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Of All Warframes, Why Frost?


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Hey guys,


I'm making this thread because of curiosity.


I'm confused as to why Frost, of all things, got a prime version, it's not like Frost is the most popular Warframe out there, he's not iconic (as far as I know).

Excalibur Prime makes sense, he's the 'poster boy' of Warframe, and is a starting 'Frame.


Frost just seems like an odd choice. Many players, myself included, don't like frost at all, which makes Frost Prime a bit of an underwhelming reward. (this would happen with any Warframe, there would always be someone who doesn't like it)

Don't get me wrong though, I'm not complaining to DE, it's a free gift, so I would never complain about it.


I'm just wondering why Frost of all things, got himself a Prime version.

(my opinion would be different if the Prime version has new abilities, we'll just have to wait and see)


What are your thoughts on the subject?

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No idea, but i'm happy. Frost is my fav so far, I can't wait for him. But I do understand your point of view... guess you can't please everybody. Think if the Prime BP for was for your fav frame, somebody else would ask this same question. Short of them bringing out a Prime version of every frame at the same time, they have to start somewhere, right?

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I have to agree. My curiousity overwhelms me. Also im not looking forward to snow-glob spam in next couple weeks with everyone and their golden ice boy. A prime female would have been really nice. Ember or Mag to be more mainstream.

Edited by ClaymoreNo47
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frost prime was suppose to be money only.


considering how much people pay for founders pack, not even 3 primes would justify the price. you become a founder to support the game. thats just a bonus. 


i would assume frost prime is the same deal. and they decided to give the whole community a shot at it while introducing a new system, operations. which were largely ignored ever since the reward was announced -_-


even the Excalibur prime is considered "inferior" by some due to its polarity slots.


its a free frame that looks cool. which other frame would make more sense? Excalibur is the only "mascot".


better than finding out its part of the next promotional package and never getting a shot at it unless you pay.

Edited by MetalGerbil
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 Maybe they pulled a name out of a hat?


 Perhaps his 'Prime' design simply finished first?


 Perhaps the Chicken crossed the road to avoid the Fox?



 It is a rather nice looking frame. I'm very excited.


My intuition tells me you know why. My intuition also tells me this reason was purposely left out of your three arbitrary examples. My only conclusion is that they used in game statistics to make their decision. Perhaps frost has the lowest retention rate of all frames. People who own him play less games with him. Its all a ploy to please less people so as a pyramid reward system where you need to feel bad for yourself first b4 you have the privledge of being rewarded.




AND YES FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY PLEASE CHANGE THE V SLOT ON EXCAL IT REALLY HURTS. If it werent for the fact he's all golden a beautiful, objectively is a massive nerf to Prime Excal. There are only two V mods and reach isn't that usful on him concidering contunuity makes his q go longer not reach.

Edited by ClaymoreNo47
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I definately understand the OPs feeling but lets face it, the devs have to start somewhere.  Also I am sure there will be other "prime" variants available. 


Lastly I sincerely doubt that Frost Prime will be rare and only limited to this event so all we got is an additional 25-35k in credit value when you consider the cost of buying Frame BPs.  I mean it isn't like they gave us a fully built and potatoed Frost Prime so if you don't want it, don't farm the BPs and Resources.

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Why would any other warframe get a prime instead of Frost?


I'm not quite getting your logic here. You say plenty of players don't like Frost. Unfortunately for you I guess, many other players do enjoy Frost. Who exactly do you believe should have gotten a prime instead?

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Because Frost is the bestest warframe ever.


Actually, he may be one of the most popular frames. They have all the data for who uses what frame, and Frost might be the most sought after/used. I know people are always farming for him, and I always bump into another frost or two when I play PUGs.

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 Maybe they pulled a name out of a hat?


 Perhaps his 'Prime' design simply finished first?


 Perhaps the Chicken crossed the road to avoid the Fox?



 It is a rather nice looking frame. I'm very excited.


Nah their heater broke, it was freezing cold and everyone saw a snow globe like alien saying: Do Frost Prime!

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Why would any other warframe get a prime instead of Frost?


I'm not quite getting your logic here. You say plenty of players don't like Frost. Unfortunately for you I guess, many other players do enjoy Frost. Who exactly do you believe should have gotten a prime instead?


Loki, Ember, Volt, Saryn. The ones that don't look fat >.>....

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I know there's gonna be a massive flux of people using Frost frames now.

*Sunglasses* I was using Frost before it was cool.

Frankly. I'm wondering that too. I rarely see Frost, I think one every now and then, but it's either the three basic ones, Rhino or the others. I think it's cause his was the first to be done. Cause I'm sure they'll make Prime versions for the other frames.

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I think there will be prime versions for all the frames, and they will be harder to unlock/craft than regular frames. It makes sense. We just have to wait and hope the others don't look as god awful as the frost prime

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