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Why Is Everyone Hating On Tenno Live And Chroma ?


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My first thought upon seeing chroma was "WTF is that?" I sat there looking at the artwork for quite awhile and it just looked very off from how I invisioned a dragon like frame would look. In my head I was thinking, large claws, wings, a tail, and perhaps a string of horns/spines running down his back. Thats not what we got obviously but I continued to sit there looking at it till I blurted out my most inner thoughts "That looks really ugly".


Its certainly a different take on a dragon frame then I would have done (and Im sure different from many other artists) but that doesnt necessarily make it back. Speaking purely from an aesthetic perspective I dont think he looks good (yeah I know because I say I dont care for it Im somehow Hating on it according to the people with no understanding of the english language). Im still going to get him though, who knows he could be a lot of fun or at the very least a great frame to run. We'll see when he comes out but that design still throws me off.

Horns,talons,claws and wings @_@? I don't think I could handle doing parkour with a dragon like that hehe.

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Neither of those look like Chroma.

To each their own I suppose.


prob cause he doesn't look like this http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140915002039/darksouls/images/e/ef/BlackDragonArmorSet.png XD I'm glad he doesn't though cause it has been done to death IMO.I like DE's art teams imagination and always have.

Edited by -Jack.Of.Blades-
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so like a 1000 people out of god knows what amount?that's kinda an incaclusive don't you think?


That's actually a really good sample size, statistically-speaking.

I'd hardly call that a good representation. 


It actually is.

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So you think that classifications for species of sea life, and the name "sea dragon" predate the notion of dragons? Yeah, ok. I can see why you guys screwed up with this frame.


Here's what a good representation of your community thinks of this frame: strawpoll.me/3807541/r 


Sorry. But no. Oh, and Fundance, eastern games are not some validation that this frame looks like a dragon. Even people from the east have said that this thing doesn't look like an eastern dragon.

and yet it bears a very strong resemblance to Agnaktor, a well known wyvern in the Monster Hunter series, which is one of the strongest japanese gaming IP's out there.

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Everyone is entitled to their own opinion as long as it is constructive, for myself there were many things on the stream that looked cool, the new Dakra, The Sentients but what really bothers me about the stream is how distracting both Sheldon and Steve can be that it takes away from the stream. It is sort of like watching your favorite program including commercials and realizing you've only really seen 20 mins of the actual program because the other 40 is commercials. As for the new Dragon frame, and this is just focused on the design itself, it has to be one of the ugliest I have seen from Minki. It has a horrible silhouette and that helmet design is just terrible. Find below a image I found which I think should have been what the helmet should have looked like.



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chroma's design is hated for many reasons.


-it looks like a pile of meat/infested.


-its "snout" is on the top of it's head instead of face, looking like an anteater


-it looks nothing like a dragon, and your stupid "seahorse dragon" does not count as one. we all know what they meant by dragon is the mythical flying creature.

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and yet it bears a very strong resemblance to Agnaktor, a well known wyvern in the Monster Hunter series, which is one of the strongest japanese gaming IP's out there.




1) Chroma doesn't look like this. It just doesn't.


2) It doesn't matter. That wasn't what the community wanted. I'd be perfectly fine if Chroma resembled this, but it doesn't, and the community didn't want this. Nor is Monster Hunter or some japanese game the representation of Eastern dragons.


This is the common representation of an eastern dragon, and what anyone would recognize and think of when someone mentions an "eastern dragon":





Could you also agree that someone who feels upset and let down are more likely to voice their opinions then say someone who likes it?


I'm guessing that's the excuse you make any time public opinion isn't in your favor. No, it's just that there are more people who don't like it than there are people who do.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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It actually is.


It's a small portion of a small portion of the community, and only half of that group had a strong negative reaction.


We also know unhappy people are more likely to voice an opinion, further skewing the results.


You clearly don't like the design, but the blanket generalizations and insistence on what it does or does not look like are just hyperbole.

Edited by vaugahn
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A dragon themed frame that looks like a semi-melted wax horse...

I hope the next female frame is a giant fat wallrus, slap those bunny ears on excal and get to retconning the lore to incorperate thousnds of year of evolution + virus in Sandeago Zoo

" I like the new look of the palatipus frame... "


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It's a small portion of a small portion of the community, and only half of that group had a strong negative reaction.


We also know unhappy people are more likely to voice an opinion, further skewing the results.


You clearly don't like the design, but the blanket generalizations and insistence on what it does or does not look like are just hyperbole.


73% is "Ugly" or "Meh", or 73% did not say it was "Awesome". Neither of those are favorable. You should probably learn statistics.

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1) Chroma doesn't look like this. It just doesn't.


2) It doesn't matter. That wasn't what the community wanted. I'd be perfectly fine if Chroma resembled this, but it doesn't, and the community didn't want this. Nor is Monster Hunter or some japanese game the representation of Eastern dragons.


This is the common representation of an eastern dragon, and what anyone would recognize and think of when someone mentions an "eastern dragon":






I'm guessing that's the excuse you make any time public opinion isn't in your favor. No, it's just that there are more people who don't like it than there are people who do.

Are you blind? Agnaktor's snout design is quite similar to Cromas, right down to that little shovel like horn at the very tip. Even the ridges along Agnaktor's body somewhat resemble the 'flow' of the new Warframe's body armor.


I swear, it's like people have no imagination anymore.

Edited by Fundance
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73% is "Ugly" or "Meh", or 73% did not say it was "Awesome". Neither of those are favorable. You should probably learn statistics.


Meh is not ugly or awesome. It's meh. That's the whole point of that response. Questioning my knowledge of statistics isn't going to help, it's just desperate.

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I'm guessing that's the excuse you make any time public opinion isn't in your favor. No, it's just that there are more people who don't like it than there are people who do.

I can see when my words don't hold gravity for you so I will just lay this debate to rest cause I want to fanboy over chroma instead with other like minded fellows :D.You have yourself a good one.

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Meh is not ugly or awesome. It's meh. That's the whole point of that response. Questioning my knowledge of statistics isn't going to help, it's just desperate.


I didn't say meh is ugly or awesome. But it's clearly a negative reaction.

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"Meh" is an expression of indifference. 


That's a negative reaction. That's not an "it's ok/passable" reaction. That's a negative reaction. Anyone who uses the word uses it in a "I'm not too impressed/it's not worth consideration" manner.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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Dont know how many more times i will have to repeat this and it speaks for alot of us.

We expected this


We got


But srsly



Yeah, that's the problem.

You were looking for some generic stuff and DE didnt deliver on the generic.

They decided to go different and you dont like different.

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That's a negative reaction. That's not an "it's ok/passable" reaction. That's a negative reaction. Anyone who uses the word uses it in a "I'm not too impressed/it's not worth consideration" manner.


  1. lack of interest, concern, or sympathy.
    "she shrugged, feigning indifference"
    • unimportance.
      "it cannot be regarded as a matter of indifference"

No, it's indifference. Indifference isn't a negative reaction or a positive reaction. Ugly is a negative reaction, Good is a positive reaction, Meh is in the middle. 

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  1. lack of interest, concern, or sympathy.
    "she shrugged, feigning indifference"
    • unimportance.
      "it cannot be regarded as a matter of indifference"

No, it's indifference. Indifference isn't a negative reaction or a positive reaction. Ugly is a negative reaction, Good is a positive reaction, Meh is in the middle. 



You dont think indifference to a new artistic design could be considered a negative responce? I'm pretty sure they wernt shooting for " meh"

Edited by (XB1)MAXsandwich
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