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[Ooc/q&a/recruiting]The Setup, Redux & The Lounge


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Though you may be expecting an apology for my absence, you will receive none since my absence was out of my control and my apology plan for you guys doesn't cover acts of God.


A quick rundown of the events are that on my return from familial holiday visitations, Tornado was in town and decided to make a surprise visit. Luckily no one was hurt, however on his way out he did take the entire neighborhood's power and subsequently our wifi. 


I tried to make an update post via my phone, however every attempt to submit the post just crashed my phone, which covers my lack of communication.


So to you all, I extend a belated Merry Christmas and an early Happy New Years. I'll return tomorrow and see if I can finally get a post up, but until then, I have some business that I need to see to.

Tornado? You live in Texas? Also, welcome back.

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Tornado? You live in Texas? Also, welcome back.


I will neither deny or confirm that. Anonymity and all that.


As for your OC, you are finally cleared for IC posting. Currently, the Lounge is closed; seeing as how the IC is now open. Once we enter into the next big event the two will swap and we'll be operating pre-Donn Waystation.



Currently I'm working on a post and it should be up later today (Fingers Crossed).


I hope you don't mind, but regarding the group on a futile search for a bar, I do plan on flexing a bit of magic in regards for where most of you end up. If you don't like that idea, just give the word and I'll just edit it to more of a general area as opposed to specific locations.



Also, for future reference, Ghost, I have a question regarding Hex and his Union. Does he, or would it be too far-fetched for him to have some sort of specialist or observer back at base-plate; someone keeping an eye on current events and scouring the deep web for potential assets that could prove beneficial to their cause, be them cheap resource caches or men on the run who's loyalty could be bought or earned?

Edited by SpaceHelicopters
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OC question!

Oh no your OC is lost in a Galaxy far, far, away. They are now in the Star Wars universe! They have a choice to be in any group in the franchise.

The Galactic Republic ((Clone Troopers n stuff))

The Sith (I think this is before the Empire? The Droids basically))

The First Order ((The Force Awakens new enemy))

The Empire ((We should all know this.))

The Rebels ((the goodies))

The Resistance ((Force Awaken goodies, I don't know the difference but I'm putting it up))

Any other faction I haven't heard of ((And is also in the Star Wars universe))

What would your OCs pick and why?

I just felt like asking this.

Also yay new Spacey post.

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OC question!

Oh no your OC is lost in a Galaxy far, far, away. They are now in the Star Wars universe! They have a choice to be in any group in the franchise.

The Galactic Republic ((Clone Troopers n stuff))

The Sith (I think this is before the Empire? The Droids basically))

The First Order ((The Force Awakens new enemy))

The Empire ((We should all know this.))

The Rebels ((the goodies))

The Resistance ((Force Awaken goodies, I don't know the difference but I'm putting it up))

Any other faction I haven't heard of ((And is also in the Star Wars universe))

What would your OCs pick and why?

I just felt like asking this.

Also yay new Spacey post.

Haven't seen the new Star Wars, and I honestly don't care much for the franchise.

Except for the Jedi Knight games (which were originally the Dark Forces games. Kyle Katarn is greater than Chuck Norris. He punched a Kell Dragon to death.)

So I'd pick...Kyle Katarn's side.

Because why the F*** not.

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I'm not firm with the extended universe of Star Wars, so judging fromt he movies and Souna's selfishness, She would probably be one of the not-cloned officers serving in the Imperial army, or maybe a not-very-successful Sith (she's not evil enough to prevail in their ranks).

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Also, for future reference, Ghost, I have a question regarding Hex and his Union. Does he, or would it be too far-fetched for him to have some sort of specialist or observer back at base-plate; someone keeping an eye on current events and scouring the deep web for potential assets that could prove beneficial to their cause, be them cheap resource caches or men on the run who's loyalty could be bought or earned?

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Did not notice that, sorry.

And yes, he does have people back at base monitoring news sites, RADAR, LIDAR, SONAR, CHOWDAR, etc. for current events and field agents keeping tabs on the things the guys watching the monitors can't see or detect for themselves.


Can't have a resistance/rebellion/disgruntled gentlemen's society without eyes, after all.

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I will neither deny or confirm that. Anonymity and all that.


As for your OC, you are finally cleared for IC posting. Currently, the Lounge is closed; seeing as how the IC is now open. Once we enter into the next big event the two will swap and we'll be operating pre-Donn Waystation.



Currently I'm working on a post and it should be up later today (Fingers Crossed).


I hope you don't mind, but regarding the group on a futile search for a bar, I do plan on flexing a bit of magic in regards for where most of you end up. If you don't like that idea, just give the word and I'll just edit it to more of a general area as opposed to specific locations.



Also, for future reference, Ghost, I have a question regarding Hex and his Union. Does he, or would it be too far-fetched for him to have some sort of specialist or observer back at base-plate; someone keeping an eye on current events and scouring the deep web for potential assets that could prove beneficial to their cause, be them cheap resource caches or men on the run who's loyalty could be bought or earned?

Thanks Spacey! Looking forward to meeting everyone.

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So Spacey, what's the best route to integrate Orina into the main IC section? I don't want to be disruptive of whatever is going on and break off into a tangent, and I'm still not entirely sure on where the forum as a whole stands on U18 content. Is it appropriate to say that Orina is one of the newly awakened Tenno and now seeks company?

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So Spacey, what's the best route to integrate Orina into the main IC section? I don't want to be disruptive of whatever is going on and break off into a tangent, and I'm still not entirely sure on where the forum as a whole stands on U18 content. Is it appropriate to say that Orina is one of the newly awakened Tenno and now seeks company?


In terms of integration, all you pretty much need to do is think of a reason Orina's on the Donn Waystation. Some examples off the top of my head are that you could be a volunteer from a nearby dojo, stopping to refuel and rest, or perhaps even a survivor of the recent mission if you have any knowledge of the events that transpired. Perhaps Orina was the only surviving member of her strike team sent to a different part of the ship? I don't know, ships are big. If you go down that route, as long as you don't stray off too-far from the general idea, I won't dock you points.


Just some ideas to get the ball rolling, do what you like. My only problem with arriving with the sole intent of making friends is that 1.) it makes your OC sound desperate and creepy, 2.) why come out to the middle of nowhere to do that?


As for newly awakened Tenno or not, we all seem to agree on the separate entity method of tackling U18. What would make the most sense is for your operator (The person in the warframe) to be on the station as opposed to your Tenno. You can use your operator to project your Tenno if you'd like, use them as the primary OC or at the very least a social crutch for Orina.


Speaking of which, I do believe I need a bit of clarification; which one is Orina: the Operator or the Tenno? What's the other's name?

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Just some ideas to get the ball rolling, do what you like. My only problem with arriving with the sole intent of making friends is that 1.) it makes your OC sound desperate and creepy, 2.) why come out to the middle of nowhere to do that?


As for newly awakened Tenno or not, we all seem to agree on the separate entity method of tackling U18. What would make the most sense is for your operator (The person in the warframe) to be on the station as opposed to your Tenno. You can use your operator to project your Tenno if you'd like, use them as the primary OC or at the very least a social crutch for Orina.


Speaking of which, I do believe I need a bit of clarification; which one is Orina: the Operator or the Tenno? What's the other's name?

Well, I created her with the understanding that she had just been awoken and now that she's come to remember that she is a more human-being, those emotions of need to communicate with others have returned. When I dream, my dreams are usually devoid of other people. I don't feel the need to socialize in my dreams. When awake, I do. Orina would be no different.

Also, I created her post-U18 with my interpretation that the Operator is the one true being, and the Warframe is simply a host for the mind of the Operator. Which is where my confusion lies with the IC forum. Would it break the session to have that be the case, or should I just re-write her as a body inside a Warframe suit?

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