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Event Mods From Pluto Spy Missions


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Guest -VoidKeeper-

I still prefer the way how tethra mods were returned - if you want to get it you have to for it and you have limited time for this. Making good mods worthless is not a good thing.

Care to explain how adding the 2 event mod packs into Spy mission drop table has made those mods worthless? Let me guess, you are not able to make plats of of them since their value dropped dramatically...

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I still prefer the way how tethra mods were returned - if you want to get it you have to for it and you have limited time for this. Making good mods worthless is not a good thing.

Deprive the majority of players who don't have time to grind 24/7 or maybe are busy doing something else during the events of useful mods, giving those greedy traders (who often run the events on multiple accounts to stock the rewards) a chance to raise their prices up to hundreds or thousands of plat each.

Yeah, why not.


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Care to explain how adding the 2 event mod packs into Spy mission drop table has made those mods worthless? Let me guess, you are not able to make plats of of them since their value dropped dramatically...

Look at cicero set. And no, I only sold event mods once or twice. But someone paid plat for this, someone bought this plat for money. Now they are screwed. I just don't think this is right. 


Deprive the majority of players who don't have time to grind 24/7 or maybe are busy doing something else during the events of useful mods, giving those greedy traders (who often run the events on multiple accounts to stock the rewards) a chance to raise their prices up to hundreds or thousands of plat each.

Yeah, why not.


I don't know what you talking about, I was getting tethra mods from that survival very reliable, something like one mod for 2-3 runs. And even if rng was bad for you during that event you could easily buy any mod very cheap.

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Guest -VoidKeeper-

Look at cicero set. And no, I only sold event mods once or twice. But someone paid plat for this, someone bought this plat for money. Now they are screwed. I just don't think this is right.

How are they screwed? DE Clearly mentioned that the event mods will be reintroduced into game by other means. Those who paid lot of plats for them its their mistake that they did not have the patience to wait and also they probably knew this would happen 1 day...

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I don't know what you talking about, I was getting tethra mods from that survival very reliable, something like one mod for 2-3 runs. And even if rng was bad for you during that event you could easily buy any mod very cheap.

My pc was broken last time they were made available, I couldn't play at all. Given the fact that there are more and more new players everyday, the number of players who never had a chance to get those mods increases, and with them, the price of said Tethra mods.

"Any mod very cheap", oh really, shame that when I got back to play the cheapest i found was 800p for the whole set (some were asking 1000+, 500 only for High Voltage).

That being said, their "exclusiveness" is nothing but an annoyance, for me like for many others. Put them behind a grindwall, no matter how big it is, but let there be a permanent way to acquire them, this is what I suggest.

Edited by EggOnIce
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Look at cicero set. And no, I only sold event mods once or twice. But someone paid plat for this, someone bought this plat for money. Now they are screwed. I just don't think this is right. 

I bought Thermite Round 2 weeks ago with 150p and I don't feel screwed.

Honestly everybody should know they are coming back in some time, the tethra mods are good enough example. If people don't want to wait for the return and still choose to pay a lot of plat, it's all personal choices. Time vs money, it's always like that isn't it?

And it's not making the mod worthless, it just make the mod DON'T worth that crazy plat. The mods are still good and nice to use.


By the way, I don't see much different with the situation of the tethra mod come back during the previous event. It should also "screwed" those who just paid 500p for tethra sets before the event if your argument stand, no? 

Only different is you will curse like hell wanting to kill someone if RNGesus decide he hate your guts during the time limit of the event, and now you will just curse a line and go back to the mission since you know you can get those mods eventually with no time pressure. 

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By the way, I don't see much different with the situation of the tethra mod come back during the previous event. It should also "screwed" those who just paid 500p for tethra sets before the event if your argument stand, no? 


So you could just get new set from that damn survival (or some other new event where DE will add it later), sell it and return your plat later, right? You don't see the difference? When you have permanent access to these mods you can't do this because price will only go down and you will stuck with your worthless mods which you buy for hundreds of plat (it is not about me btw).

You are not forced to have these mods, so if you missed them - it is not a big deal, you can get it later. And you could sell them if you want for good ammount of plat. 

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So you could just get new set from that damn survival (or some other new event where DE will add it later), sell it and return your plat later, right? You don't see the difference? When you have permanent access to these mods you can't do this because price will only go down and you will stuck with your worthless mods which you buy for hundreds of plat (it is not about me btw).

You are not forced to have these mods, so if you missed them - it is not a big deal, you can get it later. And you could sell them if you want for good ammount of plat. 

Some people would like to use those mods for...you know playing purposes instead of bartering chips. Several builds are only possible with those "event" mods, locking people out of them for extended periods of time is not good. Some people actually like to play the game instead of playing plat trader. Besides there are far better games out there if you want to be a trade tycoon.

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So you could just get new set from that damn survival (or some other new event where DE will add it later), sell it and return your plat later, right? You don't see the difference? When you have permanent access to these mods you can't do this because price will only go down and you will stuck with your worthless mods which you buy for hundreds of plat (it is not about me btw).

You are not forced to have these mods, so if you missed them - it is not a big deal, you can get it later. And you could sell them if you want for good ammount of plat. 

And you are the only one who's complaining. Those who are "screwed" and should be in rage now (according to your argument) are mystically missing. 

Basically you are defending some imaginary sufferers who don't even find themselves suffering. 


By the way, LOTS of people only get the set because they WANT to use them. They won't bother to farm more of those mod once they get hold of them. And with the limited play time everyday, they MIGHT be more willing to spend on actual gameplay rather then bargain and barter.

What you are suggesting is like"I have spend a lot on something, so other people should also be the same." Selfish and self-centered thinking. Even if some people out there think so, they know it's selfishness and would rather keep the  thought to themselves rather like speaking out loud.

Edited by intertex
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Some people would like to use those mods for...you know playing purposes instead of bartering chips. Several builds are only possible with those "event" mods, locking people out of them for extended periods of time is not good. Some people actually like to play the game instead of playing plat trader. Besides there are far better games out there if you want to be a trade tycoon.

As I already said I didn't sell them much, you don't know me and you don't have right to judge me this way.  


And you are the only one who's complaining. Those who are "screwed" and should be in rage now (according to your argument) are mystically missing. 

Basically you are defending some imaginary sufferers who don't even find themselves suffering. 

They probably are trying to sell what they got at the moment, lol. I just think that these mods should be little more... rare. From exlusive thing (yeah, I know DE stated that they will reintroduce them) to something everyone have in quantity of dozens - this is too much change for one day. This is just my opinion.

Edited by ograzzt
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Just one minor correction - it was stated that they WOULD come back, not just that there was a possibility they could. Any and all gripes about exclusivity for event mods are pretty much null and void.


Unless of course anybody out there wants to prove DE ever said any event mod ever would be exclusive in any fashion - I'd love to hear about it. 

Only Prime Chamber seems to exclusive xD But than again it is not like my Vectis needs it

Edited by SlapClown
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From what I gathered, this seems to be the drop places for event mods:


Frostbite, Thermite Rounds, Scorch, Frigid Blast: Ceres and Pluto


Scattering Inferno: Uranus


Vicious Frost, Volcanic Edge: Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn


These are all that's been confirmed by screenshots, still can't find anyone who receives Rime Rounds, and no report of rewards from Neptune.

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From what I gathered, this seems to be the drop places for event mods:


Frostbite, Thermite Rounds, Scorch, Frigid Blast: Ceres and Pluto


Scattering Inferno: Uranus


Vicious Frost, Volcanic Edge: Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn


These are all that's been confirmed by screenshots, still can't find anyone who receives Rime Rounds, and no report of rewards from Neptune.

Got Frostbite from Neptune

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all fire and ice dual-stat mods are dropped everywhere.

the only difference on each planet are tier of rewards.

see wiki

Rime Rounds and Scattering Inferno have yet to be added to the Spy 2.0 reward table, unlike the other mods awarded from Operation Breeding Grounds and Operation Cryotic Front.
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From what I see those mods are to easy to obtain now. So they will become more worthless than cicero set. Aka ~5p 10p tops for a mod or 10-20p for a whole set. And only if someone is to lazy to farm them. Well I don't mind, I sold out all of my bought BG/cryo mods yesterday and still made it even even though i was stuck waiting whole day for a daily reset to happen ^^.


I don't get why any trader should be really butthurt as some people make you believe here.


I'm so butthurt I'm gonna cry






You ppl need to learn that true traders pay with their time for their plat. And I mean true traders not those that go WTB Buzz kill 5p, WTS Buzz kill 1000p.


I just think and some people will agree with me, that those mods should maybe have a little bit of a more *rare factor*. I don't know how much time it takes me to solo those runs, but in 5 games (or maybe 6-7) I got frostbite and frigid blast. Those games took me <4-5m each. They already have a good rewards, T2 Sab keys etc are nice. I heard some people got T3 keys to.

However it may be true for ppl running it with groups, when you run solo you don't have to throw your ciphers or whole game because someone turned on allarm in the other half of map and *lost* your game.

Edited by Xaturas
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They do sell for around 10p - 20p, I think that's a fair price, however there's people trying to sell them at 50p still.


What I'm really hating about this is that if you go public matches, and some guy activates alarm they blame you. I did one, was almost near the console and some Loki running though the lasers came and activated alarm.


I think that Scattering Inferno and Rime Rounds will go for 30p - 40p as they're the hardest ones to get.

Edited by Dimbreath
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Just got Rime Rounds from Scylla on Sedna. Only ones I've gotten from Pluto and Neptune are Scorch and Thermite Rounds but that's just RNG at work.

Edited by Alzarov
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