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How Much $$$ Have You Spent On This Game?


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At this point I'd say about $300+ spent.


Founders, 2x Prime Access (Nyx and Nova) and a few plat restocks when I needed it and didn't feel like braving the trade chat.

Edited by nikko83
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<--- Just that $50


I decided that I would've paid $50 for a non-F2P game, and so I played that much for it. I have no intentions of ever spending money on it again.


I've made thousands of plat via trading, though, and I don't see that as a problem. I still see that as making money for DE. Just... y'know... not my money. Someone spent money to get what I end up hoarding and refusing to give to anyone but Darvo (and even then, just for slots, cosmetics and that stupid Elytron). If it weren't for traders, that money probably would've never been spent.


If only they'd make Prime Accessories cheaper without the price-inflating boosters. Then they'd get my money.

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- 5€.


Why minus? Because of trade. :3


(in fact it's not minus, it's a 0 : I just "moved" someone else € or $ without taking into account the fact that I could have given plats myself.)

Edited by unknow99
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i was waiting to buy 1000p with a 75% discount, but after months of playing and seemingly having a lesser chance of getting one the more i log in, i discovered trading.


It was slow at first, but with the addition of tradable syndicate weapons, ive made more plat than i would have ever bought.


I wouldve had no problem spending more money on WF, but the base plat rate is too high IMO. I couldve easily dropped $30+ more if i was actually rewarded with a discount for the amount of time i put in and consecutive log-ins. Unfortunately its actually the reverse, and its harder to get a discount the more you log in- but easier to get sentinel xp.

Edited by Hypernaut1
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