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The List Of "please I'm Begging You, Don't Do These To Volt"


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Somehow Volt make it to the hot topics and it frightens me. It should be quite obvious where his problem is. But in case DE decides to go for an extra length, here's a list of things that really shouldn't be touched on Volt.


1. Adding LoS to shock

Please just don't, if any the stun should be improved so it's more reliable.


2. Make Speed / Electric Shield toggle

This will be a nerf to Volt, Speed and Electric shield cost very cheap and last quite long that with enough efficiency and power duration, you can replenish your energy with energy siphon during the ability. Making it toggle means you can't restore your energy and extensive use will make these abilities cost more than its original usage.


3. Buff electric shield in exchange of its invulnerability/ take the invulnerability in any way.

The last bug made some people addicted with the damage it can do. But please, don't bring it back especially if the invulnerability has to go away as balancing factor. Electric Shield is a shield and should perform its best as shield, even as shield it has many limitations Double crit damage is more than enough as damage buffer.


4.Overbuff him in general or somehow nerf him...

Remember that some people use OP as standard of balance. Aside from Overload, Volt is actually one of the few warframes which is balanced. On the other hand, he is balanced so improper change may nerf him instead of balancing him, tread carefully DE.

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Sorry BUT NO to some Points.


First Shock.


It Needs a buff, to be usefull as more as as short stun.

Maybee, take Time or Range modification to make it jump to 3 or 4 targets more ( at 150% or 200% )

There are many Possibility´s.




I HATE die Visual Effect.

I get sick and it´s realy a good buff. ( please make it Option to turn this off )

Also a Toogle would not be so bad IF, the Warframe get´s buffs on the other side.


Speed is a Perfect Close Comabt Buff, but Volt has to low Life and Armor for it.

If compensated with more Armor and Live i would gladly have a toggle effect for Speed Buff!




Thats the ONLY usefull Skill of Volt in Mid and Endgame so far.

It´s overpowerd if used right becouse of endless live and beam buff.

And with a good Combination on the right spot. You can easy fight enemys till Level 100.



It´s first use is nice and works in most places very good.

But a second cast is way to weak.


My Idea would be a ability like the new Word of Flames.


Permanently sending out the waves of energy ( balanced to the new Situation )

Grafik effects can be realy nice and it can bring Volt to a new Level.



If i could, i would Change Volt and give it a new Profile.


Volt as a Close Quader and Assault Support Char.



Ability 1

Shock at it is now, but 100% more damage if enemy hast electro stun on him and Shock jumps depending on Range or Time modification.

Maybee a stack can be created that every shot later increses the damage. Shild and Stun effect of Ability 4 Count as 1 Buff already.


Ability 2

Speed without the Effect as it is now.


Ability 3

The Shild is now Mobil and a toogle ( like the Position now, but the shild is a moveable item )

He Switches to pistol Slot ( or keeps Close Combat weapon ) puts one Arm infront and holds the shild active.

If you use Close Comabt attack the shild is deactivated, but the first swing gets the energy Bonus Damage.

Youre Pistol and the Weapons of youre Team get the old Bonus.


Ability 4

AOE Stun Toggle around him with medium damage.

Enermys get immun to the stun after some time.



Base Live get´s a Strong increase and Armor gets a small buff.




Volt like this could be played as:


Close Combat best with a Group.

Can use his Shild and Speed to get in Close Quader

Buff Damage with Speed and Stun enemys Nearby for to kill same without getting hit.


Uses Damage and Duration Mod´s



Range Support

Uses Shild for Team Support and Bunker in a corner and Shocks to Kill enemy´s


Uses Range, Duration and Damage Mod´s



Range Killer

Range and Damage


Uses Shild, AOE Stun and Shock ( with Range increase jumping to more enemys ) to  kill big Groups

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It´s first use is nice and works in most places very good.

But a second cast is way to weak.


My Idea would be a ability like the new Word of Flames.


Permanently sending out the waves of energy ( balanced to the new Situation )

Grafik effects can be realy nice and it can bring Volt to a new Level.

Neat idea to make it nuke and then lingering aura that destroys nearby electronics for more dmg

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I agree wholeheartedly with the OP.


All Volt needs right now is:

- For the "electronic detonation" effect of Overload to not be as penalizing to successive casts

- Toned-down visual distortion on Speed and Electric Shield

- Increased synergy between Speed and Electric Shield


Nothing more than that.

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