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[Ic]The Setup, Redux 18+


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"There will always be Tenno like that, Souna. Always." Belrev said with a slight rumble. His posture became a bit rigid..as if defensive. Even a mention of Tenno who hurt others brought back the bad times in life. Ranging from getting his back broken on the knee of the Rhino who killed his Father, to the Tenno who helped send him to a execution camp labelled as a 'Prison'. He never wanted to kill a Tenno in his life, but things happen.


People change. For either the better or worse. His mind recollected the memory of hanging the corpses of dead Tenno. 


The same Tenno who helped the man who TOOK and STOLE his Father from him. 


And then he remembered feeling Damascus's neck snap like a twig under his foot. He broke him down first. Starting with the bones...leading up to the soul and spirit. 


Before he killed him of course. 


The satisfaction of ending his life, and erasing him from existence always brought him joy.


Who's to say that joy hasn't reached others already?




"I am going to check on our little assassin here. I'll be back."


With that he left in a bit of a rush, with his veins noticeably out.


Only Vandal knew why.

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Shizukana was sat on the bed of her cell, looking out into the blackness of space that was only light up from lights of ship passing by and openings from the Rift. She stayed silent, her Warframe and weapons confiscated as she was only wearing tight see through leggings and a sort of sports bra, she was also wearing something to cover her lower half top of course.

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Gaius snapped his fingers, his clones disappearing at the sound. He looked around at the situation around him, which seemed to have settled down considerably. At Souna's words Gaius looked to see if any had actually chosen to listen, of which none seemed to have. Regardless, Gaius was appreciative of the act. "Thank you, Miss Souna." He said. Gaius shook his head at the Valkyr, thinking her to be more or less a Tenno mercenary. With all that had transpired, Gaius was tempted to grab the credit chip when it went flying towards her, but he decided against it.


Sebastian looked incredulously at Krenn. "What, i don't get anything for saving your life?" He said, pretending to be insulted. He then pointed a finger at Sab. "And I think I deserve a bit of those creds in your hand since I saved your ! as well." He wasn't in anyway serious, but he wouldn't reject any credits form them if they offered. He mostly just wanted to help alleviate any additional tension with a bit of absurdity in the form of demands. Sebastian moved to hand the flask back to Gaius, since it would be rude of him to finish the rest of it off, even it all that was left was about a mouthful.


Gaius took the flask back from Sebastian, putting it on his side, where it de-materialized in a fashion similar to that of weapons. Gaius was about to talk more with Sebastian until he heard Krenn's introduction. Gaius's hairs stood up on the back of his neck. An enemy was standing right in front of him, and a dangerous one at that. He would have lunged at him where it not for the word "Former." Gaius planned his next course of action very carefully. Or rather... he tried to. "I'll give you once chance to explain, what do you mean by 'former?'" Gaius would have pressed on with the question were it not for the nurses he overheard. 'An aggressive ember, and someone who stormed out without a gown?' Only two people came to mind who would fit that bill. Sebastian had overheard this too, and walked over to walked behind Krenn, trying to get Gaius's attention. Gaius shoved Krenn out of the way. "You heard that too?" Gaius asked. "Yep. I'll handle Harley, you go find Azelie." Gaius nodded and walked over to the nurse who mentioned them. "Excuse me, miss. Can you tell me where that Ember and where that angry women are located? We need to see them now, we think that they are our clanmates who went on the mission."

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Sab groaned at Sebastian's demand of money, fishing out the chit that Krenn had given her. She snapped it in half and tossed one over to Booben.

Specifically the one she had biten.

"There ya go, you get half."

Now Sab raised an eyebrow when the assh decided to push poor whittle Krenn away, obviously hurting the fragile Stalker's feelings. With him looking so cluelessly around she decided to point a finger infront of her.

"I'm gonna get some food, you can come with me or decide stay with golden goose here." She jotted her thumb out to the Zephyr when she said the last part, waiting for Krenn's response.


"I have been here a while, and I was indeed on the mission that brought all the Tenno to this station." Nium elaborated a little for Fulgurus, not wanting to interrupt his conversation with Gemini.

He extended his hand out to Ivan. "Cephalon designation Nium at your service, pleasure to meet you Ivan." He nodded his head towards Gemini. "And those two are Gemini."

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"Ah, okay. Glad you made it out alive," he said, shaking Nium's hand. "Those two? You mean, two of them have the exact same name? Or are they the same person, just...seperated?" He asked.

"So...I'm looking for a weapon that can destroy targets in seconds. Explosive or not, doesn't really matter. What would you guys recommend? The Orgris?" He inquired.

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Whoops, my bad, Ghost, meant to address you earlier.


After about twenty minutes or so, one of the nurses noticed the General standing by his lonesome and approached him.


"Excuse me, Sir?" the male Tenno nurse asked as he approached (Yes, nurses can be male, and no, you don't have to be a Trinity or an Oberon to be in the medical field!), "Are you waiting on someone, or perhaps need assistance? And though it may not be my business, why were you unconscious on the floor for so long? One of the doctors checked you and said you were fine, and since we needed the beds, we kinda... shifted you out of the way."


(An awkward explanation is an explanation non-the-less!)

Eh, no worries. For some reason, I disappear into thin air for some people.


"Hm?" Hexer hmmed, folding up the techno-newspaper halfway through the stock market articles. "Oh! I'm waiting for the Grineer pilot over there to make a recovery." He stated, gesturing to Keya. "Also, I was unconscious? I thought I just pondered on metaphysics and caused a localized reality crash specific only to me."

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After what seemed to be hours convincing a medic that he was physically fine after Corion dropped him off in the medical bay, Silver finally walked out, before seeing Belrev, a Zephyr, Vandal, Mythos and Evan all seemingly conversing. Well, if you call yelling conversing in Mythos' case. He walked over to Belrev. "Belrev! What's been going on while I've been trapped by medical staff? And who's the Zephyr?"


Ghostar seemed to be eternally wandering the Donn Waystation. He looked in each room, searching for someone he might know, and even better, Silver. After searching different rooms, he finally ended up in a room with Nium, A Nekros, Two other Cephalons and....a Grineer? He didn't know. He walked up to the group. "Well, if it isn't Nium. And what's been going on here?" He said to the cephalon.

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"Gemini are two seperate consciousness with the same consciousness." Nium explained, putting a finger on his "chin" as he processed the inquiry.

"Well most weapons in the Tenno arsenal are capable of doing that, and t mostly depends on the target or how many there are. However I would recommand the Tonkor or Angstrum over the Ogris. While more volatile and difficult to handle, in the hands of a skilled Tenno the extra capability for destruction can be inexpensable in removing your targets."

Nium peeked out when Ghostar called out, giving him a more casual wave due to being pre-acquainted. "I'm just assisting Ivan here in picking out a weapon, you better since the mission?"

Edited by IceDragonofAmber
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"Gemini are two seperate consciousness with the same consciousness." Nium explained, putting a finger on his "chin" as he processed the inquiry.

"Well most weapons in the Tenno arsenal are capable of doing that, and t mostly depends on the target or how many there are. However I would recommand the Tonkor or Angstrum over the Ogris. While more volatile and difficult to handle, in the hands of a skilled Tenno the extra capability for destruction can be inexpensable in removing your targets."

Nium peeked out when Ghostar called out, giving him a more casual wave due to being pre-acquainted. "I'm just assisting Ivan here in picking out a weapon, you better since the mission?"

"Eh, I really only got a few burns from that thing we had to go through. I'm pretty much fine otherwise, though," Ghostar responded. "How about you?"

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"Eh, I really only got a few burns from that thing we had to go through. I'm pretty much fine otherwise, though," Ghostar responded. "How about you?"

"A few dents, scratches and scorch marks I have to iron out, but otherwise fine. I was worried more about Gemini, but as you can see." He looked over to the dancing pair. "They're perfectly fine."

He turned back to Ghostar. "What about our other squad members? Have you heard anything about them?"

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"So...Tonkor or Angstrum huh? I pick...both," he chuckled, as he checked the market for the blueprints. He bought the blueprints and began the build. "Alright. All I have to do now is wait."

Then, Ghostar entered the foundry. "Hey. I'm Ivan, you probably know that already, Nium just said it. What's your name?" He asked, extending his hand out to Ghostar.

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After what seemed to be hours convincing a medic that he was physically fine after Corion dropped him off in the medical bay, Silver finally walked out, before seeing Belrev, a Zephyr, Vandal, Mythos and Evan all seemingly conversing. Well, if you call yelling conversing in Mythos' case. He walked over to Belrev. "Belrev! What's been going on while I've been trapped by medical staff? And who's the Zephyr?"

As he walked towards the holding area, Belrev saw a very familiar Limbo approach him. With a firm handshake and pat on the shoulder, Belrev spoke.

"Well for starters, We got patched up. Met a Zephyr who nearly melted my gorgeous eyes with her literal light show. Her name is Souna by the way."

"A assassin shot at Vandal, missed, and is in the holding cells now. I'm going to go see her now actually."

"Go to Vandal and make sure he doesn't do something reckless please." Belrev said as he walked to the area, giving Silver a wave on the way there.

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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Shizukana was sat on the bed of her cell, looking out into the blackness of space that was only light up from lights of ship passing by and openings from the Rift. She stayed silent, her Warframe and weapons confiscated as she was only wearing tight see through leggings and a sort of sports bra, she was also wearing something to cover her lower half top of course.

"So, you tried to kill my friend huh?" His voice rang out, as he entered the holding area. The first thing he noticed...she was rather good looking.

Why are all the murderous and psychotic ones so good looking?

The 23 year old was just next to the bars that prevented her from possibly attacking him.

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She stared at him and slowly got up from her bed, walking up to the cell door in a strange seductive type way. As she got to the door she leaned against the bars and studied him, he looked the same age, strong, protective and probably shows mercy to everyone he opposes... Maybe. She kept on looking at him with a small kid on smirk on her face.

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If Souna had worn a more revealing warframe, like the Ember or Saryn models, she would probably have told Vandal what she thought of people lacking proper conversation etiquette. Luckily, this is hardly the case here. The Zephyr's plating covers the upper half of her torso with little regards to her body's natural shape, so there's not much to see. If he were desperate enough to still stare, it's hardly her problem, becuase he would just turn his interest towards the next table, chair or lamp instead.


As Belrev leaves, she nods at him politely as a gesture of goodbye, and does the same to Vandal. 

"I will take my leave then. The odds appear to have allied against my schedule for today, but I have some matters that must be taken care of." With that being all the explanation she is willing to give for free, she turns away from him, her long, white and bronze shimmering Udyat Syandana trailing behind her. After further silent goodbye-nods towards Gaius and Sebastian, if one of them is facing her direction, she leaves the medbay with long, resolute strides clicking on the metal floor. 


When outside the door, she is looking right and left for a terminal to access the station's map. Instead she finds Aegia sitting on the floor nearby, Nisha's Specter in front of her. Knowing this is not a real girl faces her view of the young Tenno a lot. Usually, she only thinks of specters as tools, similar to the Cephalons which often control them. This one is emulating a Tenno. Her memories will be lost as soon as its internal timer runs out - so what does it matter how she treats her? However, another thought has risen: Maybe, she was meant as a test for Gaius. And, unforeseen, for Souna as well should there be any way of reporting back to their clan. It is best to exercise caution and not think of the mechanical insides behind that innocent face. 


"Oh, it's you two." Her surprise is genuine, just a little delayed. "Are you getting along well?"

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When outside the door, she is looking right and left for a terminal to access the station's map. Instead she finds Aegia sitting on the floor nearby, Nisha's Specter in front of her. Knowing this is not a real girl faces her view of the young Tenno a lot. Usually, she only thinks of specters as tools, similar to the Cephalons which often control them. This one is emulating a Tenno. Her memories will be lost as soon as its internal timer runs out - so what does it matter how she treats her? However, another thought has risen: Maybe, she was meant as a test for Gaius. And, unforeseen, for Souna as well should there be any way of reporting back to their clan. It is best to exercise caution and not think of the mechanical insides behind that innocent face. 
"Oh, it's you two." Her surprise is genuine, just a little delayed. "Are you getting along well?"


It's the clinking against the metal floor that gives away Souna's presence before her voice does. Of course, it was a voice that the Rhino immediately recognized. She turned her head to look at the Zephyr and nodded, standing up as the rest of her helmet segments in on itself and recedes into the back of the collar of her Warframe with some barely audible metal clinking, leaving her hair to flow freely, if it weren't already pinned and curl twisted back to keep it out of the way.


"Mhm, Nisha and I here were just having a little chat, and I was just about to go see if Nisha here was right about the Waystation's dueling and simulation rooms... And the foundry too, if it's as close to them as she says." Aegia stretched out, locking her fingers together and bringing her arms up and outstretched above her. "I needed to relieve a little stress, so I was going to see if the Grineer simulations were up to snuff." She huffed softly through her nose. "Though they are only simulations, unfortunately. So I was probably going to see if there were any other Tenno on the way there that didn't mind a little spar with yours truly."


Opening her eyes once more from her little stretching session, she tilted her head slightly to look at the prim and proper Tenno in front of her. "Would you like to come with? Surely it'll be more exciting than whatever you were going to go do before... No offense." Her hands returned to their usual resting position: Left hand on her slightly cocked hip, and her right hand hovering slightly over the grip of her Pyrana on her right thigh.

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She stared at him and slowly got up from her bed, walking up to the cell door in a strange seductive type way. As she got to the door she leaned against the bars and studied him, he looked the same age, strong, protective and probably shows mercy to everyone he opposes... Maybe. She kept on looking at him with a small kid on smirk on her face.

He could clearly see that she was studying him. In what fashion is unknown, but none the less, it gives him a reason to be cautious. Piercing red eyes meet the green, as he maintained eye contact with the assassin.

"What are you looking so smug about?"

He said this with a tone of slight anger, and just a bit of curiosity.

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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On their last meeting, Souna proved that she could very well look down upon someone larger than her - namely, Aegia. This time it is the opposite: Even before Aegia stood up, Souna did not show any contempt or condescension, regardless of her look's direction. Maybe her hobby is acting? 

"Oh, you seem to be quite alike in some things to me, so I think you could be great friends." she answers, completely honest. Their happy, not-really-serious attitude is something they share, as far as Souna can tell.


As Aegia continued about the station's facilities, Souna is quite amused that they would have met sooner or later anyways. However, she is somewhat concerned about Aegia's helmet. She had rather expected her to close it when seeing her, instead of opening up. Probably she'll expect Souna to do the same. And she does certainly not feel like doing that while still out in the open hallways of the public.

"Even if the simulations were the real deal, Grineer are only Grineer. Like ants, their strength is mass alone." The bad treatment she gave Aegia earlier was a lover's kiss compared to her feelings that fill her voice now. To her, the Grineer are the dust beneath her feet. Stinky, slimey mud, to be more precise. And she does not hide that a single bit. Although she adds after a second thought: "Talking about the empire, of course. It would be highly unjust to judge civilians and militia by the same measure."

"Incidentally, I were indeed heading towards the very same facilities. After such a turmoil, I do not want to irritate people by jogging about the place round and round, but I direly crave my daily pensum of sport. So there was little else to do than the very same you just described."


Thanks to her helmet still covering her face, there is no need for Souna to hide the anticipating grin on her lips. She was being invited to demonstrate what was the difference in their dedication, mindset and mental strength. Their qualities as a Tenno. She could not have wished for more. 

"As do I agree with you that there is no better guide to unlock our inner potential than another Tenno's fist. I gladly accept your offer of a sparring match."

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She put a hand on the back of his head and went forward to kiss him but in reality she wasn't, she gripped tighter and pulled his head back then swung it forward toward the door, slamming his head against the hard metal bars sure to cause a concussion.

Just as his head was about to hit the metal of the door, he repeated the action on the assassin. His jaw was clenched tightly, his cheek muscles even more so. With a sneaky hand, Belrev grabbed a singular Dex Furis and aimed it at her direction. One was holding the back of her head, the other was aiming a automatic pistol fully modded at said head.

"Make any move, love."

"And I will shoot your god-damn brains out."

In actuality though he wasn't planning to do that.

Too much of a good guy to eliminate a attractive female assassin who could possibly kill him in a brutal fashion.

No problems there.

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She stood still before her eyes glowed bright green, quickly taking the Furis out of his hand and taking it apart, dropping the parts all over the cell floor, she then kicked it back under her bed and looked at him with her hands on her hips, doing a mocking look on her face, her tongue sticking out her mouth and making a raspberry noise from her mouth.

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On their last meeting, Souna proved that she could very well look down upon someone larger than her - namely, Aegia. This time it is the opposite: Even before Aegia stood up, Souna did not show any contempt or condescension, regardless of her look's direction. Maybe her hobby is acting? 
"Oh, you seem to be quite alike in some things to me, so I think you could be great friends." she answers, completely honest. Their happy, not-really-serious attitude is something they share, as far as Souna can tell.
As Aegia continued about the station's facilities, Souna is quite amused that they would have met sooner or later anyways. However, she is somewhat concerned about Aegia's helmet. She had rather expected her to close it when seeing her, instead of opening up. Probably she'll expect Souna to do the same. And she does certainly not feel like doing that while still out in the open hallways of the public.
"Even if the simulations were the real deal, Grineer are only Grineer. Like ants, their strength is mass alone." The bad treatment she gave Aegia earlier was a lover's kiss compared to her feelings that fill her voice now. To her, the Grineer are the dust beneath her feet. Stinky, slimey mud, to be more precise. And she does not hide that a single bit. Although she adds after a second thought: "Talking about the empire, of course. It would be highly unjust to judge civilians and militia by the same measure."
"Incidentally, I were indeed heading towards the very same facilities. After such a turmoil, I do not want to irritate people by jogging about the place round and round, but I direly crave my daily pensum of sport. So there was little else to do than the very same you just described."
Thanks to her helmet still covering her face, there is no need for Souna to hide the anticipating grin on her lips. She was being invited to demonstrate what was the difference in their dedication, mindset and mental strength. Their qualities as a Tenno. She could not have wished for more. 
"As do I agree with you that there is no better guide to unlock our inner potential than another Tenno's fist. I gladly accept your offer of a sparring match."


Aegia simply chuckled, a wide smile on her face. "I can be friends with anyone, Souna. It's up to them if they reciprocate or not." Of course, Aegia wasn't about to go befriending any Infested, that'd just be silly. The She-Rhino was a bit confused as to why Souna wouldn't remove her helmet, especially during a time of relative peace like this. Plus, Aegia liked looking into someone's eyes when she spoke to them, better at forming connections that way. Staring into a helmet? Not so much. "I'm sure we could also find things in common with each other as well."


At Souna's comment at the Grineer, she can only nod and agree. "You've got a point there. They're not nearly as fun to fight as another Tenno." Aegia broke into a wide grin. "So many ways they fight, it's rather fun to see what they bring to the table." She tilts her neck to either side, popping it gently. It seemed as if every fiber of her being was very nearly bursting at the seams with energy... Metaphorically. No actual energy was involved, or the lines on her face would be glowing much brighter. Like a spring coiled tightly in on itself.


At Souna's mentioning of accepting her offer of a sparring match, Aegia was practically giddy with excitement. Though she hadn't actually challenged Souna, she would have when they arrived. She was glad they were thinking on more or less the same wavelength. "For me, sparring is a big part of me getting to know someone and bonding with them. When you see how someone else fights when everything is stripped away: weapons, Warframes, abilities, I think it shows a deeper side of that person, past just the way they fight. Like it's a part of their personality that at that moment, only I'm the one getting to know as intimately as they do." She looked back at the Zephyr before her. "You ever feel that way?"

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She stood still before her eyes glowed bright green, quickly taking the Furis out of his hand and taking it apart, dropping the parts all over the cell floor, she then kicked it back under her bed and looked at him with her hands on her hips, doing a mocking look on her face, her tongue sticking out her mouth and making a raspberry noise from her mouth.

His eyes widened momentarily. That was fast, even by his standards. She could give Nyssa a run for her money, that's for sure. At the assassin's gesture, Belrev glared. It was a glare that sent the most hardened of Grineer panicking in pure terror, given that they would usually be tied in a chair being interrogated by the man himself. Even with that being said, he knew the glare most likely had no effect on her. A playful and teasing little assassin she is.


Reminds him of someone familiar...


"How cute."

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