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Why Do People Never Go Past Wave 10..


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some times people will start a wave and something will come up irl. or they will level up and want to equip a new toy. or something im guilty of is jumping into a game and not having any mods installed (I tend to strip my mods to do fusions and dont always remember to reequip.).

You, uh, don't have to unequip your mods to do fusions...fyi.

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Sometimes you got some nice drops of mods and you don't want to loose them if you die?

the mods you pick up lock in every 5 waves, there is no reason to not attempt the next 5 unless you get a nice reward

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Because some or even most of the game's playerbase are complete stools and only does defense missions for Quick cash, for what ever reason. funny cause credits aren't that hard to come by anyway :/

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the mods you pick up lock in every 5 waves, there is no reason to not attempt the next 5 unless you get a nice reward


I generally use defense missions to level weapons and warframes. Don't you lose ALL the bonus experience (usually around 25k by level 10) if you fail the mission?


Thats probably the number one reason I'll leave at 10 unless 2 or more people are staying with me.

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I just did to wave 25 on xini with a random group. Both wave 20 and 25 rewards were hellfire as usual so its really pointless to go above 10 or 15. You pretty much have to leave once the first rare mod comes as a reward..

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Reasons I have bailed or will bail at wave 10 or sooner: team doesn't look like they can take it further, I have weapons that won't cut it much further, the reward is something I want (three times, my first multi-shot mod for one of the types, streamline, and the last banshee piece), I'm only here for the completion of the planet, I have to go, or the game is laggy.

Edited by Kyrkitao
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Every single time I do a defense mission people bail out at wave 10 even when the reward is just some common mod. I've only ever had two groups who went past 10. It makes no sense, why does everyone quit so early? Its not like you have anything to lose


Actually you have alot to lose.


Most of the time when I am doing defense missions, I am farming a specific resource and by wave 10 I might have aquired say 100 Alloy Plate or some other semi rare resource.  Also I have likely aquired 10-12 Mods.  However if you fail the mission, you lose all you have aquired.


Then you have to consider that 90% of the time a pick up team will fail at some point after wave 10 and if they do, you have wasted all that time farming.


Edit: Someone mentioned the Mods lock in after every 5 waves which I didn't know if it is true.  However I am pretty sure this is not the case for resources.  Seems that I have always lost the resources if we fail.

Edited by Belpharon
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i don't see the point. i ten to stay at least until 10 (i usually do pluto) but after that i like to restart. because cash reward is the same, and mod reward can even be worse than lower wave's.

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This all breaks down to efficency, most players only go to 10 because after that it takes longer and longer to kill mobs. It's much faster to start it over and go to wave 10 again if you're looking to farm mods.

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I leave if lag is bad, if I only came to get a certain resource and have enough, if I get a reward I like, if the team is bad ie. Loki waiting for me to run to a certain point than swapping with me just because he's too lazy to just walk, and if I'm trying to add mastery to a weapon and have enough.


Maybe they should make us choose how many waves we want to do going in. That way we either rise to the challenge or fail together.

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i wish that in update 8 they would make it so that evry 5 waves the reward gets better like instead of a vitality on wave 15 or so a vitality 6 on wave 20 for exmple. my point is that the mod is shown at the beginning of the level and every five waves the mod levels up once.

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i wish that in update 8 they would make it so that evry 5 waves the reward gets better like instead of a vitality on wave 15 or so a vitality 6 on wave 20 for exmple. my point is that the mod is shown at the beginning of the level and every five waves the mod levels up once.


If you get definite rewards as the waves go on people wouldnt do any other missions ever.

People already suggest Defense mission for farming mats now imagine if you would get definitely better mods.

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Sometimes i stay for 10 waves, sometimes for 20-30, but today i'm in a need of some credits so i'm just rushing 5 waves on Pluto-Narcissus for 4600 credits, easy money.

you can also equip rush,quick rest and marathon and do the capture mission Pluto-Hydra the one with infested.All you need to do is run,capture the target then get out without killing anything that should be like 4500 credits and that should take 3-5 mins depending on the frame or unless Lotus decides to change the mission on you

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I normally bail on wave 10 or 5 because it's more cost effective. If the rest of the team wants to go to a higher wave as a challenge I love it, but if we're just there for mods, it's better to leave and restart at wave 5-10. Same if you're farming Banshee pieces.


This is why I always say how much I'd like tiered rewards so its actually worth it to go to high waves...


Why go to wave 30+ when this happens?



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Sometimes you got some nice drops of mods and you don't want to loose them if you die?




A couple of days ago, I picked up a Rare Fusion core, got dced and lost it.


Played another, I picked up a Rare Fusion core again, host chose claim and exit, host migration failed, lost it.


So now if I pick up a mod I really want, I'll exit ASAP.


Otherwise, I'll just keep going.

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I normally bail on wave 10 or 5 because it's more cost effective. If the rest of the team wants to go to a higher wave as a challenge I love it, but if we're just there for mods, it's better to leave and restart at wave 5-10. Same if you're farming Banshee pieces.


This is why I always say how much I'd like tiered rewards so its actually worth it to go to high waves...


Why go to wave 30+ when this happens?




If you are doing defense missions because of that one thing you get at the end of a set of waves you are doing it wrong.

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