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Warframe's "uniqueness", And My Thoughts On The Matter.


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Once again, he makes the mistake of spouting figures without actual numbers to back it up. I can pretty much tell you there's definitely a LOT more than just the 1/10th he figures who took advantage of it. But again, without numbers the argument is pointless.

You are quite dumb aren't you.  It's called an estimate, not a set in stone written fact.  

I'll tell you how I did the math.  I divided the fanbase in 3.  That left me with aprox. 3/10 and then I took a rough guess that about 2/3 of PC players also can't use this feature, so that narrows it to about 10% or 1/10 - 20% or 2/10 max.  

Sorry I don't have access to all of DEs financials and statistics, I'm just using crude off the top of my head math.  

The 1/10 figure was by no means the cornerstone of my argument.  It's just the only thing you were able to attack.  

Regardless of any argument and even without number I can without a shadow of a doubt that YOU personally are in the minority.  

Edited by (PS4)lagrue
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So you're upset about cosmetic items and cosmetic effects?


Personally, I'm much more irritated about void key drop dilution, void drop rates, void dilution, archwing drop rates, archwing dilution, long-standing game bugs, match making problems, netcode stability, etc.


To be fair to him, I'm pretty upset about the reduced physX effects too. It's like, I've got hardware that supports some really awesome effects that I used to have, but now I don't have those effects any more because people with ATI GPUs (including consoles) complained.

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1. No I did read it... go back to the first Page, press F3 and find every instance of the word console.  Almost every one is you complainign about them = Elitism. 

2. I don't 'jest'.  You can see me as a troll all you want, I just disagree with you.  I came here to read your post and I saw a whole lot of blaming consoles for things that have nothing to do with consoles.  That is what an elitist who thinks he's better because he's on PC does.  I won't explain it again.

3. Uhh are you dumb or what...you have a daily login wheel that gives 75% discounts on platinum at any given time, PC only.  Do you even play this game?

4. Let me copy and paste for you then:

"so you could put some sort of particle system in place for your Console community"

sounds like some elitism and blaming going on there to me.  

1: Ah. So you only see the word "console", and a "negative argument", and immediately think: "OH! This guy must be an elitist! FLAME!!" Alright.


2: Let me get a definition of "Elitist" for you:


"a person who believes that a system or society should be ruled or dominated by an elite."


Essentially, this would imply that I said "Consoles are stupid./PC is the Master Race/Anyone who games on consoles are retards/etc." You see however, I said none of these things. I even went on to say how well this particle system helps consoles out, actually. HOWEVER, I ALSO stated "This punishes PC users because they are the ones who go DE's foot through the door, and there is no reason to remove PhysX from us." My exact quotes:


"punishing your founders, who gave you money when you were in your infancy days, to help this game prosper. You know who else gets punished for these actions? The massive of the PC community and its players who made it possible to get this game multi-platform."


3: Let me ask you something. What's a better deal to you? Spending $10 when Plat is at base price, or spending $100 when Plat is at around 50% -75% off? Furthermore, how often do you ever see that 75% bonus anyway? I can assure you, not very often... once per-month if you're lucky. 


4: So you only copied PART of that text. Figures. Knee-jerk reaction, as stated. 


"just so you could put some sort of particle system in place for your Console community, and spoon-fed it to us, the PC community and its users as well, without even asking us if we wanted this! You didn't even ask us if we perhaps wanted both to co-exist!"


See what I did there? If co-existence makes me an elitist, then I'm completely stumped.... because it sounds to me like I'm saying that Both systems could work together!!! Particle 2.0 for consoles and AMD PC users, and PhysX features for the rest of the PC community.


Honestly Iagrue, I don't know what to say to you. If all you want to do is start problems in my thread, leave it. If you have anything useful to say, then say it... but don't quote me out of context, and name-call. It's useless, and doesn't make any points in this thread, than pointless arguing.



the figures don't really matter.


overall game players: pc, ps4, xbox

only pc can use physx

pc: nvidia, ati

only nvidia can use physx

5 different categories of players, of which only one can use that effect.

i don't know what the numbers of nvidia pc players are in comparison to the rest of the overall bulk, but it really doesn't matter because as a developer it isn't worth spending the time and effort to concentrate on it to the exclusion of everybody else.


I think you're missing the point. There was NOTHING to change. It worked just fine before Particle 2.0, and it COULD have worked just fine post 2.0. Again, "When your MMO has been on PC for 1-2 years prior, and you bring it to console, why should any PC-key features change?"

Edited by LegendXCarisso
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Hey OP, I see what you're arguing about. I sympathize, I really do... no, not really. I also see a load of pretentiousness when you claim to speak for the founders with lots of bold faced underlined flourishes (that only serves to demean your case and makes you look desperate).

Funny, it appears I'm a founder and you're not. That doesn't make you any lesser than me, but when you whine and argue over minutiae like PhysX and plastic looking gold prime parts on accessories a minority of players own, then you sure as hell don't speak for this founder.

Warframe is unique because of the original dystopian setting, and the artistic style of the frames themselves and the enemies they fight. Particle effects are a very tiny part of the presentation. The devs are not punishing anyone with the changes they made to them. In fact, I think the game as whole looks better than ever.

Please drop this failthread and move on to something positive, OP. The consoles are not to blame, and the best is yet to come for Warframe.

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I think you're missing the point. There was NOTHING to change. It worked just fine before Particle 2.0, and it COULD have worked just fine post 2.0. Again, "When your MMO has been on PC for 1-2 years prior, and you bring it to console, why should any PC-key features change?"


so let's ignore the fact that any active code can present bugs and all of it must be maintained from version to version.

and that this could constitute a half a day of work for an employee that could be working on something else.

this either a) costs money or b) slows down deployment


have you ever heard of the k.i.s.s. principle?


keep it simple stupid


if PhysX can constitute a problem and it isn't benefiting the devs to the largest possible audience, then it can/should be removed.


Do I prefer it this way? No. I liked my shiny particle effects.

But, like most adults, I understand compromise and reality.

Warframe is beyond it's infancy, it's "Big Time" now, and with that... priorities must be balanced.

If PhysX got the axe because of this, so be it.

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Hey OP, I see what you're arguing about. I sympathize, I really do... no, not really. I also see a load of pretentiousness when you claim to speak for the founders with lots of bold faced underlined flourishes (that only serves to demean your case and makes you look desperate).

Funny, it appears I'm a founder and you're not. That doesn't make you any lesser than me, but when you whine and argue over minutiae like PhysX and plastic looking gold prime parts on accessories a minority of players own, then you sure as hell don't speak for this founder.

Warframe is unique because of the original dystopian setting, and the artistic style of the frames themselves and the enemies they fight. Particle effects are a very tiny part of the presentation. The devs are not punishing anyone with the changes they made to them. In fact, I think the game as whole looks better than ever.

Please drop this failthread and move on to something positive, OP. The consoles are not to blame, and the best is yet to come for Warframe.

-sigh- ....Another one. Knee-jerks... completely misses the point. Let me be perfectly clear;


I'm speaking for the PC community. Founders happen to be among this list as the first players of Warframe. I have to highlight my points because people seem to skim it, knee-jerk, and speak without thinking, or understanding what I, the OP was stating. If anything, it only makes my points more clear, not desperate.


Yeah.. Like I said, there was reasons I was unable to become one, but that is to my own discretion. While we're on the subject... the prime accessories was just an example. I was also speaking about the fact how gold trimmings and the like are being melded in with the simple color selections. Targis prime is just a good example of this, is all. It also happens on many primed weapons, which a "majority" of players indeed DO own. To me, removing the "gold" on "Prime" things, is very much like removing the engine out of a Ferrari, and replacing it with the engine of an Isetta. Barring the impossibility of this example, its principle is what I'm defining here. Now you've got this gorgeous-looking car, but it moves at a top-speed of around 10 - 30mph at most. Those speeds do not scream "Ferrari", it screams.. "...Um, car with a really ugly engine on-board". Same with the prime pieces. It's still called "Prime-soandso", but it doesn't look like a Prime piece/weapon. It's that feeling when you worked really hard to find those blueprints to build it, only to find they're just stat-based changes... but nothing more. That to me, is a VERY, big deal.


Same with PhysX. It gives the feeling that you're a walking suit of energy and power, running like a madman, hacking, slashing, and then... that feeling when you Rhino Stomp, and you see the particles floating, and dancing around your foes as they're suspended in the air, before violently being dropped by gravity, the particles going with them. Then they get blinded, before being viciously impaled to the floor by disembodied swords, particles marking their graves as if their souls left their bodies in a single instant. You knew you killed them all, because you could visually SEE it. That to me, again, is a VERY, big deal.


That dystopian setting? PhysX was a part of that. It's been displayed in their many cinematic trailers. It showed their ninja-like styles, and how they flowed like water/air. The graphics? The gameplay? Both work hand-in-hand to deliver the experience... the "uniqueness" that is Warframe.


If that to you, is a "fail"..... then I have nothing more to say to you, because.... you'll never understand.

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I'm going to go ahead and lock this since the thread took a combative/hostile turn.


If you want to give feedback regarding PhysX, keep it about that.


Also, PhysX particles and turbulence fields are still in the game. They have not been removed. I just tested it with the Jat Kittag and every setting on low/off and PhysX turned in; here are the results:









And channeling (some weapons have better PhysX channeling than others, this has to do with the weapons, not PhysX)




For the record, the new particle effect system only activates on "Medium" and above settings. At low it's not used, meaning all of those particles are Nvidia PhysX.


Again, Nvidia PhysX effects were not removed. Digital Extremes is not "dumbing down" the PC version for consoles' sake. If your game isn't displaying them properly, this could be due to another issue entirely (such as outdated PhysX/GPU drivers, a problem with DirectX or your game files). If you feel as if PhysX is not displaying correctly, you should contact support for technical assistance on the matter. You will likely have to supply a DirectX diagnostic report (dxdiag.txt) and a copy of your game's EE.log and Launcher.log file.

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