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[Ic]The Setup, Redux 18+


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Gaius lightly chuckled at Souna's comment about gestures. "Very true Miss Souna, very true. I was simply implying that your hands seem to be your favorite form of expression via body language."


Gaius paused the twirling of his Hikou when the horrid screeching  from the docking bay emerged. "Sounds like we've been requested at the docks." Gaius said jokingly. Based of Souna's body language, Gaius could tell that she was unimpressed by his fancy tricks. 'Guess I'll need more than this to impress her.' Gaius thought to himself. He was actually rather sad about this, that was one of his favorite little tricks. He adored the subtlety of it. "I don't mean to assume you need a weapon to handle yourself, Miss Souna, I was simply trying to imply that when treading on neutral ground, have a means of turning the odds in your favor." He said with a smirk. "Take what you need from me, I have more than just stars up my sleeves."


Gaius followed Souna into the docking bay and was needless to say shocked to see several horribly wounded Tenno. However, he quickly composed himself. As he moved in past the crowd, a dense cloud consumed him, lifting up only to reveal him fully clad in his Ash warframe. He moved away from the crowds and turned to see Souna standing up and a bench, showing the way to the medical area. He was impressed by her composure, and her stalwart demeanor in the situation was admirable.


Then Milton's new song began to play.


Gaius was incredibly confused by the style given the situation, but as he looked back at Souna the music seemed to overtake the noise from all the commotion. 'I swear, the second I see Milton I am punching him in the throat.' Gaius though to himself. As he came back to his senses, Gaius decided to make himself useful. He moved to the ships and began to help out whoever he could, whether it being to help put people on stretchers or unload some of the ships. He took care to keep an eye out for any of his clan mates, but had yet to spot any of them.

Edited by IrishHades1798
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"Negative Ma'am, station's under strict lock-down; no one in or out, no exceptions," came the reply to Maxi's hail, "If you're desperate to land, our sister station Morríghan isn't too far away and is better equipped."


Hacking the station open would prove fruitless due to its age. The locking of the clam-shell worked in a similar manner to ancient power-steering technology from automobiles reproduced on a massive scale. A lever in the control booth had to be physically pulled in order to operate the huge fluid-filled pistons that opened and closed the clam-shell.

Maxi scowled yet again. "If the fact that i'm here to drop off not only a Tenno who was separated from the sea of Cichlids and Lisets which just arrived here, but also a Liset which contents would help a Tenno on your station changes your mind, you let me know." She responded.


"Doesn't matter, let's go!" Belrev said as he rushed Vandal over to the infirmary, all while keeping Harley in his arms. Thanking the Zephyr along the way for the motions pointing to the infirmary, the trio reach their destination.

"Two wounded here! Vocal cords ruptured and injuries sustaining his body! She needs to be checked for any injuries, been unconscious the whole ride home!"

Looking at Vandal, he knows that if he doesn't mention his own injuries, there will be quite a fit of anger shown.

"Multiple scrapes on my body. Injured ribcage, bleeding on my head, and a injured wrist." Belrev said with a slight growl in his voice.


Meanwhile with Silver, Corion used all of his energy to levitate the Limbo off the ground. "Sir, this is quite stressful to my systems, but I must get you to the Infirmary. Master Belrev has already brought the other two there. They are waiting on you." The Shade sentinel explained, as he drifted Silver to the Infirmary.

Silver sighed, looking at Corion. "Are you sure? Unlike Vandal and Harley, i'm not as wounded. I think i'm fine without medical support."


Sab dropped her arms and started following the steady stream of f*cked ups going from the hanger to what she presumed was the medbay. Or the crematorium. Or kitchen. Who could tell with a station run by commies?

After thankfully finding a medbay at the end of the road Sab stood around, out of the way of the constant surge and waiting to be served.


Nium would have smiled if he had a mouth, the AI's tone growing noticeably lighter.

"Thank god you're okay, come on."

Nium moved and gently picked up Azelia, looking back at the twins. "There are possibly hundreds of Tenno out there that could use our help."

The AI turned back to Ghostar. "Do you need any help? If not" He looked out the ship to Four. "She could need it."

Ghostar nodded. "I'm fine, so I can help Four." He responded, standing up.

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After some stumbling, the beeline Hexer made for the kitchen looked more like Jack Sparrow in a part of town that had an entire street dedicated to rum shops, but for some reason most of them had no rum, so he had to check every store twice, but he found the kitchen in the end. And the synthesizer.


The General gave the machine an angry glare. "I am not trusting you, or any of your kin. You are like printers, you malfunction at the worst possible times. I WILL NOT HAVE A REPEAT OF THE FRIED RICE INCIDENT!" He shouted in the worst possible Scottish accent in the system. Hopefully no-one knew what Scottish even sounded like anymore, and he'd be mistaken for a Darvo impersonator. But that was impossible, since Darvo was Russian.

Did anyone even know what Russian was anymore?


At any rate, the General strolled casually over to the kitchen counter and immediately began looking for teabags, a kettle, a beer mug, sugar and milk. Hopefully all of those would be there, but then again, Lady Luck still needed a withdrawal.

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Gaius was incredibly confused by the style given the situation, but as he looked back at Souna the music seemed to overtake the noise from all the commotion. 'I swear, the second I see Milton I am punching him in the throat.' Gaius though to himself. As he came back to his senses, Gaius decided to make himself useful. He moved to the ships and began to help out whoever he could, whether it being to help put people on stretchers or unload some of the ships. He took care to keep an eye out for any of his clan mates, but had yet to spot any of them.

Finally, the blood had come off.

The female Rhino sighed with relief, she wasn't too keen on scarlet accents to her suit, at least not yet. She had tuned out the various chaotic hustle and bustle of the medbay, leaving herself alone with her thoughts and the tunes of the PA System. She didn't possess any medical knowledge, so she was rather useless here, save for her being a glorified stretcher. Aegia tossed the bloody rag into the biohazardous waste bin nearby, before resting her hand on her hip, and summarily, her handheld shotgun.

If it were there.

Her hand shot to her other hip to try and find it. Yet again, her hand grasped at empty space.

'Ohhhh come on come on where is it? That Pyrana was a gift!' She panicked mentally, glancing around the medbay frantically. She didn't see the telltale glint of the polished steel she'd come to know. One might scold her for being worried about personal belongings when there were so many wounded to attend to.

The scatterbrained Rhino started running, heavy, powerful footfalls against metal, echoing through the halls of the waystation as she sprinted along. Thud thud thud thud thud. She was making a beeline towards the docking bay, that being the last place she'd touched her Pyrana.

Thud thud thud thud thud, slide, the sound of metal sliding against metal, thud thud thud thud thud. Many smart individuals made sure to get out of the way of the charging Rhino lady, lest they be bowled over rather forcefully. That is to say nothing of any persons that were unaware of her rapid approach.

Say, for example, a rather helpful looking Ash...

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Krenn blinked. Then again. Everything since waking up had been a blur, from the explosion to the whatever this was. It seemed that once Sab had thrown him out of the capsule he had finally regained his wits. Simply powerless to get up from the floor, he simply echoed an "Acknowledged" to whatever heard him.


Then came the realization.


He was still dressed as a Stalker.


Looking around with his rather restricted field of view, he saw mainly Perrin operatives. Hopefully they'd be okay with treating what would normally seem like a mortal enemy of the Tenno, even if said Tenno needed explaining. Krenn suppressed a sigh. How did he even get into this mess again? It felt like so long ago.


Nevertheless, with the help of a female Rhino (?) who slung him over his back, he was on his way to the med bay. It was only a matter of time, he assumed.

Edited by HziulquiogmnzhahAtXoth
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Souna simply accepts Gaius' words with a nod, she has nothing more to add to what she said before. Before she left, she commented on hit advice about neutral grounds with a simple "I do." before hurrying to the docks. Due to her departure and soon after arrival, he would never get to hear any of her possible answers to his 'generous' offer. And there were plenty of possibilities, Souna was well aware of that. 


While she acts as a living guidepost, her eyes are sweeping across the many heads, most of them covered by masks, helmets or similar. Barely any faces at all, and sure none of them familiar to her. To her, it is the very manifestation of a faceless mass. In such a situation, it is not hard for her to brush the sight of so many wounds and so much pain aside, feeling not related to any of them, but solely the greater picture at hand. That is, making herself to be seen helping, to solidify her reputation, with the most reasonable effort. Gaius sees it as composure and courage, but someone with a less positive image of her would have called her heartless and scheming.


Nevertheless, those who pass close enough to her and thank her are granted a firm nod in exchange that conveys the feeling of a silent commendation: You have done well, you survived, you were victorious. 


With a hidden frown and a short stop in her waving, she shortly after notices a Rhino working its way back to the docking area in a rather harsh fashion. She had kept an eye on Gaius' simply to not loose her possible-valuable contact, and now saw the Rhino head into straight collision course with the hardworking Ash. If there had been less people around, she probably would have simply dashed from her elevated spot and slide-tackled the Rhino's legs to bring the reckless rush to a grinding halt before anyone who was more useful got hurt. With more people than pins on a bowling track in the way, however, this is not even remotely an option. For a short moment Souna imagines a flyby and throw by the rhino's head with the resulting inertia. Cruel and dangerous without safety measures, and who knows where the heavy Tenno might land. Not a smart move either. Simply calling out? There are not as many people left in the docking area than before, but if the Rhino would had enough common sense left to react to a warning call, she wouldn't even be running like that, endangering workers and cargo. Souna does not see a great chance for that to work either. 

With those consideration only taking a second or two, she simply kept an eye on the situation, ready to leap over people's heads towards the location of the might-happen-soon-accident and assist in whatever way necessary. 

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"Doesn't matter, let's go!" Belrev said as he rushed Vandal over to the infirmary, all while keeping Harley in his arms. Thanking the Zephyr along the way for the motions pointing to the infirmary, the trio reach their destination.

"Two wounded here! Vocal cords ruptured and injuries sustaining his body! She needs to be checked for any injuries, been unconscious the whole ride home!"

Looking at Vandal, he knows that if he doesn't mention his own injuries, there will be quite a fit of anger shown.

"Multiple scrapes on my body. Injured ribcage, bleeding on my head, and a injured wrist." Belrev said with a slight growl in his voice.


Meanwhile with Silver, Corion used all of his energy to levitate the Limbo off the ground. "Sir, this is quite stressful to my systems, but I must get you to the Infirmary. Master Belrev has already brought the other two there. They are waiting on you." The Shade sentinel explained, as he drifted Silver to the Infirmary.

Vandal gave a vicious glare when Belrev didn't mention his own injuries, but when he did, he calmed down as he kept his promise. He then coughed more and leaned against Belrev, he wasn't feeling to well, was he shot from that Saryn who's still lurking around? Was he getting older? He doesn't know, nobody knows. Only Lotus know, probably.

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"I'll see if I can find that Saryn." Belrev commented. He didn't like it at all. A fellow Tenno shot at his friend, and vanished in the blink of an eye. All that was left was the remaining decoy that slowly withered away. Even then he knew she was trouble. Hopefully not Insane, as he already has that with Nyssa. The dark colored Nyx never failed to grab his attention. But hey, she has saved his life a few times.


Hearing a familiar buzz in his ear, Belrev pulls up his holographic projector on his gauntlet. 


It was them. How they never failed to worry about him. 'Hmm let's see....87 missed calls. You really are worried aren't you brother?' 


On the face chat, a male Tenno who bore a striking resemblance to Belrev himself appeared. Same black and white hair albeit in different styles, same red eyes, and of course the signature scars.


"We were worried brother. Celorn can't speak for a bit, since Shay decked him in the jaw with a pair of Furax."


"I understand you were worried big bro. But I am fine. You can monitor my life signal and heart rate from the Tower's computer. Oh and tell Shay she did a good job."


"Yes yes I know. We just got reconnected to the suit's systems brother. How are things?"


"Good. About to be relieved of all these cuts on my glorious self."


"Understood littlest brother. Just checking up on you. Try not to cry."


"I'm dying with laughter. How's Felix?"


"Our cousin? Yes brother, he is fine. Currently having a session of target practice with Dreven in his district of the city. The Pangolin Bar to be exact."


"Good. Stay safe big bro."


"You too as well brother."


And with that, the projector closed.  


"You'll be fine V. After getting our injuries out of the way, we could go for food with Silver. Bet all of us are damn near starved."




"No no Sir. I insist." Corion beeped, as he brought Silver into the infirmary.


"Here we are Sir Silver."

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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Orion was surprised at the sudden appearance of Vidic, and then disappearance. He turned to Ivan. "It....appears we have landed." He said to the Nekros, in a heavy, unemotional tone. He was obviously still recovering from Odessa's death.

"Gr...grab Mythos. See if you can find some medics. Make...make sure she has good treatment." Orion said, turning away from the Nekros and looking out of the ramp at the Tenno nearby. "I have to do something."

Ivan didn't say anything, he simply nodded. He looked at Mythos, then at Orion, before letting out a sigh. He was curious about the thing Orion had to do, but figured it wasn't the best time to ask him. He grabbed Mythos and went to the med bay.

"Well, this should be the med bay, Trinitys everywhere..." he muttered as he entered. He found an empty bed for Mythos and put her down, he made sure medics attended her before leaving the med bay through one of the door. He managed to get a view of the planet below. "Odessa..." he muttered, looking out. Was that her? Or was it just a star? He didn't know, and he didn't want to. But one thing's for sure, Odessa is gone, forever. He shook his head, and went to the Canteen to get himself a meal. He was hungry, but didn't have the appetite for a meal, still, he had to eat.

After some stumbling, the beeline Hexer made for the kitchen looked more like Jack Sparrow in a part of town that had an entire street dedicated to rum shops, but for some reason most of them had no rum, so he had to check every store twice, but he found the kitchen in the end. And the synthesizer.

The General gave the machine an angry glare. "I am not trusting you, or any of your kin. You are like printers, you malfunction at the worst possible times. I WILL NOT HAVE A REPEAT OF THE FRIED RICE INCIDENT!" He shouted in the worst possible Scottish accent in the system. Hopefully no-one knew what Scottish even sounded like anymore, and he'd be mistaken for a Darvo impersonator. But that was impossible, since Darvo was Russian.

Did anyone even know what Russian was anymore?

At any rate, the General strolled casually over to the kitchen counter and immediately began looking for teabags, a kettle, a beer mug, sugar and milk. Hopefully all of those would be there, but then again, Lady Luck still needed a withdrawal.

Evan reached the Waystation, in one piece...at least. He was injured, but the treatment could wait. His Archwings' shields had protected him mostly, but he had a few flesh wounds here and there. "UUUGGGGHHHH! Still alive! Thank God...NOW, IT'S TIME FOR A MEAL!" He exclaimed, and made his way to the Canteen. He saw Ivan there, but could tell that he wasn't in the mood to talk. He would have been practicing in the simulation chamber or something. Then, he saw Hexer.

"General! Glad to see that you're still alive," he said as he walked towards him. He shook Hexer's hand without his permission.

"Eh well, you won't have any idea what I went through. Explosions here, explosions there. Flying about in space, heavy Rhino to carry, anything you can think of man!" He said, still shaking Hexer's hand.

"I guess I need a cup of tea or coffee or something, what do you need?" He asked.

"Also, am I a little bit crazy? I feel different after that whole death mission."

Edited by (PS4)qwerty1310
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As Nium strode past the, unconscious Tenno in arms, the Gemini stood up and followed, the red one helping the blue up and along. It wasn't very often that people saw children, the exception being if they had their own, even if they were a Cephalon in power-saver mode. As they followed after their charge, they turned quite a few heads, their adorable, helpless form catching the attention of passing volunteers and injured, inciting 'awww's and light chuckles.


The blue Gemini wasn't operating at 100% capacity; the damage from overclocking her systems in such a poor state having compromised her system. Red text mixed in with the Tenno coding that scrolled about her body indicated errors caused by the damage to her code. Internal systems were running to patch and revert the damage, but with her energy still low, the process was slow. Her red half supported her, helping her walk since the repair routines diverted power from motor functionality.


The hand holding not only helped keep her moving, but it also kept her stable. In her compromised state, she didn't possess the ability to keep both entities separate, merging the two into one to keep herself stable.



All of the injured members were accepted and brought to their own pods at the back wall's conveyor. The medical professionals dismissed their frames and sealed the pods, allowing them to be flooded with liquid oxygen, anesthetic that would put them into medically induced coma's, and nanites that quickly went to work on repairing their damaged areas.


It wouldn't take long for them to reach a nearly perfect state, however residual soreness and tenderness would remain. Timers hooked up to their pods would alert the staff to when they were fully healed.


When that happened, their respective pods would be called up, the fluids would be flushed, and a mist of smelling salts would wake them from their light comas refreshed, though with the fore mentioned side-effects.

As much as you may argue Bat, Belrev took a pretty brutal beating. While you may have narratively shaken off that kidney injury, your gonna lie down in that pod for a while whether you like it or not. You're considered critically injured, and I have staff on hand should you decide to struggle. *Snaps glove on hand, several burly nurses stand by*



The action was beginning to slow; the first injured brought into the med bay with minimal injuries were already being released, and the first critically injured we're nearing a close enough state to where they could be released to free their pods for others.


Amidst the chaos, a Trinity decided she'd hold her breath and try to help the battered Grineer pilot at the counter again. Mere seconds after she neared her, the two were already screaming at each other, both stubbornly arguing.


In a fit of rage, the Grineer woman roared, "F#$% off, Nurse!" Her grip tightened on her glass as she slammed her hand on the counter for emphasis, the glass shattering from the impact and butchering her hand.


The Grineer winced, the medic made a move to help, but the pilot raged again in defiance, "You're just p*ssing me off! Go bark up someone else's tree!"


The Trinity finally conceded and returned to the med bay, where a couple other nurses who were watching received her with 'I told you not to's. After she gingerly tried to remove some of the glass from her tender hand with her teeth, she placed her forehead on the counter again with a depressed sigh, her remaining hand laying limp as it bled on the counter.

Edited by SpaceHelicopters
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Being that he was in a medically induced coma until he can reawaken, Belrev had a recollection of certain memories.

Three male Tenno stood on the ledge of one of the tallest buildings in the City, giving them a perfect view of the bustling city denizens below. Searchlights were moving across the dark sky to give the city the comfortable view of being guarded. It was dark out, the districts were all illuminating the sky with their contrasting colors. Building by building, Belrev and his two older brothers came to appreciate the work they put in.

To build this city of theirs, their own prized possession. Their own playground.

Belrev was crouched down, leaning forward slightly to gain a better view, while Celorn just leaned back against the wall casually. Of course Denger the tallest AND oldest of the three, was standing straight looking down from above.

"Beautiful isn't it? We made this. Us three, our cousin Felix, the group, the colonists, hell everyone helped."

"Indeed it is Celorn. The cityscape is quite a sight for the eyes. Ranging from my warrior-esque district, to Bel's old time district, the contrast is simply amazing."

"Of course it is, D. All these people in the city right now, talking and drinking and having a good time, WE saved them. That is what we do. And look what it got us. A damn city that we protect and run, a city that gives hope to the good, and punishment for the bad."

"Well said littlest brother."

"Good words little bro. Should be a public speaker."

"Thank you. And no Cel. I will not be a public speaker."

The three brothers just laughed together, enjoying this rare moment of alone time to actually enjoy each others company, away from the war and combat they are forever locked in.

"Seems the commish needs us again. Spotted some suspicious characters lurking about and around the slums."

"Shall we get going then brothers?"

"Race you to the bottom?"

"Always littlest brother."

"Of course I will beat all of you slowpokes, I mean look at me. I'm Celorn."

And with that said, the three brothers dived off of the ledge, and went to guard their city once again.




Three hanging bodies of three Tenno hung down from the rafters. Oni the Valkyr had her helmet smashed in, with her face mangled and brutalized. Steel the Loki had a broken and twisted neck, one that was entirely gruesome. Fonis the Ash had two bullet holes in his head and chest.


Who could have done such a thing? Kill their own? Who betrayed the Tenno code?


That 'Who' has a name.


And the name is Belrev.





Fire spread throughout the City violently, as the streets were littered with the bodies of the deceased. There were a few lucky souls who survived his attack, and they ran off to do one thing.


Staying Alive.


The haunting part of it all?


The statues of the Son's of the Azarus family was broken down, and demolished. The Tower is on the verge of collapsing, hell the whole city was destroyed. The Vandals who stayed behind caused havoc among the remaining citizens, and treated the broken city as their playground for all deeds bad.


She came to a realization.


She was the only one who survived. Everyone she loved was either dead or missing. 


The battle scarred Nyx reached for a radio in the supply room, with a shaken hand.


"Can anyone here me? My name is Shay...Azarus. We are under attack. Omnipotence's forces are too strong. My group is dead. Hell, everyone's dead. We're going to lose! The Tower has been compromised. He's won. I can't believe I am saying this. He's won. There's nothing we can do!"


"Belrev is dead. He's gone! They're all gone. The members of my group were found across the City, shot all over their bodies. Celorn's body is laying on the City Square, rotting! Arvia is gone, she vanished. The last time anyone saw her was when she got captured by Omnipotence's forces. No one knows what happened to her, or what is happening to her."


"Denger's body is mounted on the gates to the City. Felix was found an hour ago by the Commissioner's men, hanging off of the Pangolin Bar building. I told Kage and his sister Nipsey, to leave. They won't survive without us. Corion and Oculus were destroyed yesterday, giving away their positions to save my life. Their pieces are in my hand as I speak. Queen Analis and her guards fought his forces violently, but they all failed. Right now, their bodies are decomposing in her throne room."


"The Asylum inmates are running wild across the city, led by Lierin. Nyssa is here with me, as she is now the only person on my side. She's distraught about this. All of this. Mostly about Belrev's death."


"I can't do this on my own. The one man who could take HIM down is dead! His body is chained up on The Tower's spire."


To those listening on the radio transmission, they would hear the pounding of a door. Violent pounding of a door.


"If you can hear this...Send help. Please..."


The radio transmission ended, but the last sound was the door being broken down.

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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Orion walked out of the mining vessel and headed to Mythos' Liset. Her Liset had slipped into the sea of other Lisets and Cichlids when they came out of the void, landing with the rest of them.

He went up the ramp of the Liset, looking around. Everything was as it always was. Well, everything except a suspicious-looking object covered by a sheet. But that wasn't what Orion was looking for.

He walked up to the glowing control panel of the Liset, and tapped away at some buttons before turning to his left. A rack of bodies identical to his own opened up, and he grabbed and pulled one out.

He placed it on the ground, before pulling a small chip out of his head and putting it in a slot in the body. He powered down, and the body suddenly jumped to life.

Now that he was inside an undamaged body, he was fine. He walked out of the Liset, closing the ramp behind him.

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Evan reached the Waystation, in one piece...at least. He was injured, but the treatment could wait. His Archwings' shields had protected him mostly, but he had a few flesh wounds here and there. "UUUGGGGHHHH! Still alive! Thank God...NOW IT'S TIME FOR A MEAL!" He exclaimed, and made his way to the Canteen. He saw Ivan there, but could tell that he wasn't in the mood to talk. He would have been practicing in the simulation chamber or something. Then, he saw Hexer.

"General! Glad to see that you're still alive," he said as he walked towards him. He shook Hexer's hand without his permission.

"Eh well, you won't have any idea what I went through. Explosions here, explosions there. Flying about in space, heavy Rhino to carry, anything you can think of man!" He said, still shaking Hexer's hand.

"I guess I need a cup of tea or coffee or something, what do you need?" He asked.

"Also, am I a little bit crazy? I feel different after that whole death mission."

Hexer was taken back slightly by the sudden handshake. Usually people slapped him on the back, or if something stupid occurred, over the back of the head. Either way, it wasn't jarring.

"Alive? Yes. Intact? Barely. I think I fried a few brain cells trying to get a panel to work." By this point, Hexer had completed his cup of tea with no problems, though he was still suspicious of other things.

"Also, from what I have seen from recovered footage of space battles, that's generally how most Tenno Archwing ops go. Except usually there's more swords and less Rhino carrying."

"And tea." He said, holding the mug up for emphasis. However, the handle was somewhat chipped, and half a mug of fresh, hot tea and a heavy mug crashed onto his boot. "Oh god damnit. As for your mental state, you should ask someone who is a more reliable anchor point. I'm a human, not a Tenno, and I went on a suicide mission where we had footage of a bunch of Grineer ripping apart Tenno like they were cheap infested copies. If you want a proper diagnosis, ask a civilian."

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Sab wasted little time in swapping the damaged vehicle of war for a junpsuit that covered from knees to neck.

The medics, not wanting to waste anymore time, ushered her into the pod where she swiftly dozed into the realm of unconsciousness. The so called dreams ahe experianced provided an outlet for her rage and frustrations.


Nium had made it to the medbay with Azelia in arms, handing her over to the medical professionals present. He gave all the information he could, her condition, how it had resulted before they took her away.

Nium exited the medbay before crouching by Gemini and inspecting the errors in her code. He kept level with the tiny program, adopting a gentle tone in his voice

"Just tell me if things start getting too much for you, after all the injured are taken care of I'll be sure to help fix you up."

Edited by IceDragonofAmber
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Ivan, still trying to get over Odessa's death, decided not to eat. He went to the simulation chamber and started venting his anger on the Grineer targets.

Hexer was taken back slightly by the sudden handshake. Usually people slapped him on the back, or if something stupid occurred, over the back of the head. Either way, it wasn't jarring.

"Alive? Yes. Intact? Barely. I think I fried a few brain cells trying to get a panel to work." By this point, Hexer had completed his cup of tea with no problems, though he was still suspicious of other things.

"Also, from what I have seen from recovered footage of space battles, that's generally how most Tenno Archwing ops go. Except usually there's more swords and less Rhino carrying."

"And tea." He said, holding the mug up for emphasis. However, the handle was somewhat chipped, and half a mug of fresh, hot tea and a heavy mug crashed onto his boot. "Oh god damnit. As for your mental state, you should ask someone who is a more reliable anchor point. I'm a human, not a Tenno, and I went on a suicide mission where we had footage of a bunch of Grineer ripping apart Tenno like they were cheap infested copies. If you want a proper diagnosis, ask a civilian."

"Don't worry, you're still alive, that's the most important thing," he chuckled, and stopped shaking Hexer's hand.

"Well, yeah, swords...and...guns. Heavy Rhino, well, I had to carry him. Otherwise, he's probably dead now. Couldn't just...leave him there. Hm, guess you're right. I'll ask the doctors later."

He looked around for the ingredients needed to make him a nice, hot cup of tea. After a while, he found the ingredients, then, he was done making his tea. He stopped by the machine to get himself a meal as well.

"Alright Hexer. Are you gonna...find a seat or something...?" He asked, holding both items in both of his hands.

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Vandal had limped into the pod and breathed in, breathed out before dozing away into his coma as he was frozen still in the pod, he dreamt about his past and his new friends that he made back at the Crimson Lotus dojo, he wondered what happened to that place? Is it still active or was it tracked down and destroyed? I guess he could always check if he wanted to...

After this coma.

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Sebastian woke up violently and with a loud inhale. The doctor who had treated Sebastian with anti-venom had already moved on to the next patient. Sebastian looked around the room to assess the situation. The first thing he confirmed was that he was alive. He had survived that nightmare. Sebastian thought about his next course of action. He should probably make sure that Azelie and the Twins were alright. He looked around and was unable to see them from this angle. All things considered, he decided he would simply rest. He closed his eyes for a bit but reopened them, unable to sleep. He looked over at the medical table next to him and saw the label for a needle. It read something followed by anti-venom. Then it clicked for Sebastian. When he stabbed his and, the poison on the blade must have gone through his entire system, acting like a wall against his healing. That would explain why even out of combat he was constantly losing blood. 'I'm one lucky son of a *@##$.' Sebastian thought to himself.


Gaius looked around the scene. People had started to clear out, and he felt as though he had done what he could, so Gaius decided to try and make himself useful in the Med-Bay. Rollo had taught him a lot about healing and how to treat wounded, plus the texts he read had proven useful in the field so they should be useful here. He maneuvered his way past the dwindling crowd and toward the medical bay, in which awaited an unpleasant surprise. But not before finding himself in the unfortunate position of a charging Rhino.

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Gaius looked around the scene. People had started to clear out, and he felt as though he had done what he could, so Gaius decided to try and make himself useful in the Med-Bay. Rollo had taught him a lot about healing and how to treat wounded, plus the texts he read had proven useful in the field so they should be useful here. He maneuvered his way past the dwindling crowd and toward the medical bay, in which awaited an unpleasant surprise. But not before finding himself in the unfortunate position of a charging Rhino.

Of course, it's not as if Aegia wanted to be running straight into Gaius. It was simply the unfortunate path that both he and she happened to be on, and being a Rhino user, there was no easy way for her change directions mid-charge. Of course, she knew this, and her eyes widened, trying to do her best to skid to a halt, to little avail.


"H-Hey look out! Incoming!!"


At least she tried to give a warning before she collided full sprint into the unlucky Ash, sending them both tumbling together in a heap along the floor of the docking bay, in a tangled mess of limbs locked around each other. The initial pain subsided rather quickly, at least for the scatter-brained Rhino. She blinked the stars out of her eyes and looked around, met face to face with the hapless Ash she'd run into. She gave a cheeky grin and pulled her hand free of... Wherever it had been before, laying her head upon her palm. "Well I mean... At least buy me dinner first before you pin me down~" She teased, giggling softly. She hoped he wasn't one of those Tenno on whom the concept of lightheartedness was lost upon. She tilted her head as she looked up at him.

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As soon as it got apparent that there was no way this collision could have been avoided, Souna ceased her waving - there weren't many people left who needed it - her legs bent into kneeling position and with a single, forceful whoosh she jumped. The Oxium in her black wings negated a hefty portion of her weight, so it is easy for her to soar metres high above peoples heads even without use of the forcefield generators. It is even easier for her to control her body in mid-air and landing, again utilizing the wings - this time their aerodynamics - to do a single somersault and land pretty much exactly where she intended to: Just in the back of the two Tenno. 


The first thing the struck-down Tenno are probably going to notice is the sharp 'clink!' of her claws making forceful contact with the ground, or her Syandana flapping behind her, only two to three seconds after they had collapsed. Instantly, Souna straightens her posture again, towering over the two in a more than just proverbial fashion - in fact, it's rare that she gets to look down on anyone while standing, because she is not that tall. But she enjoys it, although her wrinkled nose is hidden by her helmet.

"If you can not control your warframe, you are ill-advised to wear it. We do not need any more injuries inflicted by the less... habile of us." Her voice is dismissive and cold. Looking down on the careless Rhino and her victim, she feels her pride cringe from what 'warriors' like the woman sprawled before her make people think of the Tenno. If she could, she would put her into detention right now, for the next ten or twenty years, until she is ready to bear the honor that comes with the name and powers of a Tenno. Sadly, this is not possible for her. What a pity.

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Gaius turned to see the oncoming train heading his way. All he could do in the small time he had before collision was say, "Ohh shi-!" He tumbled with the Rhino, finding himself on top of her. He shook his head, trying to make sense of the situation until a hand moved by a rather intimate area. His mind quickly raced with what to say to avoid awkwardness of the whole situation, but then he heard the women under him speak. Her playful tone eased the tension, and his instincts kicked in to respond. "Well why waste time with dinner when you can skip to here?" he said in a playfully yet friendly manner. Then he heard the metallic clink. he knew full well who that person would be and immediately stood up straight, hands folded behind his back. He really hoped Souna hadn't heard what he said, fearing that she would misinterpret his words, or simply find those words distasteful.


"Oh, erm- Miss Souna, sorry you had to see me in such a state." Gaius said. His face was red with embarrassment, but luckily his helmet concealed the fact. He heard Souna's word and switched back to his more dignified poise and voice. "No need to worry Miss Souna, it was simply an unfortunate accident. However, you do have a point." Gaius turned to the Rhino, offering her a hand up. "Were it the battlefield and I an enemy, I would have said well done, but I am an ally, and this is a hospital. Best not to mix up the two." He was not condescending with his voice, but kind and fatherly. He was in no way angry about the ordeal, and he knew that the woman probably knew of this fact, but this to him served as a means of easing tension.

Edited by IrishHades1798
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Gaius turned to see the oncoming train heading his way. All he could do in the small time he had before collision was say, "Ohh shi-!" He tumbled with the Rhino, finding himself on top of her. He shook his head, trying to make sense of the situation until a hand moved by a rather intimate area. His mind quickly raced with what to say to avoid awkwardness of the whole situation, but then he heard the women under him speak. Her playful tone eased the tension, and his instincts kicked in to respond. "Well why waste time with dinner when you can skip to here?" he said in a playfully yet friendly manner. Then he heard the metallic clink. he knew full well who that person would be and immediately stood up straight, hands folded behind his back. He really hoped Souna hadn't heard what he said, fearing that she would misinterpret his words, or simply find those words distasteful.


"Oh, erm- Miss Souna, sorry you had to see me in such a state." Gaius said. His face was red with embarrassment, but luckily his helmet concealed the fact. He heard Souna's word and switched back to his more dignified poise and voice. "No need to worry Miss Souna, it was simply an unfortunate accident. However, you do have a point." Gaius turned to the Rhino, offering her a hand up. "Were it the battlefield and I an enemy, I would have said well done, but I am an ally, and this is a hospital. Best not to mix up the two." He was not condescending with his voice, but kind and fatherly. He was in no way angry about the ordeal, and he knew that the woman probably knew of this fact, but this to him served as a means of easing tension.

"True, the canteen here does leave a bit to be desired. Sometimes it's beneficial to... Skip~" Aegia grinned, glad that the Ash could at least roll with the punches, so to speak. And she was just about to respond when she heard the telltale metallic clink of another, behind her. She felt her new floormate getting off of her, but Aegia seemed content to stay on the floor for just a moment as her eyes trailed up the legs of this "Souna" all the way up to her helmeted face. She took Gaius's helping hand and used it to pull herself up, dusting herself off all the while the Zephyr spoke to her. Aegia however, wasn't exactly interested in listening to a lecture.




"If you can not control your warframe, you are ill-advised to wear it. We do not need any more injuries inflicted by the less... habile of us." Her voice is dismissive and cold. Looking down on the careless Rhino and her victim, she feels her pride cringe from what 'warriors' like the woman sprawled before her make people think of the Tenno. If she could, she would put her into detention right now, for the next ten or twenty years, until she is ready to bear the honor that comes with the name and powers of a Tenno. Sadly, this is not possible for her. What a pity.


Aegia rolled her eyes as she searched around the docking bay, only partially listening to the thinly veiled insult directed at her. "Yeah, yeah. Try being in this Warframe before you go waving assumptions around." Upon finding her missing Pyrana, she gave it a gentle pat, before clipping it to her thigh where it belonged. Aegia would turn and cross her arms across the chest of her frame, narrowing her eyes at the Zepyhr and giving one of her trademark grins. "You ever tried not being so formal? It'll do wonders for your back." Here Aegia was having such a nice time, helping out around the Waystation, looking for her lost weapon, and just about to make a new friend, when another one of those kinds of Tenno had to show up. The ones always prattling on about honor and whatnot, always looking down upon her, just because she wasn't serious all the time. It wasn't as if a single Tenno could bring down her mood however. Aegia shifted her hands from her chest to one resting on her hip and the other resting by her side. She kept a smile on her face as she paced around the proper Tenno in the docking bay, now looking down upon her, albeit only by a few inches. "Save the attitude for the enemy, it's quite safe here."

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"Don't worry, you're still alive, that's the most important thing," he chuckled, and stopped shaking Hexer's hand.

"Well, yeah, swords...and...guns. Heavy Rhino, well, I had to carry him. Otherwise, he's probably dead now. Couldn't just...leave him there. Hm, guess you're right. I'll ask the doctors later."

He looked around for the ingredients needed to make him a nice, hot cup of tea. After a while, he found the ingredients, then, he was done making his tea. He stopped by the machine to get himself a meal as well.

"Alright Hexer. Are you gonna...find a seat or something...?" He asked, holding both items in both of his hands.

The first part is optional, depending on your state of being, The General thought silently to himself.

"Good thing that you recovered him, either way. 'Never leave a man behind' and all that. Kinda guts people when you have to, even if you have no choice in the matter." Hexer sighed, and kept silent.

At least until someone bumped into him and alerted him to the bleeding Grineer pilot sitting at the bar.

It took about thirty seconds for the General to react. Mostly because he was trying to remember her name?

"Keya!" He shouted, walking over to her. "Gods be damned, woman, you look like you lost an argument with a debate team of Kubrows and Cave Bears!"

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