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Does Increasing Enemy Levels Make It Endgame ? (Devstream 47)


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Hello community, 

I watched devstream 47 and I was worried about the new raid missions that we were getting. The reason being is that inside this raid enemies have a higher starting level. And to be honest about it is that I was kinda let down about this I get a feeling that this update is been rushed to keep the veterans happy. I don't like it when enemies have a higher level cap to start with not that I can't take the challenge but it just breaks the game in it self. To kill those enemies you have to have a specific gear and frames to keep up with those enemies. Which results to see once agian overpowered weapons and frames being constantly overused to attian that ''succes''. 

However I do know that the raids are in progress and things might change which I hope it does. Instead off adding higher enemy capped levels, I wish they added more mobile enemies, Invisible enemies, Enemies that have great teamwork to disgroup and make it alot harder for the tenno to be there in the first place. But these are my thoughts you can agree or disagree thats up to you. 

I hope that this update really brings what the veterans were waiting for. I will be here no matter what. Even if the raids didn't fullfill my expectations. Feel free to add your thoughts or your worries/suggestions here about the upcoming raids.

Edited by TeaBegging
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DE did always take that way when increasing difficulty. Its easier ( lazier ) to pump up enemy levels than create new mechanics.




And the still feel hurt when people say that new content isnt interesting or hard. I dont see how raids fall into "Year of Quality" with all this.

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Raids NEEDS powerfull weapons and gear to complete its a RAID ,things are suppose to be high level in there to be strong, raids are for people with good gear at the "endgame" of gear, so they can get even better gear, for example u go full legendary gear where u get in a normal high level instance and go  into a raid and get out with mythic loot , i kinda sad dat its just boosts for cosmetic gear and not weapons but maybe these cosmetics boosters can give a good stats boost, raids AREN'T for new players its for veterans its not suppose to go solo, its not suppose to go in blind, raids are hardcore



Edit: But also theres a problem, raids are with high level enemies but once u kill them they are dead and in Warframe raids they just keep coming , that they need to change

Edited by MrKage
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I really hope they give raids a random mission type feature that forces players to go into a mission expecting ANY mission type rather then the same over and over again.


Ofcourse adding little buffs to these mission types to make them harder would be needed. 

Edited by Feallike
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DE did always take that way when increasing difficulty. Its easier ( lazier ) to pump up enemy levels than create new mechanics.




And the still feel hurt when people say that new content isnt interesting or hard. I dont see how raids fall into "Year of Quality" with all this.


Yes, because that ENTIRE PUZZLE MECHANIC IT STARTED OFF WITH is in NO WAY a new mechanic. Mmmm, DE, I am SO disappointed in you.

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I really hope they give raids a random mission type feature that forces players to go into a mission expecting ANY mission type rather then the same over and over again.


Ofcourse adding little buffs to these mission types to make them harder would be needed. 


I'm sure this is what it will be, factoring in a number more of those puzzle rooms as well.

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Some guns are stronger than others and some guns are worth using to get better performance over other guns.


Incredible I know, I was shocked too.


You want new mechanics? You want better AI? DE nerfed enemys AI and balanced to be more fair because people were whining that grineer were too accurate. 

You want different mechanics to improve difficulty? DE added nulifiers and 99% of people to this day are still crying for nerfs on them.


Could you please reflect on your own requests and complaints? Dont ask for difficulty other than level/health/damage scaling if youre going to turn around and whine for nerfs.

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Raids NEEDS powerfull weapons and gear to complete its a RAID ,things are suppose to be high level in there to be strong, raids are for people with good gear at the "endgame" of gear, so they can get even better gear, for example u go full legendary gear where u get in a normal high level instance and go  into a raid and get out with mythic loot , i kinda sad dat its just boosts for cosmetic gear and not weapons but maybe these cosmetics boosters can give a good stats boost, raids AREN'T for new players its for veterans its not suppose to go solo, its not suppose to go in blind, raids are hardcore

What will Raids be in the end?



Disarm Loki, Chaos Nyx, Resonance Banshee, Non duration Saryn, Roar Rhino, Slowpoke Nova, and two more. You wont need anything at top as long as you have this setup.

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My concerns hinge primarily around armor scaling. This looks to be yet another instance where CP will be a necessity and further force us into the p42w meta or the Boltor P or GTFO meta. I'm sick of artificial challenge in the bullet sponge enemies we have with scaling armor forcing very specific builds or weapons. Being virtually forced to radial disarm/vortex/Chaos/M Prime constantly to remoain safe is sheer ignorance and in no way promotes a rewarding experience considering we will have 8 Tenno on the run the only thing that will be even simplistically challenging will be the puzzles that will be known 1 minute after their release due to the way our community works. This will most assuredly devolve into X frames + X weapons= instant win. So sad that things have not gotten beyond this yet.

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I'm sure this is what it will be, factoring in a number more of those puzzle rooms as well.


*claps* yay, that makes me very happy. More puzzles are garrentead to come! I am excited for this!


What will Raids be in the end?



Disarm Loki, Chaos Nyx, Resonance Banshee, Non duration Saryn, Roar Rhino, Slowpoke Nova, and two more. You wont need anything at top as long as you have this setup.


With random mission types if Spy 2.0 comes into play using powers would destroy the mission because powers auto alert the guards. :) soo Banshee, nyx, saryn, and nova are instantly knocked out of play leaving Rhino and Loki able to use powers in spy mission.


Adding a random mission type mechanic means that using a certain build can be excellent or horrible. You would have to prepare for anything!


Nekros would probably be needed for the survival portion, defense would need Limbo or Frost, Elemenation would need a nuke, Assassination would need some nuking power Mirage, etc.

Edited by Feallike
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Yes, because that ENTIRE PUZZLE MECHANIC IT STARTED OFF WITH is in NO WAY a new mechanic. Mmmm, DE, I am SO disappointed in you.

Lets see, there will be 3 puzzles at max. Once you learn how they work, there isnt anything hard or interesting in there.



What will happen is the same what happens with Draco, Void or any other farming spot. People will demand that you use specific weapon and frames just to go with them.

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Raids NEEDS powerfull weapons and gear to complete its a RAID ,things are suppose to be high level in there to be strong, raids are for people with good gear at the "endgame" of gear, so they can get even better gear, for example u go full legendary gear where u get in a normal high level instance and go  into a raid and get out with mythic loot , i kinda sad dat its just boosts for cosmetic gear and not weapons but maybe these cosmetics boosters can give a good stats boost, raids AREN'T for new players its for veterans its not suppose to go solo, its not suppose to go in blind, raids are hardcore

So basicly you can do survival for 3 hours where enemies are 200+ does that become Raid aswell? Do you get legendary gear from it ? No this way off thinking is bad for the game to be honest. I rather have challenging enemies. The reason I want that is that it makes the game more fun to play. The only boss I can think off that has challenging mechanics are the hyena pack they are mobile have great teamwork and can be diffucult if you solo it. And thats why I like them the most and consider them a boss.

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Nobody liked the nullifiers so there is the feedback from increasing difficulty by mechanics.

The problem with nullifiers in no way relates to their existence period. The problem comes from their imbalanced nature that requires a fast firing weapon to effectively combat them. No enemy should be weighted from it's inception to make one type of weapon more or less viable to handle them. What that mechanic does is remove player choice. That is never okay.

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Yes and no. Yes because it makes them hit harder, withstand more punishment. No because it in the end changes little from other sections of game. I would prefer that "endgame" would have complety new enemies, enemies that are nowhere else in the game and cant be encountered anywhere else.


Just implemented it will take a couple updated for it to get its own tileset. Its going to take a while. The DE can't just give us everything we want in one update. 

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What will Raids be in the end?



Disarm Loki, Chaos Nyx, Resonance Banshee, Non duration Saryn, Roar Rhino, Slowpoke Nova, and two more. You wont need anything at top as long as you have this setup.



x4 Corrosive Projection + x4 Energy Siphon.



Oh look, i just solved raids.

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Some guns are stronger than others and some guns are worth using to get better performance over other guns.


Incredible I know, I was shocked too.


You want new mechanics? You want better AI? DE nerfed enemys AI and balanced to be more fair because people were whining that grineer were too accurate. 

You want different mechanics to improve difficulty? DE added nulifiers and 99% of people to this day are still crying for nerfs on them.


Could you please reflect on your own requests and complaints? Dont ask for difficulty other than level/health/damage scaling if youre going to turn around and whine for nerfs.

The problem was that Grineer were PERFECTLY accurate versus the host and everyone else had a cake walk while fighting them. What they did was equal the accuracy across the board and made player skill into a  thing again. NOW your wall running leaping rolling antics actually DEFINE survival and make you a dmn ninja..

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Lets see, there will be 3 puzzles at max. Once you learn how they work, there isnt anything hard or interesting in there.



What will happen is the same what happens with Draco, Void or any other farming spot. People will demand that you use specific weapon and frames just to go with them.


Hmmm, you know, that sounds EXACTLY LIKE A REGULAR MMO RAID.


"LF10M for Ragnaros, need Holy Priest, 2 Prot Warrior, and Ice Mage, No more Rogues."


You people want raids that are like regular MMOs or not? Because I honestly can't even tell anymore. And sure, the puzzles will be memorized in a day, like anything else in any other game, but who will go to what platform? Who will flip what switch?


The coordination that is required makes ALL the difference. It's Co-Op in the truest sense.

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x4 Corrosive Projection + x4 Energy Siphon.



Oh look, i just solved raids.

This is what I foresee as well. Dmn I was really looking forward to a true test of skill but it looks like we will get a p42w mode again. Sincerely I'm tired of them saying the whole Homers drinking bird thing and then not changing how it works with ultimates.

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Some guns are stronger than others and some guns are worth using to get better performance over other guns.


Incredible I know, I was shocked too.


You want new mechanics? You want better AI? DE nerfed enemys AI and balanced to be more fair because people were whining that grineer were too accurate. 

You want different mechanics to improve difficulty? DE added nulifiers and 99% of people to this day are still crying for nerfs on them.


Could you please reflect on your own requests and complaints? Dont ask for difficulty other than level/health/damage scaling if youre going to turn around and whine for nerfs.

To be completly honest the reason that people ''whined"' about the grineer being to accurate is because grineer snipers could one shot you from any distance. This is not whining this is complaining about the issue that these snipers are overpowered and broken. In the other hand the fact that people dislike the nullifiers is because most off the players are using the press 4 to win. This stopped the majority off that and its considered a bad AI. I have no issue with the nullifiers because they get you out off the comfort zone.

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I just thought of something that will make you all cry. (possibly)


Archwing in raids, its easily possible for the DE to add a archwing section. :)


I. Would. LOVE this.


Heck, I'm sure it's a guarinteed thing too! What with Uranus Archwing-to-Ground missions being the next step in that direction. Integration of the two would be SWEET.


The only thing I could think that would make it cooler: half the team has to go to Archwing, the other half stays on the ground and uses canons to take out larger ships above while Archwing defends them from attackers.

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Just implemented it will take a couple updated for it to get its own tileset. Its going to take a while. The DE can't just give us everything we want in one update. 

But problem is, that they have never gone and changed thing. I recall they said Corrupted are just placeholders for real enemies in the void, yet over 2yrs later, we only got 3 new repainted enemies in the void. Now there has been a lot rumors return on sentients and everyone is excepting entirely new enemies out of it. But how much you are willing to bet those aint just other repainted enemies and just have "arcane" added to their names?

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The problem with nullifiers in no way relates to their existence period. The problem comes from their imbalanced nature that requires a fast firing weapon to effectively combat them. No enemy should be weighted from it's inception to make one type of weapon more or less viable to handle them. What that mechanic does is remove player choice. That is never okay.


So you're in favor of killing the concept of tiered weapons and balancing them all such that even the MKI Braton could do high level content just as well as, say, the Boltor Prime?

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