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Do You Remember What You Read In Update 15.13 Topic?


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> Rakta Ballistica buff, Nulifier nerf and second biggest key grind removed

> Rep distribution is changed

> Players ignore changes based on what they'd been whining about before and instantly start whining again


You call that a Rakta buff? That's like sprinkling spanish spices on a turd to make it more appetizing.

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Oh wow and I thought the whining about Nullifiers and the lack of proper arguments was bad but this is a new "record". Completely pointless whining about a patch that brought tons of improvement and even the Syndicate rep nerf is no big deal considering you can do most dailies in a couple of minutes. Besdies nobody is forcing you to rep farm and you can´t even store rep indefinitely so what is the point? You will also sell less and less Synoid Gammacor and the like due to the saturation of the market and player base so what are you going to do with the rep? Buy key packs?     

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I didn't and don't care about the Rakta Ballistica. I didn't see anything in the notes about a nullifier nerf, must have missed it. Already have hydroid.


Rep redistribution was never something I was asking for.


Nothing I had previously been whining about was actually addressed with this update.



Because the game revolves around you and only you.

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I don't understand you guys they didn't fix anything with Rep farming they just made it more work and you can easily earn less. Why you think the changes were good is because you clearly don't care about earning rep anymore that or your just spiteful for whatever reason.


Also GG R5 core stacks in T4 Surv because it wasn't tedious enough as it is currently DE decided to throw orikion cells in mix for some god awful reason. This patch has been awful mainly cause they just massively increased the grind for vets and newbs a like.

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The jazz about improvements that "gives life" to the game is great but not what I'm looking for after seeing nothing being observed on certain sub-forums. Its been minimal.. To people like me who are constantly being swept with tweaks to our characters, weapons and accessories, it's really starting to grind me because I've supported this company for quite sometime and the cosmetics Ive acquired is a perfect example for things being either changed from its original state or vice versa.

For the better? No not for the better, when certain things are becoming smaller, removed or being changed because DE figures they rather have it their way and not give players more options to play with. They want to change things, fine, but don't take away my immortal skin grey lines! I had no problem to what I was wearing and not giving us options to keep certain things is prohibiting the ability to customize. A feature which is included in this game. You don't buy a camel and have the merchant take away its fur months later.

It's the small things like cosmetics that I anticipate. A thing that DE advertises. A thing that DE can simply fix but won't because the focus with cosmetics is scattered in unbelieviable areas. Its like pulling Devs at random directions, i guess for timing reasons? It's really mind blowing they keep releasing sugatras even tho the scaling is still an issue, giving us idle animations that cost 50p that have clipping issues and just other certain things that are being neglected that could use some eyes of the Devs.

It's not asking much, it's a simple request to go back and improve the visuals with previous released items. Arsenal 2.0 is a craving for the consumer because its pretty dull at the moment. Remember, cosmetics is the main source to DE's rev. I think it would be important to fix the things that are slowing or potentially stopping the income source so that people like me would be encouraged to buy more. Like those tennogen skins not working on prime weapons. Now it seems like I have to hold out till then.

"Another whiner"

no s**t people, welcome to the forums. What we paid for has been cosmetically changed from our original.. It was my preference and no one else's. Just because 1 person didn't like something, doesn't mean we all have to have it their way when the "spiel" about DE listening to the community is all right here.

Whining is my right.

Edited by Magnagar
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The R5 core nerf made me sad, and I'm getting a little sick of the "put 2 kinda okay weapons together and get another merely okay weapon." I'd be totally cool with Special Summoning these weapons, if I got some real fireworks out the other end, or at least it didn't cost so much.


Anyone saying it was a truly awful update wasn't around back a few months ago around Vivergate.... Link/Shield Polarize/Radial Javelin LoS - let us never forget.


I agree though, real ups and downs as I read over the "fixes."

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By the time i got to the bottom of the text my eyes were bleeding and i already forgot about the new weapon and newly intruduced stealth multipliers bla bla bla. 

Taking the things that stand out the most as an indication;

-Halved daily rep cap

-Forced syndicate dailies

-Another mastery fodder weapon that takes about 500.000 credits to make.

-A giant wall of text. 


Yeah.. Worst update by far to me.

Are you implying that you would rather sit around and farm all day than actually do some different and interesting gameplay which nets you more rewards than the farm itself?

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I'm probably one of a few that actually liked the Syndicate changes.

Ok, the daily cap reduction is not something possitive, but since I never rep farm(ed), this change doesn't affect me.

However, the double syndicate points from the missions and 50% more rep from syndicate defence/interception. That right there put a big smile on my face. 


Now if only the max rank syndicate missions got tougher (like lvl 50-100 enemies).

I really don't get why the enemies were lvl 50 at Syndicate Rank 4 and went down to 35 at Rank 5.



As for "another mastery fodder". I'd like 2 more to hit MR19...

Anyway, I'll find out in a few hours whether there is more to it than just being a mastery fodder. So can't say much about it.

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