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Argon chocolate crystal Cake for the Warframe Family





Rezept und zutaten sind auf Deutsch!

Zutaten: Für den Teig

300g Fett / Magarine
360g Zucker
450g Mehl
90g Kakao pulver
3TL Backpulver
6 Eier
225ml Milch

Zutaten: Für die Füllung

3 Banane(n)
120g Schokoflocken
5 Becher Sahne / 1000ml
4Pkt. Sahnesteif
1 Flasche Rum Aroma



1kg Marzipan rohmasse
Lebensmittelfarbe Rot/Blau/Violett
3EL Nutella


Zum Backen:
2 Springformen (26cm)

Fett für die Form


Aus den ersten sieben Zutaten einen Rührteig herstellen.
eine springform (26cm) einfetten und den Teig auf beide Springformen verteilen.
Das ganze dann für 30min bei 170°C backen.
Rausholen und komplett abkühlen lassen.

in der zwischenzeit kann man die füllung vorbereiten!

Die Sahne mit Sahnesteif steif schlagen. Die Schokoflocken und 4tropfen vom Rum Aroma unterheben,
aber sehr vorsichtig.
Die Füllung dann sofort in den kühlschrank für 45min zum hart werden durch kühlen lassen.

Nun fangen wir mit dem Aufbau an!

3 Bananen in scheiben schneiden, und bei seite stellen.

Die abgekühlten Teige aus den Springformen nehmen und jeweils in der mitte in 2 hälften

Nun nimmt man einen Kuchenboden als anfang und schmiert die obere hälfte mit Nutella ein,
dann kann man je nach geschmack, ungefair eine kleingeschnittene Banane oben drauf legen,
nun etwas von der Sahne als abschluss ganz oben drauf tun und dann wieder mit einen
Kuchenboden abschließen, das ganze macht man dann insgesamt 3 mal.

bis man eine Kegelförmige Torte hat!

Danach wieder sofort in den kühlschrank stellen,
das ganze dann 3 Stunden kalt stellen.

in der zeit kann man mit der Marzipan Rohmasse anfangen!

man muss auf einer großen Fläche etwas mehl verstreuen,
darauf dann die Marzipan Rohmasse ausbreiten bis man eine große Fläche hat.
Nach den 3 Stunden die Torte raus holen und die ausgerollte Marzipan Rohmasse
von oben herab auf die Torte legen und zurecht formen.
Nun kann man mit etwas Lebensmittel Farbe seine Künstlerische ader rauslassen,
denn der Fantasie sind da keine Grenzen gesetzt :)
dann noch mal für eine Stunde in den kühlschrank stellen.

Und Fertig ist mein Argon chocolate crystal cake

















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Valentine's blood cake  "Flor de lotus"



Inspirada en la bella forma, nuestra protectora lotus

"una montaña de sabor que no deja de parar y solamente sube y sube haciendo que mi paladar se sienta regocijado y mi mente feliz"





El bizcocho: mantecada



375gr mantequilla

375gr azucar blanca

10 huevos

500gs harina de trigo

100ml leche

1/4 de aguardiente (licor colombiano)

20gr polvo para hornear



batir la mantequilla con el azucar hasta volverlo crema, luego cada uno de los huevos todo con paciencia y amor, luego cernir la harina de trigo con el polvo de hornear e incorporar a la mezcla, de ultimo agregar la leche y el licor pero revolver poco para que el gulten de la harina no se active. hornear por 20 min en una horno previamente precalentado a 130grados. sacar el bizcocho y dejar que se enfrie, luego moldearlo a la forma deseada en este caso la flor de lotus.


Almibar de frutos rojos con almendras



1l de fresas maduras

100gr de almendras

100gr de arandanos 

50gr de cerezas

200gr de azucar pulverizada o glass

2 copas de licor blanco en este caso el aguardiente



cortar todos los frutos en lajas, las almendras en laminas, poner en una sarten todos los ingredientes en el fuego (estufa) hasta que se caramelice y este brillante los frutos inmediatamente bajarlo del calor, con ese almibar bañar las capas del bizcocho y rellenarlo 



la cubierta es de gelatina con chocolate



1caja de gelatina de frambuesa

1 caja de gelatina sin sabor

un cuarto de chocolate dulce fundido



hacer la gelatina con la mitad de agua recomendada, es decir solo un posillo y medio de agua por las dos cajas de gelatina, el agua  caliente, se diluye hasta que no se vea el polvo, se deja reposar  y se mete a la nevera hasta que cuaje luego la sacas y la moldeas ensima del bizcocho.

cuando se esta moldeando con la forma de la flor y en los petalos sin gelatina se rellena con el chocolate .



<3 <3 <3 ya con todo el amor en esta hermosa y romantica preparacion celebramos el dia de san valentin con warframe <3 <3 <3

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Hi my name is burgonya263. I would like to show you my work. In the middle of the  picture you can find a Golden fusion core and the syndicates around it.

Chocolate cube:


·         6 eggs

·         40dkg of sugar

·         20dkg butter

·         20dkg of flour

·         4dkg cocoa

·         Baking powder


1.       stir the butter till its foamy, add sugar and the yolk of eggs while doing it.

2.       sieve flour and mix it together with cocoa and baking powder. After this we have to add the foam of the eggs to this bowl.

3.       Get a pan with wax paper on it. Pour the pasta and bake it on a middle heat for about 30 minutes.

4.       When its finished just turn it upside down and wait till its cooled down.


-Golden Fusion Core:

The first thing you have to do after its cooled down is looking at the image and choose a appropiat size. After that cut the pieces out from the chocolate cube. When you think its ready use peach jam to make the cookie stuck together. Wait a litle then use a golden spray (food colouring) to make it look gold. After it dried out use a blue food clouring and paint the energy ont he core. after it its ready.


You must have some cubes left on the tabble. We can use it. Slice them on squares in an equal size. I painted them with my homemade peach jam. after its dried out i used white chocholate to make a surface where i can paint the symbols on. After the chocolate dried out paint the syndicate symbols on the top of them with any colour you like.


I hope you like my photo i have been working on it for about 5-6 hours. Thank you!

(sorry for my English, Not my first language!)

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Ship from SimpleBAK QBl7aAN.jpg
For cake:
-flour (4-5 cups)
milk (2 cups)
-sugar (2 tablespoons)
-yeast ( 1 tablespoon)
-eggs (3)
For the cream:
-cocoa( 2 cups)
-milk( stakan)
-butter ( teaspoon)
-condensed milk ( glass)
For decoration:
-grated chocolate
-powdered sugar
Mix all the ingredients for the cake to make the dough, divide it into 2 pieces and roll into the shape of a ship Warframe. In a separate bowl mix the ingredients for the cream and put them on a slow fire for 5 minutes. The first layer of dough to spread condensed milk on top, cover with the second part and spread them on top of hot mixture to cream.Put it in the oven for 30 minutes Then to get the cake to give it a bit to cool and decorate with grated chocolate .To make the Warframe logo powdered sugar .
Bon appetit!

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Вкусный,шоколадный корабль Warframe от SimpleBAK QBl7aAN.jpg



Для коржей:

-мука (4-5 стаканов)

-молоко (2 стакана)

-сахар (2 столовой ложки)

-дрожжи ( 1 столовая ложка)

-яйца (3)

Для крема:

-какао( 2 стакана)

-молоко( 1стакан)

-сливочное масло ( чайная  ложка)

-сгущёнка ( стакан)

Для украшения:

-тёртый шоколад

-сахарная пудра


Смешать все ингредиенты для коржа, чтобы получилось тесто, разделить его на 2 части и раскатать в форме корабля Warframe. В отдельной посуде смешать  ингредиенты  для крема и поставить их на медленный огонь на 5 минут. Первый слой тесто намазать сверху сгущенкой, накрыть второй частью и намазать их сверху  горячей смесью для крема.Поместить его в духовку на 30 мин.Потом достать торт, дать ему  немного остыть и украсить тёртым шоколадом .Сделать логотип  Warframe сахарной пудрой .

Приятного аппетита!

Edited by SimpleBAK
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Наконец, конкурс для моей профессии)


Бисквит "Зебра"




Яйцо куриное - 6 штук

Сахар - 202 грамма

Мука - 190 грамм

Какао - 12 грамм


Технология приготовления


Яйца с сахаром взбить на миксере до увеличения в объеме в 5-6 раз (сахар должен полностью раствориться). Отделить пятую часть получившейся массы и соединить с какао и шестой частью муки. Оставшуюся массу соединить с мукой. Далее, в несколько движений, смешать обе массы, что бы получился "полосатый" рисунок. Готовый бисквит вылить в форму и выпекать в духовом шкафу при температуре 180 градусов 30-35 минут.






Сметана - 380 грамм

Сахар - 85 грамм

ванилин - 1 грамм


Технология приготовления


Соединить все ингредиенты. Перемешать до полного растворения сахара.


Торт "Vor's head"


1. Остывший бисквит разрезать и прослоить кремом. Оставить на 12-15 минут.

2. Сложить вместе пропитанные кремом коржи.

3. Придать необходимую форму.

4. Охладить.

5. Загрунтовать поверхность взбитыми сливками.

6. Покрыть предварительно покрашенным в нужный цвет марципаном.


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Lemon zest cheesecake with raspberry coulis






130g cocoa biscuits

60g unsalted butter



450g cream cheese

2 eggs

110g white sugar

Lemon juice of ½ of a lemon

Lemon zest from one lemon


Raspberry coulis:

150g raspberries (fresh or frozen)

30g unsalted butter

60g white sugar (can be altered according to the taste)


And this is how you make it:


Start with the base. Take the cookies and crush them. Method is up to you



Yeah, not gonna work.... so lets chop'r it



Mix the crushed biscuits with melted butter and put the mixture to the baking tin covered with baking paper.


Put it to the oven and bake 10 minutes at 180°C


Prepare the cheesecake body – mix all the stuff together with a whisk. Start with the cheese, add sugar, eggs and lemon zest and juice. Mix properly. When finished, place it evenly on the baked and cooled base.



Prepare the coulis. Melt butter in a small pot, add suger and mix. Then add mashed raspberries.


Heat together until you have the thick sauce. Take the coulis and strain it through the sieve in order to get rid of the seeds.



Put the coulis on the cake and make ornaments. No limits to your fantasy.



Bake the cake 35-40 minutes at 180°C.



After baking let it sit and cool in a fridge for a while. Serve with the surplus coulis (if you have any).


And... uhm.... we ate it before we really made this submission.... And so hardware alias injection only to the leftovers XD



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1 tablet of black chocolate to melt
70 g butter
blue dye


(gray cake)
4 eggs
100g sugar
100g flour
teaspoon of yeast
sesame (to the black tint)
First make a black tint: triturate the sesame with a little milk (use a beater)
Mix the four eggs with sugar, then, add the flour slowly with a teaspoon of yeast. when the dough is complete mix, add the black tint until you want.
(yellow cake)
8 eggs
200g sugar
200g flour
cesce lemon
yellow dye
teaspoon of yeast
Mix the eight eggs with sugar, then, add the flour slowly with a teaspoon of yeast. when the dough is complete mix, add the yellow dye until you want.
Making the form of the cake:
First cut in half the yellow cake. Mix the black chocolate with butter and warm up it. Then, draw on a paper a form of puzzle piece and cut it. With the picture of the puzzle piece, cut the three piece of cake. Placed as a base of cake one of the two yellow cakes add melted chocolate over the cake and placed on top the gray cake add melted chocolate over the cake and placed o top the last yellow cake.
Divide the fondant in three parts, and mix one of them with yelow dye, other with blue dye and other with black dye. Decorate as you want.
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Japanese Style Decorated Jelly Roll by Xiaodenden


4 eggs (3 eggs for the cake, 1 white for decorating)
70 g sugar (divided in half)
60 ml water
40 ml vegetable oil
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
80 g cake flour + more for the pattern
1 tsp corn starch + 1 pinch for the pattern
food color and cocoa powder
150 ml whipping cream/heavy cream
14 g sugar
10 g sugar
20 ml hot water
1/2 Tbs Kirsch liqueur (optional)
Canned or fresh fruits of your choice (peaches, pears, strawberries, banana, kiwi, fruit cocktail, etc.)


Place your pattern at the bottom of the pan. Line the pan (25 cm x 25 cm/10 inch square pan) with parchment paper and grease the paper with salad oil. Preheat oven to 170 C. Separate egg yolk and egg white and wait until the eggs come to room temperature.
A. Egg Yolk (and Flour) Batter
Beat 3 egg yolks and 35 g sugar until the batter is thick and lemon color.  Beat in 60 ml water, 40 ml vegetable oil, and 1/2 tsp vanilla extract.  Sift in 80 g cake flour and fold the flour into the yolk mixture with a mixer. Set aside.
B. Decoration
Wash the beaters well to make sure no yolk mixture is stuck on the beaters.  Add a pinch of corn starch to 1 egg white.  Beat the egg white until stiff peak.
For the "paint" combine egg yolk batter with cake flour, food coloring, and egg white.  You can substitute flour with cocoa powder to mix the "paint" as well.  The proportion is 1/2 tsp egg yolk mixture, 1/4 tsp flour, and 1 Tbs egg white.  Depending on the amount of area you need to cover, you will need to adjust the amount accordingly. Pour the colored batter into a paper cone.  Cut the tip of the cone and pipe your design onto parchment paper.  Bake the design in the oven for 1 minute (1.5 min if the pattern is larger). Repeat the process until you finish drawing the pattern.
C. Egg White
Beat 3 egg whites with 35 g sugar and 1 tsp corn starch.  Beat the egg white until stiff peak.  Fold the egg white mixture  into the egg yolk mixture (from part A).  Pour into pan, smooth the batter, and knock on the pan a few times on the counter to dislouge bubbles from the bottom of the pan.  Bake the cake for 14 minutes at 170 C.  Cake is done if the toothpick comes out clean. Invert the cake on a clean parchment paper, pull the original parchment paper off the cake but place it back on top to preven the cake from drying during the cooling step, and cool on a cooling rack (~15 min).
While the cake is cooling, dissolve 10 g sugar in 20 ml hot water.  Add 1/2 Tbs of Kirsch liqeur.
Place the bowl containing the heavy cream and sugar in a mixing bowl containing ice cubes and cold water.  Beat 150 ml heavy cream and 14 g sugar on high setting until stiff peak.
Cut the fruits into appropriate sizes.
D. Assembling the Cake
Flip the cake over onto a clean sheet of parchment paper.  Make sure the paper is larger than the cake.  Trim the opposite ends of the cake to make it tidy.  Make shallow cuts 2-cm apart on the surface of cake (this will make the rolling easier and prevents cracking). Brush the cake with syrup.  Spread the cream evenly, leaving a 3-cm space at one end (the far end). Place the fruit on the cream in row of three. Starting from the end closer to you, roll the cake upwards using the parchment paper to keep the cake leveled.  Wrap the cake up with parchment paper and twist both ends to secure the roll. Refrigerate the cake for at least one hour (24 hours is better for the flavors to combine).
Note: The cake itself is a standard sponge cake.  The tricky part of making this cake is the drawing part. The jelly roll is more suited for Asian taste so it is not as sweet as typical Western style cake. 

Patterns used and some photos of the steps:

Patterns I made for the jelly rolls:
If you want the files in their original size, let me know.
Little helper optional:


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So me and my gf decided to do something for the contest, and what better day to do it than valentines day! I baked the cookies and decorated the top ones, while she did the bottom cookies and setup the pictures.
We had a great time making them and I hope ya'll do too ^^


Syndicate Cookie Sandwiches

Sugar cookies

    1 cup all-purpose flour

    1/4 teaspoon baking soda

    1/8 teaspoon baking powder

    6 tablespoons butter, softened

    1/2 cup white sugar

    1/2 egg

    1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract

food coloring

pearl dusting

vanilla frosting

a bag of black candy melts

black sprinkles

a jar of marshmallow creme (we used Marshmallow Fluff)

Let's start with the cookies
Preheat your oven to 375° F
In a small bowl mix your flour, baking soda, and baking soda, and set it aside
In another bowl, cream your butter and sugar until smooth, then mix in your egg and vanilla. Once blended, gradually blend in your flour mix
When finished, knead the dough into a large ball and roll out
Cut out 6 cookies at around 3 1/2 inch circles, bake for 8 minutes and set aside, these will be your bottom cookies
With your remaining dough, divide into 6 parts and color
Roll out your colored dough, cut to about 3 inch circles, and bake for 8 min

For the bottom halves
Melt your candy melts, then take a cookie and spread the candy, then sprinkle on your black sprinkles before the candy cools. Place your cookies in the fridge for a couple minutes then set aside

For the top halves
Dust each cookie top with a little pearl dust
Prepare your frosting, and decorate the cookies with thier respective logo and let dry

And finally, take your bottom cookie, spread your filling on top, and smoosh the top cookie on
Edited by TEhMAn92
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2cup     flour

2tsp      baking powder

150g     butter

2cup     sugar

3tsp      vanilla

2           eggs

1/2cup  cocoa

1 1/4 cup milk


(I doubled the recipe, but it made 3 cakes. This is just one of them, so like....2/3 of this)



1 cup     icing sugar

2 tbsp    milk


food coloring



- Preheat oven to 180C

- Mix flour and baking powder in bowl 1

- mix/beat sugar, butter and vanilla in bowl 2

- add eggs 1 at a time to bowl 2

- mix in milk and dry ingredients (from bowl 1) into bowl 2

- mix until consistent



PAM a round baking tin and pour in batter. Bake in the over for 1 hour. Let cool for 2-5 minutes and remove from tin.


I left it in the fridge over night to make the carving easier. Carved it upside down because it was flat.

cut out some white fondant for her face. Then dyed the rest light blue/purple.

Dyed the icing darker purple for the helmet and when it dried placed, I cut the purple fondant for the accents.

Mixed a little yellow icing for the gold part there.

Then I cut the lotus symbol from paper and dusted it lightly with icing sugar.



at this point I was exhausted and just ate the other cakes I made.


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Fusion Core Cake!








1 box of betty crocker white cake mix

1 1/4 cups water

1/3 cup vegetable oil

3 eggs


buttercream icing:

1/2 cup butter

2 cups icing sugar

1-2 table spoon milk

1 tsp vanilla

(combine, beat until smooth, then 1 table sppon more milk if needed to make more spreadable)


black and blue food colouring


silver cake spray


and store bought fondant! (gray)






- combine all ingredients into a bowl


- beat with a mixer (we used an electric one)


- divide mix equally between 2 8 inch, round cake pans (coated with a non-stick cooking spray or butter)


- bake at 350 degrees fahrenheit


- bake for 30 - 35 mins


- insert toothpick into middle of each cake

(if the toothpick comes out clean, the cake is done, if it has mix on it, it needs to bake longer)


- when done; remove from oven and let cool for 10 mins


- remove from pans and let cool for completely


- cut off the top puffy part of the cakes


each cake should look like this:



coat one of the cakes with a thin layer of buttercream icing


roll out fondant to about 1/4 - 1/8 inch thickness


cut out top, bottom and middle cylinder parts of fusion core from secondary cake


apply them with a bit of butter cream icing for glue


cover entire cake with fondant and spray with silver cake spray


tint remaining buttercream icing blue


apply to the blue areas


use the black food colouring to paint the black areas



and there you have it!



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Jat Kittag Hammer Head Cake ^_^



1 box of betty crocker white cake mix

1 1/4 cups water

1/3 cup vegetable oil

3 eggs


buttercream icing:

1/4 cup butter

1 cups icing sugar

1 tablespoon milk

1 tsp vanilla

(combine, beat until smooth, use a very small amount more milk if needed to make more spreadable)

 set aside a small amount of the buttercream to be tinted red.


1 box store bought fondant icing ( i used wiltons), black, lemon yellow, brown and red food coloring and 1 can of silver cake graffiti spray ( i used duff goldman cake graffiti silver spray). cake decorator painting brushes.




mix all ingredients, bake in a greased and floured 8 inch by 3 inch deep cake pan at 350 degrees for 40 mins. cake is done when toothpick inserted comes out clean. remove from over and cool for 10 mins. remove from pan and cool on a wire rack until completely cool.


prepare buttercream icing


carefully carve cake to the desired shape using excess pieces to build the shape. cover with a thin layer of buttercream to help fondant icing stick. 


separate fondant into 2 equal parts. tint 1 part black and 1 part lemon yellow roll out black fondant, cut to fit black areas of cake and apply to cake. once the black areas are on spray with the silver cake spray, let dry. roll out the yellow fondant and apply to yellow area of cake. smooth as best you can. Create the mace protrusions by shaping black fondant, spray with sliver spray and let dry. once dry attach to cake using buttercream as glue. now paint in black areas of cake using brush and black food coloring. Spray the silver spray into a small bowl and using a small brush paint on all the silver accents on the yellow fondant. Using a small brush and the brown food coloring paint on the rust spots. Lastly using the small amount of red buttercream in a cake decorating bag fitted with a small round tip pipe on the red accents on the end of each mace protrusion. 

Edited by (PS4)merlegirl73
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Love Fusion: Wins the battle through the stomach..everytime

10 egg whites
10 egg yolks
7/8c flour
3tbsp butter melted
4tbsp honey x3
16oz cream cheese
handful of raisins

Optional: Green tea powder or cocoa powder with a tsp vanilla to bring out the flavor
Directions: This is a meringue cake,whites need to be mixed with clean beaters so mix those first till soft white peaks form,then add 4tbsp honey and blend well for a minute or two. Then mix 4tbsp honey into yolks and blend till fluffy. Sift flour through a wire strainer to get lumps out and make the cake fluffier,add 1/3 meringue into the yolks and 2 step fold the mixture till smooth,then add the flour,folding until smooth again,then add the rest of the meringue and fold till smooth. I used 3 different baking pans for this, 8x4" bread pan,13x9" cake pan,and 9" springform with center mold to make cake rings. Do remember i used the 13x9" pan twice,so thats 4 seperate pieces to bake,I also found it easier to line these with parchment paper or aluminum foil coated with butter and dusted with flour.Amount per pan is really guess work and prefered size is up to you,just have enough for your round pan. After pouring,spread gently with business or credit card,tap each pan on flat hard surface to pop any bubbles in the mixture.Bake 340-350F for 20-25 minutes,watch it carefully,once starting to brown it should be done,use toothpick to check if its sticky or done.Once out of oven,tap pan again to stop it from shrinking,lift out(if using parchment or aluminum foil) and cover with pan to keep moist. For the topping,hand mix and fluff the cream cheese,add in melted butter and 4 tbsp honey till smooth,i trimmed the bread pan cake to fit on top better,and used the second 13x9 cake to add on the rest of the decorative pieces and trimmings and just topped with cream cheese and raisins,nothing fancy but its fun and tastes great.I had enough left over to make a swiss roll,enjoy!

Edited by Wolfikins
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Lotus Cake Thing




I'm so sorry lotus.


We tried to make a Liset.... things went wrong pretty quick.


Recipe: Three Layers


4 1/2 Cups of Cake Flour

3 Sticks of Butter

3/4 Cup of Vegetable Shortening

3 Tbs of Baking Powder

3/4 Tsp of Salt

3 Tsp of Vanilla Extract

4 1/2 Cups of sugar

9 Egg Whites

3/4 Cup of Milk

3/4 Cup of Butter Milk



First we mixed the sticks of butter and vegetable shortening in a bowl until we got it pretty creamy, afterwards we began mixing in the cups of sugar pretty much until it started to look like Parmesan cheese. After that was done we added egg whites to the mixture and it went into a pretty creamy state.


While this was going on we had someone mix together the cake flour, baking powder, salt, vanilla extract, and the assortment of milks to get that dough. (it looked pretty neat)


Once both mixed were finished we put the two together and mixed that. Afterwards we placed the mix into buttered baking pans* and place them into the oven at 360° for about 28 minutes**.


After the baking is done we let the cakes cool down in order to take them out of the pans*** and frost accordingly.


* We did not butter the baking pans.

** We mixed the times and temperatures were pretty sporadic but the time given is probably the optimal range.

*** We let the cakes cool but since we didn't butter the pans we had to knife them out.


The cake tasted nice though so thats good :)



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