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[Ic]The Setup, Redux 18+


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Keya lowered the now empty bottle with a resounding clink, head swimming in alcohol, breath reeking of cinnamon. Blood loss, numerous cuts, moderate burns, and a blood-alcohol-content of about .827 were catching up to the battered pilot. How was she able to keep all this at bay and stay conscious? Stubborn, Grineer determination and a wall of fiery, all-consuming rage worked like a flood gate to hold these back.


Why was she starting to feel the effects now? Simple: she was distracted from her rage.


"I appreeshiate the cunsern, Genital," Keya slurred, teeth tripping over her own tongue as she began to forget to correct her racial lisp, "Stiyle Muridien ushuali cuhvers dis kynd uf schtuff."


Her vision blurred, her cheeks and nose flushed red, and tired of her condition, balance left her swaying dangerously on her bar stool. She removed her hand from the bar as it raced away from her, only to come back, then leave again. Her swaying increased as her remaining arm reached up to grab the zipper of her suit, her fingers missing several times before she finally got a grip.


Hyperthermia from the taxing of her liver caused her body temperature to rise, while hypothermia caused by blood loss caused her to have a simultaneous heat flash. Wonderful!


"Did they crank the heet, er sumthin? It'z so hot..." she woozily complained as she pulled down the metal pull-tab, perhaps a little too far.


She needed to go somewhere. Where was it? Wait, did she really need to go? Why was the floor so far away?


"Erm, hold... hold, that thawt, Hex...er," she mumbled as she attempted to stand, tripping on her own foot before she even left the stool.  The Grineer woman was out cold before she even hit the ground.


At least the Med bay was right there. After all, 'Caring for the troops is the least a General can do.'

Clink the coins, roll the dice.

NATURAL 20. Even in this I did not expect.

Woo! Favoured Fool of Fortune fights on forever!



Moving with sudden deftness, the Leading Larrikin caught Keya with mere centimeters to spare between her and the floor. At least that wouldn't cause her any more damage.

"Well, that happened. Come on, best get you to Medical." As gently as he could manage, (which was surprisingly and superbly gentle, still rolling on that natural 20) Hexer hauled her up and carried her over to the Med Bay. All in all, she was lighter than he thought, though to be fair, he had never carried a Grineer woman before. Usually it's a Grineer Male corpse that landed on him.

Oh what fun THAT day was.

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Nium came back to medical with another injured Tenno in his arms, handing him over to the professionals. That was one of the last injured and he doubted that any were left by now. He turned back to the twins behind him, crouching down.

"I'm going to see if I can find "operator"" Nium emphasised his fingers for "operator".

"If you want you can come with me, hang around and cheer up the injured or try and find an outlet to replenish your power. Either way I'll make sure to find you as soon as I can, up to you."

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"Medical injectors eh? Can I have one? Saves me the trouble to go to the Med Bay," Evan chuckled. "No? Only for ladies? Never mind," he said, then, he followed Hexer to the Med Bay.

"While, I'm already here. Might as well treat my injuries," he thought. "Eh well, Hexer. Glad to know that you're still alive. We will be meeting soon...I guess. Enjoy your stay here," he said, waving goodbye to Hexer. He then went to one of the doctors and waited to be treated.

"Wait...isn't that...erm...what's her name? Myth? No, not that...Ah yes Mythos," he muttered, looking at her.

"Hope she's alright."

Edited by (PS4)qwerty1310
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Aegia had found a nice little spot on the wall to lean against as she watched the scene between Gaius and the Vauban unfold. She couldn't help but snicker a bit as the Tenno in the medbay bed-table-thing joked around despite the condition he looked to be in. She was definitely glad she'd decided to be in the docking bay when he'd collapsed in there, as she was always glad to have another Tenno around that wasn't drop dead serious all the time. Aegia however, wasn't as accommodating of the two friends' shared moment as Souna was, and as soon as there was a lull in their conversation, she came forward, placing a single hand on the foot of the bed-table-thing the Vauban rested upon, leaned forward a bit as she rested some of her weight upon it, her other hand in its usual place upon her hip. And she grinned.


"Glad to see you're feeling better... More or less. Just don't overdo it on the alcohol, I don't want to have to haul you out of the medbay too." Ever the social Tenno, Aegia was, as she addressed the Vauban laying there. "But if you could, maybe try and keep your blood inside you, instead of on my frame next time." She had already seen him capable of joking around about the condition he was in, it was only fitting for her to join in.

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Sebastian looked deadpan at Aegia. Reflexively he put the Scotch up to his lips at took about five large gulps. "Don't think I can't handle my Scotch." He said. After that, his deadpan face was replaced with a large grin. "So I'm guessing you're the one who brought me here, thanks." Sebastian moved his hand towards Aegia, offering a handshake. "Name's Sebastian. Yours?" He then brought up his other hand and offered her the Scotch as well. "Also, as thanks. Courtesy of Gaius." He said with a grin.


Gaius smiled at the exchange between Sebastian and Aegia. His friend was going to be fine, but he still needed to ask him a few more questions, primarily, what state the others were in. But for now, Sebastian needed this brief moment of respite. Gaius looked over his shoulder and noticed Souna standing back. He waved over to her, motioning her over to stand with the others. The two did not need space, and Sebastian was going to be fine.

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Orion sat down next to a wall as he saw everyone leave. "Hey, that hurt my feelings." He muttered, before suddenly looking up. "Oh my god, I have feelings!?" He sighed and looked back at the slowly decreasing masses of people in the hanger. "Still, I'm pretty much nothing without Mythos..." He leaned back onto the wall, sighing. "No one really sees me for what I truely am. What am I supposed to do while she's healing? Socialise? Any Tenno here wouldn't talk to me at all. They only really see me as a tool, and nothing else."

"That Zephyr, though. It was like she didn't even see me! She's not the first, but she's probably the worst so far. I tried to help that Rhino, and all I got was being ignored from that Zephyr, and pretty much no response from the other two. I guess I'll have to get used to this. Even though it's stupid." He sighed again. "Well, who can I talk to that I know? Belrev's in a heal pod, so is Mythos, uhm...Hexer?" He looked around. "He seems....nice enough. Better than that Zephyr though. Now where is he?" He looked around for Hexer in the hanger. "Well, he's obviously not here. Oh well." He sat back down.

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Hope you brought your moon boots, fellas, cause it's time to jump! Fear not for your conversations, simply imagine some filler words before you move on with more important matters.




Moving with sudden deftness, the Leading Larrikin caught Keya with mere centimeters to spare between her and the floor. At least that wouldn't cause her any more damage.

"Well, that happened. Come on, best get you to Medical." As gently as he could manage, (which was surprisingly and superbly gentle, still rolling on that natural 20) Hexer hauled her up and carried her over to the Med Bay. All in all, she was lighter than he thought, though to be fair, he had never carried a Grineer woman before. Usually it's a Grineer Male corpse that landed on him.

Oh what fun THAT day was.


Dr. Tessitura was now sitting near the mouth of the Med bay, wiping his forehead with a cool, damp towel as he enjoyed a refreshing bottle of water. All of the serious procedures were taken care of, so at this point calm was almost completely restored. All the medical staff were doing now was waiting on the pods and those in more serious condition on the beds.


As the General approached with the Grineer woman in his arm, he let out a fatigued sigh, struggling to stand as he met him at the entrance.


"I knew it was only a matter of time before she'd finally find her way here. She's more stubborn than the average Grineer, I'll tell you that much," the Corpus doctor complained, waving over a few nurses to take Keya from Hexer's arms. 


"I appreciate you bringing her in; you've managed to do what we believed impossible. I assure you she's in good hands."


And with that, the Tessitura dismissed himself, approaching the bed that they laid the unconscious pilot down on as he pulled the curtain closed.


"Alright, you all know the drill; strip her down and start an IV. Has someone analysed her blood sample yet?"


"Yes, sir. Um, almost a full percent of her blood is alcohol."


"Ykip! Alright, hook her up to the BAL and take a purified sample to the Blood Processor so we can get a transfusion started. You, get a scan of her left arm and mirror it for an artificial prosthetic."


"Yes, sir. What model should I use as a template?"


"Manus-Mag model 436. We'll need to exchange her anchor, but that shouldn't prove too difficult.-"


As the good doctor continued to operate and give orders, his small group of assistants moved about the bay, using various machines while one rushed out to the foundry in the training area.


Nium came back to medical with another injured Tenno in his arms, handing him over to the professionals. That was one of the last injured and he doubted that any were left by now. He turned back to the twins behind him, crouching down.

"I'm going to see if I can find "operator"" Nium emphasised his fingers for "operator".

"If you want you can come with me, hang around and cheer up the injured or try and find an outlet to replenish your power. Either way I'll make sure to find you as soon as I can, up to you."


Gemini fidgeted a bit as it processed its options. While it didn't want to leave it's charge's side, it also wasn't in a hurry to encounter the operator who treated their charge the way she did, even if their only previous experience was via comms.


After a moment, though they didn't verbally confirm, they didn't seem like they were going to stay behind or venture off on their own.




An hour passes, and aside from the lock-down that the station was still under, it seems to have returned to the state of calm that was present before the chaos arrived.


A passing volunteer accidentally cleaned up the mess that integrated Milton's salvaged cassette tape. The volunteer apologized profusely, even though Milton insisted that it was alright and that he knew it was a mistake. Thankfully, the engineers and Milton remembered most of the process that went into plugging the archaic technology into the station's sound system, which only took them about an hour.

Rupert Holmes - (Escape) The Pina Colada Song


Vidic finally gave up on the docking ring and was currently banging his head against one of the tables in the canteen as his fiancee chewed him out for ignoring his calls. Fessa, after taking a long, cold shower, was also in the canteen, resting softly with her wet head in her arms with a smile on her face. Nisette, however, was nowhere to be found.


Most of those in the Med Bay were beginning to be released, medical professionals helping those in pods out as they recovered from their soreness and medically induced comas. But while the station was mostly calm, some chaos was returning with certain patients regaining consciousness.


"Um, Caira? She's waking up."


"Uh... Wha... Where?"


"Easy, Ma'am. You've been out for a couple-"


"Where am I? Who're you?"


"You're on the Donn Waystation, in the medical bay. I'm your assigned nurse, -"


"What the hell?! What the hell am I wearing?!"


"It's a medical gown. Sorry, but it was all-"


"Gah! Why am I naked under this thing?! Where's my suit?!" Bright, white sparks began to erupt on the other side of the curtain, flashing the silhouettes of those within periodically.


"Please calm down! Your neurodes are damaged, your just going to worsen your-"


"My chest! What did you people do to me?!" The flashes intensified, their frequency increasing as well.


"Based on the report from your mission, you used a lot of energy! In order to compensate, your Technocyte burned a large percentage of your body fat!"


"I'm flatter than Nisha now!"


"Ma'am, please!"


Nearby, a certain Specter happened to overhear the screaming, replying with a quiet and hurt, "Hey..."



While this was happening, a nurse approached one of the head doctors, "Sir?"


"What is it?"


"It's the Mirage that was brought in here earlier."


"What about her?"


"Well, she's not here..."




"She must have run off when we were preoccupied!"


The doctor sighed, "Well, she couldn't have gotten far with the station under lock-down. Tell the others to keep an eye out, but keep it quiet."

Edited by SpaceHelicopters
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Belrev woke up with a deep breath, and was helped out of his pod by a medical professional.

"Thank you." Belrev said kindly, as he looked down...to be seen wearing a medical gown.

'Eh. Not bad.' He thought.

His appearance was restored from its previous state, as the shadows under his eyes were gone. The blood was off, the scars closed and gone, and he generally looked perfectly fine.

Excluding the fact that he was sore beyond comprehension. At least he didn't have his kidney injury, his cuts and bruises, his injured wrist, and a bleeding head.

Brushing that aside reluctantly, he now made his way to the canteen, where he could eat food.

Of course his train of thought was interrupted when Corion flew by, perched himself on his shoulder, and opened up a new Inbox message.

From none other than his favorite psychotic Nyx.

Hey B,

You haven't called or texted me in a long time. Are you breaking up with me darling? Would hate for that to happen. Then I'll be all lonely with no one talk to. No one to hurt and kiss during battle...

Anyway moving past that, a little birdie told me you NEARLY KILLED YOURSELF ON A MISSION. Seriously darling, if you wanted my attention you could have done other things. Well I sent you a pack of some painkillers scavenged from.. hmm let's see. This dead Frost I'm standing over. Very bad Tenno he was. One of those 'Hoorah, I am going to murder one of the most dangerous Tenno alive and his brothers who are equally dangerous!' types. Why do so many Tenno want you dead? Are they jealous of your looks, or that you have me? Probably both.

Get better soon babe!-XOXO, Nyssa.

"She seems rather...invested in you Master."

"Of course she is. Ever since we first fought each other, she has always acted like this. To me."

"You do know she is the opposite of the moral compass, yes?"

"The painkillers were a nice touch..."

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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Vandal got up from his pod, also in a medical gown. He sighed as he got helped up slowly but surely out of the pod. "Th... Thanks." He stuttered as he could speak again from that weird magical pod filled with some strange liquid gas stuff. He would need to get used to speaking again and would need to not talk much for his vocal cords to be healed to perfection.

Shizukana had found the medical bay and had planned for one objective, kill a man of importance... Either for pay or for personal reasons are unknown, the place must be guarded since its in lockdown, after all random Tenno came in the station in strange ships with a strange logo on them, she got ready to shoot at the guards.

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After escorting the inebriated pilot to the medbay and having her taken out of his hands, Hexer had no idea what the hek to do. Probably wander around, but there was a nagging thought in his head saying 'Don't abandon her! She's too pretty! DON'T ABANDON HEEEEEeeeeeeeeerrr-!'
...how exactly does a nagging thought leave behind an echo? How exactly does thinki-okay, that is just getting into metaphysics and bullS#&$ that the General really didn't want to start thinking about the last time that happened, he sat in his office for two days straight. One of his soldiers claimed that he walked in and he was hanging from the roof by a thin thread of duct tape. That being said, those two days were just blank.


And then suddenly, Hexer woke up near the door of the medbay, just as the nurse with information about a runaway Mirage came back.
"...did I just zone out again?" He asked aloud. "What time is it?"

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Golden spires burned, lighting the night sky like an artificial sun. Flashes of plasma shone like stars that went the skies and shone as they came. Only screams rose above the crackling fire, not even battle able to drown out the continuous cries of anguish. Her feet left prints of crimson as she moved through gold streets stained red, littered with gore in and organic alike.

Her feet clicked against the flooring with every step, the rthymetic beat falling upon deaf ears. The fingers of her left flexed as they were highlighted by claws of pure white, a scraping behind her as she leashed the item hooked to her right Ripline.

A squad of Lancers rushed out before her, positioning before they let the rat-tat-tat drown out the world. The Valkyr laughed as the lead fell useless upon her, flinging her Ripline towards the Grineer. The headless abomination came down on the group, crushing them all into misty gore and fractured metal.

More rushed out to her through the street, all coming from the blazed red horizon. An endless swarm.

Sab merely laughed again and drew her Grakatas, cutting down the cloned masses with their own crude technology. They collapsed like puppets without their strings, a grin plastering the Valkyr's face as screams filled her delighted ears.





That hurt.

Sab got off the ground and rubbed her head after her rude awakening. It was a shame, she was having such a nice dream. Was about to dive into a horde of lancers and cut them all into finely crafted curly fries. Then make the others eat them.

Atleast she was relaxed. That's all that matters for the medic that would otherwise have been suffering a severe case of cranial displacement right now.

As she manifested her helmetless Warframe Sab stretched up her newly healed body before grabbing her weapons, giving the Jat a couple quick spins before clicking it into place, feeling the familiar weight on her back.

With a quick thumbs up to the would-be-otherwise-dead-right-now medic Sab walked off to do her own thing. Mostly eat, she was famished. She was probably gonna buy a whole buffet with her new for-


No balance changes while she was healing.

No pay.


Simple hamburger it was then.

Buuuut even that got put on hold when she noticed someone still coped up in a healing bath. Someone she could probably bug into paying for her burger. So Sab leaned against the nearby wall and waited for Krenn to wake the hell up.

Edited by IceDragonofAmber
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Sebastian looked deadpan at Aegia. Reflexively he put the Scotch up to his lips at took about five large gulps. "Don't think I can't handle my Scotch." He said. After that, his deadpan face was replaced with a large grin. "So I'm guessing you're the one who brought me here, thanks." Sebastian moved his hand towards Aegia, offering a handshake. "Name's Sebastian. Yours?" He then brought up his other hand and offered her the Scotch as well. "Also, as thanks. Courtesy of Gaius." He said with a grin.


Aegia took the Vauban's hand, shaking it firmly, though allowing her obvious femininity to show through it before pulling her hand away and taking the bottle of Scotch, putting it to her lips and tilting it back. She took a few drinks before handing it back to the Tenno on the bed-table. Her own cheeky grin spread across her features as she nodded. "Yep, but don't mention it. You'd have done the same for me, y'know if you could lift me that was." She let out a giggle as she crossed her arms across her chest. "My name's Aegia, Like Aegis, but with an 'a' at the end. It's a pleasure to meet you proper, Sebastian, this is a much better first impression than passing out in the hangar."

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A golden man, angered by the death of his counterpart, destroying several earths. A girl who had lost everything, left with nothing, taking the burden of commanding the army against the entity. With her slowly deteriorating mind, she destroyed it. Trapped in an area full of strangers, unable to speak, remember, or even understand, she did the only thing she could. She fought.


Krenn woke up. 'Not everyday you get a dream like that.' Slowly getting out of the terminal, he was about to leave when he spotted a familiar face.



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"Something's happening." said a medic, as she checked the pod where a Tenno lay, recuperating from the aftereffects of prolonged vacuum exposure.


The pod itself was bursting pipes and leaking life-support, as tendrils of electricity arced off the surface in a dance of orange lights.


The lead doctor in charge of the pod rushed over, checking the status of the Tenno within with his interface pad. "Something in space must have somehow accelerated his recovery rate, by amplifying the amount of Joule the frame is capable of channeling." he muttered, examining the Warframe. "And explosively at that..." he added, as the Tenno within slowly stirred awake.


As the doctor continued to examine the Tenno, he came across one little detail.


Scans indicate Warframe integration into Tenno body. Catalyst suspected to be energy released from Warhead explosion and subsequent interaction with a destroyed Itzal Archwing. Warframe is seen to have drawn upon the body's bio-electricity to increase the potency of its own energy, boosting recovery rate.


A voice began to speak, from the pad's interface.


"What happened..."


"Tenno, you need to calm--" The doctor was cut off.


"I was in space... heading for the ship..."


"You were thrown off course Tenno. But first, you'll have to stop this--"


"Where are the others, and why am I in here?"


The situation only worsened, as a hand smashed out of the pod, crackling with lightning.


Volun-Tai smashed out of his cage with voltaic fury, frying the medical equipment around him as he ripped the pod's cover to scrap metal in an attempt to break free.


He radiated so much energy, that all electronics in a small radius were completely fried, causing blackouts in nearby rooms and causing wide-spread panic.


"Get the suppression team in here! Sedate the Tenno before he kills someone!" yelled the doctor, feeling the hair on his entire body rise in response to the potent electricity arcing across Volun's body.

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He was JUST about to open up a channel to speak to his cousin, but nope.


Something or Someone caused a blackout. But if it was someone...he knew who it was.




Now that his comm was off temporarily, his brothers were probably having a panic attack back at The Tower . Deciding that he should change, since he is feeling quite chilly, Belrev made his way to a nearby bathroom. He came back out wearing  a black long sleeve shirt and sweatpants, with assistance by his Sentinel. 


Grabbing and paying for a simple sandwich, Belrev walked back to his position on the wall.







Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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The voltaic Volt ripped his pod apart with electricity-infused strength, stepping down onto flat ground as the suppression team finally barged in, equipped with Boltors loaded with suppression rounds. The bolts were designed to shut down the Warframe energy system, rendering most Tenno immobile and unconscious.


Unfortunately for them, Volun-Tai was not most Tenno.


With a wave of his hand, all the guns blew apart in the team's hands, lacerating flesh and equipment.


He was about to advance, his hand charging up for an empowered Shock...


When a bolt to the back of his head shut him down quick, fired by the doctor himself from an Akbolto hidden on his person. "He's still suffering from the aftereffects of the explosions, as well as the sudden increase in power strength by the Warframe fusion. Put him in the restraining wards, with energy siphons to leech off the excess energy." commanded the doctor, who tossed the now-useless gun away, the weapon's barrel having exploded after it fired.


Volun was vengeful like that.

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Souna of course had taken Gaius' silent invitation, after all she was here at the medical ward primarily to gain information. If offered scotch, she declined politely, saying that she 'did not feel like drinking right now'. During the conversation, she makes nice small-talk and acts just her usual, stern self, providing Sebstian with the same information than she already told Gaius, if there were any questions. 


When the coma-pods started reopening, she barely grazed them with her look. Tenno recuperating are a good step into the direction of reopening the station, so it's just... fine.

However, some of the awakenings did not really go well, leaving disoriented, confused Tenno all over the place. A little bit unsettled by the tension that took its hold in the medical team's hearts considering the undirected possible power of their patients, Souna started to look around more often.


It was only thanks to this, that she caught a quick glimpse of the Tenno who caused the blackouts before the lights shattered. Just moments later, the supression team barges in, their guns with flashlights pointed at the volt - who was still in his place. Volleys fired, the sparse lights went dark again. But by now, Souna had taken aim, not wavering in her daring resolution for a moment: Using darkness to her advantage while the Volt charges up his strike to roast the station's forces, she took a full-force bullet jump low above the ground, the push generated by her momentary inversion of the adhesion field might be notable for Gaius, Sebastian and Ageia.

Flying towards the Volt at a breakneck speed, she cleverly uses her wings to redirect the lengthwise rotation into a one around her vertical axis, planting one foot on the ground with the claws screeching and skidding forward. Her other foot takes the main portion of her rotational force and forward momentum - so, all energy she put in the jump basically - to deliver a spinning hook kick directly towards his head. Her intent with this attack was with no hesitation to knock out or severely harm the rampaging Tenno: Her shields are still up, and she does not hold back. If this was to hit a human, clean decapitation could not be ruled out. 


However, her kick misses. In the last moments the Volt had collapsed from the surprising shot to his back, and a clawed foot cuts the air right above his head. Souna has to use her arm, do another half rotation while lowering her leg and pushing away from the body in one smooth motion. She came to a rest in her basic combat pose. ((Pose 81))


With a slow take of breath she keeps standing, towering over the Volt, in case he gets up again to put him down into unconsciosness for good. Until the medical personal will have locked him away, she stays on her guard to not catch a shock jumping from somewhere onto her.

Edited by ArrexDrandko
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Aegia was just about to segue into a new topic with the bedridden bomb tosser, when suddenly, the minuscule hairs on the back of her neck began to stand up, and the distinct smell of ozone entered her nose. Her heart skipped a beat for just a moment as her eyes widened slightly. She could hear the distinct hum and crackle of electricity, it sounded so familiar. Almost as if it hadn't even been a years since she'd heard it in particular, like it was yesterday. She knew that there were always so many... But this one seemed to resonate with her in some way, the same smell, the feeling, the same hum in the air. It was this in particular that made her reluctant to turn her head, but she did so, albeit slowly.


'It couldn't really be... Not after so long...'


She didn't even notice she had been holding her breath as she turned to see a battered looking Volt destroy a whole squad's weapons with a wave of his hand. She stood straight, mouth hanging open ever so slightly as her mind raced through a million different possibilities at once, and none of them seemed to click with her. She raised up her hand, almost as if reaching out for him, when suddenly the piercing sound of a Bolto firing broke her from the near-trance like state she was in, all sound seeming to rush back in and flood her ears with an all-encompassing white noise. When the static finally receded, she looked around, only to find herself in a sturdy, combat-ready pose rooted firmly to the floor, a thick layer of Iron Skin covering her frame, having outstretched an arm and placed her body in between the offending Bolto and the Volt, shielding him with her body. She held her Pyrana in her other hand and her targeting switching between both the head doctor and Souna, respectively, finger on the trigger as she gripped the hand-shotgun with a terrifying strength. She had activated her helmet it had seemed, if her HUD being visible was any indication. Her faculties now returned to her, she could only look around frantically, then at her gun in hand and quickly remove her finger from the trigger, holstering it just as fast. Though, she didn't exactly know what to do with the Volt standing next to her.


Just what had she done? One step forward. Her hand raised up and then... Nothing. All she could recall were the sounds of electricity and static.


Electricity and static...


The smell of ozone...


That familiar hum...


All gone now.


She was finally able to find her words however, and she cleared her throat, speaking in a tone of voice not at all befitting her usual demeanor.

"I... I don't..." She turned her head to Souna, knowing full well she'd have something to say about her actions. Looking to the doctor next, she muttered out an apology. "...My apologies, s-sir. I'm not quite... S-Sure what happened." Which wasn't a lie, of course. She had no clue. She looked at the Volt she held, then to the inevitable eyes belonging to all of the people no doubt watching her. Aegia would look at her hands for a moment, simply staring at the layer of Ferrite Armor now covering them, before making her way outside the medbay doors, to a relatively unoccupied spot on the wall just outside the doors and leaning her back against it, slowly sliding down the wall until she was sitting on the floor, her fingers of one hand against her helmet as she looked down at the ground in front of her.

She was just glad that her helmet could hide her wide-eyed, pale-faced expression.

Edited by Starnsy_Warnsy
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Gaius and Sebastian enjoyed their conversations with Souna and Aegia. As the small group conversed, Gaius managed to find an opportunity to discuss the state of his other clanmates. Or so he thought. As he was about to ask Sebastian the state of Harley, Quinn and Azelie, Volun-Tai entered the room. In the brilliant display of sparks and destruction, Instincts kicked in. Sebastian went for his Bastille, arming it and preparing to throw. Gaius prepared for Bladestorm, unsheathing the blades hidden in his hands. The two watched intently, waiting for the volt to make the first move. But Souna moved first instead. Gaius analyzed the scene in an instant. He planned his course of action, predicting the outcome of the actions. 'Teleport, grab the volt , hold him in place, Souna lands the kick, take him down.' As he prepared to move, however, the volt collapsed to the floor. But Gaius kept his stance when Aegia drew her gun on Souna and the doctor who put the rampant volt down. When she lowered her weapon, Gaius sheathed his blades, but stared at the scene, unwavering. Sebastian still held onto the armed Bastille, staring at Aegia, expecting something else to happen.


"You know what all that was about?" Gaius asked Sebastian. "No clue. But that Volt... He was in my squad. He was our Archwing support. No idea what happened to him though, and I'm clueless as to why Aegia acted that way." Gaius frowned. He hated the ambiguity of the situation. He had a million questions for everyone, but he knew he would get little to none. "That reminds me," Gaius said, "How are the Twins and Azelie holding up? Did they make it out alright?" Sebastian paused for a moment. Everything that had just occurred, plus Gaius's question was beginning to be a but much for him in his current state. "No clue." He said finally. "I wasn't in the same group as them. The Twins were together, but Azelie and I were split into separate groups." "They split you four up?" Gaius said angrily. "Those idiots, they should know by now that our clan works best when all members are together." The situation seemed calm enough. Gaius started to move towards Souna, until he and everyone else in the room began to float. "Sorry!" Sebastian yelled. "I may have dropped the Bastille... It will take a minute..."

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"What woman?" Belrev asked. He had no idea what he was talking about, or who this 'Woman' is. Belrev was confused really. Now that was out of the way, temporarily, the 23 year old focused on more...difficult matters. Those consisted of what is happening to Quinn, who was the Grineer Captain who shot him, and the foreboding threat of Omnipotence.

He looked towards the Zephyr and the Rhino user, and nodded in greeting.

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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