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If You Had One Wish...


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Call me frivolous, but my wish would be for U16 to come today. The wait has been painful and its been even worse watching my clan members slowly stop logging in because nothing new has been added or because no server maintenance has really been done and lag/dropped games seem to be at an all time high...

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Call me frivolous, but my wish would be for U16 to come today. The wait has been painful and its been even worse watching my clan members slowly stop logging in because nothing new has been added or because no server maintenance has really been done and lag/dropped games seem to be at an all time high...

Your clanmates will come back when the update hits, they always come back. My clan is the biggest on PS4 and we are usually dead prior to the update but when the update comes everyone and their chinchilla is online to see what's new.

Edited by Kestral9999
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So you have no ideas for possible changes towards the betterment of the game?

I have ideas, I just don't care. I appreciate things the way they are, sure some is unbalanced and broken, some people agree with it some don't, it'll get fixed eventually, or not, All I want is MY Captain Vor.

Edited by yuikami
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I don't see how this does not repond to the thread's subject.

Because it does nothing to objectively better the game. It's the inclusion of more frivolous fluff, which has been the topic of suggestion too many times as is.


Also how would custom dancing even work in this game?


I guess I'll stop micromanaging people's desires, it just seems like they don't know what I'm asking for in the OP, even though I thought I clarified rather well. 

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Because it does nothing to objectively better the game. It's the inclusion of more frivolous fluff, which has been the topic of suggestion too many times as is.


Also how would custom dancing even work in this game?


I guess I'll stop micromanaging people's desires, it just seems like they don't know what I'm asking for in the OP, even though I thought I clarified rather well. 


What you did was nagging about other people's desires, who said only mechanic changes and bug fixing/re-balancing can change/improve the game, there are many other aspects for many other different type of players to enjoy in Warframe. Even custom dancing can improve the game for some players who enjoy some other little things when he hang out with other players even if you don't agree with it. What's the point of making this thread then if you only expect the same answers from everyone.

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What you did was nagging about other people's desires, who said only mechanic change and bug fixing/re-balancing can change/improve the game, there are many other aspect for many other different type of players. Even custom dancing can improve the game to some players who enjoy some other little things when he hang out with other players even if you don't agree with it. What's the point of making this thread then if you only expect the same answers from everyone.

It's less that I expect the same answers and more that I'd have expected them to pick a facet of the game that obviously needs work since there are clearly so very many. There could be over a hundred different responses that are totally practical, yet only a handful have been. Instead, people say things like "a different dragon frame, Chroma looks dumb." or  "I just want Captain Vor" or they want something that's already been announced to come sooner , or some other not very serious, not actually taking the thread seriously kind of response (which I specifically requested in the OP). It's irritating and disheartening and yes, it affects me. I react to it. Sue me.


Obviously that isn't true for all the replies, not even the majority of them, but a large enough number that it is frustrating.


This is the first step in my attempt to aggregate the biggest problems facing Warframe, and then make a poll to see which of those issues the community finds the most important to have fixed. Personal grievances and minimally thought out/explained fan concepts such as "custom dancing" (I still have no idea what that even means, but I can classify it as "Want more Nartas or interactions") do nothing to serve that purpose. That could be partially my fault, as I was deliberately vague in my OP(because I value all serious input), and I didn't do myself any favors by choosing that thread title.


I'm not just being a naggy prick for no reason. But with how many players are missing the point it almost doesn't feel worth the effort to continue the endeavor. We'll see.

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Lore... yeah, I would change that.

Right now, The WF universe is like a huge empty canvas..... It's big but it's empty.

And with each character addition (Maroo for example) the canvas grows a bit... but remains empty.

Do you understand what I mean?

Huge potential... remaining unused.

So... they added this new character... okay... but she has like... 0 background.

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I went through many options in my head, recollecting the simultaneously pure and rotten frustration that has been festering in my filthy alcohol-ridden casual heart that, as much as I love the game at its core, had forced me to take monthly breaks, and there are 2 things I cannot decide which takes more priority. One is enemy balance, more specifically, getting rid of infinitely AND exponentially scaling armor. I don't care which one DE tears down, either one of infinite scaling or exponential formula needs a serious reconsidering. The other one is Excal and Mag having babies--and no, this is not a "joke" response, this takes immense importance for me. 

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Lore... yeah, I would change that.

Right now, The WF universe is like a huge empty canvas..... It's big but it's empty.

And with each character addition (Maroo for example) the canvas grows a bit... but remains empty.

Do you understand what I mean?

Huge potential... remaining unused.

So... they added this new character... okay... but she has like... 0 background.

Agreed, character development is a big must with this universe. Drastically wasted potential as it is.

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It's less that I expect the same answers and more that I'd have expected them to pick a facet of the game that obviously needs work since there are clearly so very many. There could be over a hundred different responses that are totally practical, yet only a handful have been. Instead, people say things like "a different dragon frame, Chroma looks dumb." or  "I just want Captain Vor" or they want something that's already been announced to come sooner , or some other not very serious, not actually taking the thread seriously kind of response (which I specifically asked for in the OP). It's irritating and disheartening and yes, it affects me. I react to it. Sue me.


Obviously that isn't true for all the replies, not even the majority of them, but a large enough number that it is frustrating.


This is the first step in my attempt to aggregate the biggest problems facing Warframe, and then make a poll to see which of those issues the community finds the most important to have fixed. Personal grievances and minimally thought out/explained fan concepts such as "custom dancing" (I still have no idea what that even means) do nothing to serve that purpose. That could be partially my fault, as I was deliberately vague in my OP, and I didn't do myself any favors by choosing that thread title (considering changing it but haven't figured out what to change it to.)


I'm not just being a naggy prick for no reason. But with how many players are missing the point it almost doesn't feel worth the effort to continue the endeavor. We'll see.


You're asking THE COMMUNITY for input and yet you keep comparing their inputs with the answers you have in mind and call the rest 'stupid'. If you can't be the center of these opinions and then you're in no suitable position for arranging these sort of poll. I'm sure people have read the details, not just the topic heading and these are the answer you get 'cause you're only clear just about that much. Unless your 'improvement' for the game only includes bug fixing and polishing parts of the game and I can darn well say 'your wish is a waste as well' cause polishing one thing may as well become a mistake to some other players.


Also I'm fricken serious about Captain Vor, after that void part, there's no more story about him, nor many other bosses for people who enjoys the Lore of that game, yes the lore can be IMPROVED and POLISHED as well. Sure we get new characters with additional story, there are still people who enjoy the old ones.


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You're asking THE COMMUNITY for input and yet you keep comparing their inputs with the answers you have in mind and call the rest 'stupid'. If you can't be the center of these opinions and then you're in no suitable position for arranging these sort of poll. I'm sure people have read the details, not just the topic heading and these are the answer you get 'cause you're only clear just about that much. Unless your 'improvement' for the game only includes bug fixing and polishing parts of the game and I can darn well say 'your wish is a waste as well' cause polishing one thing may as well become a mistake to some other players.


Also I'm fricken serious about Captain Vor, after that void part, there's no more story about him, nor many other bosses for people who enjoys the Lore of that game, yes the lore can be IMPROVED and POLISHED as well. Sure we get new characters with additional story, there are still people who enjoy the old ones.



Apologies. I was a bit harsh yesterday. Not to make excuses but I was having a particularly bad day and I projected that a bit. 


Let's move along.

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This is the first step in my attempt to aggregate the biggest problems facing Warframe, and then make a poll to see which of those issues the community finds the most important to have fixed. Personal grievances and minimally thought out/explained fan concepts such as "custom dancing" (I still have no idea what that even means, but I can classify it as "Want more Nartas or interactions") do nothing to serve that purpose. That could be partially my fault, as I was deliberately vague in my OP(because I value all serious input), and I didn't do myself any favors by choosing that thread title.


This is what the Feedback section is for.


Sorry to be a naggy prick.

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"All" Vandals/wraiths/exclusives weapons/gear/stuff Re-released as quest missions/plat/ducat/other syndicate rewards and so on.


It feels almost morbid as DE makes content you can only enjoy once... Like growing wings, only to cut them off after feeling what it's like to fly...

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This is what the Feedback section is for.


Sorry to be a naggy prick.

Again, thank you for your input.


Just waiting for the thread to inevitably die and I'll have it locked or removed afterward. In the meantime, I'll gladly go F*** myself for the attempt.

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I'd wish for more lore. There's so many things that in my eyes are vital that have yet to be explained, Like who are the Tenno? How did they go from one to millions, How did the orokin fall so quickly, What is the void?


Or maybe because im just a lore freak.

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Get all the gear that I lost when i transfer to PS4. Excal Prime is still in my codex...it hurt looking at the model and not be able to play it.

I know that feel...


I play primarily on PS4 as well. Only log onto PC to check out new stuff ahead of time these days. 

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