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I recently was force hosting someone elses key. 

My god. 

Edit: To clarify, someone else invited me to their lobby and I ended up hosting their key unbenounced to any of us until the game started when I noticed revive signs were being fully counted by each percent and I was going less than 30 FPS. 


I literally was not allowed to stop moving. I'm getting shot while doing Slash Dash, like wat.

Enemies would spawn in armies right next to me.

The game was being reduced to, like, 15 FPS.

We left at 30m because everyone was getting strangly rekt. Like, usually I'm good for an hour or maybe MAYBE two. But people were not able to shoot back at the enemies because they couldn't stop getting hit. And I've honestly never seen that happen in the game before. But then again, I don't host games. I can play everything well, and I can host games on CoD and so forth, but when I host in Warframe my internet nopes so hard the neighbors internet feels it. 


Also, who ever made the whole system of enemy accuracy charts, it doesn't seem to work very well. The only time I wasn't being killed was when I was spamming the dodge roll button as fast as I possibly could; sliding only got me headshotted.


This was a tileset with no real deployable cover so I couldn't hide and regen. 


I wanna know; is this average for those who host? I've seen a lot of people complain about enemy accuracy when in solo, and I've solo'd most of the star chart and most T4 exterminations with a melee only. NOTHING was EVER this accurate. 

Edited by (PS4)theelix
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Idk if it's the wifi's problem or something, but I see a lot of people complain about AI "aimboting"...like that has NEVER happened to me unless I just like stand there or move around in the same area...in fact, I survived to 45min mark in T2 Survival with lvl 70 enemies and I only had a rank 15 Trinity, rank 12 Miter, rank 14 Twin Gremlins and a maxed Carrier...and I only went down once.  Really confused about you people, idk if I just move a lot or something, which I don't think so cause I see my friends moving as much as me...I really don't know...

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Sounds like you need to make sure your PS4 is hardwired and set up it's IP for DMZ.

It's hardwired and I rebuilt the database a week ago. 

I don't have many games, I wasn't streaming and I wasn't recording (with the exception of PS4 automatic record everything)

I haven't set it up for DMZ, but I don't think it really needed to be. I'll do that now, though. 

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I'm having a real hard time playing online since U14 brought the flying Lisets to the loading screen. I wish I could disable that, it tends to drop my FPS to ~3, so I get stuck on loading for a veeeery long time, which makes me desync with the rest of the team if I'm not the one hosting. Good thing about that is that I can usually just run around without worrying about getting shot ;)


Whatever they did to fix enemy accuracy so it's balanced for both hosts and clients, it still doesn't seem to be working properly. (I don't know if PS4 got those fixes already though.) When I play solo, everything is just fine, but if I play in a team, whoever has the best connection regardless of who's hosting still triggers the spawns and draws the most aggro, which turns long Survivals near impossible for us since there's always that someone getting one-shot and needing to be revived at all times (sometimes it's me, and I do play the fastest frames!).

Edited by kingbaldwin
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I noticed the change at U14, before this update everything was fine. When I host I get clobbered and can't escape enemy fire, even when running full speed. If I am client, I can walk through crowds of enemies and never die. At U15.1 I noticed an improvement, but there is still a discrepancy between when I play as host or client.

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I don't know about aiming, but since the last networking changes I cannot host any games (it just disconnects everyone after 1 minute, 2 max) and I cannot play with others neither (It disconects me), before that It could host without any problems.

For a game that's supposed to be all about Co-op, DE needs to seriously take a look at this because I, and many others, can't play online.

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I noticed the change at U14, before this update everything was fine. When I host I get clobbered and can't escape enemy fire, even when running full speed. If I am client, I can walk through crowds of enemies and never die. At U15.1 I noticed an improvement, but there is still a discrepancy between when I play as host or client.

Same here. I get aimbotted during sprints, rolls, wall running... all of the fastest parkour you can do, it's especially visible with moas, they still have perfect aim on me the whole time. For some reason it gets worse when I host than when I am solo.


There was a PC thread about this being adjusted in an update, but I don't think we have gotten it on PS yet. Here's hoping it will fix the issue. 

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Enemies have always been more accurate if you are hosting

Which is why I insist on doing so whenever possible.

Playing off host for me feels akin to playing with God mode on.

How much that has to do with the crappy connections my teammates have, I do not know.

All I know is, with my Rig and my internet connection, I am a better host than most people I meet

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