with the ability to feel pain.

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Stalker is still technically a Tenno, no? If he isn't, how would it work?

It's kinda up in the air at the moment. He may or may not be a guy in a suit, a guy being controlled or a Warframe with full sentience of its own accord. If it's the first one, we can have humans in 'frames. If it's the second one, he's probably being controlled by Hunhow, or maybe another Tenno. If it's the last one, we can still sort of have the first one for different reasons.

it's one of those things.

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It's kinda up in the air at the moment. He may or may not be a guy in a suit, a guy being controlled or a Warframe with full sentience of its own accord. If it's the first one, we can have humans in 'frames. If it's the second one, he's probably being controlled by Hunhow, or maybe another Tenno. If it's the last one, we can still sort of have the first one for different reasons.

it's one of those things.

"But you're asking yourself, 'was I one of these wretched things?' "

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I would presume only those awoken from their second dream, and those who witness other awakened Tenno, but that's just my two credits.

Well then I'm taking em *Steals two credits*

So doomsday and thoughts of insanity aside, I got quiet a few CQs to answer:

NOTE: The spoilers don't have any spoilers in them, it's just to condense all the text.

Castaway Question: Sab - For Sab it would most likely e her Grakata, which would seem to constantly complain to her about a lack of bullets.

Nium - Should his AI slowly begin to corrupt (further) Nium would begin to hear voices in his programming, first those of Gemini followed by another, more malicious tone.

Medieval Question: Sab - Heavy Armour with a huge @$$ Mace that she uses to smash 'eads and pound faces. Shield for extra protection and smashing.

Nium - Chainmail/Leather armour and either a Hellbird or classic sword and shield.

Music Question: Sab - Most likely an electric guitar.

However she did use to play the harp

Nium - Probably a flute, or a normal guitar.

Last Stand Question: Sab - She'd charge straight into the fray, laughing and enjoying herself the entire way.

The Valkyr rose on shaky legs, almost buried beneath the rubble and scrap. It'd been a Grineer, using a large battle frame similar to those of the Turkey himself. But larger, and with more guns.

And not a f*cking thanks giving dinner.

He'd been one of the Executioner's most trusted captains, brilliant strategist, logistician and leader of all augmentation within his elite force.

Now he was simply scrap for the scrap god.

The Kween wanker wasn't going to be happy about that.

She tore a pipe outta her shine and stepped towards the larger force, a smile beneath her helmet, which was quite frankly f*cked, along with the rest of her frame. Everything had scratches, scorch and shrapnel and her paint job had gone from red black and white to simply red with some gray where the paint had just f*cking disappeared. The tips of her helmet had been torn off and all the Corpus bits reduced to sh!t, though luckily her pretty nails were still alright, she'd even got a free manicure! Crimson red! Those arn't cheap you know.

Sab holstered her hammer, flexed her claws and cracked her neck. That hammer was the only thing she'd had left, though more through choice than anything else. It was just so much fun smashing things to goo.

Plus that lifestrike helps when you're getting shot by hundred bullets per sec.

The Executioner led from the front, a towering Grineer covered in writing with some silk draped around his fake arm that always blabbed on about the Kweens the Kweens and the Kweens unless he was shooting someone that didn't agree. Basically a Commisar if they spent more time *BLAM*-ing their enemies than their own men.

calling out to her. "Submit now you feral beast and I shall be sure to return your pelt!"

Sab merely pulled out a ... from her gear, exploding into a "F*ck you" in the sky.

With that she charged.

Sab was rained with a thousand bullets but just laughed as her godmode just absorbed the fire like it was nothing.

Still laughing she plunged into the cloned hordes, not leaving their mother out of this as she teared them all a new one.

Nium - It would all depend on the situation. Nium isn't capable of reconstructing himself if he is destroyed, so he would likely escape as to preserve his existence.

Nium fought with the calculated grace that only a machine would master, butchering the army as it fought. For survival, for masters or a lack of will did not matter. Each were slain with an equal kindness.

However as he fought things merged and shifted. Soldier flashed to raider, construct turned to alien and leader turned to devil. All were cut down equally as whip flashed to blade and blue turned to gold.

It was only in the calm as his processes cooled that the "corruption" seeped back to its repressed haven, his sanity returning to the slaved from the slavers.

Feeling the phantom of a blade still at its side the AI turned and left, preserving his existence. It wasn't his time, it was still needed. The job was not yet complete, and likely never would.

And now the largest, deepest (giggity) and most important character question that requires answer.

What's your OC's favourite colour?

Also I've been reading too much Warhammer plzsendhelp

Edited by IceDragonofAmber
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