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[Warframe & Weapon Concepts] - Inquisitor, The Energy Incarnate/ Wraith, The Fallen Knight W/ Art - [Vitreus Armour Set ~ 9'th/3/16]


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Hello, people!

A poll has been created to find which Warframe is the most liked from this concept: Feel free to express your opinions! Following the results of the poll, the winning/ favourited Warframe will receive new concept art, including an alternate helmet and weapon re-designs or maybe even an alternate weapon concept. Results will be collected at a later notice.



Thank-you for your time and expect more concept art coming soon :P

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  • 4 weeks later...

lot's of stuff here! usually i would tell people it's usually better to make separate concepts as it is easier to track and gague things, but if you like sorting through the mass amount of words when you edit be my guest! now onto the concept!




seems pretty interesting, has ways to convert his hp to energy and use his hp as a pseudo energy. only problem i see with this guy is his 2. it drains a percentage of your hp to deflect a percentage of the damage you would take. thinking about this in terms of fairness it can not work too well. either the sacrificed value is too low and you will not really feel the cost unless you are standing still taking fire from an entire platoon, OR it will be too high and suddenly that level 10 grineer with a grakata will kill you in a matter of seconds. balancing this might be kind of difficult but i'm sure you might be ab;e to figure out how!





no real complaints here. seems like a unique and quality warframe. would probably make a good addition to the game! cant say much more. not sure how beastial call fits into his skill set though. seems pretty out of place.


as far as suggesting some additional skills i'll get back to that. nothing comes to mind right now.



weapons: all of these seem great! but for the adriiko(?) you never mention what kind of weapon it even is. for all i know it could be a gunblade. 

also it might be a nice idea to give a little more detain on the stats of the weapons.


i also want that vitreus armor!

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lot's of stuff here! usually i would tell people it's usually better to make separate concepts as it is easier to track and gague things, but if you like sorting through the mass amount of words when you edit be my guest! now onto the concept!




seems pretty interesting, has ways to convert his hp to energy and use his hp as a pseudo energy. only problem i see with this guy is his 2. it drains a percentage of your hp to deflect a percentage of the damage you would take. thinking about this in terms of fairness it can not work too well. either the sacrificed value is too low and you will not really feel the cost unless you are standing still taking fire from an entire platoon, OR it will be too high and suddenly that level 10 grineer with a grakata will kill you in a matter of seconds. balancing this might be kind of difficult but i'm sure you might be ab;e to figure out how!





no real complaints here. seems like a unique and quality warframe. would probably make a good addition to the game! cant say much more. not sure how beastial call fits into his skill set though. seems pretty out of place.


as far as suggesting some additional skills i'll get back to that. nothing comes to mind right now.



weapons: all of these seem great! but for the adriiko(?) you never mention what kind of weapon it even is. for all i know it could be a gunblade. 

also it might be a nice idea to give a little more detain on the stats of the weapons.


i also want that vitreus armor!

Thankyou very much for the quick feedback, Piggy! I've always noticed that this Thread has been an essay of information when compared to simpler Concepts. I may very well separate the Warframe Concepts from the Weapon Concepts, based on feedback if all the information is too much. 

(P.S Apparently the entire thing is 8 Pages on word xD)

Now onto the basis of things:



I initially was dumbfounded on what I would fit Inquisitor's overall theme and I decided on Outburst. The initial plan was to drain health over time, but to deflect and deal damage when other enemies harmed Inquisitor. I'm still deciding on the happy medium for the ability but the ability can be subject to change :3



As with Inquisitor, Bestial Call was initially intended to go with his overall Knight Theme, with the Hounds representing hunting dogs in the Medieval Era. As with Kubrows, the Hounds were meant to track enemies, dealing damage and acting as a secondary 'shield' to Wraith. However, I appreciate any changes that could be added to the ability! I may need suggestions to differentiate it from the Nekros' current 'spawn ability' to avoid the question, "Why would I use this?"

 EDIT: Also in mind to add to the ability along the lines of falconry, possible and individual flying companions to Wraith..?



Thankyou for you feedback! Also, the Akdraiiko derives from the Akimbo class, firing hollow-point projectiles and dealing critical damage. I'm also in mind to revamp the Praetorian Great Bow, seeming as the new in-game Daikyu takes the position of where the Great Bow would initially be.


Feel free to voice your own opinions on your favourite Warframe, as new art is coming, including possible aesthetic art.

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 After some positive feedback from MrPigman, regarding concept armour, I decided to finally try my hand at Inquisitor's Vitreus Ornamental Armour and Runic Syandana on a rough Excalibur silhouette,




 As a wise 'Piggy' said, 

"Thoughts? Opinions? Lay em on me"

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 After some positive feedback from MrPigman, regarding concept armour, I decided to finally try my hand at Inquisitor's Vitreus Ornamental Armour and Runic Syandana on a rough Excalibur silhouette,




 As a wise 'Piggy' said, 

"Thoughts? Opinions? Lay em on me"

while both of those look cool, i would bloody kill for that syandana...

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while both of those look cool, i would bloody kill for that syandana...

You have no idea how much that means to me, mate, thank-you! I definitely enjoy your own respective armour set for Flora herself!

 Nonetheless, feel free to contribute any additional feedback or opinion towards this Thread :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

After the new update revealing the long overdue -but well worth- Excalibur reworks, I for one think Wraith's 4'th ability, Shroud of the Corrupted, bears too many similarities of what Exalted Blade currently brings to the game. Therefore, you're all welcome if possible, to contribute any new abilities that would suit the Theme of either Wraith or Inquisitor, whether adding to an existing ability, or suggesting a completely new and somewhat different ability!

 Pyro out :P

In addition, Inquisitor's concept ability Phase may need re-works, as it too shares the same idea of Excalibur's Slash Dash.

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how about an ability that i've always wanted ash to have but would work with wraith?


shadow clone: wraith sacrifices 30% of his hp to make a clone of himself that lasts for some time. the clone has the exact stats that wraith has and same loadout. 

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how about an ability that i've always wanted ash to have but would work with wraith?


shadow clone: wraith sacrifices 30% of his hp to make a clone of himself that lasts for some time. the clone has the exact stats that wraith has and same loadout. 

Hmm, that may work, I do like the clone portion of the ability, but it may be a bit too generic... 

What if it's possible to revamp Bestial Call with 'Shadow Clone', mixing the abilities into an all around unique ability for Wraith?

I've looked back on past feedback and happened to stumble upon Grunni's old idea which suits Wraith entirely, adding to his penchant for Melee-based weapons whilst invoking a defensive effect:


 "As an example, what if he had a two-stage ability where, upon activation, he becomes immune to stagger and knockdown for 2 seconds but not damage, and then when the 2 seconds are up, his health goes to full and his melee attack speed and ability cast speed is increased for 10 seconds by a percentage equal to the percentage of health lost during the 2 seconds? This means in a single move, he has both a self-heal mechanic and an attack speed buff based off of the rate of damage he's taking (so a harder fight means he musters up a stronger counterattack)."


Once again, thank-you, Piggy, for the continued feedback!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Alright, I'll try and keep it short :P


Good overall idea, although his 4th ability could use more information: How many pillars spawn? Where do they spawn? What's the duration?
Side note on that, 750 damage seems a bit on the higher side if an enemy is going to be struck more than twice; most ultimates do around 1000-1500 damage.

Wraith (I have a weird affection towards the word 'Wraith')

Again, got something to say about the 4th ability xD
30% health in return for temporary invincibilty and a massive, and I mean MASSIVE damage output, it seems sort of out of line with the rest of all other Warframes. I suggest lowering the damage, increasing the health and energy drain, or change the invincibility to damage-reduction.

That's basically all I had to say, and Wraith is definitely my favorite, although with his Radiation-focused idea he seems to be wanting to take my Oberon's place :P

Oberon Prime will rise.

~Snip out.

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Alright, I'll try and keep it short :P


Good overall idea, although his 4th ability could use more information: How many pillars spawn? Where do they spawn? What's the duration?

Side note on that, 750 damage seems a bit on the higher side if an enemy is going to be struck more than twice; most ultimates do around 1000-1500 damage.

Wraith (I have a weird affection towards the word 'Wraith')

Again, got something to say about the 4th ability xD

30% health in return for temporary invincibilty and a massive, and I mean MASSIVE damage output, it seems sort of out of line with the rest of all other Warframes. I suggest lowering the damage, increasing the health and energy drain, or change the invincibility to damage-reduction.

That's basically all I had to say, and Wraith is definitely my favorite, although with his Radiation-focused idea he seems to be wanting to take my Oberon's place :P

Oberon Prime will rise.

~Snip out.


Thanks for addressing the Thread, Snip, thumbs up for the bump :D



 Once the lore was set in stone for Inquisitor, the more in my eyes that Pillars of Light doesn't fit the character and theme of a ruthless assassin, prized for its shear offensive abilities against multiple enemies, and individual foes, but it makes good use of his ability of mastering pure energy-manipulation.



 The 4th ability rework is the same for Wraith, as well. Shroud of the Corrupted was what I once thought an ability for Wraith which invoked his dark-matter abilities (with Radiation), and his current lore, buuuuuuuut as stated before, Excalibur's new rework brought Exalted Blade which was more or less what I envisioned for Wraith. Now I look back on it, the stats of the ability are quite out of line, and very few want an ability which damages your Warframe, no matter how well it fits with the said Warframe. And the Radiation damage was implemented after some quick 'research', with dark-matter bearing similarities of said Radiation in its own ways, but of course, dark-matter in fiction can be manipulated to the concepts need :P

Oberon Prime, eh? Well, I've never had a favouri-



Any future ideas or ability concepts are welcomed as always though, I'd love some creative minds working on this, but the chances of that are slim xD

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  • 4 weeks later...


 From the collected results of the Inquisitor & Wraith Poll, both of the individual results have come through (and with a stroke of luck)...with a tie! As a result, I'll be sure to come up with further art for the Warframes, with alternate helmets & decidedly, melee weapons with possible re-skins for existing weapons! Below, are the Polls in which I have conducted for the Warframes' alternate melee weapons. If you want to suggest another alternate weapon not included in the 3 options, feel free to suggest them! 


Inquisitor Alternate Melee Weapon Poll:


                                                                                     - - - - - - - - - -

Wraith Alternate Melee Weapon Poll:



Thankyou to all those who have voted in previous and existing Polls, and expect more art to follow :P

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  • 2 months later...

Bump. Finally read this (for the first time today), and will let you know what I think soon, but first, I think you have two good concepts here, and Wraith is the strongest. 


Good job getting your ideas down.


There is still a lot of work you can do to edit, revise, clean up and streamline the concepts, though. So that will be a part of my feedback. I will be honest, but hopefully not brutal. 

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Bump. Finally read this (for the first time today), and will let you know what I think soon, but first, I think you have two good concepts here, and Wraith is the strongest. 


Good job getting your ideas down.


There is still a lot of work you can do to edit, revise, clean up and streamline the concepts, though. So that will be a part of my feedback. I will be honest, but hopefully not brutal. 

As of this moment, thank-you for reviving this Thread and even more so, following the Thread's progress! I know this Thread is quite passive when looking at more popular Threads, and I do hope more feedback follows your own! 

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To be honest, I don't think it has much to do with popularity, but the length and density of your thread. You have more information in the post than you actually need, and it needs a lot of clean up.


I think it drives away comments instead of bringing them in--people don't comment on what they haven't read.

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On Saturday, October 24, 2015 at 1:31 PM, Rhekemi said:


To be honest, I don't think it has much to do with popularity, but the length and density of your thread. You have more information in the post than you actually need, and it needs a lot of clean up.


I think it drives away comments, instead of bringing them in--people don't comment on what they haven't read.

Completely true, and I appreciate your genuine constructive criticism. I've had thoughts for a while on completing an entirely different Thread to house the Warframes' respective weapons, or make use of my existing and inactive Tenno Armoury/Assorted Weapon Concepts Thread.

What are your thoughts on this proposition, and how could I slim down the bulk of the information?

Edited by Pyro15232
Tenno Armoury link edit.
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I don't know if it's still in the works, or even if it's been mentioned by others on a different forum, but where is Wraiths 3rd ability?

Ah, it'd seem that Wraith's 3rd ability would still be in fact, in the works. However, there's been a strong contender for the ability suggested beforehand by my friend, Grunni on this Thread which was furthermore discussed with MrPigman when suggesting abilities:


 "As an example, what if he had a two-stage ability where, upon activation, he becomes immune to stagger and knockdown for 2 seconds but not damage, and then when the 2 seconds are up, his health goes to full and his melee attack speed and ability cast speed is increased for 10 seconds by a percentage equal to the percentage of health lost during the 2 seconds? This means in a single move, he has both a self-heal mechanic and an attack speed buff based off of the rate of damage he's taking (so a harder fight means he musters up a stronger counterattack)."


I've been trying to think around it, but it does sound like the perfect ability for Wraith, summing up his notable melee prowess and possible dark-matter manipulation in casting and controlling this ability!

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  • 1 month later...


From the various changes of the Thread over the past month, it’d be a suitable time for the Thread’s renewal, with major Lore changes, format changes and Wraith’s 3rd ability, and additionally, a TL;DR.


 Firstly is the introduction of the Latest Art, sub-section, which shows the latest an art concept for the OP, which currently shows Inquisitor’s Vitreus Armour Set, a digital rendition:



The Vitreus Armour Concept shows use from a simple Blur and a Blemish tool, which shows the art in a cleaner form, and more than a photo, the digital editing of which may be used in other artwork, depending on the following response(s).

                                                                                     - - - - - - - - - -

And onto, Inquisitor:

   In a commission to the talented arch111, arch has begun concepting of Inquisitor’s new concept helm, and possibly, the entire Warframe – the Thread will be updated accordingly!


Inquisitor’s Lore has been changed, following the Old War, and the Warframes’ final frontation with a non-canon Alpha Sentient ( which has melee and ranged focuses of strength) with the the Lore following the War, here. The Lore contains SPOILERS from the Second Dream Quest, so caution is advised!

The Lore dictates Inquisitor’s final frontation in the Orokin Era, engaging in combat with the Stalker, before being defeated and imprisoned in the non-canon Crystal Caverns of the Sentients, before the events of the Natah Quest & Second Dream Quest occur, with the incarcerating caverns strength weakening from Hunhow's freedom after the destruction of his Tomb, for the Warframe to escape in a hunt for the Stalker, the only combatant to ever defeat Inquisitor in single battle. 


From knowledge of the truth behind the Warframes, the hatred driven Stalker sets out to execute his final act: the elimination of the TennoInquisitor is deceived into combat, with the Tenno suited with the Warframe incarcerated in the Caverns - the only weakness of the Warframes, before the return of the Sentients, freeing Inquisitor from the eons of imprisonment. 

                                                                                     - - - - - - - - - -


   After the +9 months since the Thread’s creation, Wraith now has his 3rd ability, Indomitable! (From the OP):


 Indomitable | Ability 3 | 75 Energy Cost: Darkness and corruption, erupt from Wraith, intensifying into Phantasmal Armour, becoming indomitable, immune to stagger and knockdown for 1/2/2/3 seconds, with a bolster of 20/25/30/35% armour. After the duration is over, the phantasmal armour ruptures in a Radiation AoE effect, imbuing Wraith with dark-matter, increasing his Health to full, and his melee attack and ability cast speed are increased by the percentage of Health lost in the duration, with an additional 20%, whilst emanating a Radiation status effect upon activation.


An ability from Grunni’s feedback, “[The ability] means in a single move, Wraith has both a self-heal mechanic and an attack speed buff based off of the rate of damage he's taking (so a harder fight means he musters up a stronger counterattack).", a suited ability for the Warframe.


Wraith also has updated Lore, and from the information in the Thread, here is a detailed description:

 Wraith was once the son of the Orokin Emperor (Silus), half Tenno, half Orokin, and originally, the ONLY lone Operator suited to a Warframe, Excalibur Prime. In a bloody battle, Wraith is taken captive and experimented on, harnessing the darkest nature of his abilities, and becoming Excalibur Umbra. However, after the Old War, Wraith turned to dark-matter, and in imbuing his Warframe with the dark-matter, became Wraith, the Fallen Knight. The Old War finished, Wraith was assigned his duty before the Second Dream: Guard the Orokin Moon, protect the Orokin Moon and when the Sentients return, defend the Moon.

                                                                                     - - - - - - - - - -


 • Introduction of Latest Art, sub section with new digital rendition of Artwork.

 • New Inquisitor Concept Art in the works by arch111, with new Helm and possible body render.


The Lore dictates Inquisitor’s final frontation in the Orokin Era, engaging in combat with the Stalker, before being defeated and imprisoned in the non-canon Crystal Caverns of the Sentients, before the events of the Natah Quest & Second Dream Quest occur, with the incarcerating caverns strength weakening from Hunhow's freedom after the destruction of his Tomb, for the Warframe to escape in a hunt for the Stalker, the only combatant to ever defeat Inquisitor in single battle. 


From knowledge of the truth behind the Warframes, the hatred driven Stalker sets out to execute his final act: the elimination of the TennoInquisitor is deceived into combat, with the Tenno suited with the Warframe incarcerated in the Caverns - the only weakness of the Warframes, before the return of the Sentients, freeing Inquisitor from the eons of imprisonment. 

 • “Wraith [now]  has both a self-heal mechanic and an attack speed buff based off of the rate of damage he's taking (so a harder fight means he musters up a stronger counterattack)."


 Wraith was once the son of the Orokin Emperor (Silus), half Tenno, half Orokin, and originally, the ONLY lone Operator suited to a Warframe, Excalibur Prime. In a bloody battle, Wraith is taken captive and experimented on, harnessing the darkest nature of his abilities, and becoming Excalibur Umbra. However, after the Old War, Wraith turned to dark-matter, and in imbuing his Warframe with the dark-matter, became Wraith, the Fallen Knight. The Old War finished, Wraith was assigned his duty before the Second Dream: Guard the Orokin Moon, protect the Orokin Moon and when the Sentients return, defend the Moon.

 • VARIOUS format changes, erasing non-essential information & slimming down the bulk of the Thread!


                                                                                     - - - - - - - - - -


Thank you for taking the time to read this far! Thoughts? Feedback or Constructive criticism? Feel free to comment your thoughts on these changes!

                                                                                     - - - - - - - - - -


EDITS: Exclusive Lore changes to Inquisitor and Wraith from the knowledge of the Second Dream Quest.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would work on the formatting a bit here. Make clearer visual separations of different sections of the post and use a direct picture of the Inquisitr concept instead of a link at the end. People like concepts much more when art is slapped on to it. 


Also, I'm not so sure about the dark matter theme for Wraith. Dark matter is hypothetical. If anything, a dark matter frame would be a stealth frame since our inability to detect it is one of the only properties of it we know.


Overall, interesting concepts. Although, I personally would have split up the post into the weapons, inquisitr and wriath so that each concept has a separate discussion and the title isn't... what it is now.

Edited by Jamescell
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I would work on the formatting a bit here. Make clearer visual separations of different sections of the post and use a direct picture of the Inquisitr concept instead of a link at the end. People like concepts much more when art is slapped on to it. 


Also, I'm not so sure about the dark matter theme for Wraith. Dark matter is hypothetical. If anything, a dark matter frame would be a stealth frame since our inability to detect it is one of the only properties of it we know.


Overall, interesting concepts. Although, I personally would have split up the post into the weapons, inquisitr and wriath so that each concept has a separate discussion and the title isn't... what it is now.

Thanks for the feedback, Jamescell, I really appreciate the comment.


I completely agree with your thought of posting direct images instead of said links, as it attracts more players to the Thread, if they are initially interested by the art - and additionally, I've been in contact with arch111, and there may be additional concept art of Inquisitor to follow!


The concept of Dark-matter in this Thread is purely fictional, with a hint of factual information. Wraith's main themes are Knights, and Corruption, with the Warframe imbued with Dark-Matter, in the Lore from his broken vows to protect the Orokin, and in the Thread, Dark-Matter is offensive based, with a factual Radiation effect.


There's been some discussion about splitting the Warframe and Weapon Concepts into separated Threads, for Warframes and Weapons respectively, so there is still time yet to split the concepts into separate discussions.

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Alright, you asked me for feedback quite some time ago (before every other request I got), so this is long overdue. Sorry for the late response. I have not read the other responses in the thread. Because your post was very, very long, I was working offline on my crit for some time. If any information is old, disregard it. (Yes, I have read your updates and finally finished the 2nd Dream a while back.)


I will be honest, but hopefully constructive. 



Thematically, Inquisitor is a bit vague, while his abilities are pretty decent. I like a lot of his aspects, but think he is missing a more clearly defined theme, and the synergy the opening blurb promised me. Where is it? I didn't see any inter-ability synergy going on.



First one is cool. I like it.


Second one seems like it was randomly added, and has nothing to do with his theme. Why's it there?


Third one seems tangentially connected only by the theme that he was an assassin. That's fine and all, but the problem is that assassin/stealth part only really shows up in his lore section, not in his gameplay. His gameplay is very loud, bright, and blinding. Only his first ability even comes close to having a stealth utility, and it is overpowered (and relies on other allies to blind enemies if they are already alerted).


So this last passive (and his theme that he was an assassin) completely contradict each other. You should seek a fix for this, even if it means letting go of the assassin lore and passive (which I would recommend). 



Energy Lance is a great first attack. I like it. But seems really overpowered for a first ability (and an unmodded one at that). Some 'frames need augments to get that %300 + finisher damage. Why does his first ability have finisher damage that high?


Outburst is less straight forward than lance, less OP, and more complicated. That said I think it's good. Since you said it drains 2 energy per second, does that mean that when you say "but at the cost of continuous energy drain" it drains at a higher or additional rate as soon as his volatile energy starts reflecting damage? That's a lot of drain.


When you say: "pulsating energy DoT" This needs clarification. It continues to drain enemy energy, I get that, but how is it a damage over time effect? Which physical or elemental damage type does it apply? Clarify.


Phase, of all his abilities, I really like this one the most right now. It might change if you revise the concept overall, but I think it is very good as is. (I cannot think of what to change or improve here!)


Pillars of Light seems like a good ultimate, but feels underwhelming. Hard to explain why at the moment. The damage multiplier I'm not sure about, but I did wonder why the initial damage wasn't simply higher.


I pictured this, btw, but slimmer columns of energy, and coming down from the sky:





I liked all of these. Nice mix of utility and story/lore to give them weight. You have done a great job on these. Hard to say if they're overpowered, but Iv'e a feeling the great bow might be. 



The sketch is buried underneath all your text...why? If you know this community, and I know you do, they like eye-candy up front. Also, the changeable pieces like he's a real action figure are cool, but do not accurately represent the "full body" of the warframe as you said.


Complete the sketch, and post it at the top and keep it at the top of the post under the smallest amount of text possible (like his name and a few blurbs). (This artwork note was before your recent update.)



It seems fine to me, except for one thing. You're godmoding a little bit. When making fan-fiction in any existing world (and as we make concepts, we are essentially making fan-fiction) resisting the temptation to say "my character killed some of the, if not the strongest badguys" is probably a good idea.


The Alpha Sentinel kill makes for a good short story in truth, but puts your 'frame in its own league. Whether or not that makes it harder for readers to swallow is up to readers. Doesn't bother me much, to be honest. The entry was cool.


UPDATE: I see you've gone with a new lore portion involving the Stalker. I can see the appeal to do so, but my caution about not godmodding remains.




Alright, I am a fan of making one 'frame be good at more than one thing, but I honestly feel like this has too many concepts in one. I don't see how they all fit together exactly. So far you have:


-brutal striking force/offense/high close quarters damage


-low utility

-dark matter knight

-master hunter with kubrows and hounds? Does this really fit with a melee badass?



240 armor should probably just be 250. One of the game's standard numbers. In fact, many of his stats are not standard numbers. I think it would be easier to use any of the existing standard numbers so we have an idea of how the 'frame will play like, feel like. I'm not sure his shields, armor, and health numbers match any existing numbers. It helps to use existing numbers so we can calculate the math (with mods, augments, etc) of upgrades. (If you did use existing math, sorry, I must be slipping.)



These all seem fine, but you may need to set a damage reflection number for his armor.



Vile gauntlet: Radiation works, but corruption is not a damage type. Is it? Corruption and the corrupted are Void related. (Corruption from Void neural sentries can take over every faction but Tenno.) That isn't a damage type Tenno can wield, is it? We can use Void energy, but we can't actually channel the corruption, I don't think. Please clarify.


If you haven't updated the additional status effect for Radiation, it should be confusion.


Bestial Call is overly complicated and sort of a mess. You will have to set a long enough duration period if you want the re-cast window (to explode hounds and change them into raptors), but why are hounds exploding into raptors in the first place? Choose between a ground based spectral pet, and an airborne one. 


Energy drain typically doesn't max out at any number. If it drains energy, it will drain all your energy until you have no more (or grab some while it is draining). Cancelling/toggling off is the only way to stop it, I believe.


Indomitable: It's a very decent ability, but I'm not seeing any drawbacks. Temporary immortality and invulnerability and health regen.


Ability #4: I'll withhold comment.


Lore: Wraith's lore is not working for me. It has the same problem as Inquisitor's, but unlike that one, this one does bother me. There are too many story points that seem indulgent and embellished. The new lore additions only add to my sense that you've overdone it. Situating your 'frame's history in a place that's untouchable/in full godmode is probably not a good idea.


Overall Presentation notes:

Overall, I suggest cleaning up the post. Simplify language and cut down on excessive explanations (initially, I had this issue in my first concept, too). Krion112 was kind enough to explain in a PM that while all I said made sense, it was written as a standard text, and not in the language of the game.


My advice is to scale back the academic language, and read existing Warframe profiles and outlines (that are actually in-game), even the Wikia, and use that language to give a clearer picture of the concepts. As is, it is too wordy.



I voted for scimitar and for Wraith. He seems the better 'frame, with the clearer role, but his kit needs more work, I believe. 


Overall, I do like both concepts, and appreciate the amount of work you've put into these concepts. I would advise working that much harder to clean the first post up, making it easier and more appealing to members. (Use more spoiler tabs as well.)

Edited by Rhekemi
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  • 2 weeks later...


First and for most, you have my utmost gratitude for taking the time and effort in producing this genuine feedback for the Thread <3

Additionally, I'll do my part in further detailing the raised notes, to advance the Thread and its Concepts in hopes of bringing further recognition to the content...oh and brace yourself for words...lots and lots of words.



I completely agree with your thought on his undefined Theme, and the synergy between abilities, so I'll try to outline the basis of the 'synergy'.

The synergy in Inquisitor's Bio is represented through the abilities (in my opinion on how I would play Inquisitor myself): 

 • First, Incursion (previously Phase) would be cast from a respectable range from a group of enemy units, dealing damage, marking enemies and coming into CQB.

 • In enemy attack range, Outburst would then be cast, further weakening the group of enemies and regenerating any health lost beforehand.

 • And finally, without the use of any Primary, Secondary or Melee Weapons, Inquisitor can pick off and eliminate the last remaining enemies with Energy Lance, it's use which can kill the remaining marked enemies and drop the needed end-game Health Orbs from Incursion, at a lowered energy cost of 25 Energy (normal Energy Cost=30) whilst Outburst is active.


However, Inquisitor's future 4th ability may change the synergy between the abilities.



As of now, Inquisitor's second passive does seem out of place. The original passive behind it was a larger stamina bar, based on the concept that the energy which Inquisitor uses rejuvenates the Warframe but after the introduction of U 17, stamina was removed and the base stamina mod was changed to the higher amount of time available for Wall Latches/ Dashes. The passive may be removed in the future.


The third passive is, yes, in line with Inquisitor's Lore as an ability for stealth which, from the latest updates to the Thread, does not work for the Warframe. I am in mind to entirely remove the Assassin Lore entirely to be replaced by an entry which places Inquisitor as the Tenno's strongest offensive assets.



1'st Ability - Thankyou for the feedback, and yes, the +300% finisher damage is just ridiculous xD

This tied in with the Assassin Lore, as it is tied with stealth, so the un-alerted damage multiplier is to be removed.


2'nd Ability - The over complication is my mistake on wording. The additional energy drain is not affected by the reflected damage from the ability, still draining the 2 energy a second, but with all that the ability brings, the drain may be increased to 3 energy a second to balance the ability.


The pulsating energy drain drains enemies in an AoE effect, which may deal ?% Slash. Hope this clears it up a bit ^.^


3'rd Ability - Incursion is definitely MY favourite from Inquisitor's ability, it just...works xD


4'th Ability - Pillars of Light is still in need of a revisit, so this I'll have to address in the future.



I really appreciate your words on this, I genuinely love the positive reinforcement :3

That said, which aspect of the Great Bow may be overpowered..? Still working the kinks of the game to find a balance for all of the Concept Weapons, I'd love any assessment.



The Lore for both Warframe Concepts was never intended for godmoding - only for the unique aspect that sets the Warframes apart from any other 'Frames. I'll keep in mind the caution :P



I completely understand how Wraith incorporates too many concepts in one, and the simple answer is: Wraith is a Medieval Knight Themed Warframe. The 'Frame has many aspects, but they do fit into the topic of the Medieval Ages. His high armour is heavily built, bearing similarities to the plated armour worn in the Medieval Ages, made to withstand punishment whilst hindering speed. 

His mastery in Medieval Themed Weapons is also represented in his Stats, Passive and Weaponry with augments to these weapons - so yes, he is a melee badass.

Lastly, his mastery over Hounds and Raptors also comes from the Medieval activities of Falconry and the hunting of animals with trained Hounds, represented in Wraith's 3'rd ability, Bestial Call.



Wraith's 240 armour should definitely be changed to the base 250, which is one of the game's standard armour values which Excalibur Prime shares. I have to admit, I've never used the existing number values for Armour, Shields or Health, only based them off of Warframe which I have played in-game and balanced the values to suit these Warframes, so I'll definitely get working on it :P


And additionally, the damage reduction passive has been removed, just to stick with the game's standards - having calculated reductions of certain parts of a Warframe is unfitting to be honest.



1'st Ability: A worded mistake on my part, Corruption is merely a pseudonym for Radiation, related to Wraith's Lore that the Confusion and Radiation effect is the manifestation of Dark-Matter.


2'nd Ability: I definitely agree with your note of over-complication and setting the duration period to re-cast the ability. 

The Hounds erupting into Raptors was a way to incorporate both Falconry and hunting Hounds in the same ability, but with the introduction of choosing elements within an ability, like Ivara's first ability, this would make for a suitable compromise.


Hmm, the note about toggling on and off is true. I'll have to work around that to revise the ability.


3'rd Ability: 

"It's a very decent ability, but I'm not seeing any drawbacks. Temporary immortality and invulnerability and health regen."


Praise Grunni :D


Lore: Wraith's Lore is undeniably god-modded, along with the latest update to the Lore, something I've been trying to avoid. The key elements which are too much are in mind to be removed.


Overall Presentation notes:

Simplify is the word here. The Thread is too wordy, and too much 'academic' language is not suited for the Fan Concepts; short and to the point is what I'm after now.


I appreciate your words on reading the existing profiles of the in-game Warframes and using the language of the game, not standardized language, "and use that language to give a clearer picture of the concepts".

                                                                                     - - - - - - - - - -

Thankyou sincerely for the constructive criticism, Rhekemi, after all this time from October, to provide the best feedback possible. 


~Much love, no homo, Rhekemi

Edited by Pyro15232
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First of all I wanna thank Pyro15232 for entering a contest i hold a while ago where I would give a few people free concept art, I saw his vitreus cosmetic set and knew I had to draw it.

Well here it is hope you all enjoy it






Old /New concept:


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On Wednesday, March 02, 2016 at 10:48 PM, Scharkie1333 said:



First of all I wanna thank Pyro15232 for entering a contest i hold a while ago where I would give a few people free concept art, I saw his vitreus cosmetic set and knew I had to draw it.

Well here it is hope you all enjoy it






Old /New concept:


Hidden Content



In all sincerity, thankyou for taking the time to design the Vitreus Armour Set & Runic Syandana, from my own passable concept art :)

The armour/Syandana are perfect envisions of the original, with perfect design, exhibiting sinister & crystalline detail, true to the Thread's cosmetic concept, and...a perfect gift for the OP's 1 year Anniversary!

Rendered Image

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