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★JOIN FLOW★(With Everything Everyone Else Has)★But wait there's MORE!★


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Erm can I still apply or are you guys not recruiting anymore? t1mb3r1313 say he thinks it's still recruiting.. Erm so can I join so I can be flow like you guys? :D 


Invite has been sent! Welcome to the clan, I hear you are a cool guy!

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Welcome to the Flow Member Spotlight! Yet again we have a Warlord of Flow with us, this time I present to you...the mother of Flow...the curator of forums..the knicker of our knacks and all the patty you can whack...YES...the one and the only...DRASIEL!!!!
Q.) How did you find / join Flow
A.) Way back in yesteryear when DE was teasing us about the up and coming Dojo additions of U8 Dojo they let us know that the research and building DID NOT scale with clan member count. That meant that the costs for building your dojo and doing research would be set at the current Moon Clan cost whether you had 4k members (or more there was no cap on member size either) or 1. With clan exclusive weapons and potentially activities coming “just around the corner” and my local friends having abandoned me after getting me sucked into Warframe, I set out to find a clan. Most of the clans were far too serious or aggressively competitive for me. Most of the others were very bland, or felt like there was just no heart behind the presentation.
Then I saw the very first text based advertisment for FLOW
(it can still be seen here in a handy quote by dragul: 
I was intrigued, here was someone who looked like they knew when a game was a game, and that humour is as valuable an asset as “cool factor”. I stalked the thread for a few days to see if it was merely a flash in the pan or this “2ply” person (who I had encountered previously in a discussion about warframe powers) intended to go for the long haul. Sent in my request to join 2 days after seeing the post and have been at home here ever since.
Q.) Before you joined Flow, did you ever join or ever think of joining a different clan?
A.) There was another clan I looked into before joining FLOW. I looked long and hard at the Lone Rangers (http://tinyurl.com/nozbjud). I tend to be a bit of an introvert and in most games with group interactions if I cannot play with local friends I will go solo at the first possible opportunity. The Lone Rangers was quite appealing as they are a group of Soloers by choice or requirement that banded together simply to share the advantage and enjoyment of having a Dojo. However, in the end 2ply’s original advertisement won me over.
Q.) Why did 2ply make you a Warlord, and what qualities does one need to be an effective Warlord?
A.) I assume because I am a quietly effective person. About the time of U10 or maybe it was closer to U12, many of our senior members were beginning to be affected by burnout. Many of our founders were people that had been playing non stop since U7 or even earlier when Warframe was in closed beta. 2ply was one of these that was starting to feel the burn (seriously he has a disgustingly large hours played number, it haunts me...). I had been a general for Flow at the time along with theclinton when 2ply approached me via steam to talk about him taking a vacation from warframe. I don’t remember the exact conversation but it went along the lines of:
2ply: I need to take a break from all the pure awesome taking place because I need to give the sick burns I’ve acquired from becoming 300% hotter a chance to heal. Who do you think is flame repellent and trustworthy enough to take up my fiery mantle?
Drasiel: *takes off sunglasses* FLOW without 2ply? How can this be
2ply: I must leave on a perilous journey to recharge my mind. It is the only way that I might recover to rejoin you stronger and with greater bounties of awesomesauce to anoint our fellow flowbians in!
Drasiel: *stands up* Then appoint me, oh Warlord. I shall bear the weight of your mantle and ensure that the home fires keep burning and the awesomesauce floweth perpetually.
2ply: *Nods sagely as he jetpacks towards the setting sun* SO SHALL IT BE WRITTEN. SO SHALL IT BE DONE.
As far as being an effective Warlord goes the skills I think one needs in order of importance are:
Diplomacy and tact
Time Management skills
Understanding of others Strengths and Weakness’ and how to utilise them for most effectiveness. (or destroy them)
At least 1 hour a day minimum to devote to clan related activity
1337 typing skillz
Q.) What has been the best message in the Clan Chat that you've seen so far?
A.) There are far, far too many awesome moments to pick just one. Seriously you guys are effing hilarious. Although the conversations about the fact that we apparently keep Sinistro in a crate in the basement and only let him out to run missions when we need an extra person is probably one of my all time favourites.
Q.) What has been the best thing about joining Flow for you and can you name a favorite moment?
A.) The amount of solid and hilarious people I have met and become friends with (internet pen pals if you will) through both joining and helping to manage FLOW is hands down the best part of being in this clan. 
My very favourite moment was when I discovered we could rename the clan ranks and for a period of 3 days I made A_Barrel the “clan barrel”. Three days of barrel related innuendo, puns and jokes ensued. It. Was. Glorious.
Q.)  Do you ever feel that the clan trolls you just because they can and do you love them for it if so?
A.) Of course it’s only natural :3 I troll them back just as often. <3

Q.) theclinton asked: What’s his true Clan rank, the full name that he told you?
A.) That would of course be Senior Chocolate Clintcake.
Q.) Open fridge, see nothing, close fridge. What next?
A.)  Step 1: Look at cat
Step 2: Gently knock over cat with foot
Step 3: Curse the cruel winds of fate that steered me to this destination.
Step 4: Make toast with peanut butter.
Step 5: Eat toast while filled with desolation and regret.
Q.) If you could install a mod to upgrade your personality, which melee would you choose, to equip your sentinel?
A.) Clearly I would equip the clan dojo to my sentinel to up the base damage of my melee which would give me a stronger personality. Which is an excellent workaround to avoid having to eat the heart of a freshly vanquished enemy of equal or greater power.
Q.) How many donuts/holes/pastries can you stuff into your mouth? This is a very important question and I’m sure I’m not the only person who feels this way, jus sayin…
A.) How could one possible get through life without knowing this about oneself? Using Timbits (http://tinyurl.com/nxmp4r5) as a measuring tool, because I am Canadian, I have uncovered this great secret. it is:
solve for X ((41x-12)/(x^2-16)) = ((4x+3)/(x-4))
This equation will give you two answers, the answer that is extraneous is the correct amount of Timbits I can fit in my mouth at one time.
Q.) Y U DO DIS?!?!?! so much work, are you independently wealthy? and if so, can i work for you? (travel depending of course)
A.) Sadly for both of us I am not independently wealthy. Although it is not as much work as you might think, the trick is simply managing your time efficiently and setting up proper ground work for notifications from pertinent sources of information. A typing speed of 60wpm or greater helps a lot too. Mostly all you need is at least an hours worth of time to devote to managing aspects of clan such as the FLOW Member Spotlight and other activities daily. That hour doesn't necessarily include actual play time though, so bear that in mind.
The WHY? has always been because I can. I do this stuff for the clan, because I want the clan to flourish. I want the clan to be a community. I want the clan to be a fun place that others look at and say “Damn… that is one hella tight clan, would you check out the management it’s rocking? Sheeeeet son! and that community? daaaaayuuuuuuum!”
Q.) Have you ever regretted having all the responsibility that comes along with the job of a Warlord and do you feel that it was just thrown onto you without warning?
A.) I have never felt like the job was thrown onto me. I was already a general at the time of my promotion, and many of the duties that a Warlord has can be handled or were being handled by a general. It felt more like a natural progression of responsibility than anything else.
The one and only time I ever regretted having all the responsibility that comes with being a Warlord was earlier this year when going through trial runs of medication to control the crippling symptom of chronic, rolling, and completely random panic attacks I’ve been suffering against for the past year and three quarters. One of the medications was an incredibly poor mix when combined with my brain chemistry and I was rendered to very nearly &#036;&amp;*&amp;*#(%&amp; levels of cognitive function as well as even less capacity for physical activities like standing upright. I could barely deal with pants let alone a clan at that point. Once I switched off it and I returned to normal regrets quickly dissipated.
*Spoiler alert! Bonus Question*
Q.) What are your plans for the future and your ambitions?
A.) For the near future it’s to give my all to getting FLOW set up and powered up for it’s next big venture! What venture you ask? Well everyone will just have to wait and see :D As for plans for the far future, I want to get healthy and get back to being the beastly corporate kitchen trainer I was. *cracks knuckles* There are some line cooks that need a refresher course in speed of service and food quality.
*Special thanks to the following members of Flow for submitting quesitons: CY13ERPUNK, A_Barrel, MattQaz, theClinton, KatanaWielder and 7grims. With your host and additional questions for this months edition of the FMS by: 2ply
This concludes the FLOW Member spotlight for August. If you have anyone you’d like to see celebrated, leave a message in next months FLOW member spotlight event on our Facebook page (http://tinyurl.com/mlqn4dt) or through our steam group (http://tinyurl.com/oarzugd)
Edited by Drasiel
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Q.) theclinton asked: What’s his true Clan rank, the full name that he told you?
A.) That would of course be Senior Chocolate Clintcake."
lol but Drassss it was supposed to be Super Almighty Amazing Lord Veteran Senior General Clint, I mean how could you forget such a thing lmao
"I had been a general for Flow at the time along with Senior General(never forget i joined flow like 3 days before you lol noob :P )  theclinton when 2ply approached me via steam to"
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Q.) Why did 2ply make you a Warlord, and what qualities does one need to be an effective Warlord?
A.) I assume because I am a quietly effective person. About the time of U10 or maybe it was closer to U12, many of our senior members were beginning to be affected by burnout. Many of our founders were people that had been playing non stop since U7 or even earlier when Warframe was in closed beta. 2ply was one of these that was starting to feel the burn (seriously he has a disgustingly large hours played number, it haunts me...). I had been a general for Flow at the time along with theclinton when 2ply approached me via steam to talk about him taking a vacation from warframe. I don’t remember the exact conversation but it went along the lines of:
2ply: I need to take a break from all the pure awesome taking place because I need to give the sick burns I’ve acquired from becoming 300% hotter a chance to heal. Who do you think is flame repellent and trustworthy enough to take up my fiery mantle?
Drasiel: *takes off sunglasses* FLOW without 2ply? How can this be
2ply: I must leave on a perilous journey to recharge my mind. It is the only way that I might recover to rejoin you stronger and with greater bounties of awesomesauce to anoint our fellow flowbians in!
Drasiel: *stands up* Then appoint me, oh Warlord. I shall bear the weight of your mantle and ensure that the home fires keep burning and the awesomesauce floweth perpetually.
2ply: *Nods sagely as he jetpacks towards the setting sun* SO SHALL IT BE WRITTEN. SO SHALL IT BE DONE.
















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Flow Clan's 800 Platinum Prize Contest (Ending 09/21/14)


Rewards Doubled! (from 400 platinum to 800)


Thanks to your participation in this event (you know who you are) this event reward has doubled!

Congratulations on your Free Upgrade!

You've earned it!

But before you compete...
You need to know how to find the leaderboards.

STEP 1: In game press the Escape key:
In the upper right of the screen mouse over your character avatar and the option to "show profile" will appear.  
STEP 2: Click on Show Profile:
Look to the LEFT of the screen to see the area marked "leaderboards"  
STEP 3: Click on Leaderboards:
Now you can see the "Weekly" leaderboards for the following mission types:
Defense, Survival and Interception. And there is "kills" which is a way to track overall kills for the week.


This is a FLOW co-op Event.
You must play with a squad of 4 members from FLOW.
Individuals who have scores that are above and beyond the others will be considered "black sheep" and disgarded.  

We want to see that people are working together in the clan as a squad...playing together to win the prize as a unit.
NOTE: You do not have to use the same squad or group of players on ALL the mission types,

To clarify:
In each individual mission type there must be at least 4 matching scores representing a group (squad) from Flow worked together to achieve that score. But players are free to play with different squads (players) to achieve higher scores.


For this event we will be using the three mission types: Defense, Survival and Interception.

There is a Special Grading system that will be used to calculate the winners of this event based on your progress in each of the mission types.

This event will take place over 2 weeks. The leaderboards will be recorded at the end of each week to calculate the final scores.

GRADING SYSTEM (scoring model continued)

Squads will be graded by a score of "Official Flow Clan Fist Bumps" if they achieved the highest score in the clan on a specific mission type (defense, survival & interception).

Each individual player in the squads that achieved an "Official Flow Clan Fist Bump" also receives an "Official Flow Clan Fist for glory Bump".

In the event there is a tie of some kind, a death match competition will take place, in this event we will have to improvise on a way to achieve this tie breaker (wip)


The top 4 Players who have the most  "Official Flow Clan Fist Bumps for Glory"...WIN 200 Platinum Each.


THIS EVENT ENDS: (09/21/14) (near server reset time)


The 4 winning players from this event will not be able to win the next event of this exact type. (this does not apply to winners of Warframe Event(s)

Meaning the same people cannot win twice in a row in a "Flow Clan" based event, but the ability to win on every 3rd event is there.

*This complicated scoring system I've devised (if effective) will be used on a monthly basis, meaning we will continue to host a competition of this type every month.




                                                                         "Official Flow Clan Fist Bump"

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