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Can We Talk About Puncture Proc? Problem About Piercing Roar And Weapon


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Now that we have Piercing Roar that applies puncture proc on enemy, I want to talk about puncture proc:


"Puncture Damage applies a status effect of Weakened, causing the victim to inflict 30% less damage over a duration of 6 seconds."


I believe nobody really cares about puncture proc on their weapon, at least I don't. 30% less damage on one single target doesn't make much difference consider enemy damage scaling. Not to mention it only last for 6 seconds and most of the time you don't get puncture proc often enough.


While Piercing Roar applies puncture proc on every enemy in range, the status duration is a little short to be considered useful. If Roar buff has more than 6 seconds duration, then puncture proc would run out of duration before Roar buff, and you cannot recast Roar.


Proposed change for puncture proc:

Make puncture proc permanently reduces enemy damage by 30%, and can be stacked for 2~4 times. For balance reason, ability cannot stack puncture proc while weapons can.


This would make puncture proc more useful on Piercing Roar and some weapons like Spectra, Latron Prime, Aklex, Hek, etc.


What do you think?


Edit: For balance reason, ability cannot stack puncture proc while weapons can.

Edited by yles9056
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I think 90% damage reduction for the cost of 3 roars (especially at max efficiency) would be a little much. Even 60% would be pushing it. 


I'd agree with the duration being buffed to some extent, but it should not stack. If it stacked 4 times enemies literally wouldn't do damage, this augment would become extremely overpowered.


2 stack would result in 1-0.7*0.7=0.51(51% damage reduction)

3 stack would result in 1-0.7*0.7*0.7=0.657(65.7% damage reduction)


So maybe it should be capped at 2 stack for balance reason.

Or at least make it permanent but cannot stack.

Edited by yles9056
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2 stack would result in 1-0.7*0.7=0.51(51% damage reduction)

3 stack would result in 1-0.7*0.7*0.7=0.657(65.7% damage reduction)


So maybe it should be capped at 2 stack for balance reason.

Or at least make it permanent but cannot stack.


That's not how things usually calculate in Warframe, though. They calculate off the base value, which is why 3 corrosive projections is enough to get you 90% armor reduction on enemies. 


Even at a 51% reduction, that'd still be an amazingly powerful augment. 


Non-stacking sounds the fairest. 

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That's not how things usually calculate in Warframe, though. They calculate off the base value, which is why 3 corrosive projections is enough to get you 90% armor reduction on enemies. 


Even at a 51% reduction, that'd still be an amazingly powerful augment. 


Non-stacking sounds the fairest. 




And what about weapon? Would it be OP if weapon can stack puncture proc while Piercing Roar can't?

Because weapon can only apply puncture proc one target each time.

Edited by yles9056
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30% damage reduction for a few seconds isnt worth a mod slot...instead of using puncture proc, I wish theyd made it straight damage debuff...like around -50% or so, modified by power strength and duration.

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And what about weapon? Would it be OP if weapon can stack puncture proc while Piercing Roar can't?

Because weapon can only apply puncture proc one target each time.


The difference between weapons and Warframe abilities is that Weapons are almost never guaranteed to get procs, let alone puncture procs. Is there any straight-up puncture weapon with no other damage type? I can't seem to think of one. Not to mention that if you want it to kill anything, it's going to have some sort of element on it. This means that stacking puncture procs is entirely up to chance, whereas on abilities it's a guaranteed proc.

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The difference between weapons and Warframe abilities is that Weapons are almost never guaranteed to get procs, let alone puncture procs. Is there any straight-up puncture weapon with no other damage type? I can't seem to think of one. Not to mention that if you want it to kill anything, it's going to have some sort of element on it. This means that stacking puncture procs is entirely up to chance, whereas on abilities it's a guaranteed proc.


That is true. You can only benefit from status proc if you don't kill enemy instantly when everyone in the game only cares about killing them instantly. It's the dilemma of status chance system. As for the RNG, hopefully a permanently puncture proc can slightly ease the problem.



Please remember that we get hit with puncture procs more often than our enemies... Any buff to the puncture proc would literally come back to bite us in the !.


You don't need to worry that. Corrosive proc permanently reduces enemy armor(stack-able), but only last 8 seconds on players(not stack-able). Puncture proc can work in the same way.

Edited by yles9056
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The casting speed of Roar will take at least 1 sec off the debuff. To fully utilized this mod, you need to slot in TF for the minus duration and NT to speedup the animation. The problem is the normal ironskin and CC build don't required both TF and NT. Only roar build need strength mod but roar build required more duration and not less.

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