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Hotfix 15.13.2


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Still no fix for not changeable Energycolor (partly) for the Targis Prime Armour Set (light Blue dots all over it now, they were the same color as the energycolor before) and the Telos Syandana (also blue dots at the holding part (not sure how its called sorry)

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As seen in other posts, some quests went active after the resent patches. in my case none of the older quests are active. However, my stolen dreams quest was repeat-able till the second mission that takes place in venus. luckly it ends there. yet the quest is still avtive and it reminds me of it every now and then. im sure this is being fixed as i type but had to let you know just in case.

New graphics features:

while dont really get a hit in performance (and i have a mid-low end and old pc), the new features are killing my eyes from the overbright the give to the game. i am sure that some tweaking will fix that too in short. i just wanted to add to the subject so you know there are many of us affected by it.
the biggest issue i have is with the exposure feature. but even with that one turned off the game is not looking very well. cheers anyway! this changes are welcome, lets just fine tune em. ill expand my feedback after the next changes.

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